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    Manuela Ribeiro Sanches

    Edward W. Said – celebrado ou vilipendiado como um dos “pais fundadores” do campo disciplinar que viria a ser designado de estudos pós-coloniais – sempre recusou rótulos, fiel ao elemento crítico que, segundo ele, deveria assistir a toda... more
    Edward W. Said – celebrado ou vilipendiado como um dos “pais fundadores” do campo disciplinar que viria a ser designado de estudos pós-coloniais – sempre recusou rótulos, fiel ao elemento crítico que, segundo ele, deveria assistir a toda a prática intelectual que nunca deveria estar desligada do mundo. A sua (in)tempestividade, patente no modo como esse seu estar-no-mundo não equivalia a um estugar do passo pelas mais recentes modas intelectuais, nomeadamente a sua insistência na leitura de autores heterodoxos, estranhos aos novos cânones descolonizadores, ecoa em particular nos seus últimos escritos, ao mesmo tempo em que se mantém apegado a um humanismo crítico. Como pensar as relações e as disjunções entre o mundo, o global e o planetário (Chakrabarty), considerando a (in)tempestividade do humanismo crítico de Said na era do Antropoceno?
    UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020Propõe-se uma abordagem a Provincializing Europe, a partir da prática da tradução, conceito também central na referida obra, para se assinalar o modo com essa prática e esse conceito podem constituir um... more
    UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020Propõe-se uma abordagem a Provincializing Europe, a partir da prática da tradução, conceito também central na referida obra, para se assinalar o modo com essa prática e esse conceito podem constituir um ponto de partida para uma leitura empática das “ambiguidades” que atravessam o texto, salientando-se o modo como este oscila e dialoga com tanto com os universais, herdados do legado iluminista, como com a particularidade dos mundos locais, ambos transfigurados, enriquecidos, por essa justaposição. Num segundo momento, ensaiam-se algumas breves notas contrapontísticas, com base seja na correspondência entre Chakrabarty e Amitav Ghosh, seja em algumas reflexões propostas por Siegfried Kracauer em History. The Last Things before the Last.publishersversionpublishe
    Available from Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Servico de Informacao e Documentacao, Av. D. Carlos I, 126, 1200 Lisboa / FCT - Fundação para o Ciência e a TecnologiaSIGLEPTPortuga
    O texto parte de uma narrativa familiar, eurocentrica, acerca da apropriacao da ‘cultura’ e da arte ‘primitiva’ africana no contexto do modernismo europeu, para indagar o modo como esta apropriacao e os conceitos em que se fundou foram... more
    O texto parte de uma narrativa familiar, eurocentrica, acerca da apropriacao da ‘cultura’ e da arte ‘primitiva’ africana no contexto do modernismo europeu, para indagar o modo como esta apropriacao e os conceitos em que se fundou foram legitimados atraves de dispositivos discursivos que uma perspectiva pos-colonial tem vindo a questionar. Associando a deslocacao que um tal abordagem introduz em conceitos como os de ‘progresso’, modernidade, e ‘Ocidente’, aborda-se ainda a relevância destes questionamentos para questoes de migracao, identidade e pertenca na Europa pos-colonial, recorrendo-se, para o efeito, ao trabalho de artistas contemporâneos que desestabilizam as distincoes claras entre a Europa e os seus ‘outros’, ao mesmo tempo que desafiam abordagens ainda predominantes ao passado colonial.
    The essay proposes an approach to Provincializing Europe, drawing on the practice of translation, a central concept in the mentioned volume, so as to emphasise the way in which this practice and concept may offer a productive departing... more
    The essay proposes an approach to Provincializing Europe, drawing on the practice of translation, a central concept in the mentioned volume, so as to emphasise the way in which this practice and concept may offer a productive departing point for an empathic reading of the “ambiguities” that characterise the text, namely the way in which it oscillates and dialogues both with Enlightenment universals and the particularities of local worlds, that are thereby transfigured, enriched, by means of this juxtaposition. In a second moment, some brief contrapuntal notes are rehearsed, drawing on the correspondence between Amitav Ghosh and Chakrabarty on Provincializing Europe, as well as some reflections by Kracauer in History. The Last Things before the Last.
    The paper deals with the representation of otherness in 18th Century Germany. Departing from an episode narrated in Georg Forster’s account of James Cook’s second voyage around the world, attention is paid to the way in which an uncanny... more
    The paper deals with the representation of otherness in 18th Century Germany. Departing from an episode narrated in Georg Forster’s account of James Cook’s second voyage around the world, attention is paid to the way in which an uncanny experience for Europeans - eating dog food - is narrated, and translated according to European discursive premises. The analysis of Forster’s considerations on the relativity of customs, on what is to be attributed to nature or culture, on what is to be considered innate or acquired provide the departing point for the reconstruction (and questioning) of strategies of representing of otherness. In the following parts, diverse ways of representing otherness are briefly analyzed (anatomical studies, collections of bodies and artifacts in natural history cabinets) and emphasis is put on the way in which non-European peoples are always ultimately the object of a process of reification. The scientific implications of Contemporary debates on race are also t...
    Cosmopolitanism has been invoked to stress the potential advantages of thinking beyond the nation with regard to human rights, diasporic or intellectual affinities, as well as other forms of affiliation. However, nationalism does not have... more
    Cosmopolitanism has been invoked to stress the potential advantages of thinking beyond the nation with regard to human rights, diasporic or intellectual affinities, as well as other forms of affiliation. However, nationalism does not have to amount to a mere manifestation of ethnic or xenophobic closure, and it may foreground an effective cosmopolitanism that ensures social rights on a local and a transnational level. The author considers not only the European nationalist tradition but also the ways in which it was appropriated and redefined in non-European places as a condition of the possibility for more effective transnational, cosmopolitan alliances.
    Note portant sur l’auteur « The unity is submarine. » « Des racines sousmarines : c’estadire derivees,non implantees d’un seul mât dans un seul limon,mais prolongees dans tous les sens de notre universpar leur reseau de branches. Nous... more
    Note portant sur l’auteur « The unity is submarine. » « Des racines sousmarines : c’estadire derivees,non implantees d’un seul mât dans un seul limon,mais prolongees dans tous les sens de notre universpar leur reseau de branches. Nous vivons la, nous avons la chance de vivrecette relativisation qui est participante,cette conjonction qui eloigne ’uniformite. » The Black Atlantic comme defi Pourquoi, en quoi, The Black Atlantic est-il pertinent pour les contextes portugais et europeen ? S’agit-...
    Ce livre est le resultat d'un colloque qui s'est tenu en presence de Paul Gilroy le 1er juin 2007 a l'Institut de l'Amerique Latine et qui reunit quinze etudes, dont la plupart ont ete menees par une nouvelle generation de... more
    Ce livre est le resultat d'un colloque qui s'est tenu en presence de Paul Gilroy le 1er juin 2007 a l'Institut de l'Amerique Latine et qui reunit quinze etudes, dont la plupart ont ete menees par une nouvelle generation de chercheurs et d'enseignants des sciences sociales, qu'ils soient europeens, africains ou latino-americains. Le livre est preface par Pap N'Diaye, qui insiste sur l'importance de la diaspora africaine en Europe. Il comporte trois parties : la premiere aborde cet espace nomme par Gilroy " l'Atlantique noir ", du XVI au XXIe siecle ; les diasporas noires sont traitees dans la deuxieme partie ; enfin, la troisieme partie reprend egalement un theme cher a Paul Gilroy, celui de la melancolie post-coloniale. La question posee au depart est celle de l'utilisation ou de l'extension du modele du " Black Atlantic " dans d'autres aires geographiques que les Etats-Unis et le monde anglo-saxon. Car ce modele, concu dans le cadre des relations entre l'Angleterre, l'Afrique et les Etats-Unis, est-il applicable a tous les pays latino-americains et a la Caraibe?
    This essay engages in a contrapuntal reading of John Akomfrah’s Testament (1988) and Werner Herzog’s Cobra Verde (1987), considering their respective strategies of dealing with issues of memory and identity. This way of reading the two... more
    This essay engages in a contrapuntal reading of John Akomfrah’s Testament (1988) and Werner Herzog’s Cobra Verde (1987), considering their respective strategies of dealing with issues of memory and identity. This way of reading the two filmmakers’ works reveals unexpected angles of both films through juxtapositions that may illuminate in a new way the objects of comparison—not in their absolute irreducibility or un-translatability but rather in their most resonant moments. In particular, I explore how Akomfrah’s film, in contrast to Herzog’s historical fiction, addresses the memories of individuals and the traces left unacknowledged in their lived experiences.
    Representations of Africa tend to reproduce old stereotypes, adapted to recent trends but ultimately reproducing, even in postcolonial times, a largely negative and monolithic image of a diverse continent. The same can be said of cinema.... more
    Representations of Africa tend to reproduce old stereotypes, adapted to recent trends but ultimately reproducing, even in postcolonial times, a largely negative and monolithic image of a diverse continent. The same can be said of cinema. A more or less consensual approach to “African cinema” associates it with exoticism, making it into a genre easily recognized by Western audiences. It is this idea of a backward, monolithic Africa that the curators of African Screens, Manthia Diawara and Lydie Diakhaté, intended to challenge. The provocative gesture can be found in the choice of the film screened at the inaugural session, Les saignantes, by Jean-Pierre Bekolo. The same applies to Juju Factory, by Balufu Bakupa Kanyinda. Both films question ideas of “authentic” representations of “Africanness,” introducing a complex cinematic language that shows how contemporary African film not only is diverse in its tendencies but also relates in diverse ways to different trans/national traditions...
    ... Cover designer: Holly Rose Copy-editor: Emma Rhys Typesetting: Mac Style, Beverley, E. Yorkshire Printed and bound by Gutenberg Press ... Chapter 4:“Beware Behalfies!” Contradictory affiliations in Salman rushdie's Step... more
    ... Cover designer: Holly Rose Copy-editor: Emma Rhys Typesetting: Mac Style, Beverley, E. Yorkshire Printed and bound by Gutenberg Press ... Chapter 4:“Beware Behalfies!” Contradictory affiliations in Salman rushdie's Step across this Line 67 Ana Cristina Mendes Chapter 5: a ...