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Kempinski Travelling in Style magazine, issue 51 (English & Chinese bilingual version)

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NO. 51 - 2021

马提尼 - E N G L I S H


多米尼克 · 慕尼黑 · 尔斯 · 里加 · 中国 / VI EN N A · EN G EL B ER G · EU R O P E' S C U LI N ARY H ER I TAG E · OM AN



Fifty Fathoms

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CONTRIBUTORS Travelling in Style is published by HMI-ARTO 7 Avenue Villebois Mareuil 06000 Nice France, in association with the issuer Kempinski Hotels S.A. 10, rue de Hollande 1204 Geneva, Switzerland Jaclyn Thomas DESIGN – EDITING ARTO SAS Antoine Gauvin gauvin@arto-network.com Editor-in-Chief: Elaine Swift Artistic Director: Aïcha Bouckaert Production Manager: Marie Thurneyssen Publication Manager: Aurélie Garnier COPYWRITING – CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Elaine Swift, Antoine Gauvin, Franck Charton PHOTOGRAPHY - SOURCES Cover - Claes Bech Poulsen Table of contents - Filipe Wiens, Franck Charton, Kempinski, Claes Bech Poulsen Editorial - Elisabeth Fransdonk What's new? - Kempinski, Filipe Wiens, Resense Culinary heritage - Kempinski Vienna - photo reportage: Claes Bech Poulsen illustration: Mayeul Gauvin Hotel: Elisabeth Fransdonk, Kempinski Discover more - Alamy, Dreamstime, Istock, Kempinski Road trip Oman - Franck Charton, Adobe stock, AGE, Alamy, Shutterstock Kempinski hotel images: Kempinski, Adrian Houston Digital nomads - Kempinski, Adobe stock Hot destinations - Claes Bech Poulsen, Kempinski ADVERTISING LES ÉDITIONS COTE Claude Henri Menu Phone: + 33 (0)6 07 29 20 80 c.menu@cotemagazine.com PRINTED BY NAVA Press, Milan NOMINAL CHARGE 8 e ISSN 2409-2916


凯宾斯基的世界 最新动态

P. 0 7


不止酒店 探索更多精彩



W H AT ’ S N E W ?



P. 0 9

Kempinski Palace Engelberg 广州德安丽舍凯宾斯基酒店

05. P. 1 1

Kempinski Residences Guangzhou 资讯

News in brief

P. 4 9

中东旅行 揭开美丽阿曼的面纱

P. 5 5




美食精神 源远流长的欧洲美食

P. 1 7


Your 5* Road Trip with Kempinski

P. 6 4


P. 6 7

真正的凯宾斯基 数字游牧族 E S S E N T I A L LY K E M P I N S K I

封面图:1598年的小号-维也纳艺术史 博物馆。这把镀金银质小号出自Anton Schnitzer之手,他是16世纪著名的铜管 乐器制造商。它让人联想到Maximilian 一世皇帝的传令兵在凯旋队伍中吹奏的 乐器——曲线造型十分美妙。


标志性目的地 音乐之城维也纳

D I G I TA L N O M A D S 受到了启发?

Feeling inspired?

P. 7 0

P. 2 9


P. 7 3

P. 3 3



COVER image: Trumpet from 1598 - Kunst Historisches Museum, Vienna. This gilded silver trumpet was made by Anton Schnitzer a renowned brass instrument maker in the 16th century. It is reminiscent of the fantastically curved instrument played by the herald of Emperor Maximilian I's triumphal procession.

P. 2 7

My secret Vienna 神童莫扎特

Amadeus, the wunderkind 我心爱的大提琴

H O T D E S T I N AT I O N S P. 3 7

My beloved cello 维也纳汉森宫凯宾斯基酒店

Palais Hansen Kempinski Vienna

旅行灵感 热门目的地

P. 4 1

维也纳制琴师Bärbel Bellinghausen制作的儿童小提琴 Child's violins created by Bärbel Bellinghausen, violin maker in Vienna.




A message from our CEO ad interim

在本期《旅行风尚》中,我们会与您分享丰富多彩的新 闻——不仅是新酒店的资讯——尽管我们的确有一两家新 酒店亮相。

This issue of Travelling in Style is packed with news - and not just about new properties - although we do have one or two to unveil.

贯穿整本杂志的主题是户外风景和发现身边的事物——无 论你身处繁华忙碌的闹市还是隐于宁静恬淡的自然。 “音乐之城”维也纳的街头巷尾惊喜不断,目光所及之处 皆能让人想起萦绕脑海的华彩乐章。翻到27页的专题,让 三位音乐公民带您感受这座迷人城市的魅力。 若想体验空气清新、山景壮丽的户外活动,那就去阿尔 卑斯吧。恩格尔堡-铁力士山位于瑞士中心地带,形形色 色的活动贯穿全年,那里也有凯宾斯基品牌旗下的最新酒 店——恩格尔堡凯宾斯基皇宫酒店,请在第9页细细领略 精彩。 若想最大限度饱览户外风光,还有比公路旅行更好的方式 吗?在第55页,我们会带您开启一段引人入胜的旅程,从 熙熙攘攘的迪拜到宁静闲适的马斯喀特,一路走过截然不 同的风景。 走出办公室工作变得日渐普遍,得益于今日的技术,您在 地球上任何一个角落都能办公。所以何不试试下榻凯宾斯 基,住上一周或者更久?想象一下,在无与伦比的风光里 工作,灵感是否也会如泉涌?希望我们第67页的专题能够 说服您! 凯宾斯基的一切打着深深的欧洲烙印——尤其是美食。在 第17页,您会认识四位才华横溢的厨师。他们都生于欧 洲,目前在世界各地工作,但依然会用精湛的厨艺来颂扬 自己的欧洲传统基因。 我们希望本期杂志能够激起您走出家门探索世界的激情, 在您所到之处,我们都会翘首恭候您的光临。 Bernold Schroeder 董事会主席,临时首席执行官

The theme running throughout the magazine is the outdoors and discovering what’s around you, whether you’re staying in a vibrant, busy city or surrounded by tranquil nature. Known as ‘The City of Music’, there’s plenty to explore outdoors in Vienna and everywhere you look you’re reminded of its illustrious musical connections. Waltz over to our feature on page 27 to discover what this delightful city has to offer, with help from three of its musical citizens. For outdoor activities with fresh air and stunning mountain scenery - head to the Alps. Located in the heart of Switzerland, EngelbergTitlis has a wide range of all year-round outdoor activities, and it’s where you’ll find one of our newest properties - Kempinski Palace Engelberg. Find out more on page 9. What better way to make the most of the great outdoors than than taking a road trip? On page 55 we take you on a fascinating journey of contrasts, starting out from the buzz of Dubai on to the tranquillity of Muscat. Getting out of the office to work is becoming more and more prevalent, and today’s technology means you can do your job from just about anywhere in the world. So, what if Kempinski became your home for a week or more? Imagine being inspired by a stunning view while you work? We hope our feature on page 67 convinces you! Our European heritage shines through in everything we do – not least of all in our cuisine. On page 17 we showcase four of our talented chefs. Each born in Europe, they now work in different parts of the world but still celebrate their roots through their cooking. We hope this issue inspires you to get out and explore, and when you do, we’ll be waiting to welcome you.

Bernold Schroeder Chairman of the Management Board Chief Executive Officer ad interim

从恩格尔堡凯宾斯基皇宫酒店的Wintergarden望出去,壮丽山景一览无余,您尽可在此放松身心,享受惬意。 Looking out onto the magnificent mountain landscape, the Wintergarden at Kempinski Palace Engelberg is the perfect place to relax.

最新动态 | W H A T ’ S N E W ?

0 1 | 凯宾斯基的世界

最新动态 世界广阔,等您探索。我们带来了欧洲、远东 和加勒比海地区的目的地资讯帮您窥得一二。 到我们位于阿尔卑斯山脉的避风港放松身心, 探险自然。在加勒比海的人间天堂或爱琴海岸 的日光胜地享受平静与私密。在广州兼顾工作 和休闲,在我们慕尼黑和威尼斯的酒店里品尝 新美味。而在伊斯坦布尔,我们的塞拉宫凯宾 斯基酒店正在欢庆30岁生日。


WHAT’S NEW? The world is waiting to be explored and we're here to help with news about destinations in Europe, the Far East, and the Caribbean. Find relaxation and adventure at our Alpine havens. Discover peace and privacy in a Caribbean paradise or by the Aegean Sea. Mix business with leisure in Guangzhou and discover new treats at our Munich and Venice hotels. And in Istanbul we’re celebrating 30 years at the Palace.


恩格尔堡凯宾斯基皇宫 酒店 扑面而来的瑞士风情 新开业 恩格尔堡凯宾斯基皇宫酒店 DORFSTRASSE 40 6390恩格尔堡 瑞士

在瑞士中心地带,铁力士山脚下,恩格尔堡凯 宾斯基皇宫酒店巍然耸立,以现代手法复兴了 五星级奢华酒店。 恩格尔堡-铁力士山靠近卢塞恩,航空、铁路、 公路交通发达,是瑞士中部最大的度假胜地, 户外活动丰富多彩。 在夏天,这里纯净的空气和温和的气候是自然 爱好者的理想选择。这里有山地自行车道,也 有徒步路线,您还可以在18洞高尔夫球场悠享 午后时光。抑或到附近的本笃会修道院探寻本 地历史,修道院建立于1120年,至今仍有当 地僧侣居住。在更高的地方,海拔3,239米的 永久性冰川是冰雪探险的不二之选。您可以在 500米高的悬崖步道上行走,也可以进入神奇 的铁力士山洞穴一探究竟。而到了冬季,长达 82公里的坡道闪着光,引得各个水平段的单板

Kempinski Palace Engelberg: Embrace Swissness. NOW OPEN K E M P I N S K I PA L A C E E N G E L B E R G DORFSTRASSE 40 6390 ENGELBERG SWITZERLAND

和双板滑雪爱好者们趋之如骛。 一天的活动结束,到酒店的顶级水疗中心卸 去疲惫。飘在无边泳池里,饱览群山环绕的壮 阔风景,再依偎着休息室的火光尽享惬意。从 The Palace酒吧到光线充足的Cattani餐厅, 再到迷人的Wintergarden,酒店的酒吧和餐 厅也是放松身心的好去处。 无论度过了怎样的一天,您都会有一夜好眠! 酒店的129间客房和套房散发着浓郁的当代瑞 士风情,绝大多数房间都设有可以俯瞰山峦的 观景阳台。 这是一曲汇聚了自然、历史和“瑞士”特色的 交响乐,最适合逃逸山间欲享奢华假日的您。

At the foot of Mount Titlis, in the heart of Switzerland, stands Kempinski Palace Engelberg - a contemporary revival of five-star luxury hospitality. Close to Lucerne, and easily accessible by air, rail and road, Engelberg-Titlis is central Switzerland’s largest holiday resort, and has a wide range of outdoor activities. In summer, the pure air and mild climate are ideal for nature lovers. There are mountain bike trails and hiking tours or you can spend a leisurely afternoon on the 18-hole golf course. Alternatively, discover local history at the nearby Benedictine monastery, founded in 1120 and still inhabited by local monks. Higher up, the year-round glacier at 3,239 metres is great for snow adventures. You can navigate the 500 metre-high cliff walk and explore the magical Titlis Glacier Cave. And in winter, 82 kilometres of glistening slopes captivate ski and snowboard enthusiasts of all levels. After a day of activity, unwind in the hotel’s superb spa. Float in the infinity pool and enjoy the stunning panoramic view of the surrounding mountains, then cosy up in front of the fire in the relaxation rooms. Unwind over dinner and drinks in one of the hotel’s bars and restaurants which include The Palace Bar, the lightflooded Cattani Restaurant, and the enchanting Wintergarden. However you spend your day, you’ll sleep well! The 129 rooms and suites radiate contemporary Swiss charm, and most have a balcony overlooking the mountains. A symphony of nature, history and signature ‘Swissness’, it’s perfect for a luxurious mountain escape.

最新动态 | W H A T ’ S N E W ?

恩格尔堡凯宾斯基皇宫酒店是这座久负盛名的山间村落里首家五星级酒 店。经典优雅风情和现代气质交织,传统与创新并存,酒店是对瑞士大饭 店(Grand Swiss Hotel)的复兴。129间舒适现代的客房洋溢着瑞士 风情,绝大多数均可饱览山间风光。 / Kempinski Palace Engelberg is the first five-star hotel in this famous mountain village. Combining classic elegance and modernity; tradition and innovation, it revives the Grand Swiss Hotel. The 129 comfortable contemporary rooms are infused with Swiss flair and most have a mountain view.


广州德安丽舍凯宾斯基 酒店 您的家外之家 新开业

尽享奢华,于城市一隅重拾活力,广州德安丽 舍凯宾斯基酒店有您所需的一切。酒店坐落于 活力四射、历史悠久的越秀区,无论是商务还 是休闲出游,这里都是完美落脚点。 繁华的广州因美食而闻名,是一个繁忙的交通 枢纽和贸易中心,与附近的香港和澳门关系密 切。越秀公园和珠江新城近在咫尺,文化底蕴

广州德安丽舍凯宾斯基酒店 建设六马路19号,越秀区 510060 广州,中国, KEMPINSKI.COM/GUANGZHOU

触手可及。 酒店共有八个房型可供选择,您理想中的家外 之家唾手可得。装饰典雅的客房和套房独具匠 心,巧妙融合了中国和欧洲元素,并配有设施 齐全的厨房,短驻长居皆宜。酒店采用环保设 计,装有空气过滤系统和内部水处理系统。 酒店内部的德安阁专为住店客人和会员开放。 您可以在这里享用正餐或休闲小食,或者仅仅 在酒吧喝上一杯。德安阁定期举办活动,包括


品酒会和烹饪大师班,这个空间还可以作为派 对场地,为不超过50人举办专属活动。 结束了一天忙碌的工作或观光后,可以来到酒 店内部的运动空间,体验最先进的健身设备, 在蒸汽室尽情放松,或者畅游在25米长的泳 池里。 广州洋溢着生机与活力,在这座城市的中心地 带,我们以热情的待客之道殷切期盼您的到来。

Kempinski Residences Guangzhou has everything you need for a luxurious and reviving city escape. Located in the vibrant social and historical district of YueXiu, it’s the perfect base whether you’re here for business or leisure. The bustling city of Guangzhou is renowned for its cuisine and for being a busy transport and trading hub with strong links to nearby Hong Kong and Macao. Culture is never far away with YueXiu Park and ZhuJiang New Town close by. With eight categories from which to choose, it's easy to find your perfect home from home. Each of the elegantly furnished rooms and suites has a contemporary style which artfully blends Chinese and European details. Complete with fully equipped kitchenettes, they are great for short trips or longer stays. The residences have been designed with consideration for the environment, from the air filtration to the in-house water treatment system. At the heart of this residential community is The Living Room - exclusively for the use of in-house guests and members. Here you can enjoy formal or casual dining, or simply get a drink at the bar. There are regular events, including wine tastings and cooking masterclasses, and the space can be hired exclusively for parties of up to 50 people. After a busy day working or sightseeing, check in at The Motion, the in-house wellness centre, to try out the latest fitness equipment, relax in the steam room, or swim in the 25-metre lap pool. We can’t wait to give you the warmest of welcomes in the heart of this lively city!

最新动态 | W H A T ’ S N E W ?

酒店配备了最新技术设备,是非正式会议的完美选择,另有一个董事会 议室供多人使用。移步酒店内部运动空间,告别疲惫,享受放松。 / The latest technology makes the Residences perfect for informal meetings and there's a boardroom for larger groups. And when you want to unwind, check in at The Motion, the in-house wellness centre.





Celebrating a decade of alpine luxury

十年以来,对于在安静放松和精彩活动之间寻求 完美平衡的人来说,约赫贝格Das Tirol凯宾斯基 酒店就是阿尔卑斯山间的一处港湾。为了用真正 的凯宾斯基方式欢庆这一重要时刻,在今年的每 一个月里,客人预定时都可以参加抽奖。幸运儿 的奖品令人垂涎:免费升级至520平米的奢华五 卧套房——这是全奥地利最大的酒店套房。避隐 山中的旅程从未如此诱人。

For ten years, Kempinski Hotel Das Tirol has been the alpine haven of choice for those seeking the perfect balance between quiet relaxation and more active pursuits. To celebrate this milestone in true Kempinski style, every month until the end of the year, guests will be entered into a draw when they book. The lucky winner will receive a fabulous treat: a complimentary upgrade to the luxurious five-bedroom, 520 sq m Penthouse Suite – the largest among Austria’s hotels. An escape to the mountains has never been so tempting.

约赫贝格Das Tirol凯宾斯基酒店,基茨比尔, 阿尔卑斯

Kempinski Hotel Das Tirol Jochberg, Kitzbühel Alps

最新动态 | W H A T ’ S N E W ?



为您呈现:威尼斯 Buddha-Bar海

Presenting… Buddha-Bar Beach Club Venice

滩俱乐部 长期以来,威尼斯圣克莱门特宫凯宾斯基酒店一直 都是奢华避世的代名词,面对品味挑剔的客人, 酒店精心准备了新的惊喜。从2021年夏季开始, 您可以坐拥自己的专属凉亭,被极具异域风情的棕 榈树影环绕,享受标志性的Buddha-Bar氛围。美 食、住宿、健康和音乐在这里完美交融,让威尼斯 又多了令人惊喜的一隅。从早至晚,当地的意大利 和地中海风味与Buddha-Bar标志性的亚洲菜肴相 互碰撞,成就了独特的美食体验。

Long synonymous with luxurious seclusion, San Clemente Palace Kempinski Venice has a new surprise to delight its discerning guests. From summer 2021, you can relax by the heated outdoor pool in your own private cabana screened by exotic palm trees, and enjoy the signature Buddha-Bar ambience. With its perfect mix of gastronomy, hospitality, wellness and music, it brings a surprising new aspect to Venice. Throughout the day and into the evening, local Italian and Mediterranean flavours fuse with Buddha-Bar’s signature Asian dishes in a unique culinary experience. San Clemente Palace Kempinski Venice





Luxuriously private fine dining


Michelin Star Schwarzreiter Restaurant, at Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski Munich, offers a fine dining experience based on ‘Young Bavarian Cuisine’. And now you can enjoy the dishes in the comfort of the hotel’s luxurious suites and conference rooms. Indulge in a leisurely three-course dinner in ultimate privacy or make planning all-day meetings stressfree and memorable for attendees, with the Michelin Star Package. Built by King Maximilian II in 1858, Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski Munich is one of the city’s famous landmarks. His son, King Ludwig II, was a renowned gourmand and Schwarzreiter Restaurant is named after his favourite fish.

Schwarzreiter为您提供基于“新巴伐利亚美食” 的高端用餐体验。现在,您可以在酒店的奢华套房 和会议室里惬意享用美馔。或在绝对私密的环境中 悠然享受三道式晚餐,或让米其林星级套餐驱散您 安排全天会议的压力,为与会者留下难忘回忆。凯 宾斯基四季酒店由Maximilian二世国王建于1858 年,是慕尼黑著名地标之一。他的儿子Ludwig二 世国王是一位久负盛名的美食家,Schwarzreiter 餐厅因他最喜欢的鱼而得名。


Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Kempinski Munich




Celebrating 30 years on the Bosphorus


The undeniable splendour and fascinating history of Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul have created an enduring and iconic destination for travel enthusiasts around the world. To mark the year in which we celebrate three decades of Kempinski at the Palace, you will be able to choose from a range of bespoke packages and unforgettable experiences. Each one is designed to give you a taste of what life was like for previous occupants of the only Ottoman imperial palace and hotel on the Bosphorus. This is your invitation to live like royalty!

斯基酒店拥有无可否认的璀璨过往和迷人历史, 是经久不衰的标志性目的地。为了庆祝凯宾斯基 入驻塞拉宫三十周年,我们为您准备了一系列定 制套餐和难忘体验。每个细节都能带您回到往 昔,感受前人如何在博斯普鲁斯海峡上唯一的奥 斯曼帝国皇宫和酒店里生活。我们在此向您发出 皇室生活体验邀请! 伊斯坦布尔塞拉宫凯宾斯基酒店

Çırağan Palace Kempinski Istanbul



Cayo Guillermo


Relax in a Cuban paradise


“Where a man feels at home, outside of where he’s born, is where he’s meant to go” – Ernest Hemingway


净白沙闻名的Playa Pilar 沙滩,放松休闲的定义

Cayo Guillermo Resort Kempinski is a unique, secluded hideaway nestled in the tranquillity of Cuba’s Cayo Guillermo. Away from Havana’s hustle and bustle, this serene, contemporary resort offers a refreshing and authentic Caribbean experience inspired by Ernest Hemingway’s legendary love of the Cayos. Surrounded by breathtaking nature and the famous pristine white sands of Playa Pilar beach, this little piece of paradise takes relaxation to the next level.


Cayo Guillermo Resort Kempinski Cuba

耶尔莫岛凯宾斯基度假酒店藏身于古巴耶尔莫 岛,是一处举世无双的隐世之所。这座宁静而现 代的度假酒店远离哈瓦那的熙攘喧嚣,欧内斯 特·海明威对小岛的热爱是一段传奇佳话,酒店 以此为灵感,为宾客呈现让人耳目一新的纯正加 勒比海风情。岛上自然风光无与伦比,更有以纯





Luxury living by the Aegean sea


Located on the Turkish Riviera, Barbaros Reserve Residences Bodrum is a sanctuary by the sandy beaches of the Aegean Sea. A perfect blend of comfort and luxury, the residences are available all year round for private ownership as well as long or short-term rental. Each elegantly designed, lightfilled unit gives unobstructed views of the Aegean Sea, as well as complete privacy. Guests can make use of the outstanding services of Kempinski Hotel Barbaros Bay Bodrum, including its award-winning spa and excellent restaurants.

滨,是爱琴海沙滩上的一处身心庇护所。酒店完 美平衡了舒适与奢华,全年既对私人业主开放, 亦可灵活出租,长短均可。每一套设计优雅、光 线充足、绝对私密的住宅都能将爱琴海风光尽收 眼底。此外,您还可以在斩获殊荣的水疗中心和 一流的餐厅里体验酒店的非凡服务。 巴巴洛斯湾博德鲁姆凯宾斯基酒店

Barbaros Reserve Residences Bodrum, managed by Kempinski




A feast of fire and ice


Throughout this year, the team at The Capitol Kempinski Hotel Singapore will pay homage to the elements through their carefully crafted Fire & Ice High Tea, served in the hotel’s elegant Lobby Lounge. These two starkly contrasting elements bring to life the flavours of each dish, featuring ingredients which reflect the changing seasons. The flaming Rum Baba is complemented by the chill of a raspberry sorbet, followed by the hot tea or ice-cold champagne of your choice. Unique creations such as the pineapple scone, inspired by the hotel’s signature Plantation 1840 cocktail, add a delightful twist to the traditional high tea.

在雅致的大堂吧供应精心准备的冰火下午茶,以 此致敬冰与火元素。这两种截然不同的元素让每 一款选用时令食材炮制的美味都更鲜活。当热烈 的朗姆蛋糕遇见清凉的覆盆子冰沙,喝热茶还是 冰镇香槟,自由随心。独特的菠萝司康受酒店标 志性的Plantation


统的下午茶平添了几分妙趣。 新加坡首都凯宾斯基酒店

The Capitol Kempinski Hotel Singapore




A new era of wellness and wellbeing


Wellbeing has always been an integral and memorable feature of the guest experience at every Kempinski hotel. With our recent acquisition of leading wellness expert Resense Spa S.A., we are looking forward to bringing you something even more special, building on a portfolio of over 100 luxury spas including The Ishtar Spa by Resense in Jordan and the innovative Sindhorn Wellness by Resense in Bangkok. This acquisition will enable us to integrate wellness and wellbeing still further within our operations, and to take the next step towards creating truly unique experiences at Kempinski hotels worldwide.

不可或缺、令人难忘的一环。近期,我们收购了 健康领域的领军专家Resense Spa S.A.,从约旦 的Ishtar Spa by Resense到极富创新特色的曼 谷新通凯宾斯基酒店的水疗健身空间,我们期待 能在100多家奢华水疗中心为您带来更多特别体 验。这次收购将加深健康和养生概念与酒店运营 的结合,并让全球凯宾斯基酒店向着创造真正独 特体验更进一步。 曼谷新通凯宾斯基酒店的水疗健身空间

Image: Sindhorn Wellness by Resense in Bangkok

这道帝王鱼菜肴融合了上等鱼子酱、萝卜、黄瓜和熏柠檬叶,凸显了Matthias Schmidberger大胆而带有欧式风格的烹饪手法。


Kingfish typifies Matthias

Schmidberger’s provocative European influenced style. This dish comprises imperial caviar, radish, cucumber and smoked lemon leaves.

美食传统 | C U L I N A R Y H E R I T A G E

0 2 | 美食精神

源远流长的欧洲美食 欧洲美食闻名全球,每个国家都有自己的国菜。而且自早期 在柏林开始,我们就一直把美食看得很重,那时 Berthold Kempinski 和Helene Kempinski在他们的高端熟食店里售卖 最优质的欧洲食物和食材。我们团队里许多才华横溢的厨师都生 于欧洲长于欧洲,家乡就是他们的美食创作灵感源泉。我们采访 了四位与欧洲渊源深厚的厨师,了解了家乡是怎样影响着他们的 烹饪风格,以及他们如何用现代手法演绎童年的传统菜肴。


EUROPE’S CULINARY HERITAGE Europe is renowned for its cuisine and each of its countries has a dish with which it is synonymous. And gastronomy has been at our heart since the early days in Berlin, where Berthold and Helene Kempinski sold the finest European products and ingredients in their high-end delicatessen. Many of our talented chefs were born and raised in Europe and their cuisine is inspired by their birthplace. We spoke to four of our chefs with strong European roots and asked them how this has informed their cooking style, and how they interpret and modernise traditional dishes of their childhood.


美食传统 | C U L I N A R Y H E R I T A G E

TREVOR PORTELL–行政总厨–马耳他圣劳伦斯凯宾斯基饭店。Trevor生于马耳他的戈佐岛,他对自己家乡的美食历史痴迷不已。Trevor说:“我的烹饪理念带 有欧洲和地中海特色——我所有的招牌菜都源自马耳他的历史和我的童年记忆。英国、法国、意大利和西班牙,以及其他中东国家都曾统治过我们的岛屿,这些痕迹 留在了我们的菜肴里。” Trevor悉心研究马耳他那些承袭自统治者的菜谱,对原有风味加以改造。“我的招牌菜是煎扇贝王,既有法式风味又有戈佐岛特色。原料有 芹菜泥、藏红花油醋汁、罗勒鱼子酱、旱金莲叶,还有一丝淡淡的烟熏干草味”。

TREVOR PORTELLI - EXECUTIVE CHEF - KEMPINSKI HOTEL SAN LAWRENZ GOZO, MALTA. Born on the Maltese island of Gozo, Trevor is passionate about the culinary history of his birthplace. “My culinary senses are inspired by Europe and the Mediterranean - all my signature menus are based on Malta’s history and my childhood memories,” says Trevor. “Britain, France, Italy, and Spain, together with Middle Eastern countries, have ruled our islands and their heritage is reflected in our cuisine”. Trevor has researched and revamped original flavours of the recipes Malta inherited from its rulers. “My featured dish, Seared King Scallops, has a French influence with a Gozitan twist. Ingredients include celeriac puree, saffron vinaigrette, basil caviar, nasturtium leaves, with a light hay smoke”.


GIOVANNI SEU–行政总厨–开罗凯宾斯基御美心皇宫酒店。Giovanni生于以美食美酒和热情好客著称的撒丁岛。“我的母亲是我成为一名厨师的主要原因—— 我喜欢在家里的餐馆给她帮忙。这让我学到了简单质朴和食物新鲜正宗的重要性。在我的菜单上,你能找到来自全意大利的美食,包括我的家乡萨萨里著名的 Culurgiones(一种意大利饺子)。我会采购正宗的意大利产品和品质最好的蔬菜,确保菜品口味的正宗。这道菜是我的诚意之作,主料是布拉塔芝士,这是我和 一位在埃及的意大利芝士生产商共同创造的。我在芝士上淋了特级初榨橄榄油,搭配了新鲜罗勒,有机芝麻菜和樱桃番茄。”

GIOVANNI SEU - EXECUTIVE CHEF - ROYAL MAXIM PALACE KEMPINSKI CAIRO. Giovanni was born on Sardinia, an island famous for its cuisine, wine and hospitality. “My mother was the main reason I became a chef - I loved helping her in the family restaurant. I learned about the importance of simplicity and authentic fresh products. My menus feature traditional dishes from all over Italy, including my hometown of Sassari which is famous for Culurgiones. I buy authentic Italian products and the best vegetables to make sure my dishes have the correct flavour. This is a recipe from my heart. The star ingredient is a Burrata I created with an Italian cheese producer here in Egypt. I top the Burrata with extra virgin olive oil, fresh basil, organic rocket, and cherry tomatoes”.

美食传统 | C U L I N A R Y H E R I T A G E

MATTHIAS SCHMIDBERGER–行政总厨–圣莫里茨凯宾斯基德班大酒店。Matthias出生于法德边境的Karlsruhe,源远流长的中欧美食是他的灵感源泉。他把 对欧洲美食的热情投注到自己的创作中,从最好的产地挑选食材,摆盘造型鲜明而简洁。他说:“我认为自己的风格是具有颠覆性的,深受德国、法国和奥地利美食 传统的影响。”对Matthias来说,没有比厨师更好的职业了。他解释道:“我精挑细选全世界最好的原料,打开人的五种感官,愉悦宾客身心。我的特色菜是一款 荞麦、酸叶草和梨的优雅组合,选用了酸奶调味。”

MATTHIAS SCHMIDBERGER - EXECUTIVE CHEF - GRAND HOTEL DES BAINS KEMPINSKI ST. MORITZ. Matthias was born in Karlsruhe, on the French-German border, and is inspired by the rich culinary heritage of central Europe. Infused with his passion for European cuisine, his dishes feature products of the best possible origin, served with a sharp, unfussy presentation. “I consider my style to be provocative with influences from the cuisine of different countries such as Germany, France and Austria,” he says. For Matthias there is no better profession, “I work with the best ingredients in the world that appeal to all five senses, and delight our guests,” he explains. “My featured dish is an elegant combination of buckwheat, sorrel, and pear, dressed with yogurt”.


ROLAND HOLZER–行政总厨–布达佩斯科维努斯凯宾斯基酒店。Roland生于下奥地利州一个名为Blindenmarkt的小村庄。欧洲血统决定了他的烹饪格局, 他认可当地美食的价值和地位,如地中海的海鲜,巴尔干半岛丰盛的炖菜和波西米亚的饺子。他说:“这些菜肴会讲故事,让人从中看到本国的历史和人文。了解 每道菜的烹饪方式,让我有了继承传统并用现代烹饪技巧将其发扬光大的激情。我的特色菜叫‘香草花园’,融合了经典法式菜肴和传统黎巴嫩菜,原料有鹰嘴豆 泥、干黑橄榄、蔬菜色拉和芽菜。”

ROLAND HOLZER - EXECUTIVE CHEF - KEMPINSKI HOTEL CORVINUS BUDAPEST. Born in Blindenmarkt, a small village in Lower Austria, Roland began his culinary journey, aged 15, as an apprentice at the restaurant of his friend’s father. His European roots have determined his culinary vision which acknowledges local dishes such as Mediterranean seafood, rich stews from the Balkans, and dumplings from Bohemia. “The dishes tell a story of the country’s history and people,” he says. “Understanding the way each dish is cooked inspires me to take this tradition and bring it forward with modern cooking technology. My featured dish is 'Herb Garden' - a mixture of classic French cuisine and a traditional Lebanese dish, made with hummus, dried black olives, vegetable crudites, and sprouts”.

维也纳有着历史悠久的钢琴制作和弦乐器制作等乐器制作技艺。 / Vienna has a long tradition of musical craftsmanship, including pianos and stringed instruments.

维也纳 | V I E N N A

0 3 | 标志性目的地

音乐之城维也纳 当一座城市滋养了这么多伟大的作曲家,又 有谁感受不到这里蕴含的激情和欢乐呢?维也 纳有着数不清的交响乐团、华尔兹乐团和合唱 团,城市里回荡着成百上千篇乐章。像贝多 芬、莫扎特和海顿等前辈一样,有三位音乐家 也被维也纳吸引,把这里当做家乡,他们在此 分享了这座城市为何能激发他们的灵感。

0 3 | I C O N I C D E S T I N AT I O N

VIENNA, CITY OF MUSIC Who could fail to feel the passion and joy of a city that has nurtured so many great composers? With its symphonies, waltzes and choirs, Vienna resounds to a thousand musical strands. Here, three musicians who have made Vienna their home, attracted like Beethoven, Mozart and Haydn before them, tell us why the city inspires them.


霍夫堡皇宫博物馆的历史乐器收藏/古斯塔夫•克林姆特的名作《贝多芬横饰带》,灵感源自贝多芬的第九交响曲, 位于分离派展览馆/ Beethoven Room里具有年代特 色的乐器:Streicher钢琴/从版画中可以看出,连接在贝多芬钢琴上的“听觉机器”可以把声音直接输送给他/ Nannette Streicher的肖像画,她是钢琴制造商也是 贝多芬忠诚的朋友/贝多芬半身像,位于海利根施塔特的贝多芬博物馆/Nannette Streicher的钢琴沙龙。 / Collection of historic musical instruments of the

Hofburg Palace museum / Frieze by Gustav Klimt, inspired by Beethoven's 9th symphony, at the Secession Building / Streicher pianos: period instruments in the Beethoven Room / Engraving showing the ‘hearing machine’ that was attached to Beethoven's piano to direct the sound towards

him / Portrait of Nannette Streicher, piano maker and faithful friend to Beethoven / Bust of Beethoven at the Beethoven Museum Heiligenstadt / Nanette Streicher's piano salon.

维也纳 | V I E N N A


以色列歌剧演唱家Hila Fahima Ruschin 自2013年秋季就加 入了维也纳国家歌剧院。 维也纳始终都是全世界音乐家和艺术家的灵感源泉。流淌在这座 城市血液里的音乐无处不在,不只是音乐厅,当你在著名咖啡馆 里享用维也纳苹果卷时,也能听到钢琴演奏的华尔兹舞曲。 它是全世界最优雅的城市之一,传统悠久,文化璀璨。能作为维 也纳国家歌剧院的一员登台演唱,我至今仍然感到十分荣幸。这 里太奇妙了,与马勒、冯·卡拉扬和洛林·马泽尔等大师成就的 辉煌历史产生着共振。我还记得自己第一次登台的情景,这个空 间、这栋建筑有一种魔力,仿佛把人带回了上个世纪,我爱这种 感觉。 维也纳音乐的主线始于18世纪下半叶。海顿、莫扎特、贝多 芬、舒伯特、勃拉姆斯和其他许多人都在这里创作了他们最好的 作品。约瑟夫二世统治期间是音乐时代的鼎盛时期,他是一位开 明的君主,也是音乐爱好者和艺术赞助人。 昔日的皇宫霍夫堡保留了一批珍贵的古老乐器,它们见证了这段 热爱音乐的黄金岁月。这是世界上最好的历史乐器收藏之一,被 安置在宫殿里一个安静的侧翼,远离外界喧嚣。奢华的贝多芬厅











贝多芬出生于波恩,22岁时来到维也纳,直到35年后去世。那 时Nannette Streicher一直都在身边支持着他,尤其是在最后 的困难时期,耳聋已严重阻碍了他的创作。在维也纳市郊静谧的 海利根施塔特地区,小巧迷人的贝多芬博物馆详细记录了这位伟 大作曲家的悲惨生活,值得前往一看。



Israeli opera singer, Hila Fahima Ruschin, has been a member of the Vienna State Opera since autumn 2013. Vienna is a constant source of inspiration for musicians and artists from all over the world. The city has music in its roots, not just in its concert halls, but also in the famous cafés where you can listen to a walz played on the piano as you tuck into an Apfelstrudel. It is one of the most elegant cities and it's full of tradition and culture. I still feel honoured to sing in the Vienna State Opera. It’s such a wonderful place, resonating with history of the biggest names like Mahler, Von Karajan and Lorin Maazel. I remember my first time on its stage. There is something magical about this place, the building, it almost feels like you go back in time to another century and I love it. The main story of music in Vienna starts in the second half of the 18th century. Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Brahms, and many others, produced their finest work here. The peak of its glory came under the reign of Joseph II - an enlightened monarch, music lover and patron of the arts. The Hofburg, the former Imperial Palace, has preserved a precious collection of old instruments bearing witness to this history of music loving. It is one of the world's finest collections of historic musical instruments, housed in a quiet wing of the palace, far from the busy world outside. The Beethoven room is sumptuous, with its display of Streicher pianofortes from the period. Nannette Streicher was a celebrated Viennese piano maker who also hosted concerts by top musicians in her home - Beethoven included. She and Beethoven became close friends. Born in Bonn, Beethoven arrived in Vienna at the age of 22 and stayed until his death 35 years later. Nannette Streicher supported

him throughout that time, especially in the last, difficult years when his deafness had become a serious handicap. The great composer's tragic life is thoroughly documented in the charming little Beethoven Museum in Heiligenstadt – a nice trip to a quiet part of town. Beethoven is one of the most elegant and beautiful composers of all time. I remember when I discovered Fidelio (the only opera he wrote) as a young soprano in the academy of music. After I moved to Vienna, I watched Fidelio for the first time, at the State Opera, and felt so honoured to sing in the same city where he was inspired and wrote his magnificent music.

上图:带有埃及头像装饰和青铜配件的红木足键钢琴,由Joseph Brodmann制作于1810年。它装有类似管风琴的踏板,底部还有特殊的声板。贝多芬等许多19世纪 的伟大音乐家都曾使用过足键钢琴,但它后来被弃用了。 / Above: Rosewood pedal piano with Egyptian Herm heads and bronze fittings, made by Joseph Brodmann in 1810. It is equipped with pedals like an organ and has a special soundboard underneath. A number of great 19th century musicians, including Beethoven, adopted the pedal piano but it later fell into disuse.

莫扎特纪念碑,位于优雅的城堡花园/ Sala Terrena:维也纳最古老的音乐厅,位于历史风情浓郁的市中心。莫扎特曾数次在这里为莫扎特家族的重要赞助人Colloredo 大主教表演/键盘演奏家Peter Frisée在维也纳大学附近的Jesuit教堂里弹奏管风琴/斯蒂芬大教堂附近的条顿骑士团旧址,1781年莫扎特在维也纳定居时曾住在此处。 /

Mozart monument in the elegant Burggarten / The Sala Terrena: Vienna's oldest concert hall, in the historic city centre. Mozart played several concerts here for Archbishop Colloredo, an important patron of the Mozart family / Clavierist Peter Frisée playing the organ in the Jesuit Church, close to the University of Vienna (Universitätskirche) / The House of the Teutonic Order near St Stephen's cathedral, where Mozart lived in 1781 when he settled in Vienna.

维也纳 | V I E N N A

神童莫扎特 PETER FRISÉE,键盘演奏家

Peter Frisée是一位弹奏管风琴和大键琴的音乐会独奏键盘演 奏家,同时也是室内乐团音乐家。在电视、广播、CD和网上都 能听到他的作品。Artissimi公司的创始人Elizabeth Wolf对 他进行了采访,共同探讨了他对维也纳和莫扎特的爱,以及他最 喜爱的乐器——管风琴。 Peter,作为一名管风琴演奏家,维也纳对你而言意味着什么? 我自然而然地受到了维也纳的启发,它对我而言非常重要。这里 到处都有汇聚了艺术、建筑和音乐的神圣场所,比如举办音乐会 和合唱的教堂。所以作为一名键盘演奏家,我总能顺理成章地从 这座城市获得灵感。 你在维也纳有没有最爱的管风琴? 维也纳有不少绝妙的管风琴,但我的最爱在Jesuit教堂里。那是



Joseph Deym von Stritetz伯爵委托他创作的,演奏场景非常


奇特:那是在一家名为Müllersche Kunstgalerie的蜡像艺术馆 举办的葬礼弥撒。不同的哀乐会随着整点的钟声响起,其中一首


是莫扎特的《Adagio and Allegro》。如今,人们通常会在管



他爱管风琴,曾在给他父亲的信中写道:“对我而言,于眼于 耳,管风琴都是乐器之王。”


众所周知,他是一位出色的管风琴演奏家,Brigitte Hartmann


在她的书《Nichts als Musik im Kopf》中提到,莫扎特在很



这就是为什么我称自己为 “键盘演奏家”。

第一次踏上维也纳之旅。旅行期间,家人都没有打开旅行钢琴 的包装。在Ybbs的Franziskaner教堂,正在用午餐的僧侣们听





每台管风琴的音色和效果都不同,所需的演奏技巧也不一样,所 以同一首乐曲在任何地方演奏都会有不同的效果。








Amadeus the wunderkind BY PETER FRISÉE, CLAVIERIST

Peter Frisée is a clavierist who plays the organ and harpsichord as a concert soloist and is also a chamber ensemble musician. He can be heard on television, radio, CD and online. Elizabeth Wolf, founder of Artissimi, creators of bespoke cultural tours in and around Vienna, interviewed him about his love of the city, Mozart, and his favourite musical instrument - the organ. Peter, what does Vienna mean to you, particularly as an organist? I’m naturally inspired by Vienna and it’s very important to me. It’s full of sublime places where art, architecture and music come together, such as churches that hold concerts and choral music. So as a clavierist, Vienna naturally inspires me. Do you have a favourite organ in Vienna? There are some superb examples in this city, but my favourite is the one at the Jesuit Church. It’s an amazing French concert organ and is situated in a unique, baroque environment. Mozart, of course, is everywhere in Vienna. What can be said about his relationship with the organ? He loved it and once wrote to his father, “To my eyes and ears, the organ is the king of all instruments.” He is known to have been a fantastic organist and according to Brigitte Hartmann in her book, ‘Nichts als Musik im Kopf’, he impressed from an early age: “September 18th, 1762: Mozart started his very first trip to Vienna. During their trip, the family avoided unpacking the travel piano. At the Franziskaner Church in Ybbs the monks heard adorable music during their lunch and went to see who the player was. They could hardly believe their eyes…” But Mozart didn't compose even one piece for the organ. He composed many pieces in which the organ plays a supporting role, providing a continuo, rather than a solo role. This was very common in Mozart's time. However, Mozart did write a series of pieces specifically for the Orgelwalze - a mechanical pipe

organ. The story of how it was used is really strange. The music was commissioned by Count Joseph Deym von Stritetz for a funeral mass to be played on the Orgelwalze in the Müllersche Kunstgalerie, a wax art gallery. A different lament was played each time the clock struck the hour, one of which was Mozart’s Adagio and Allegro. Today this piece is usually performed on an organ, or on a piano by two people. And how do you define yourself as a musician? In Mozart’s time, musicians were expected play the organ as well as the piano or harpsichord but that’s not the case today. However, I choose to play all three which is why I call myself a 'clavierist'. What fascinates you about the organ as a musical instrument and what does playing it mean to you? The sound, technique, and aesthetics work differently on each one, so the same piece of music will sound different everywhere it’s played. To quote my favourite composer, Charles-Marie Widor, “Organ playing is the manifestation of a will filled with the vision of eternity.”

右图:Jesuit教堂。1703年,Leopold一世皇帝委托耶稣会修士Andrea Pozzo对其内部进行了一次奢华的改造。Pozzo创造了这个意大利风格的穹顶,上面的错 视画带有强烈的现实主义色彩。 / Right: the Jesuit Church. In 1703 Emperor Leopold I commissioned the Jesuit Brother Andrea Pozzo to give the interior a sumptuous overhaul. It was Pozzo who created this strikingly realistic trompe-l'oeil dome in the Italian style.



用云杉木。Bärbel Bellinghausen还为她的小提琴制作了漂亮的丝绸套。www.bellinghausen.at /右上角:在霍夫堡宫博物馆的历史乐器收藏中,有整整一个房 间的藏品都是致敬海顿的。 / Bärbel Bellinghausen's stringed instrument workshop. It takes her three months to make each violin. Each part of the violin is traditionally made from different types of wood: ebony for the fingerboard, maple for the bridge, and spruce for the sound post and the top of the instrument. Bärbel Bellinghausen also makes beautiful silk covers for her violins. www.bellinghausen.at / Top right: The Hofburg Palace museum's collection of historic musical instruments includes a room entirely devoted to Haydn.

维也纳 | V I E N N A




在1995年创立了弦乐三重奏乐团Triology。 每次巡演回来,我都会再次感受到弥漫在维也纳骨子里的音乐气 息。它带着一种轻快而愉悦的特质:这是一个时代的辉煌遗产, 那时,人们对海顿等伟大音乐家的新作翘首以盼。我喜欢海顿, 尤其是他的弦乐四重奏:他是教导了莫扎特和贝多芬的大师。我 最喜欢的作品之一是G大调作品54第1号。它是那么活泼、有趣 而幽默——聆听这样的音乐是真正的享受。他的弦乐四重奏也在 音乐史上占据着重要地位,因为海顿在谱写这些作品时创造了交 响乐的形式,这种形式被古典音乐沿用,一直延续到了肖斯塔科 维奇的作品里。 身为作曲家,我的大提琴就是一个珍贵的伙伴。它是精致的,有 生命的——它也有高兴或紧张的时刻。一次去印度旅行时,由于 没钱买额外的座位,我的宝贝大提琴的音柱损坏严重。在许多语 言里,音柱都被称作乐器的“灵魂”,所以那次经历堪称灾难。 幸运的是,一位西塔琴的制作者让这把琴重获新生,但我很高兴 没有欧洲的大提琴制作者看到他是怎么做的! 乐器制造者对音乐家来说至关重要,而维也纳的弦乐器手工艺人 存在已久。他们是真正的艺术家,往往会在一件乐器的生命周期










Bärbel·Bellinghausen就是这样的艺术家。Bärbel的心血 都倾注在小提琴、中提琴和大提琴的制作上。她制作一把小提 琴需要花三个月,若你想要一把,就只能在她的等候名单上排 队,时间长达三年!她会反复敲打木材进行测试,直到听到想 要的声音,为乐器选到合适的琴面。当被问及小提琴制作的秘



Tristan Schulze is a composer, cellist, and conductor. He founded the string trio, Triology, in 1995. Whenever I return from touring, I feel suffused once again with the music that permeates Vienna. There's something light and joyful about it: a legacy from a time when people eagerly awaited new compositions from the great musicians of the day, such as Haydn. I love Haydn, especially for his string quartets: he was the master who taught both Mozart and Beethoven. One of my favourites is Op. 54, Nr. 1 in G Major. It is so fresh, witty and full of humour – listening to them is a real pleasure. His string quartets are musically important too, as when he was writing them, Haydn created the symphony form which is present in classical music all the way through to Shostakovich. As a composer, my cello is a precious companion. It's delicate and it’s alive - it can be happy or stressed. Once, while travelling to India, I couldn’t afford an extra seat and the sound post of my beloved cello was badly damaged. The sound post is called the ‘soul’ of the instrument in many languages, so it was a bit of a disaster. Luckily a Sitar builder brought the instrument back to life, but I'm quite glad no European cello maker saw how he did it! Instrument makers are so important for a musician and Vienna has a long tradition of stringed instrument crafts people. They are true artists who will often follow an instrument throughout its life. If you happen to pass by a discreet courtyard, and hear a few plucked notes, you might find a small workshop where sheets of maple and spruce wood are waiting to be turned into unique works of art. It takes 420g of wood to create a miracle of sound, capable of warming the hearts of all who listen. Bärbel Bellinghausen is one such artist. Bärbel pours her heart into building violins, violas and cellos. Each violin takes her three months to make and if you want one, you’ll have to add your name to her three-year waiting list! She tests the wood repeatedly,

knocking on it to catch the exact moment when the instrument’s top panel is ready. When asked about the secret of violin making, Bärbel explains that famous makers, like Stradivarius and Guarneri, found perfection. Their instruments can't be improved upon, and they still provide the basis for violin making today. Every new instrument is an interpretation of their work, but even so, a Bellinghausen sounds like no other.

维也纳音乐地图——追随伟大作曲家的脚步。 探索维也纳的方式五花八门。我们建议的路线会带您穿过 老城的中心,途径优雅的店铺,来到大名鼎鼎的Café Central等咖啡馆。但最重要的是,你会遇见真正的维也纳建筑瑰宝和铭记着维 也纳音乐历史的地方。走完整条路线上的景点大约需要两天时间,部分景点照片见对页。

Musical Vienna - a walk in the footsteps of the great composers. There are many ways to discover Vienna. We suggest a route that takes you to cafés such as the famous Café Central and through the old city centre with its elegant shops. But most of all you will find some real treasures of Viennese architecture and a selection of places that commemorate the city's musical history. You will need around two days to take in all the sights on this walk, some of which are shown on the opposite page.

维也纳 | V I E N N A


维也纳 | V I E N N A

维也纳汉森宫凯宾斯基酒店: 捕捉城市的声音 维也纳和音乐有着千丝万缕的联系。在这里生活过的著名作曲



















中海地区美食。全日餐厅Die Küche Wien的氛围更为轻松,
















酒店由著名建筑师Theophil Edvard Hansen设计,于2013








(*)行程与Artissimi的创始人Elisabeth Wolf合作。Elisabeth提供专业的定制文化线路和游览项目。她喜欢为世界各地拥有不俗品味的客户打造独一无二的体验。


Palais Hansen Kempinski Vienna: Capturing the sounds of the city. Vienna and music are inextricably linked. More famous composers have lived here than in any other city and everywhere you go, you are reminded of its illustrious musical history. But while Vienna is renowned for its waltzes and operas, jazz, pop, and rock are as much at home on the stages of the city’s concert halls as classical scores. From its stately position on the famous Ringstrasse boulevard, Palais Hansen Kempinski Vienna plays its part in the musicality of this beautiful city. For instance, we can help you discover a secret and fascinating Vienna by organising wonderful music inspired tours*. Concerts and live performances are regularly held in the hotel’s Lobby Lounge but if you really want to capture the essence of Vienna, and for a truly memorable stay, choose the spectacular Kempinski Waltz Time package. Your evening begins with a sumptuous dinner followed by limousine transfer to a local concert, before returning to the hotel’s luxurious 320 sq m Presidential Suite. Here you’ll have front row seats at the world premiere of… your very own waltz! Exclusively composed for you by the talented Tristan Schulze, the inaugural performance is captured on film - a unique memento and an enduring connection to the city of music. Designed by the renowned architect, Theophil Edvard Hansen, the hotel became part of the Kempinski constellation in 2013 following a complete renovation. Hansen’s passion for neoclassicism and history can still be felt in the high ceilings and timeless design, enriched by distinctive pieces of walnut furniture and eye-catching paintings depicting ballet and musical scenes.

Viennese flair is present in every detail, from the traditional horsedrawn ‘fiaker’ carriage waiting at the front of the hotel, to the doorman’s cheery greeting. But the past blends perfectly with the present as you’ll discover in the swift check-in procedures, inroom tablets and bedside coffee machines. Although Vienna’s main sights and hidden gems are only a few minutes away on foot, there are many reasons to linger a little longer at the Palais itself. At Michelin-starred EDVARD, a tribute to the hotel’s beloved architect, you can sample modern Alpine-Mediterranean cuisine in a refined setting. The all-day dining restaurant, Die Küche Wien, has a more laid-back atmosphere with live cooking stations where you can watch talented chefs cook classic Austrian dishes. For local speciality coffee and tea, served with sweet treats such as freshly baked apple strudel, find a cosy spot in the Lobby Lounge to while away an afternoon, before heading to the bar or cigar lounge in the evening. The hotel’s historic charm and striking design continues throughout Kempinski The Spa, where colours and patterns from the Ottoman Empire reflect Vienna’s strategic location on the border between Western and Eastern Europe. Work out in the fitness area then relax and indulge yourself with the luxurious treatments on offer at the spa, which are influenced by the four European seasons. And if you want an inspirational setting for a meeting, celebration, or event, the ballroom and six function rooms can be transformed for occasions big or small.

(*) In partnership with Elisabeth Wolf, founder of Artissimi. Elisabeth crafts professionally tailored cultural tours and programmes. She loves creating unique experiences for her discerning clientele from around the world. www.artissimi.at

维也纳 | V I E N N A

选择凯宾斯基“华尔兹时间”套餐,在Tristan Schulze创作的美妙音乐里,通过自己曼妙的 华尔兹舞步,捕捉您在音乐之城的魔力瞬间。 Capture the magic of your stay in the City of Music with your own exquisite waltz, composed by Tristan Schulze, when you choose the Kempinski Waltz Time package.


与圣史蒂芬大教堂和巨型摩天轮一样,这些传统的马车是领略这座城市全部魅力的绝妙方式之一。在1860年至1900年间,维也纳有1000多辆马车,车夫们往往还会以 歌手身份表演,不过这种情景在音乐之城也许司空见惯。 / As much a part of Vienna as St Stephen’s Cathedral and the Giant Ferris Wheel, these traditional horse-drawn carriages are a fabulous way to see all the delights this city has to offer. Between 1860 and 1900 there were over 1,000 fiakers in Vienna, and perhaps not unusually for this city of music, their drivers often performed as singers!

维也纳 | V I E N N A

静谧闲适、美轮美奂的大堂吧建在原建筑的旧庭院里,是宾客聚会的理想场所。 / Built in the old courtyard of the original building, the serene and beautifully-designed Kempinski Lobby lounge is the ideal meeting place for guests.


探索更多精彩 | D I S C O V E R M O R E

0 4 | 不止酒店

探索更多精彩 只要稍加探索,就能找到新鲜而迷人的角度 去体验每个目的地。例如,在加纳,您可以参 加激动人心的活动,踏上冒险之旅,在克罗地 亚,您可以在宁静的山水之间钓鱼。去黎巴 嫩,一定要参观著名的葡萄酒产区,去中国, 钟山的紫金山风景区会让您赞叹不已。而在开 罗,您可以了解法老们的生活方式。迈出探索 的脚步,您会发现世界如此广阔。


DISCOVER MORE With a little exploration, each of our destinations reveal fresh and fascinating perspectives. For example, there’s action and adventure in Ghana and serene fishing trips in Croatia. In Lebanon be sure to visit the famous wine production areas, and in China explore Zhongshan’s breathtaking Purple Mountain Scenic Area. While in Cairo, you can discover how the Pharaohs lived. You’ll experience so much more when you go out to explore!


惊心动魄的加纳冒险之旅 阿克拉黄金海岸城凯宾斯基酒店

A spectacular Ghanaian adventure KEMPINSKI HOTEL GOLD COAST CITY ACCRA

加纳素以人民热情友好,野生动物多样,海滩与世隔绝而著称。但走出首都阿克拉热闹的街道,你就能步入与繁 华都市截然不同的另一个世界。这次的非凡体验将运动和美食结合,让您透过最真实的视角去认识当地生活。导 游Jay Jay会带您开启激动人心的旅程,他热衷于鼓励人们感受他家乡的自然景观之美。此行第一站是Volta湖, 这是世界上最大的人工湖之一,位于加纳乡村的中心地带,周围群山环抱,农田茂盛。下水之前,您有充足的时 间在Akosombo 峡谷欣赏引人赞叹的美景。接下来就是好玩的环节了!您可以在Volta湖上开始一场充满活力 的五英里皮划艇冒险——配有完善的安全装备,并有经验丰富的专业团队保驾护航。与此同时,在平静的岸边, 当地人取水、捕鱼、生火做饭,一幅加纳人的生活画卷徐徐展开。若想追求更大的刺激,你还可以离开皮划艇, 通过绳降从20米高的瀑布上下来!胃口大开之时就是午饭时间。Jay Jay和他的伙伴们会从湖里捞出新鲜的罗非 鱼,然后教您如何用传统篝火把它们烤得恰到好处。在一个真正让人沉迷的国家,这种不可思议的经历注定让人 念念不忘。

Ghana is known for its friendly people, diverse wildlife, and secluded beaches. But step away from the lively streets of its capital, Accra, and you’ll discover a stark contrast to this busy modern city. This spectacular experience combines physical activity and delicious food with an authentic insight into local life. Your guide for this exhilarating journey is Jay Jay, an explorer who is passionate about inspiring people to experience the beauty of his homeland’s natural landscape. The first stop is Lake Volta, one of the world’s largest man-made lakes, set in the heart of the Ghanaian countryside, surrounded by mountains and lush farmland. You’ll have time to enjoy the stunning views before leaving Akosombo Gorge to take to the waters. This is where the fun truly begins! Your kayaking adventure will take you on an energetic five-mile trek across Lake Volta - fully equipped with safety gear and flanked by a team of experts throughout. Meanwhile, on the calm shores, Ghanaian life unfolds as locals collect water, catch fish, and prepare meals over open fires. If you want a further adrenaline rush, you’ll have the opportunity to take a break from kayaking to abseil down a dramatic 20-metre waterfall! After working up an appetite, it’s time for lunch. Watch as Jay Jay and the team reel in some fresh tilapia fish from the lake before teaching you how to cook it to perfection on a traditional campfire grill. This incredible experience guarantees lasting memories of a truly captivating nation.

垂钓亚得里亚海,纵享宁静 克罗地亚伊斯特拉亚得里亚海凯宾斯基酒店

Fishing and serenity on the Adriatic Sea K E M P I N S K I H O T E L A D R I AT I C I S T R I A , C R O AT I A

呼吸着咸咸的空气,享受着公海的宁静,这样的钓鱼探险注定让您的克 罗地亚之旅更加难忘。经验丰富的当地渔民会带您漂流在亚得里亚海北 部的碧海蓝天里,在钓鱼中度过完美的一天。对那些渴望新鲜事物,热 爱冒险的灵魂来说,这是不可多得的非凡经历。/ Breathe in the salty

air and take in the peacefulness of the open seas as you embark upon a fishing adventure that is destined to make your Croatian getaway even more memorable. An experienced local fisherman will be your guide for a perfect day spent floating and fishing on the deep blue of the northern Adriatic Sea. It’s a superb experience for adventurous spirits who are open to new discoveries.

探访黎巴嫩的酿酒历史 贝鲁特萨默兰凯宾斯基度假酒店

Tour the history of Lebanese winemaking KEMPINSKI SUMMERLAND HOTEL & RESORT BEIRUT

黎巴嫩是世界上最古老的葡萄酒产区之一,在古代,海边的腓尼基人将葡萄酒和葡萄种植技术带到了整个地中海地区。在这段旅 程里,专车会带您从贝鲁特出发来到贝卡谷地,那是几代酿酒师的故乡。在家庭经营的Bekaa城堡品过葡萄美酒之后,继续前往 Tourelles酒庄,最后来到黎巴嫩最古老的酒庄——拥有大型地下罗马酒窖的Ksara城堡,为行程画上圆满的句号。/ Lebanon is one

of the world’s oldest wine production areas, and in ancient times the coast-dwelling Phoenicians expanded wine and viticulture throughout the Mediterranean. This chauffeur-driven journey takes you from Beirut to the Bekaa valley, home to generations of winemakers. After sampling wines at family-run Château St Thomas, you’ll continue to Domaine des Tourelles, finishing your tour at Lebanon’s oldest winery - Château Ksara, with its large underground Roman cellars.


Step into the lives of the Pharaohs



您是否也曾希望自己能穿越时空,回到古代深入了解法老们 的生活?那就加入这个引人入胜的探索之旅,让开罗埃及博 物馆展出的大量古埃及文物帮您实现心愿。在专业导游的陪 同下,您将目睹全球最大的古埃及文物收藏,发现每件文物 背后的故事和秘密。

Ever wished you could travel back in time and get an insight into the lives of the Pharaohs? Then join this fascinating journey of exploration through the extensive collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities on display at The Egyptian Museum, Cairo. Accompanied by a specialist tour guide, you’ll navigate the home of the world’s largest collection of ancient Egyptian artefacts and discover the stories and secrets behind each piece.

探索紫金山风景区 中国南京凯宾斯基酒店 游走在南京东部,您会发现自己被钟山的静谧绿意所包围, 这里的自然风光美名远扬。本行程会带您登顶这个地区最著 名的地标之一——因常有紫色云雾环绕而得名的紫金山。这 是一个融历史于自然的行程,玄武湖和历史悠久的灵谷寺等 景点亦在其中。

Explore the Purple Mountain Scenic Area KEMPINSKI HOTEL NANJING, CHINA

Travel east of Nanjing and you will find yourself enveloped by the serene beauty of Zhongshan, famous for its natural features. This guided tour includes a trip to the top of one of the area’s best-known landmarks - Purple Mountain, named for the purple clouds which often form there. The tour mixes history with nature and you’ll discover other attractions, such as Houhu Lake and the historic Linggu Temple.


Your barbecue with a view


F R U T T M O U N T A I N R E S O R T, S W I T Z E R L A N D

如何才能让阿尔卑斯山上的美景更完美呢?用美食来点缀! 用一个上午的时 间 探 索 完 周 边 地 区 之 后 , 您 可 以 领 到 一 辆 厨师团队精心准备的烧烤手推车。新鲜的应季食材里有肉有 鱼,还有素食和饮料可选,餐具和烤肉配件也一应俱全。然 后就前往湖边,享受独一无二的烤肉体验吧!

How can you perfect the view from high up in the Alps? By accompanying it with a delicious meal! After a morning exploring the area, collect the barbecue handcart that our culinary team has prepared for you. You’ll find a selection of fresh seasonal ingredients, with a choice of meat, fish and vegetarian options, plus drinks. Cutlery and grilling accessories are included too. Then head to the lake for a barbecue experience like no other!


在线健身课程 扩展娱乐边界


与专业教练一 同激情训练



凯宾斯基健身套房:柏林、迪拜、慕尼黑,及上海 随时随地,与泰诺健一同锻炼 访问网址 www.technogym.com/kempinskifitroom



Telegraph岛附近的传统单桅三角帆船。这些木制阿拉伯帆船是印度洋、红海和阿曼湾地区的典型船只样式。 / A traditional dhow off Telegraph Island. These wooden Arab sailboats are typical of the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, and the Oman Gulf.

阿曼苏丹国 | S U L T A N A T E O F O M A N

0 5 | 中东旅行

揭开美丽阿曼的 面纱 离开迪拜的现代摩天大楼,穿越时空,站在雄伟的 山顶上凝望亘古不变的风景,还有比这反差更大 的体验吗?驱车几小时后,您就会越过边境进入阿 曼,看到摄人心魄的峡湾和峡谷,以及依然保留着 古时善良好客传统的村庄。这是走进美景的旅程, 千万不要错过。


UNCOVERING THE BEAUTY OF OMAN What greater contrast can there be than to leave Dubai's modern tower blocks, travel back in time, and contemplate eternally unchanging landscapes from the top of a majestic mountain? A few hours' drive, and you cross the border into Oman where you’ll discover sensational fjords and canyons, and villages where the ancient traditions of hospitality and kindness live on. It's an unmissable journey into beauty.


阿曼苏丹国 | S U L T A N A T E O F O M A N

在行动与沉思之间—— 一段走进美丽的旅程 BY FRANCK CHARTON*






















Jebel Sham。在这片高原上,被称为“阿曼大峡谷”的鸿沟在下








我们在“绿山”完成了Jebel Akhdar的最后一次探险,那里的













大的国际都市。在离城不远的海滨小镇Al Mouj,坐落着奢华的


左图:小小的Musandam半岛与阿曼和阿拉伯联合酋长国之间隔着2087米高的Jebel Harim山,它与伊朗之间只隔着50公里的海域。半岛的山谷被大海逐渐吞噬, 形成了一条参差不齐的海岸线。 *作为一名有着25年经验的全地形摄影记者,Franck Charton专门从事民族、探险和旅游类摄影。 Left: Separated from Oman and the United Arab Emirates by the 2,087m high mountains of Jebel Harim, the small peninsula of Musandam has just 50km of sea between it and Iran. The valleys of the peninsula have been gradually engulfed by the sea, creating a jagged coastline. *An all-terrain photojournalist for 25 years, Franck Charton specialises in ethno, adventure and travel photography.


Between action and contemplation a journey into beauty BY FRANCK CHARTON*

We left Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates an hour and a half ago, and after crossing the small Emirate of Ras al-Khaimah, we arrive at the Sultanate of Oman border. Dubai’s 21st century skyline is already a far-away mirage in the rear-view mirror of our Land Cruiser. The desert has given way to a tangle of rocky mountains, hemmed by fjords, fishing villages and heavenly lagoons. The Musandam Peninsula, a little-known pearl of the Sultanate of Oman, remains a sanctuary of peace on the edge of the Strait of Hormuz. It is a concentrate of raw beauty in one of the most strategic areas on the planet, through which much of the world's oil passes. At the port of Khasab, we board a traditional wooden boat known as a dhow and set out for a day of exploring. As we pass by sparkling creeks, to the faint roar of the boat’s engine, we have no other agenda than to admire the atmospheric landscape. Suddenly, three dolphins leap towards the boat. Small and bluish grey, they play happily alongside the hull – they look as though they are showing off. We join the crew and greet them with whistles and applause! As we anchor in a wild cove of Sibi Bay, our programme for the rest of the day is swimming, climbing the golden rocks, and snorkelling. We spend hours there, diving from the stern, searching for unusual and colourful fish, and exploring nearby coves. Surrounded by inaccessible peaks and cliffs streaked with scarlet veins, and with cathedral-like silence, the rest of the world seems far away. From Khasab we decide to take a plane to Muscat, the sprawling cosmopolitan capital of the Sultanate. Not far from the city, in the small coastal town of Al Mouj, sumptuous Kempinski Hotel

Muscat, which encompasses over six kilometres of stunning coastline, is the perfect stopover before the next stage of our adventure. Here we experience the true taste of Arabia, before taking to the road again. Our destination: the Hajar. Crossing the entire north of the country, this mountain range is its secret heart. A kaleidoscope of harsh reliefs, it cuts into canyons where oasis villages cling to their quiet way of life and where adobe forts bear witness to bygone eras. Everywhere, behind cliffs, are secret wadis which reveal translucent pools and intricate networks of traditional irrigation channels called the aflaj. Dating back more than 1,500 years, the aflaj network has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage site. The winding road first climbs the Jebel Shams, the highest point of the Hajar at 3,048m. From the plateau, a chasm, known as the Omani Grand Canyon, opens up 1,500m below. Further on, we stop at Nizwa, several times Oman’s capital, and stronghold of the hill tribes. Nowadays it’s famous for its cattle fair which takes place in the sprawling souk under a huge fort crowned with a circular tower. Our last adventure on Jebel Akhdar is the ‘green mountain’ where terraced fields tumble down its sides, houses huddle against each other and the light seems coppery, almost unreal. In April, the slopes are tinged with pink and the air fills with the delicate but highly concentrated fragrance of Damascus roses. They are gathered then distilled to extract their precious essential oil which, as it has been for centuries, will be used in perfumes, cosmetics and jams. All too soon, it's time to leave these small, traditional villages and the legendary kindness of their inhabitants, and return to Muscat and modernity.

单桅三角帆船每天在Musandam半岛的峡湾中航行,停靠在偏远的海湾。游泳、海上皮划艇、浮潜和观赏海豚都是这里的日常活动,四周的风景让人回想起日本水彩画 勾勒的场景。在Khasab,17世纪的葡萄牙堡垒依然耸立,昔日的高墙和大炮犹在——如今它的功能是一个引人入胜的博物馆。这座城市是一个(仅在雨后才有水的) 大干谷的入海口,洪水沉积物形成了肥沃的土壤,海边的棕榈树因此郁郁葱葱。 / Dhow make daily trips in the Musandam peninsula fjords, anchoring in remote coves. Swimming, sea kayaking, snorkelling, and dolphin spotting are part of the daily programme, amongst landscapes reminiscent of Japanese watercolours. In Khasab, the 17th century Portuguese fort still stands with its high walls and period cannons. Today it is a charming museum. The city is the coastal outlet of a large wadi where the waterfront palm groves had become prosperous due to the accumulation of sediments deposited by floods.

阿曼苏丹国 | S U L T A N A T E O F O M A N

就在不久前,想抵达Jebel Akhdar需要经历六个小时的跋涉。现在,这条路仍然非常陡峭,只有四轮驱动车才能通行。Bahia堡垒充满了神秘和传奇色彩。它的历史长 达3000年,是阿曼最古老的建筑,也是联合国教科文组织收录的世界文化遗产。四月是Sayq高原上玫瑰盛开的季节,人们在高高的梯田上采摘着花朵。自古以来,浓缩 的玫瑰精华就一直为人称道,当地村民至今仍在使用精心设计的蒸馏系统提取精油。据估计,生产1千克精油需要10至12吨鲜花。玫瑰水在阿拉伯语中叫做“attar”, 在阿曼十分常见,除了用作空间香薰,还会被浇在客人的手上,亦会用于咖啡、柠檬水、大米和哈瓦(一种当地甜食)的调味。玫瑰也是这个偏远地区的一个重要收入来 源。/ Not long ago, it took a six-hour trek to reach the Jebel Akhdar. Today, the road remains so steep that only 4x4s can tackle it. Bahia Fortress is surrounded by mystery and legend. At 3,000 years old, it is also the oldest building in Oman, and a registered UNESCO World Heritage site. April is the favourite month to pick rose flowers on the high terraces of the Sayq plateau. The concentration of fragrance has been celebrated since antiquity and local villagers still extract the essential oil through an elaborate distillation system. It is estimated that 10 to 12 tons of flowers are needed to produce 1kg of essential oil. Rose water, called ‘attar’ in Arabic, is widely used in Oman to perfume houses, pour on the hands of guests, and to flavour coffee, lemonade, rice and halwa. It is also an important source of income for this isolated region.


阿曼所有(仅在雨后才有水的)干谷都有精巧的浇灌方案,叫做aflaj。它是世界上最古老的灌溉系统之一,从地下引水,通过水沟和水闸构成的网络运水。在管理人的控制下,水通过重力循环 流经房屋和耕地,有时可以抵达距水源很远的地方。依偎在Jebel Akhdar山脚下的古老村庄Birkat al Mawz意为“香蕉池”。棕榈林中的枣椰树(phoenix dactylafera)产量可达120千克, 既会出口也会当地内销。/ All the wadis of Oman have an ingenious watering scheme called the aflaj. One of the world’s oldest irrigation systems, it draws water from underground sources and channels it through a network of gutters and locks. It is circulated by gravity to houses and cultivated land, sometimes far from the source, under the control of the wakil. The old village of Birkat al Mawz, which translates as the ‘banana pool’, clings to the foothills of Jebel Akhdar. In the palm groves, the date palm (phoenix dactylafera) produces up to 120kg of dates, which are exported or consumed on site.

五星公路之旅 与凯宾斯基同行

从迪拜凯宾斯基阿联酋购物中心酒店来到马斯喀特凯宾斯基酒店,是一段前后经历有着天 壤之别的旅程。您会离开迪拜的黄金海岸、摩天大楼,穿过边境,看到红色悬崖、绿色山 脉组成的阿曼风景画卷。在这里,您可以乘船游览Musandam沙漠峡湾一带,欣赏令人赞 叹的风景,与海豚一起游泳。在马斯喀特停留后,走进阿曼风景最壮阔的地区——Djebel Akhdar,去欣赏一览无余的山谷景观,感受沙漠峡谷,领略传统村庄的风情,参观玫瑰水 蒸馏厂。无论选择陆路还是飞机,我们的酒店都是让您后顾无忧的停靠港湾,结束一天的 冒险之后,等待您的将是一夜酣眠。 访问KEMPINSKI.COM/EN/HOTELS/YOUR-FIVE-STAR-ROAD-TRIP/了解更多 精彩。

迪拜凯宾斯基阿联酋购物中心酒店 酒店位于迪拜中心地带,与阿联酋购物中心相连,可以欣赏到迪拜壮阔的天际线景 观。从黄金海岸,高尔夫球场到迪拜美丽的公园,这个酒店连接了这座活力都市的 所有精彩。迪拜市中心和哈利法塔也在附近。酒店的餐厅和酒吧供应丰富美食,从 正宗的黎巴嫩菜肴到西班牙小吃应有尽有。 S H E I K H Z AY E D R O A D , 1 2 0 6 7 9 D U B A I , U N I T E D A R A B E M I R AT E S KEMPINSKI.COM/DUBAI +971 4 341 0000

马斯喀特凯宾斯基酒店 阿曼苏丹国 酒店位于现代社区Al Mouj,是一个无与伦比的奢华滨海度假村,拥有超过六公里 的迷人海岸线。11家世界一流的餐厅和酒吧可以满足任何挑剔的味蕾。马斯喀特 这个被古城墙围起来的城市有着不可抵挡的魅力,诸多自然和文化遗址在此静待游 客探索。比起公路旅程的起点——终年喧嚣的迪拜,这里的节奏要慢得多,一动一 静,对比鲜明。 P. O . B O X 5 7 , 1 3 8 M U S C A T, O M A N K E M P I N S K I . C O M / M U S C AT +968 24 98 5000

右图:有“太阳山”之称的Jebel Shams是Hajar山的最高峰,海拔3,048米,因从山顶望向旁边深谷的壮丽景色闻名遐迩。 / Right: Jebel Shams, known as the ‘mountain of the sun’ is the highest point of the Hajar at 3,048m, and is famous for the view from its summit into the deep canyon that lies alongside it.

Your 5* Road Trip with Kempinski

The journey from Kempinski Mall of the Emirates Dubai to Kempinki Hotel Muscat is one of contrasts. It takes you from Dubai’s golden beaches and towering skyscrapers across the border to Oman’s red cliffs, green-tinged mountains and picturesque vistas. Here you can sail around the breathtaking Musandam desert fjords and swim with dolphins. After a stopover in Muscat, explore Oman’s most spectacular area, the Djebel Akhdar, where you’ll find panoramic mountain views, desert canyons, small traditional villages and rose water distilleries. Our hotels provide the anchors for this adventure by road or air, as well as a restful night’s sleep. SEE M ORE ON KEMPINSKI.COM/EN/HOTELS/YOUR-FIVE-STAR-ROAD-TRIP/

Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates Dubai Located in the heart of Dubai and connected to Mall of the Emirates, the hotel offers spectacular views over Dubai's towering skyline. It's the perfect base to discover everything this vibrant city has to offer, including golden beaches, golf courses, and Dubai’s beautiful parks. Downtown Dubai and Burj Khalifa are also close by. The hotel has several restaurants and bars serving a range of cuisine from authentic Lebanese food to Spanish tapas. S H E I K H Z AY E D R O A D , 1 2 0 6 7 9 D U B A I , U N I T E D A R A B E M I R AT E S KEMPINSKI.COM/DUBAI +971 4 341 0000

Kempinski Hotel Muscat, Sultanate of Oman In the modern community of Al Mouj, the hotel is an unparalleled luxury beach resort with over six kilometres of stunning coastline. Its eleven world-class restaurants and bars cater for every taste. The captivating ancient walled city of Muscat has a range of natural and cultural sites for visitors to explore. Its more relaxed pace is the perfect contrast to the constant buzz at the start of your road trip journey in Dubai. P. O . B O X 5 7 , 1 3 8 M U S C A T, O M A N K E M P I N S K I . C O M / M U S C AT +968 24 98 5000

数字游牧族 | D I G I T A L N O M A D S

0 6 | 真正的凯宾斯基

数字游牧族 一台笔记本电脑,一部手机,一个宽带网络。 这就是成为数字游牧族的全部所需。联系日益 紧密的网络把我们和全球各地的人连接起来, 许多人在这样的驱动之下决定改变自己的工作 方式,您也将加入他们的行列。凯宾斯基正在 精心打造新的下榻方式,为宾客提供安全而有 保障的日常工作环境。

0 6 | E S S E N T I A L LY K E M P I N S K I

DIGITAL NOMADS A laptop. A mobile. A broadband connection. That's all it takes to be a digital nomad. And you’ll join many other people who have decided to change the way they work, encouraged by the increasingly connected network that links us to each other across the globe. At Kempinski, we are crafting new ways to stay with us, complete with a secure, protected working environment every day.


数字游牧族 | D I G I T A L N O M A D S

住宿,工作和玩乐—— 酒店拥抱全新生活方式 BY ANTOINE GAUVIN



















































Stay, work and play – hotels are embracing a new way of life BY ANTOINE GAUVIN

Leaving the office and home behind to broaden the mind, activate creativity and spark new ideas is such a simple idea – it’s a wonder it didn't emerge earlier. Co-working, co-living and now the ‘workcation’ are new words for the different ways of working that are springing up throughout the world. Hotels are rivalling each other to come up with fresh ideas to embrace this quiet revolution. The biggest advantage, the one that should persuade you to pack your bags, is the possibility of working while taking care of yourself. Concentrate on your business plan and then clear your mind while swimming lengths in the pool. Join a Zoom meeting then go snorkelling or relax in the spa. No need to wait for a holiday: take one whenever and wherever you like. Neither work nor leisure but both at once - it's a way to organise your life without boundaries, schedules or routines. The growth of the internet in the 1990s launched these new behaviours, but it wasn’t the only catalyst. The pioneers of this radical change were hyper-connected young millennials - a new type of couch worker who showed us how to be more creative, open-minded and productive by abandoning classic office hours and routines. They invented the ‘third place’ – a space that rolled home, office, café, meeting room, and hotel into one. The first of these ventures, now called co-working spaces, appeared in Berlin in the 90s. It was the now famous ‘c-base’ hackerspace - a home from home for Berlin's digital developers. Today, there are thought to be 40 million digital nomads around the world. These are people in professions who can operate anywhere, any time, as long as they have internet access. Companies have found it's not only possible, but also advantageous to release their talented executives into the wild. In fact, studies have shown that being away from the office environment can improve relations up and down the hierarchy (source: Harvard Business Review August 2020). So, a win-win revolution was already under way before being unexpectedly tested full-scale by the recent intermittent lockdowns and restrictions. Zoom mania was born and improvised

home offices are the new normal. It's more than a trend: it's a paradigm shift. The current situation has highlighted places that are well-suited for working in a safe, secure and particularly efficient environment: hotels of course. Gone is the traditional division between leisure stays and business seminars. Gone is the traditional business traveller. Now is the era of the ‘daycation’ and the ‘workcation’. The daycation allows you to get away without going away. It’s a 24-hour break from home and office during which you’ll be able to work in peace and luxury. Often the daycation includes an upgrade to a superior room with a large desk, special amenities, and a discount on meals and refreshments. That said, the growing trend is to stay away from home a little longer. With innovative packages that include significant reductions, workcations extend the traditional hotel stay and are a new way of fusing office and home. As well as the change of scene to stimulate your grey cells, they offer special services to help you work to the best of your ability, including a multitude of small, thoughtful touches prepared by the hotel team. In short – it’s the ideal solution! Even better, some countries are already offering new types of visa which allow professionals to work there without a permit. Recalling Berlin’s innovative role in finding new ways of working in the 90s, Germany was the first European country to create this type of permit, known as the ‘freiberufler’ visa. Thailand’s new ‘smart visa’, specifically designed for digital nomads, is also aimed at attracting new kinds of travellers. In January this year Croatia, too, introduced a special visa which allows you to stay and work there for up to 12 months without paying taxes. It’s a clever response from a small country to the acceleration of global transformation. Without doubt, we are witnessing a complete change in the way we live and work. Welcome to the digital world and Hospitality 2.0!

受到了启发? 1. 彻底换个环境,看全然不同的风景 多米尼克卡布里凯宾斯基温泉度假酒店 住下来工作 把您的居家办公室移到多米尼克,面对绝美的海景远程工作。在天堂般的多米尼克岛上,卡布里 凯宾斯基温泉度假酒店推出了30天入住套餐,为您在加勒比海岸准备了一张办公桌。这个半食 宿“住下来工作”套餐含有宽敞的行政初级套房住宿,房间内设有独立工作区,配备高速无线网 络。当然,在这家拥有奢华水疗中心的非凡度假酒店,您还可以享受到全部住客礼遇。

2. 充分利用新的数字游牧族签证 曼谷新通凯宾斯基酒店 与我们共度30天,或在此安居一整年 当您选择了长居,就可以同时享受家一般的舒适和五星级的凯宾斯基服务。您可以选择更宽敞或独 立的配有小厨房的生活空间,也可以选择让我们烹饪部分或全部餐食,无论您的需求是什么,我们 都会有求必应。酒店还为您准备了餐饮、洗衣和水疗消费的八五折优惠。

曼谷暹罗凯宾斯基酒店 住得更久,发现更多 在这里住上14天或更长的时间,让工作和休闲无缝衔接,发现曼谷的更多精彩。您还可以尊享订 房八五折优惠,畅享高速无线网络,美味早餐和免费迷你吧。另有餐饮消费七五折优惠和洗衣服务 八折优惠,让您全程舒适无忧。

克罗地亚伊斯特拉亚得里亚海凯宾斯基酒店 在亚得里亚海岸,兼得工作与休闲 这家温泉度假酒店位于克罗地亚西北部,海风拂过高尔夫球场,在这里工作也变得云淡风轻。这方 隐世天堂被风景如画的橄榄树和葡萄园所环绕,既有极致的舒适惬意,也保证了绝对隐私,帮您集 中精力,找到灵感。高尔夫球场和水疗中心还有您想要的放松。

3. 沉浸于自然和奢华之中 圣莫里茨凯宾斯基德班大酒店 从瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉中汲取灵感 想象一下,在自然美景的环绕下工作,用阿尔卑斯地区美食犒赏自己,在引人赞叹的山脉中徒步放 松,或者去奢华的水疗中心卸掉疲惫。这一切在圣莫里茨都可以实现,当您恢复了活力,充满了能 量,工作效率自然也最高。

多哈明珠Marsa Malaz 凯宾斯基酒店 宅度假也奢华 走出家门,在宏伟的多哈明珠Marsa Malaz 凯宾斯基酒店享受奢华宅度假。您可以在超级宽敞的 房间里工作,同时还能尊享这家奢华度假酒店的全部休闲设施,包括私人海滩、室外游泳池、网球 场和配备了最新器械的健身中心。 了解更多信息或预订酒店,敬请访问kempinski.com

数字游牧族 | D I G I T A L N O M A D S


Switch your home office to Dominica and work remotely with superb sea views. Cabrits

Resort & Spa Kempinski, on the heavenly island of Dominica, offers a 30-day package that allows you to work at your desk beside the Caribbean shore. Included in this half-board ‘work and stay’ package is a spacious executive junior suite with separate working area, high-speed Wi-Fi, and of course all the benefits of a fabulous resort with a luxury spa.


Join us for 30 nights or settle in for up to 12 months

Home comforts meet five-star Kempinski service when you choose a long-term stay. Whether you want a larger or separate living space with a fully equipped kitchenette and some or all of your meals prepared, we’ll cater for your needs. You'll get 15% off food and beverages, laundry, and spa treatments. SIAM KEMPINSKI HOTEL BANGKOK Stay longer, discover more

Mix work and leisure and discover so much more about Bangkok when you stay with us

for 14 days or more. You’ll save 15% on your booking which includes a premium Wi-Fi

connection, as well as breakfast and a complimentary minibar. For your ultimate comfort, there's a further 25% off food and beverages and 20% off laundry. KEMPINSKI HOTEL ADRIATIC ISTRIA, CROATIA

Mix work and leisure on the shore of the Adriatic Sea

In the north-western part of the country, the combination of sea air and golf at this spa resort will perfectly complement your working day. Surrounded by picturesque olive groves and vineyards, this secluded paradise offers the ultimate in comfort and privacy to

help you focus and find inspiration. And when you want to relax, head to the golf course or spa.


Imagine working in a beautiful natural setting, enjoying delicious Alpine cuisine, unwinding on a hike in the breathtaking mountains or relaxing in a luxurious spa. Achieve all this and be at your most productive while recharging your batteries in St Moritz. MARSA MALAZ KEMPINSKI THE PEARL, DOHA Indulge in a luxury staycation

Step beyond your door and enjoy a luxury staycation at the magnificent Marsa Malaz

Kempinski The Pearl, Doha. You'll have a super-spacious room in which to work, together with all the amenities of a luxurious resort for your leisure time, including private beach,

outdoor pools, a tennis court, and a fitness centre equipped with the very latest machines. For further information and to book your stay, visit kempinski.com


马赛马拉凯宾斯基酒店用传统舞蹈欢迎宾客。 / Guests are greeted with a traditional welcome dance at Olare Mara Kempinski Masai Mara

热门目的地 | H O T D E S T I N A T I O N S

0 7 | 旅行灵感

热门目的地 走进下文所有的热门目的地,您都能感受到 优雅和时尚——即使在遥远的马赛马拉的帐篷 下!在哈瓦那的旧日风华中,在我们选择的其 它城市中——无论它历史悠久,浪漫气息浓 厚,还是充满活力,摩登现代,优雅和时尚无 处不在。当然,在以神秘美景著称的死海,这 种感受更为强烈。荒野也好,城市也好,户外 探险等您开启。

0 7 | T R A V E L I N S P I R AT I O N S

HOT DESTINATIONS Elegance and style are qualities shared by all these Hot Destinations – even under canvas in the remote Masai Mara! You’ll find them in the old-world charm of Havana, and in the other cities we’ve chosen, whether they’re steeped in history and romance or they’re vibrant modern metropolises. And of course, elegance and style are abundant by the Dead Sea – a place of mysterious beauty. Whether you choose wilderness or city, outdoor adventures await.


柏林:一座对比鲜 明的城市 柏林阿德隆凯宾斯基酒店 这家标志性的酒店是德国首都中心地带 备受欢迎的地标。柏林是一座对比鲜明 的城市,超现代建筑与重建的展现柏林 历史面貌的巴洛克风格外墙和谐交融, 探索柏林,这里是最佳起点。漫步片刻 就可以轻松抵达博物馆岛和最近开放的 洪堡论坛:一座关于艺术、文化和科学 的新博物馆。结束探索之后,可以在美 丽的Tiergarten公园惬意放松——这方 郁郁葱葱的绿洲与勃兰登堡门和波茨坦 广场相邻。


Berlin: a city of contrasts HOTEL ADLON KEMPINSKI BERLIN

This iconic hotel is a much-loved landmark at the heart of Germany’s capital. It’s ideally placed to explore this city of contrasts where ultramodern buildings mingle harmoniously with the reconstructed baroque-style facades of historic Berlin. A short stroll will take you to Museum Island and the recently opened Humboldt Forum: Berlin’s new museum of art, culture and science. When you’ve finished exploring you can relax in beautiful Tiergarten Park – a lush green oasis bordering the Brandenburg Gate and Potsdamer Platz. kempinski.com/adlon

颠覆想象的露营 马赛马拉凯宾斯基酒店 在我们位于私家保护区的豪华帐篷营地,优雅与桀骜不驯 的野性不期而遇。12顶帐篷均配有私人露台和户外淋浴设 施,可以俯瞰河马群栖息地。坐上我们可以放置相机支架的 超现代越野车,您能发现更多野生动物,与五大动物近距离 接触。乘车游览的名额有限,让您可以尽情放松,全身心享 受难忘旅程的每一刻。



Elegance meets untamed wilderness at our luxurious tented camp in a private conservancy. Overlooking the home to a herd of hippos, each of the 12 tents has a private deck and outdoor shower. You’ll discover more wildlife, and enjoy close up encounters with the Big Five in our ultra-modern Land Cruisers which are fitted with padded camera mounts. Numbers are limited on game drives, allowing you to relax and concentrate on taking in every moment of this unforgettable experience. kempinski.com/masaimara

热门目的地 | H O T D E S T I N A T I O N S


A roof with a view



哈瓦那魅力十足,历史悠久,酒店靠近 市内大多数主要景点,地理位置无与伦 比。屋顶露台可以将哈瓦那老城的壮观 景色尽收眼底。酒店建筑本身的历史也 十分精彩——它是古巴第一个欧洲风格 的购物广场,是当地时尚人士和游客云 集的中心。哈瓦那气候温暖,是城市度 假和冬季避寒的完美目的地。

Havana is rich in charm and history, and with its unrivalled location, the hotel is close to most of the city’s main attractions. And from the rooftop terrace, the views over Old Havana are magnificent. The building has its own fascinating history - it was Cuba’s first European-style shopping arcade and a popular hub for fashionable locals and tourists. With its warm climate, Havana is the perfect destination for city breaks and winter escapes.



此地独一无二 死海伊什塔尔凯宾斯基酒店 神奇、神秘的死海位于海平面以下434米处。它富含天然矿 物质,空气纯净,海水具有疗愈作用,是世界上最大的天 然温泉。伊什塔尔凯宾斯基酒店就坐落于这片壮阔的风景之 中。酒店雅致的花园、环礁湖、瀑布和宁静的泳池与宽敞的 客房、套房和别墅相得益彰,从中可以感受到对巴比伦空中 花园的深情致意。Resense焕感水疗中心则是享受死海疗 效的最佳场所。


A place like no other K E M P I N S K I H O T E L I S H TA R , DEAD SEA JORDAN

At 434 metres below sea level, the Dead Sea is a magical, mysterious place. Its natural minerals, pure air and therapeutic waters, make it the world’s largest natural spa. And in this spectacular landscape is where you’ll find Kempinksi Hotel Ishtar. An affectionate tribute to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the graceful collection of gardens, lagoons, waterfalls, and serene pools complement the spacious rooms, suites, and villas. The Ishtar Spa by Resense, is the perfect place to enjoy the Dead Sea's healing benefits. kempinski.com/deadsea



Metropolitan calm



作为标志性的历史地标建筑,这家时尚 的酒店以优越的地理位置著称,信步可 达市内最著名的景点,是商务和休闲旅 行者的最佳选择。您可以沿着熙熙攘攘 的Sudirman街和Thamrin路漫步,也 务必不要错过高级购物商场——大印尼 购物城和印尼广场。参观雅加达国家纪 念碑的文化之旅是必不可少的行程,一 天的观光之后,酒店就是供您停靠的宁 静港湾。


An iconic, heritage landmark, this stylish hotel is renowned for its excellent location. Within walking distance of the city’s most famous sights, it is a superb choice for business and leisure travellers alike. Stroll along bustling Sudirman Street and Thamrin Road, and be sure to visit the highend shopping malls, Grand Indonesia and Plaza Indonesia. A cultural visit to the National Monument of Jakarta is a must and after a day of sight-seeing, the hotel is a haven of peace. kempinski.com/jakarta

经典的现代风情 德累斯顿塔森博格帕莱凯宾斯基酒店 酒店位于德累斯顿中心地带,辉煌的历史和现代的优雅在这 里完美结合。美丽的中庭最适合点杯饮品小憩放松,餐厅的 美食亦不会让您失望。在浪漫气息的笼罩下,全球闻名的历 史景点、博物馆、画廊和剧院在德累斯顿和谐交融。夏天是 来这里旅行的最佳季节,Elbe河畔的草地上会有露天影院 和音乐节等精彩活动,整个城市都洋溢着活力。


Classically contemporary H O T E L TA S C H E N B E R G PA L A I S KEMPINSKI DRESDEN

Located in Dresden’s centre, the hotel perfectly combines historic glory with contemporary elegance. The beautiful inner courtyard is the ideal place to relax over drinks and you’ll discover culinary excellence in its restaurants. With its romantic ambience, Dresden is a wonderful mix of world-famous historic sights, museums, galleries, and theatres. Summer is the perfect time to visit when the city comes alive with events such as the open-air cinema and concert festival in the meadows alongside the Elbe River. kempinski.com/dresden

热门目的地 | H O T D E S T I N A T I O N S


City of treasures



酒店位于俄罗斯文化之都圣彼得堡中心 地带。这是一座宝藏之城——有数以千 计被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产 的古迹,上百家博物馆、剧院和艺术画 廊。从5月到7月中旬,是著名的白夜季 节,太阳从不会完全落下,这个时间的 圣彼得堡更为迷人。不夜城活力满满, 晚间的街道人头攒动,流连于延时营业 的商家和各式庆祝活动之中。


St Petersburg is Russia’s cultural capital, and the hotel is perfectly positioned at its centre. This is a city of many treasures – there are thousands of UNESCO World Heritage listed monuments, hundreds of museums, theatres and art galleries. And throughout the famous White Nights season, from May to mid-July, during which the sun never fully sets, St Petersburg is even more enchanting. The city is alive 24/7, its streets teeming with people at night, enjoying longer opening hours and various festivities. kempinski.com/stpetersburg

往昔遇见明日 中国太原凯宾斯基饭店 酒店靠近太原市南部商业中心,是商务和休闲出行的完美选 择。不仅紧邻太原最受欢迎的购物中心,酒店也靠近山西国 际展览中心和山西体育中心。太原是现代与历史交织的城 市,从许多博物馆中能够窥得它作为山西省省会的地位和历 史。太原的寺庙各有特色,值得一看,尤其是精美而罕见的 明代双塔组合永祚寺。而充满活力的夜生活也是不容错过的 精彩。


Where yesterday meets tomorrow K E M P I N S K I H O T E L TA I Y U A N , C H I N A

Perfect for business and leisure, the hotel is close to Taiyuan’s southern commercial hub. The city’s most popular shopping centres - Shanxi International Expo Centre and Shanxi Sports Centre – are nearby. A mix of modernity and history, Taiyuan’s status and history as Shanxi province’s capital is showcased in its many museums. Don’t miss the city’s temples, including the Yogzuo Temple - a beautiful, rare set of twin pagodas dating from the Ming dynasty. And be sure to check out the vibrant nightlife. kempinski.com/taiyuan


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