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    maurizio lana

    We will look at how over time software for searching text inside texts has evolved. This type of (re)search constitutes the entry point of computers into the world of textuality in the broad sense and is responsible, in various ways, for... more
    We will look at how over time software for searching text inside texts has evolved. This type of (re)search constitutes the entry point of computers into the world of textuality in the broad sense and is responsible, in various ways, for the crisis of the traditional ways of studying texts based on the interpretive ability of the scholar, which remains implicit and is not documented at all. Si mostrerà come si sono evoluti nel corso del tempo i software per fare ricerche di testo nei testi. Tali ricerche costituiscono il 'punto di entrata' dei computer nel mondo della testualità in senso ampio. Esse in vari modi mettono in crisi le modalità tradizionali di studio del testo basate sulla capacità interpretativa - non argomentata e non documentata - dello studioso.
    <p>Geolat <span style="text-align: justify;">(Geography for Latin Literature) is a research project in its startup phase aimed at building a collaborative scholarly reading of classical Latin texts enhancing the... more
    <p>Geolat <span style="text-align: justify;">(Geography for Latin Literature) is a research project in its startup phase aimed at building a collaborative scholarly reading of classical Latin texts enhancing the reuse of their informative content. The core concept is that the texts are annotated and that the annotation in turn can be used to study the texts. The TEI conforming annotation is aimed to place-names and employs an ad hoc geographical ontology for the world-view of Classical texts. The re-use of the annotation can start from a map interface mixed with a faceted textual search allowing to ask new questions, e.g. which is the geography of Horace's </span><span style="text-align: justify;"><i>Odes</i></span><span style="text-align: justify;"> and what does it mean? Has is it any relation with the geography of other Augustan age authors? Has it any functional or ideological meaning? This basic concept can be expanded adding more ontologies for person names/roles and events/times; or also extending it to more literatures of the European area for an in-depth study of places, roles and events across times.</span><br></p>
    Attualmente sul terreno della pubblicazione degli esiti della ricerca scientifi-ca si fronteggiano l'approccio tradizionale che vuole porre tutto sotto la rigi-da protezione del diritto d'autore e l'approccio dell'accesso... more
    Attualmente sul terreno della pubblicazione degli esiti della ricerca scientifi-ca si fronteggiano l'approccio tradizionale che vuole porre tutto sotto la rigi-da protezione del diritto d'autore e l'approccio dell'accesso aperto nelle sue varie forme, tra le quali sta prendendo forza quella dell'accesso privo di qualsiasi vincolo (CCBY in ambito europeo e CC0 in ambito angloamericano). La ricerca scientifica in ambito umanistico è tradizionalmente reputata priva di valore economico e contemporaneamente tale da non suscitare interessi economici (se non nell'ambito dell'editoria). Ma la produzione di dati nel mondo digitale, tanto più se Linked Open Data, può innescare l'interesse per lo sfruttamento economico della ricerca umanistica e gli studiosi devono quindi decidere come valorizzarla, anche decidendo come renderla economi-camente produttiva. Per uscire, quando possibile, dal vicolo cieco secondo cui "la ricerca umanistica non produce valore e...
    Resume. L'analyse de correspondance textuelle sur segments repetes permet d'identifier et de distinguer clairement les classes constituees par les livres des œuvres majeures de Xenophon (AJltlbase, Cyropedie, Memorableset... more
    Resume. L'analyse de correspondance textuelle sur segments repetes permet d'identifier et de distinguer clairement les classes constituees par les livres des œuvres majeures de Xenophon (AJltlbase, Cyropedie, Memorableset Helleniques) et des Histoires de Thucydide, et eUe represente clairement leurs liens reciproques (la division du corpus de Xenophon en œuvres historiques et philosophico-didactiques, sans intervention des Histoires). Ceci demontre que cc type d'analyse permet de distinguer et d'identifier les tcxtescorrectcmcnt. Meme en travaillant sur les frequences (patterns de frequences) par l'usage de segments repetes, elle nous permet de tirer des conclusions similaires a celles des philologues, car elle tient compte du niveau semantique du texte.
    Il Web e innervato da una trama di connessioni ipertestuali che ne costituiscono la principale modalita di organizzazione del contenuto e di funzionamento: si connette cio che e simile; e cliccando sui link ci si sposta da un contenuto a... more
    Il Web e innervato da una trama di connessioni ipertestuali che ne costituiscono la principale modalita di organizzazione del contenuto e di funzionamento: si connette cio che e simile; e cliccando sui link ci si sposta da un contenuto a un altro. I Linked Open Data promettono un Web in cui esistera un numero molto maggiore di connessioni oggettive, fattuali, tra i dati ma molto piu interessanti e importanti sono le connessioni tra informazioni che (apparentemente) non hanno nulla in comune e che solo un interprete umano in forza di un'ipotesi o di un'argomentazione puo mettere in relazione.
    L’annotazione ontologica della conoscenza contenuta nelle opere latine disponibili nella biblioteca digitale digilibLT permette di aprire prospettive di ricerca del tutto nuove non solo per gli studiosi del settore ma anche per il mondo... more
    L’annotazione ontologica della conoscenza contenuta nelle opere latine disponibili nella biblioteca digitale digilibLT permette di aprire prospettive di ricerca del tutto nuove non solo per gli studiosi del settore ma anche per il mondo dell’IA in quanto l’ontologia opportunamente utilizzata esplicita in modo formalizzato la conoscenza e offre così una base affidabile a procedure di reasoning. Il modello concettuale descritto per le opere latine può essere esteso ad altre lingue e letterature.
    Geolat – Geography for Latin Literature is a research project, aimed at making accessible a digital library containing the works of Latin literature (from its origins in 240 BCE to the end of the Roman Empire in 476 CE) through a query... more
    Geolat – Geography for Latin Literature is a research project, aimed at making accessible a digital library containing the works of Latin literature (from its origins in 240 BCE to the end of the Roman Empire in 476 CE) through a query interface of geographic/cartographic type representing the geographic knowledge expressed in the Latin texts themselves. A core activity of the project has been the development of the ontology GO!, which describes the geographical knowledge contained in the texts of the library. The ontologically annotated texts will allow for a variety of scientifically relevant uses, apart from the geo-based browsing: for example the production of digital and printed critical editions. The project is under development at Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici of Universita del Piemonte Orientale, and financially supported by Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo.
    This contribution takes account of some theoretical considerations and experimental results developed by a quite heterogeneous group of scientists while studying the problem of quantitative authorship attribution (stylometry) in a... more
    This contribution takes account of some theoretical considerations and experimental results developed by a quite heterogeneous group of scientists while studying the problem of quantitative authorship attribution (stylometry) in a selection of newspaper articles written by Antonio Gramsci and his co-workers. Methodological and historical issues of stylometry are discussed, concentrating particularly on the relatively recent spread of methods based on very simple indicators with no syntactical meaning. Two methods for the recognition of authorship are then described and experimented on the Gramscian corpus, both based on a mathematical model of texts and the author/text relationship, and both using similarity distances. The first method compares the statistics for sequences of n characters (n-grams) in the texts, while the second is based on the very deep concept of entropy of a symbolic sequence and on some techniques for data compression.
    La biblioteca digitale digilibLT distribuisce liberamente sotto licenza Creative Commons le opere del latino tardo in vari formati tra cui ePUB, il formato aperto degli ebook. Cio prefigura che lo studioso possa costruire senza difficolta... more
    La biblioteca digitale digilibLT distribuisce liberamente sotto licenza Creative Commons le opere del latino tardo in vari formati tra cui ePUB, il formato aperto degli ebook. Cio prefigura che lo studioso possa costruire senza difficolta una biblioteca personale che raccoglie l'intera letteratura. Una volta che cio avvenga, l'utilizzo di programmi di gestione quali Calibre o iBook permettera di passare dalla semplice ricerca di passi ad un approccio di studio dall'orizzonte piu ampio.
    This paper presents some aspects of newspaper usage in order to carry on a research about the social psychology of protests, and particularly about the movement born in the Susa Valley (Piedmont) against the high-speed railway (TAV, treno... more
    This paper presents some aspects of newspaper usage in order to carry on a research about the social psychology of protests, and particularly about the movement born in the Susa Valley (Piedmont) against the high-speed railway (TAV, treno ad alta velocita, in Italian). The research project starts from the idea that in order to reconstruct the complexity of the research object, many information sources, such as: focus groups, interviews, and analysis of texts (newspapers), would be needed. Newspaper archives offer textual data in a non-structured form, while these same data are actually highly structured (as an archive they constitute a database). These textual materials can be studied with the usual tools (analyse des correspondances) but also can be enhanced by a complementary analysis, by means of text retrieval tools. We will show what appears from the analysis of newspaper articles about the high speed railway published from April 1st 2005 up to June 12, 2006 by the newspaper “l...
    Attualmente sul terreno della pubblicazione degli esiti della ricerca scientifi- ca si fronteggiano l’approccio tradizionale che vuole porre tutto sotto la rigi- da protezione del diritto d’autore e l’approccio dell’accesso aperto nelle... more
    Attualmente sul terreno della pubblicazione degli esiti della ricerca scientifi- ca si fronteggiano l’approccio tradizionale che vuole porre tutto sotto la rigi- da protezione del diritto d’autore e l’approccio dell’accesso aperto nelle sue varie forme, tra le quali  sta  prendendo forza quella dell’accesso privo di qualsiasi vincolo (CCBY in ambito europeo e CC0 in ambito angloamericano). La ricerca scientifica in ambito umanistico e tradizionalmente reputata priva di valore economico e contemporaneamente tale da non suscitare interessi economici (se non nell’ambito  dell’editoria). Ma la produzione di dati nel mondo digitale, tanto piu se Linked Open Data, puo innescare l’interesse per lo sfruttamento economico  della  ricerca umanistica e gli studiosi devono quindi decidere come valorizzarla, anche decidendo come renderla economi- camente produttiva.  Per  uscire,  quando possibile, dal vicolo cieco secondo cui “la ricerca umanistica non produce valore economico e quindi non meri...
    The beginnings of Digital humanities are complex to delineate but in any case connected with the use of existing libraries (in the Middle Ages or in the 19th century) or with the creation of new libraries at the end of the last century,... more
    The beginnings of Digital humanities are complex to delineate but in any case connected with the use of existing libraries (in the Middle Ages or in the 19th century) or with the creation of new libraries at the end of the last century, in the projects of the Index Thomisticus , of Computer assisted tools for Septuagint studies , of the Thesaurus linguae Graecae . The basic methodological imprint, through this multi-temporal and multi-center start, is the study of the texts around which very different disciplines even apparently (or really) distant get in touch with each other. In the international context, this imprint is questioned as it would be exclusionary with respect to a variety of subjects whose horizon ranges from cultural studies, to media studies, to the geopolitical inclusion of the South of the world. The Italian situation, also through AIUCD, the Association of informatica umanistica and digital culture, is characterized instead by the ability to recognize in constant...
    In times of Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown the physical libraries closed, just when the citizens had a bigger need of places where to access correct information. Once again, the need for the libraries to be present both in the physical... more
    In times of Covid-19 pandemic and lockdown the physical libraries closed, just when the citizens had a bigger need of places where to access correct information. Once again, the need for the libraries to be present both in the physical world and in the digital world has been highlighted. But while the presence in the physical world has been built over the centuries, the presence in the digital world needs yet to be structured in a solid way around the recognition of what information is and how libraries can play a role in connection with it. Linking this complex reflection to the epidemic period means that the already important issues are interpreted as an expression of empathy towards the reader and of being located in a specific time and space in which to operate as a transformative force.
    The public discourse about the information literacy often develops to include a good number of other literacies (computer literacy, cultural literacy, health literacy, transliteracy, digital literacy, media literacy, financial literacy,... more
    The public discourse about the information literacy often develops to include a good number of other literacies (computer literacy, cultural literacy, health literacy, transliteracy, digital literacy, media literacy, financial literacy, metaliteracy, functional literacy, civic literacy, digital civic literacy etc.). At first impression they have blurred meanings and boundaries, hence their relations are not clear. This obviously doesn’t help the creation of faceted programmes of information literacy. These literacies are instead interconnected in clearly understandable ways in a complex, delicate, and very interesting design – which is the reason why we are speaking of the dance of the literacies – which brings at the end a new and deeper awareness of what means to be a literate person today.
    In this paper we present a project regarding the possible use of multiple and interconnected OWL ontologies (GO!, HiCo, and Proles) in order to explore the semantic content of heterogeneous digital collections (a digital library, a... more
    In this paper we present a project regarding the possible use of multiple and interconnected OWL ontologies (GO!, HiCo, and Proles) in order to explore the semantic content of heterogeneous digital collections (a digital library, a full-text scholarly edition, and a relational database) in the cultural heritage domain (Geolat, Vespasiano da Bisticci Letters, and Zeri photo archive). The aim is to discover knowledge by revealing, through facets, possible latent connections – or even contradictory statements – between data, moving from person, places and dates in an event-centric dimension determined by a contextoriented perspective.
    Una biblioteca digitale, oggi, non e piu in se stessa un prodotto altamente innovativo, ma uno strumento consueto di lavoro e dunque deve per quanto possibile rispondere nel modo migliore a una molteplicita di esigenze e vincoli.... more
    Una biblioteca digitale, oggi, non e piu in se stessa un prodotto altamente innovativo, ma uno strumento consueto di lavoro e dunque deve per quanto possibile rispondere nel modo migliore a una molteplicita di esigenze e vincoli. digilibLT (digital library of late-antique latin texts; e una biblioteca digitale nata di recente con lo scopo di raccogliere tutti i testi latini pagani tardi, a completamento della raccolta dei testi latini di epoca classica pubblicata nel PHI CDROM #5.3. La biblioteca e stata progettata in risposta ad un bando della Regione Piemonte, da cui e cofinanziata, con l’intento di rispondere alle esigenze piu avvertite tra gli studiosi e i bibliotecari. I testi antichi, che sono/saranno disponibili per il download in molteplici formati, da XML-TEI a testo, PDF ed epub (oltre al ‘vecchio formato’ Beta della raccolta PHI 5.3, per  ragioni  di  compatibilita  verso  il  passato),  per  rispondere  alle  esigenze  di qualita degli studios...
    1. Near perspectives, but not too near In this latest years, I used to regard what Professor Bagnali wrote about hardware and software for the classicist (Bagnali 1985) as a relevant re ference work, although it is no longer up to date... more
    1. Near perspectives, but not too near In this latest years, I used to regard what Professor Bagnali wrote about hardware and software for the classicist (Bagnali 1985) as a relevant re ference work, although it is no longer up to date after the technical de velopments in the fields of CPU, of mass storage, of recording media. According to Bagnali, the ideal - so to say - personal workstation for anyone who wanted to carry out on his own a philological research was Ibycus computer, which was developed by professor T. Brunner from the University of California at Irvine and by D. Packard. Nowadays, our perspectives have partially changed, although I am quite sure that Ibycus is still an unsurpassed machine in the specific fields where it can best be exploited (that is in the lexical researches on the Greek texts included in TLG - Thesaurus Linguae Graccac - CDROM). Today, in fact, we can build a workstation which has similar (and not exactly alike) po tentialities to those of Ibycus b...
    This contribution takes account of some theoretical considerations and experimental results developed by a quite heterogeneous group of scientists while studying the problem of quantitative authorship attribution (stylometry) in a... more
    This contribution takes account of some theoretical considerations and experimental results developed by a quite heterogeneous group of scientists while studying the problem of quantitative authorship attribution (stylometry) in a selection of newspaper articles written ...
    This contribution takes account of some theoretical considerations and experimental results developed by a quite heterogeneous group of scientists while studying the problem of quantitative authorship attribution (stylometry) in a... more
    This contribution takes account of some theoretical considerations and experimental results developed by a quite heterogeneous group of scientists while studying the problem of quantitative authorship attribution (stylometry) in a selection of newspaper articles written ...

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