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The paper describes a new challenge for university teachers. The theory of ‘attention deficit’ was first used by Simon (1971) to describe the emergence of new challenges in an information-rich world. We use this theory to describe the... more
In the last decade, a population of over 3.5 million refugees, largely fleeing war in Syria, has settled in Turkey. This segment of society is often mischaracterized in mainstream media, their voices and perspectives are not heard, and... more
Apresentado no Mídia Cidadã 2013 - Curitiba - PR
Radio is an old medium that seems to struggle to renew itself. With the switchover from analogue to digital and the necessity to keep up with consumer demand and expectations, radio has been regularly deemed to be obsolete. Radio as a... more
Work of the Creative Citizens project, which I worked on, has been recognised in Cardiff University's Centre for Community Journalism annual review, where they, in turn, "work with communities in Wales and beyond to support the... more
This essay posits American journalism as a particular realm of public knowledge production, inflected with its own professional practices as well as the way in which those practices subjugate technologies of representation. Taking the... more
Brazil Beginning in June 2013, Brazil was struck by a series of explosive, chaotic, and oft-violent protests. Rallying around the slogan " A Gigante Accordou " (" The Giant Has Awakened "), these protests were the largest displays of... more
What might be called the “benevolent billionaire model” for supporting journalism begs the obvious point that not all billionaires are benevolent.
This is a governmental report (SOU 2015:94) from the Media Inquiry (Medieutredningen). The Media inquiry involved Anette Novak, Göran Blomberg, Sookia Carlsson, Lukasz Lindell, Martina Wagner and Oscar Westlund The book has mainly been... more
El tramado social en Perú se ha ido construyendo a través de constantes corrientes migratorias que ha llevado a los grupos rurales buscar mejores condiciones de vida (educación, salud y trabajo), generando una gran aglutinación en la... more
The challenges and constraints to visibility in a perpetual state of emergency are what underwrite and impel the content and form of – door open – (2019), a three-channel film installation by ZouZou Group. This collective is formed of two... more
As user-generated content (UGC) and citizen-driven forms of journalism have risen to prominence alongside professional media production, they have presented a challenge to traditional journalistic values and processes. This study examines... more
What's preventing us from improving our communications environment? Can community and news organizations do a better job of communicating? Can new information technologies help shape a system that meets citizens' needs for good... more
On October 3, 2008, a post on CNN’s iReport, a citizen journalism social network website, reported that Steve Jobs suffered a massive heart attack, spurring a decline in Apple’s stock. The story’s falsehood was quickly discovered, and the... more
Twitter is a social news service in which information is selected and distributed by individual members of the tweet audience. While communication literature has studied traditional news media and the propagation of information, to our... more
The Syrian revolution has brought about the creation of a pop-up news ecology, an entirely new, oppositional news system fueled by citizen activists’ use of social media to report on the conflict. Drawing on Castell’s Network Society,... more
This course invites students to develop a crossmedia mode of thinking about storytelling in a converged media environment. Students will learn the basics of researching, organizing and telling stories effectively across multiple media... more
Hadi al Abdullah is one of the most famous citizen journalists and activists in the Syrian Uprising. His Facebook page has more than 74,000 followers “like”. He is also known for his endless efforts to help the wounded victims and the... more
This essay assesses how the intersection of blogging and journalism is changing the nature of news. An economic concept, the informal or black market economy, is introduced as a metaphor for understanding the ways in which blogs are... more
Fiji’s media landscape has been challenged by the consequences of Fiji’s own political struggles (Pareti, 2009; Perrottet & Robie, 2011; Singh, 2010a; S. B. Singh, 2018). While scholars and policy analysts have pointed out the nuances of... more
Citizen journalism is emerging as a powerful phenomenon across Africa. The rise of digitally-networked technologies such as the Internet and mobile phones is reshaping reporting across the continent. This change is technological – with... more
This chapter explores the past, assesses the present and delineates the future of a media practice approach to citizen media. The first section provides an extensive overview of the different currents in research on media practices,... more
Arguably the best media coverage of the student strike in Montreal is coming from an unexpected source – CUTV, or what is now called Community-University TV (formerly Concordia University TV). Live streaming nearly every protest,... more
Last November, a YouTube video portraying a young boy rescuing an even younger girl from what seemed to be a hail of bullets went viral and hit the headlines. The video, titled “SYRIA! SYRIAN HERO BOY rescue girl in shootout,”... more
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
The purpose of the study is to compare the available regional open data resources and regional projects by using them. Based on existing researches of the open data situation in Russia, it is concluded that, despite the current problems... more
With the increase in citizen-generated news, the need to understand how individual predispositions interact with news sources to influence perceptions of news credibility becomes increasingly important. Using a web-based experiment, this... more
Internet has emerged as a communication tool by the 20 th century. It has fast become widespread and spread into all areas of life. Thanks to the developments appeared with internet, content such as audio, moving images, text and... more
This paper looks at how citizen journalism is shifting the power from traditional media and its influence on the general public. This paper also particularly focuses on the Occupy Wall Street movement, which incidentally sparked similar... more
In the world of technology-mediated communication (TMC), the involvement of audiences with media texts takes very diverse forms. The participation is shaped by multiple factors ranging from the genre of the media text (e.g., the news... more
Neste artigo buscamos responder o que é, afinal, Jornalismo de Guerrilha. Empreendemos uma revisão de literatura evidenciando definições e dimensões ao mesmo tempo complementares e contraditórias para tal noção. Colocamos à prova nossa... more
This is the opening chapter for the book, Young People & the Future of News: Social Media and the Rise of Connective Journalism, which is under contract to be published with Cambridge University Press. The book is currently with the... more
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
La digitalización de la sociedad ha provocado el surgimiento de las narrativas transmedia, una nueva forma de contar historias a través de múltiples plataformas. El presente artículo profundiza en este concepto aplicado a un caso... more
SAAT artikel ini disusun, publik Amerika Serikat (AS) dan dunia dikejutkan dengan kemenangan Donald Trump kandidat presiden dari Partai Republik atas kursi kepresidenan AS . Tak hanya warga AS, banyak pimpinan dari berbagai negara... more
In this study, the researchers discuss the current state of Citizen Journalism in the Philippines, how it utilizes the advent of new technologies, particularly the Internet, for its practice, and its potential of becoming a “fifth estate”... more