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    Idrus Jus'at

    Objective: Underweight is related to many factors including family socioeconomic factors. Stunting is defined as early-life linear growth retardation that is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, decreased physical,... more
    Objective: Underweight is related to many factors including family socioeconomic factors. Stunting is defined as early-life linear growth retardation that is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, decreased physical, neurodevelopmental, and economic capacity. Underweight is more common in stunted children than in wasting/thin children. The purpose of this study is to examine the risk factors for underweight in under-five children in the stunting locus area, West Java, Indonesia   Method: The study used a cross-sectional study design from May to August 2023 and involved 309 under five children who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The data used includes the household socioeconomic factors, hygiene and sanitation factors, and children characteristics. The dependent variable was the nutritional status of children as measured by the weight-for-age index. The children were classified as underweight if their z-score was less than -2 standard deviation (< -2 SD). Biv...
    Abstrak Buah melodi merupakan buah import yang mulai dikembangkan dan dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Banyak orang yang mengatakan rasa buah melodi menyerupai rasa buah melon.  Mengetahui perbedaan daya terima dan komposisi zat gizi pada... more
    Abstrak Buah melodi merupakan buah import yang mulai dikembangkan dan dibudidayakan di Indonesia. Banyak orang yang mengatakan rasa buah melodi menyerupai rasa buah melon.  Mengetahui perbedaan daya terima dan komposisi zat gizi pada sirup buah melodi yang dibandingkan sirup buah melon. Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen murni dengan metode Visual Analog Scale (VAS) dengan 3 variasi konsentrasi buah yang berbeda yaitu 0,5kg; 2kg; dan 3kg. Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah One way Anova dan t-test. Analisa komposisi zat gizi meliputi kadar karbohidrat, gula (total padatan terlarut), vitamin C, dan serat kasar. Berdasarkan uji organoleptik sirup buah melodi dan sirup buah melon, yang banyak disukai adalah sirup dengan konsentrasi buah 0,5kg dan sirup buah melon lebih banyak dipilih. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik nilai yang didapat untuk aroma (49,27 + 21,09), warna (40,87 + 18,67), dan rasa (50,88 + 22,76). Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dari tingkat kesukaan, aroma, warna, dan rasa p≥0,05. Kata kunci: Buah melodi, Zat Gizi, Sirup
    Food Waste is a growing problem. In household scale, Food Waste often considered as a normal thing. Food composition and less variant (quality) is one of factor who can affect to nutritional status of toddlers and Food Waste, if the more... more
    Food Waste is a growing problem. In household scale, Food Waste often considered as a normal thing. Food composition and less variant (quality) is one of factor who can affect to nutritional status of toddlers and Food Waste, if the more Food Waste produced by toddlers, the more nutrients are wasted in vain, so that the food intake eaten by children does not match the required needs. Toddlers who do not get the food intake that should be, able to affect the nutritional status and result in stunted growth and development of children. This research aims to determine the relationship between Food Waste Behavior and Feeding Patterns on the Nutritional Status of Toddlers in Tanah Sareal District, Bogor City. This type of research is cross sectional with purposive sampling data collection technique with 100 respondents. The statistical test used is Chi-Square. Based on the results of the research, it was found that in Tanah Sareal Subdistrict had a high Food Waste behavior of 69%. While t...
    Background and Purpose. Health Care-Associated Infections, hereinafter abbreviated as HAIs, are infections that occur in patients during treatment in hospitals and other health care facilities where when they enter there are no infections... more
    Background and Purpose. Health Care-Associated Infections, hereinafter abbreviated as HAIs, are infections that occur in patients during treatment in hospitals and other health care facilities where when they enter there are no infections and are not in the incubation period, including infections in the hospital but appear after patients returning home, as well as infections due to work for hospital staff and health workers related to the process of health services in health care facilities. Health Care-Associated Infection (HAIs) is a serious problem for all healthcare facilities worldwide, including in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of organizational culture, knowledge and motivation simultaneously or individually on the behavior of doctors in infection prevention and control. Methods: This study uses a quantitative approach with an explanatory causality research design. The technique of collecting data was using a questionnaire and tested using ...
    x + 246 hlm.; 16 x 23 cm
    Perilaku caring merupakan spirit dari asuhan keperawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konflik keluarga-pekerjaan, burnout dan stres kerja terhadap perilaku caring perawat wanita rawat inap yang sudah berkeluarga.... more
    Perilaku caring merupakan spirit dari asuhan keperawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh konflik keluarga-pekerjaan, burnout dan stres kerja terhadap perilaku caring perawat wanita rawat inap yang sudah berkeluarga. Manfaat penelitian untuk menurunkan konflik keluarga-pekerjaan, burnout, stres kerja dan meningkatkan perilaku caring perawat wanita yang sudah berkeluarga. Lokasi penelitian ruang rawat inap RS Ananda Bekasi. Metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan model analisis regresi linier berganda dan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner kemudian pengujian analisis data menggunakan SPSS 25. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh konflik keluarga-pekerjaan dan perilaku caring perawat secara negatif dan signifikan. Ada pengaruh burnout dan perilaku caring perawat secara negatif dan signifikan. Ada pengaruh stres kerja dan perilaku caring perawat secara negatif dan signifikan. Secara simultan konflik keluarga-pekerjaan, burnout dan str...
    The low consumption of vegetables and fruit in school-age children is one of the unresolved nutritional problems in Indonesia. A way to improve vegetable and fruit eating behavior is to increase students' knowledge and attitudes... more
    The low consumption of vegetables and fruit in school-age children is one of the unresolved nutritional problems in Indonesia. A way to improve vegetable and fruit eating behavior is to increase students' knowledge and attitudes through illustrated story book and heroic tales. The aim of this study is to find out the impact of picture books on students' knowledge and attitude. This is a quasy experimental study with Non equivalent control group with a pre-test and post-test which was followed by 97 fourth gradeelementary school students including 41 students of intervention group and 56 students of control group. The mann-whitney test is used to see whether there are  relationships between  independent variable (given of illustrated story books) and the dependent variable (knowledge and attitude) between the intervention and control groups.The results showed a significant increase in knowledge and attitudes in the group which given illustrated story book. There were also sig...
    Background: Handgrip strength is one of the measurements and assessments of muscle function. It is essential to maintain muscle strength to keep mobility and productivity. The decrease of this muscle function is caused by many factors... more
    Background: Handgrip strength is one of the measurements and assessments of muscle function. It is essential to maintain muscle strength to keep mobility and productivity. The decrease of this muscle function is caused by many factors including nutritional status, nutrient intake, and physical activity. Aim: This research aims to analyze the relations of protein-energy intake, micronutrient intake (calcium, iron, zinc), and the grip strength of elderly women. Settings and Design: This study uses a cross-sectional study design with a sample of 65 respondents.Samples were selected with purposive sampling technique. The samples in this study were obtained from elderly women in the work area of the Poris Gaga Lama Health Center, Tangerang City, Banten. Methods and Material:. Data of protein and energy intake were obtained using 2x24h food recall form, and data of micronutrient intake was taken using SQ-FFQ form. Hand grip strength was taken with a digital handgrip dynamometer. Statistic...
    Abstrak Penduduk yang mengkonsumsi makanan dengan nilai gizi di bawah 70% dari Angka Kecukupan Gizi (AKG) masih tinggi (40,6%) dan banyak dijumpai pada anak usia sekolah (41,2%). Prevalensi anak usia sekolah dengan status gizi kurus di... more
    Abstrak Penduduk yang mengkonsumsi makanan dengan nilai gizi di bawah 70% dari Angka Kecukupan Gizi (AKG) masih tinggi (40,6%) dan banyak dijumpai pada anak usia sekolah (41,2%). Prevalensi anak usia sekolah dengan status gizi kurus di provinsi Banten sebesar 9,5% lebih tinggi dari angka nasional (7,6%). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan status gizi berdasarkan pola makan anak sekolah di Kecamatan Rajeg Tangerang. Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Populasi merupakan anak sekolah dasar di wilayah Kecamatan Rajeg Tangerang. Sampel berjumlah 124 anak. Analisis data dengan menggunakan pengujian statisik dengan uji t tidak berpasangan , one-way ANNOVA dan korelasi Pearson. Sebagian besar responden berjenis kelamin laki-laki (53.2%) dengan rata-rata umur 10 tahun dan berada pada kelas 4 SD (37.9%). Berdasarkan IMT/U didapatkan rata-rata nilai Z-score (-0.4±1.8). Responden yang memiliki frekuensi makan 3 kali dalam sehari sebanyak 53.2...
    Hospital’s success depends on patients’ expectations, perception, and judgment on the quality of services provided by hospitals. The study aims to determine the suitability between expectations and perceptions quality of food and... more
    Hospital’s success depends on patients’ expectations, perception, and judgment on the quality of services provided by hospitals. The study aims to determine the suitability between expectations and perceptions quality of food and nutrition service which is received by patients during inpatient care at X Hospitals and to analyze the relationship between quality of food and nutrition services and patient loyalty that is mediated by patient satisfaction. This research used a longitudinal prospective survey with a quantitative approach and simple random sampling. The sample of this study consists of 35 elderly inpatients 60 years old and over and at least three days of being hospitalized. The data required was collected through the standard SERVQUAL, satisfaction, and loyalty questionnaire and then it was path analyzed using the SPSS software. The result of the study showed the average perceived congruence between perceptions and expectations of the quality of food and nutrition service...
    Pola hidup sehat merupakan anjuran untuk mencapai derajat kesehatan yang optimal. Dalam hal ini adalah implementasi pesan gizi seimbang yang terdiri dari empat pilar utama. Dimana selain dari anjuran yang terkait dengan makanan didalamnya... more
    Pola hidup sehat merupakan anjuran untuk mencapai derajat kesehatan yang optimal. Dalam hal ini adalah implementasi pesan gizi seimbang yang terdiri dari empat pilar utama. Dimana selain dari anjuran yang terkait dengan makanan didalamnya terdapat anjuran aktifitas fisik dan olahraga untuk mencapai gizi kebugaran. Pilar ketiga berbunyi melakukan aktivitas fisik secara teratur. Menurut data RISKESDAS 2010 Status Gizi TB/U, BB/TB DKI Jakarta memiliki status gizi gemuk 10,1% dan Kurus 10,8%. Berdasarkan Status gizi IMT/U DKI Jakarta memiliki prevalensi 12,8 % untuk kategori gemuk dan 6,5% untuk kategori kurus. Sementara itu di berdasarkan TB/U untuk kategiri pendek 14,5 % dan 9,4% sangat pendek. Prevalensi Status Gizi (TB/U) umur 6-12 tahun didapat sebagian besar anak laki-laki terkategori pendek 20,9% dan sangat pendek 15,6%. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku kebiasaan olahraga anak sekolah dasar di SDN GU 12 Pagi, sebelum dilaku...
    COVID-19, a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, has become a concern of public emergencies around the world. Originating in Wuhan, China has spread globally so rapidly that it can cause millions of deaths worldwide. The purpose and objective of... more
    COVID-19, a disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, has become a concern of public emergencies around the world. Originating in Wuhan, China has spread globally so rapidly that it can cause millions of deaths worldwide. The purpose and objective of this research is to determine the effectiveness of using the Rapid test in supporting the results of a Covid-19 diagnosis. The study sample described 233 people, with categories OTG, ODP, PDP or Confirm, who were taken from March 2020-June 2020. Although the diagnosis of acute patients with PCR-swabs has become the gold standard in diagnosing Covid-19, it is also necessary to have a Rapid antibody test blood) in the assessment of cases and antibody responses to specific groups of individuals. In this study, a specific SARS-CoV-2 early detection rapid test (within 15 minutes) was obtained. The results showed a sensitivity of 15.33% and a specificity of 51.19% based on the results of the Rapid test for antibodies (blood) to the Rapid test antigen (sw...
    Background: Maternal behaviour during pregnancy is closely related to the condition of the fetus. Malnutrition in pregnant women can cause Low Birth Weight Babies (LBW) and also a decrease in the level of intelligence. The prevalence of... more
    Background: Maternal behaviour during pregnancy is closely related to the condition of the fetus. Malnutrition in pregnant women can cause Low Birth Weight Babies (LBW) and also a decrease in the level of intelligence. The prevalence of stunting in 2021 decreased by 1.6 from 2019, that shows from 27.7% to 24.4%.Objectives: This study aims to determine the impact of nutritional status and maternal behaviour on infant growth in West Jakarta.Methods: This study was a cross-sectional, starting on July 2017 until January 2018. A total of 66 subjects of pregnant women aged 18-35 years chosen to take part in the study from their 37th weeks of pregnancy to delivery. Drinking alcohol, traditional herbs, medicines, and smoking are indicators of maternal behaviour. Maternal IGF-1 concentrations, body weight, body length, and infant heart rate were indicators of infant growth. Chi-Square test and Independent T-Test were used for the statistical analysis.Results: The subjects showed a mean of 26...
    Kader posyandu lansia (Posbindu) mempunyai peranan penting dalam kegiatan Posbindu. Beberapa tugas kader adalah mengukur tinggi dan berat badan lanjut usia (lansia) juga memberikan edukasi mengenai gizi seimbang untuk lanjut usia... more
    Kader posyandu lansia (Posbindu) mempunyai peranan penting dalam kegiatan Posbindu. Beberapa tugas kader adalah mengukur tinggi dan berat badan lanjut usia (lansia) juga memberikan edukasi mengenai gizi seimbang untuk lanjut usia (lansia), akan tetapi kader belum melakukan pengukuran tinggi badan serta berat badan dengan tepat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah pemberian media tote bag dapat mempengaruhi perubahan pengetahuan serta sikap kader posbindu dalam pengukuran antropometri dan gizi seimbang pada lansia. Desain penelitian memakai metode Quasi Eksperiment dengan desain one group pre-test dan post-test pada 35 responden kader Posbindu di wilayah Pondok Kacang Timur, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan. Mengukur perubahan pengetahuan serta sikap menggunakan kuesioner pre-post test. Uji analisis bivariat yang di gunakan adalah Uji Paired Sample T-test untuk data yang berdistribusi normal dan Uji Wilcoxon untuk data yang berdistribusi tidak normal. Hasil penelitian menunju...
    Physical activity on students in Jakarta is the lowest if it is compared to various regions in Indonesia. The low physical activity has an impact on the declining of health and fitness so that it affects toward the risk of various... more
    Physical activity on students in Jakarta is the lowest if it is compared to various regions in Indonesia. The low physical activity has an impact on the declining of health and fitness so that it affects toward the risk of various non-communicable diseases. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of gymnastics rhythm of Gizi Seimbang’s song to the level of fitness on students in State Elementary School Kebon Jeruk 08 Pagi West Jakarta. The type of research uses design experimental quasi research with design of Pre test - post test group control design. This design involves two groups of subjects, one is given an experimental group and one group is not enforced (control group). The population of this study are children aged 10-12 years old with 60 respondents (30 students of gymnastic group and 30 control group students) with gymnastics 3x/week for 12 times. Data analysis use t-dependent test, wilcoxon test because the data is not normally distributed. The result of the...
    An attempt is made to estimate the availability of adequate per capita food supplies and protein in the provinces of Indonesia over the period 1985 to 2000. The estimates are based on official population projections. Variations in food... more
    An attempt is made to estimate the availability of adequate per capita food supplies and protein in the provinces of Indonesia over the period 1985 to 2000. The estimates are based on official population projections. Variations in food supply by province are discussed. (summary in ENG)
    Currently, Indonesia is facing a double burden of nutritional problems. The prevalence of overweight children aged 6-12 years in East Java is 12.4%, above the national prevalence (9.2%). Overweight and obesity in Indonesia occurred in all... more
    Currently, Indonesia is facing a double burden of nutritional problems. The prevalence of overweight children aged 6-12 years in East Java is 12.4%, above the national prevalence (9.2%). Overweight and obesity in Indonesia occurred in all age groups and in all socioeconomic levels. Overweight and obesity is mainly caused due to excess of energy intake compared to the requirement and lack of physical activity. A high intake of BCAA (leucine, isoleucine and valine) are associated with a reduced risk of overweight / obesity. The purpose of this study was to determine differences of energy intake, BCAA, and nutritional status of children aged 6-12 years in East Java in 2010. This study using the secondary data from Riskesdas 2010 with a cross-sectional and survey analytic design. Samples were obtained 3471 people. Statistical test using independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA test and linear regression. There are significant differences between the z-score (BAZ) by sex and economic sta...
    Clinical screening for pallor is one of the most common methods of screening for anaemia. Health workers examine the face, inner lower eyelids or conjunctiva, palms, nail beds, and other body parts for paleness or pallor that may be a... more
    Clinical screening for pallor is one of the most common methods of screening for anaemia. Health workers examine the face, inner lower eyelids or conjunctiva, palms, nail beds, and other body parts for paleness or pallor that may be a sign of anaemia. MotherCare found 17 studies that evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of using pallor to identify individuals with anaemia. the focus was to review the sensitivity of pallor screening to detect individuals with severe anaemia and to make recommendations to improve the sensitivity of screening for pallor. the studies confirmed that sensitivities increased as the haemoglobin level decreased.
    The study provides information on the nutritional status of 8- to 10-year-old primary schoolchildren in urban areas of Jakarta and Bogor, Indonesia, based on anthropometric indicators. It compares the use of the anthropometric indicators... more
    The study provides information on the nutritional status of 8- to 10-year-old primary schoolchildren in urban areas of Jakarta and Bogor, Indonesia, based on anthropometric indicators. It compares the use of the anthropometric indicators weight-for-age Z score, height-for-age Z score, weight-for-height Z score, and body mass index (BMI) to assess thinness (underweight and wasted) and overweight in children. A total of 1,367 children were examined. The nutritional status of the 8- to 10-year urban schoolchildren was better than that of urban children under 5 years old. The prevalence of underweight among urban schoolchildren ranged from 7.4% (girls) to 12.95% (boys), while underweight among urban children under 5 years old in 1998 was 29.7%. Meanwhile, the prevalence of overweight (BMI > 85th percentile) ranged from 15.3% (girls) to 17.8% (boys). There were more overweight children in the private schools than in the public schools. On average, private schoolchildren, of all ages a...
    ObjectiveTo assess oil consumption, vitamin A intake and retinol status before and a year after the fortification of unbranded palm oil with retinyl palmitate.DesignPre–post evaluation between two surveys.SettingTwenty-four villages in... more
    ObjectiveTo assess oil consumption, vitamin A intake and retinol status before and a year after the fortification of unbranded palm oil with retinyl palmitate.DesignPre–post evaluation between two surveys.SettingTwenty-four villages in West Java.SubjectsPoor households were randomly sampled. Serum retinol (adjusted for subclinical infection) was analysed in cross-sectional samples of lactating mothers (baselinen324/endlinen349), their infants aged 6–11 months (n318/n335) and children aged 12–59 months (n469/477), and cohorts of children aged 5–9 years (n186) and women aged 15–29 years (n171), alongside food and oil consumption from dietary recall.ResultsFortified oil improved vitamin A intakes, contributing on average 26 %, 40 %, 38 %, 29 % and 35 % of the daily Recommended Nutrient Intake for children aged 12–23 months, 24–59 months, 5–9 years, lactating and non-lactating women, respectively. Serum retinol was 2–19 % higher at endline than baseline (P<0·001 in infants aged 6–11 ...
    Morbidity rate in children under 3 years of age is higher among rural than urban area. Adequate intake of protein and selected vitamins suppresses the immune system to function efficiently. This cross-sectional study at Tangerang district... more
    Morbidity rate in children under 3 years of age is higher among rural than urban area. Adequate intake of protein and selected vitamins suppresses the immune system to function efficiently. This cross-sectional study at Tangerang district was aimed to understand the difference in protein, selected vitamins and selenium intake to morbidity episode among young children. A total of 87 children under 3 years of age was drawn randomly from 3 selected villages. All measurement was carried out by well trained professional health personnel's. The independent t-test and Mann-Whitney were employed to analyze the data. The young children aged 7-11 month (16.1%) and 12-36 month (83.9%), weight was 9.8±2.1 (kg), height was 78.5±8.1 (cm), and MUAC was 13.5±6.6 (cm). The average intake of protein, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Selenium in children aged 7-11 month were 12.7±11.0 (g), 42.7±108.1 (mg), 0.8±1.2 (mg), and 0.1±0.0 (mcg), respectively. Then for the children age 12-36 month were 26.6±15.5 ...
    Latar Belakang: Hasil Riskesdas tahun 2018 menunjukkan adanya penurunan proporsi gizi buruk dan gizi kurang di Indonesia yaitu 17,7% dari 19,6% pada hasil Riskesdas tahun 2013. Pemerintah Daerah Kota Bogor menggagaskan misi pembangunan... more
    Latar Belakang: Hasil Riskesdas tahun 2018 menunjukkan adanya penurunan proporsi gizi buruk dan gizi kurang di Indonesia yaitu 17,7% dari 19,6% pada hasil Riskesdas tahun 2013. Pemerintah Daerah Kota Bogor menggagaskan misi pembangunan kesehatan Kota Bogor yang dituangkan ke dalam 17 program, salah satunya program perbaikan gizi masyarakat. Tujuan: Menganalisis perbedaan pengetahuan dan sikap pada ibu dan stakeholder terkait pelaksanaan program perbaikan gizi di dua kelompok posyandu berdasarkan data balita gizi kurang dan gizi buruk di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Induk Merdeka, Bogor Tengah. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan desain cross sectional dan dilaksanakan pada Januari–Juli 2019 di 21 Posyandu (tujuh posyandu tidak terdapat kasus dan 14 posyandu terdapat kasus gizi buruk). Penelitian menggunakan empat kategori responden yaitu ibu balita, kader posyandu, bidan, dan tokoh masyarakat. Penentuan jumlah ibu didasarkan pada jumlah balita yaitu sebanyak 74 orang. Kader diambil dari selur...
    Maternal nutritional knowledge, attitude, behavior, and intake based on hydration status Background: Based on past studies, 49% of pregnant women had low knowledge of nutrition and hydration. Nutritional knowledge, attitudes, and behavior... more
    Maternal nutritional knowledge, attitude, behavior, and intake based on hydration status Background: Based on past studies, 49% of pregnant women had low knowledge of nutrition and hydration. Nutritional knowledge, attitudes, and behavior are positively correlated to nutritional intake, malnutrition and dehydration may disturb maternal health and pregnancy outcome. Objectives: To analyze maternal nutritional knowledge, attitudes, behavior, and nutritional intake based on the hydration status. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Puskesmas Kebon Jeruk District, West Jakarta using a purposive sampling method. Subjects were 50 pregnant women who came to check their pregnancies. Subject’s characteristics, nutritional knowledge, attitudes, and behavior are collected with a questionnaire, nutritional intake with 1x24 hours recall. Hemoglobin (Hb) level is determined with Haemometer, urine specific gravity with Urinometer, and urine color with PURI card. Results: Subjects h...
    Memasuki awal tahun 2020 kondisi eksternal secara global di beberapa belahan dunia mengalami pandemi covid-19 dan terkhususnya di Indonesia kasus ini mulai meningkat di bulan Februari 2020. Untuk menanggapi keadaan pandemi virus covid-19... more
    Memasuki awal tahun 2020 kondisi eksternal secara global di beberapa belahan dunia mengalami pandemi covid-19 dan terkhususnya di Indonesia kasus ini mulai meningkat di bulan Februari 2020. Untuk menanggapi keadaan pandemi virus covid-19 di Indonesia yang terus meningkat dengan masif, maka membutuhkan tenaga kesehatan sebagai garda terdepan. Rumah sakit dalam memberikan pelayanan terkait covid-19 perlu memperhatikan aspek yang dapat mendukung produktifitas tenaga kesehatan agar dapat meningkatkan perceived productivity. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi perceived productivity, diantaranya adalah quality of work life, stres kerja, psychogical well being, dan sebagainya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh quality of work life dan stres kerja terhadap perceived productivity pada tenaga kesehatan di Rumah Sakit Swasta Jakarta dengan psychological well being sebagai variabel mediasi dalam masa pandemi covid-19. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian analisis k...

    And 29 more