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    berta garcia-orosa

    The influence of algorithms on society is increasing due to their growing presence in all areas of daily life. Although we are not always aware of it, they sometimes usurp the identity of other social actors. The main purpose of this... more
    The influence of algorithms on society is increasing due to their growing presence in all areas of daily life. Although we are not always aware of it, they sometimes usurp the identity of other social actors. The main purpose of this article is to address the meta-research on the field of artificial intelligence and communication from a holistic perspective that allows us to analyze the state of academic research, as well as the possible effects on these areas and on the democratic system. To this end, we carried out a systematized review of recent literature using quantitative and qualitative approaches. The subject analyzed is changing and novel: it includes the impact and interaction of algorithms, bots, automated processes, and artificial intelligence mechanisms in journalism and communication, as well as their effects on democracy. The results show expanding scientific production, mostly in English, based on theoretical discussion or focused on the perception of communication p...
    This article provides an exhaustive analysis of the emerging digital political communication strategies in a seldom-studied area: the Portuguese-speaking world. Through a literature review and content analysis, 25 political parties from... more
    This article provides an exhaustive analysis of the emerging digital political communication strategies in a seldom-studied area: the Portuguese-speaking world. Through a literature review and content analysis, 25 political parties from five countries and three different continents are studied. The results confirm emerging trends common to other recently analyzed places, such as innovation in digital storytelling, platformization and the trend towards engagement as communicative interaction. However, there are new trends toward instant messaging, podcasting, audience segmentation and engagement linked to the fight against fake news.
    The digital narratives employed by political parties in Spain, France, Portugal, and the United States are analyzed with particular attention paid to transmedia. We perform a content analysis of the parties’ webpages and online platforms,... more
    The digital narratives employed by political parties in Spain, France, Portugal, and the United States are analyzed with particular attention paid to transmedia. We perform a content analysis of the parties’ webpages and online platforms, and the messages referenced therein, and survey the organizations’ online communication directors. The results show that, instead of adapting messages to specific platforms, political parties tend to disseminate overlapping content, publish the same messages on multiple platforms, and underutilize mobile strategies in political communication. The data show Spanish political parties to be at the forefront of innovation in narratives, as seen in their search for narratives created by non-partisan citizens and their commitment to innovation in transmedia and 360º video narratives
    El uso académico de las redes sociales en el entorno universitario: nuevas herramientas docentes en el EEES Palabras clave: redes sociales, docencia, Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, autoaprendizaje. Resumen: En los últimos años han... more
    El uso académico de las redes sociales en el entorno universitario: nuevas herramientas docentes en el EEES Palabras clave: redes sociales, docencia, Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, autoaprendizaje. Resumen: En los últimos años han aparecido nuevas herramientas de comunicación a través de la "Web 2.0", donde destacan aspectos tan importantes como la participación y la bidireccionalidad. Entre estas herramientas se encuentran las redes sociales que, junto al uso meramente social, ofrecen múltiples posibilidades al mundo académico y educativo. Las redes sociales posibilitan el intercambio de información, documentación, vídeos, fotos, la creación de grupos de personas interesadas en algún tema común para trabajar de forma colaborativa..., en definitiva, hacen posible el intercambio de conocimiento. Se trata, por tanto, de una importante herramienta a tener en cuenta en el nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), donde las nuevas metodologías educativas prima...
    Cómo citar el artículo Número completo Más información del artículo Página de la revista en Sistema de Información Científica Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal Proyecto académico sin... more
    Cómo citar el artículo Número completo Más información del artículo Página de la revista en Sistema de Información Científica Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
    La renovación de los perfiles periodís­ticos representa uno de los principales desafíos profesionales y formativos en las próximas décadas. Mientras los me­dios de comunicación asumen los nue­vos roles en un proceso cambiante de “ensayo y... more
    La renovación de los perfiles periodís­ticos representa uno de los principales desafíos profesionales y formativos en las próximas décadas. Mientras los me­dios de comunicación asumen los nue­vos roles en un proceso cambiante de “ensayo y error”, la universidad investi­ga esas adaptaciones para trasladarlas, progresivamente, a su oferta en el aula. Este artículo se centra en la perspectiva investigadora y formativa con el obje­tivo de conocer cuáles son los perfiles periodísticos emergentes más reconoci­dos en el ámbito académico. Para ello se recurre a una doble metodología me­diante una revisión bibliométrica sobre 44 revistas (2000-2017) —que permite conocer qué perfiles son los más investi­gados y reconocidos— junto a un aná­lisis de contenido de la oferta de perfiles de 39 Grados en Periodismo en España señalados como “salidas laborales”. Los resultados reflejan que predominan las investigaciones en torno a tres perfiles —periodista multimedia-multitarea, community manager y pe...
    This article reflects on the conceptualization and the salient features of the ecology of e-democracy. The authors identify four distinct waves marked by technological innovations and studied under the control–participation dichotomy. In... more
    This article reflects on the conceptualization and the salient features of the ecology of e-democracy. The authors identify four distinct waves marked by technological innovations and studied under the control–participation dichotomy. In the first wave, during the 1990s, political actors begin to establish their online presence but without any other notable changes in communication. The second wave takes place from 2004 to 2008 and features the consolidation of social networks and the increasing commodification of audience engagement. The third wave begins to take shape during Obama’s 2008 election campaign, which featured micro-segmentation and the use of big data. The fourth wave, starting in 2016 with the Brexit campaign and the Cambridge Analytica scandal, has been defined by the front and center use of Artificial Intelligence. Some recent phenomena that challenge or buttress the make-up of critical public opinion are the following: a) digital platforms as political actors; b) t...
    The main objective is the comparative analysis of the engagement strategies in the AlJazeera channels in Arabic and English. Methodological triangulation is used through bibliographic review, content analysis, 45 in-depth interviews and... more
    The main objective is the comparative analysis of the engagement strategies in the AlJazeera channels in Arabic and English. Methodological triangulation is used through bibliographic review, content analysis, 45 in-depth interviews and non-participant observation. The policies carried out with two important points are studied in 2016 with the conformation of the engagement strategy and in 2018 with the restructuring of the television teams. Engagement is no longer just a marketing strategy to turn the audience into a fundamental actor in content production. Platformization and the search for a comprehensive and international strategy emerge as challenges for the coming years
    Political bots, through astroturfing and other strategies, have become important players in recent elections in several countries. This study aims to provide researchers and the citizenry with the necessary knowledge to design strategies... more
    Political bots, through astroturfing and other strategies, have become important players in recent elections in several countries. This study aims to provide researchers and the citizenry with the necessary knowledge to design strategies to identify bots and counteract what international organizations have deemed bots’ harmful effects on democracy and, simultaneously, improve automatic detection of them. This study is based on two innovative methodological approaches: (1) dealing with bots using hybrid intelligence (HI), a multidisciplinary perspective that combines artificial intelligence (AI), natural language processing, political science, and communication science, and (2) applying framing theory to political bots. This paper contributes to the literature in the field by (a) applying framing to the analysis of political bots, (b) defining characteristics to identify signs of automation in Spanish, (c) building a Spanish-language bot database, (d) developing a specific classifier...
    The article analyses 360° video production in international humanitarian aid nonprofit organizations from 2015 to 2019 as 360° video storytelling is one of the latest innovations in organizational digital communication. Through a content... more
    The article analyses 360° video production in international humanitarian aid nonprofit organizations from 2015 to 2019 as 360° video storytelling is one of the latest innovations in organizational digital communication. Through a content analysis and interviews, a specific use of the 360° video format for particular issues or campaigns in order to bring a distant reality to the organization’s audience has been detected. Thus, putting the users in the shoes of “the other” seems to be the objective pursued. NGOs may soon begin to understand long-term interactivity and engagement not just as action and reaction between organization and receiver (almost non-existent to date), but above all as the receiver’s behaviour, which they may strive to orient towards one of the organization’s end goals, depending on the communication strategy set by the organization’s director. With this objective, common to entities from other sectors, they could be moving towards an innovative conceptualization...
    This article reflects on the conceptualisation and practise of journalism in European digital native media. The way news is produced and consumed in the digital era knocks down the boundaries that once divided professionals, citizens, and... more
    This article reflects on the conceptualisation and practise of journalism in European digital native media. The way news is produced and consumed in the digital era knocks down the boundaries that once divided professionals, citizens, and activists. At the same time, significant changes highlighted in recent studies call for a new theoretical and practical approach that goes beyond the dominant perspective of technological determinism. In relation with previous research, we have selected innovative digital media platforms (De Correspondent,,, IlPost, Mediapart, and Observador), and we have analysed the types of journalism they set out to produce, as gleaned from their public-facing communications and interviews with the platforms’ founders and editors, comparing their stated goals with the journalism they produce and, lastly, we commented on changes in journalism. Digital native media explore renewed fields for journalism. The present analysis allows identifyi...
    El objetivo principal de la investigación es el análisis de los estereotipos de género como nuevo valor noticia en los diarios digitales The Times, El País, Le Monde, Diario de Noticias y Corriere della Sera. La metodología utilizada fue... more
    El objetivo principal de la investigación es el análisis de los estereotipos de género como nuevo valor noticia en los diarios digitales The Times, El País, Le Monde, Diario de Noticias y Corriere della Sera. La metodología utilizada fue el análisis de contenido de 1688 noticias publicadas entre el 1 de mayo del 2013 y el 1 de mayo del 2014. Los resultados indican que perviven los estereotipos tradicionales de las mujeres especialmente en el caso de El País, El Corriere della Sera y el Jornal de Noticias. Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo aparecen los que denominamos “contraestereotipos” como un nuevo valor noticia caracterizados por presentar a la mujer con valores positivos opuestos a los estereotipos tradicionales especialmente en The Times y Le Monde.
    Introduction: Innovation has not only modified routines and professional profiles, but also raises questions about public legitimacy and the institutional character of journalism as a political actor with the emergence of new actors, such... more
    Introduction: Innovation has not only modified routines and professional profiles, but also raises questions about public legitimacy and the institutional character of journalism as a political actor with the emergence of new actors, such as digital platforms and their algorithms, and the reconfiguration of the communicative space. This article aims to present the foundations of the relationship between journalism and politics today, along with future trends. Methodology: It does so through a study developed in February 2020–February 2021 in Spain based on methodological triangulation that includes, in addition to the literature review, a survey of journalists, a survey of citizens and a panel of experts with researchers in the area. Discussion: The results confirm journalists as a filter between society and politics, although the citizens are critical. Conclusions: Some dangerous trends for democracy are revealed: the choice of media agenda items in political parties, low audience ...
    This study sought to investigate access services that are presented to visually impaired users in academic libraries. There is a clear lack of digital resources and assistive technology in serving disabled/blind users in both libraries.... more
    This study sought to investigate access services that are presented to visually impaired users in academic libraries. There is a clear lack of digital resources and assistive technology in serving disabled/blind users in both libraries. Based on Mann-Whitney U-test results and p-value, there were similarities in website and databases accessibility and significant differences in providing some types of digital materials to visually impaired users. It is recommended that libraries have to continually adapt to the constantly turning cycles of technology in terms of major technology trends such as open-source software, mobile technology, and voice-activated technology. The world needs to see libraries deploying the latest phase of change because users increasingly engaged with services through voice-activated technologies like Alexa, Google Home, Cortana, etc. in addition to the current larger-scale technology that is essentially relevant to the libraries, like integrated library system...
    This study sought to investigate information discovery and scholar networking as modes of scholarly communication across researchers in the Arab region. An online survey was distributed in December 2020 using the Google form. The... more
    This study sought to investigate information discovery and scholar networking as modes of scholarly communication across researchers in the Arab region. An online survey was distributed in December 2020 using the Google form. The questionnaire also includes the following elements: (a) what are the researchers' purposes of using electronic resources; (b) how do researchers look for and access scholarly material and (c) what methods of networking are mostly used for scholar connection. The findings revealed no significant differences across the groups, even when it comes to gender and respondents' discipline, it is clear that ResearchGate is the most popular among them all. Researchers holding degrees in Humanities and educational sciences like to use research platforms (M=4.37) more than social media (M=3.87). Moreover, the popularity of using Google Scholar and Google in scholarly field are confirmed in line with previous evidences. There are highly significant differences across researchers regarding their behaviours in accessing scholarly material. Results suggest that respondents don't consider researcher platforms like ResearchGate & as social media. It might be explained by the fact that research platforms like ResearchGate and are organized and designed for research purposes in a way that Facebook, Twitter and Instgram are not.
    Resumo O artigo presenta os resultados dunha investigación realizada durante os últimos anos sobre as políticas de desenvolvemento da Sociedade da Información implementadas en Galicia dende finais da pasada década. A pesquisa foi... more
    Resumo O artigo presenta os resultados dunha investigación realizada durante os últimos anos sobre as políticas de desenvolvemento da Sociedade da Información implementadas en Galicia dende finais da pasada década. A pesquisa foi realizada dentro do grupo ...
    Doctora en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela; Licenciada en Ciencias de la Información y Licenciada en Ciencias Política y de la Administración. Actualmente es profe-sora de la Facultad de Ciencias... more
    Doctora en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela; Licenciada en Ciencias de la Información y Licenciada en Ciencias Política y de la Administración. Actualmente es profe-sora de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación de la USC. Fruto de su ...
    Localización: I+ C Investigar a comunicación [Recurso electrónico]: Invetigar la comunicación= Invetigar la comunicació= Komunikazio-Ikerketa: Actas y memoria final: Congreso Internacional Fundacional AE-IC, Santiago de Compostela, 30, 31... more
    Localización: I+ C Investigar a comunicación [Recurso electrónico]: Invetigar la comunicación= Invetigar la comunicació= Komunikazio-Ikerketa: Actas y memoria final: Congreso Internacional Fundacional AE-IC, Santiago de Compostela, 30, 31 de enero y 1 ...
    ... La Sociedad de la Información en Galicia Autores: Berta García Orosa, Xosé R. Pousa Estévez, Xosé López García. Indice ... interacción facilitando la descarga de impresos y formularios lo que corresponde al segundo nivel del modelo... more
    ... La Sociedad de la Información en Galicia Autores: Berta García Orosa, Xosé R. Pousa Estévez, Xosé López García. Indice ... interacción facilitando la descarga de impresos y formularios lo que corresponde al segundo nivel del modelo descrito anteriormente. ...
    ... bitácoras y usan de una forma intensiva Internet: interesados por las nuevas tecnologías, ávidos ... Una estrategia comunicativa inteligente pasa por conocer ese conjunto de información más o menos ... No se puede acudir, al menos no... more
    ... bitácoras y usan de una forma intensiva Internet: interesados por las nuevas tecnologías, ávidos ... Una estrategia comunicativa inteligente pasa por conocer ese conjunto de información más o menos ... No se puede acudir, al menos no es lo óptimo, a estrategias de información ...
    This study sought to investigate access services that are presented to visually impaired users in academic libraries. There is a clear lack of digital resources and assistive technology in serving disabled/blind users in both libraries.... more
    This study sought to investigate access services that are presented to visually impaired users in academic libraries. There is a clear lack of digital resources and assistive technology in serving disabled/blind users in both libraries. Based on Mann-Whitney U-test results and p-value, there were similarities in website and databases accessibility and significant differences in providing some types of digital materials to visually impaired users. It is recommended that libraries have to continually adapt to the constantly turning cycles of technology in terms of major technology trends such as open-source software, mobile technology, and voice-activated technology. The world needs to see libraries deploying the latest phase of change because users increasingly engaged with services through voice-activated technologies like Alexa, Google Home, Cortana, etc. in addition to the current larger-scale technology that is essentially relevant to the libraries, like integrated library systems (ILS), library services platforms (LSP), customers discovery services (CDS), and e-book lending technologies.
    Este artículo aborda las transformaciones que experimenta el periodismo en la Sociedad Red, al hilo de los cambios en los procesos de producción y distribución de contenidos. Analizamos las nuevas relaciones entre los periodistas... more
    Este artículo aborda las transformaciones que experimenta el periodismo en la Sociedad Red, al hilo de los cambios en los procesos de producción y distribución de contenidos. Analizamos las nuevas relaciones entre los periodistas profesionales y los usuarios activos, que cobran creciente protagonismo; y examinamos cómo las audiencias toman la palabra y ejercen un activismo social que pretende fiscalizar a los poderes públicos y plantear alternativas a los medios tradicionales. En este contexto, apuntamos diez propuestas que plasman los aspectos más disruptivos del periodismo en este complejo ecosistema mediático.
    ... escasos recursos o dimensiones carecían de ellos. Page 13. Desde el punto de vista de la reorganización, consolidar su rol como gestores de información. No creemos en la posibilidad de acceso único y directo del ciudadano ...
    ... Este contexto potenció la búsqueda de un receptor "ideal", único e idéntico en todo el planeta. ... En palabras del sociólogo Manuel Castells (1), la información se convierte en la actividad central que condiciona la... more
    ... Este contexto potenció la búsqueda de un receptor "ideal", único e idéntico en todo el planeta. ... En palabras del sociólogo Manuel Castells (1), la información se convierte en la actividad central que condiciona la efectividad de todos los procesos de producción, distribución ...
    Información del artículo Los grupos de comunicación en el ámbito audiovisual. El periodismo de servicio.
    En esta comunicación se propone la importancia de la educación sobre los medios de comunicación no sólo en las claves para que el alumno interprete el discurso–medios impresos, Elec. trónicos, audiovisuales-dentro de las pautas que nos... more
    En esta comunicación se propone la importancia de la educación sobre los medios de comunicación no sólo en las claves para que el alumno interprete el discurso–medios impresos, Elec. trónicos, audiovisuales-dentro de las pautas que nos ofrece el propio ...
    ... de las funciones de comunicación (gabi-nete de prensa, de publicidad, de relaciones públicas). ... se realizó un estudio en una comunidad autónoma, en este caso, Galicia. ... analizadas: altas instituciones del Estado, el gobierno y... more
    ... de las funciones de comunicación (gabi-nete de prensa, de publicidad, de relaciones públicas). ... se realizó un estudio en una comunidad autónoma, en este caso, Galicia. ... analizadas: altas instituciones del Estado, el gobierno y las administraciones públicas, las comunidades ...
    Resumen: La entrada de las entidades del Tercer Sector en la práctica de la comunicación organizacional hace necesaria la redefinición de la misma. Es necesaria la teorización sobre esta nueva categoría de gabinetes de comunicación.
    ... Entrevista ó valedor do pobo, D. José Ramón Vázquez. Autores: Berta García Orosa; Localización: Revista galega de ciencias sociais, ISSN 1695-6427, Nº. 2, 2003 , págs. 123-127. Fundación Dialnet. Acceso de usuarios registrados. ...

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