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Anders  Kjellberg
  • Department of Sociology, P.O. Box 114, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
  • +46 +46 2228847

Anders Kjellberg

The article is about the Finnish government's remodeling of the labour market.
DN DEBATT 26/9. Vuxna bor folja uppmaningen fran ungdomarna i Fridays for future-rorelsen och protestera eftersom det politiska ledarskapet ar otillrackligt. Omfattande och langvariga patryckningar fran hela samhallet behovs for att fa de... more
DN DEBATT 26/9. Vuxna bor folja uppmaningen fran ungdomarna i Fridays for future-rorelsen och protestera eftersom det politiska ledarskapet ar otillrackligt. Omfattande och langvariga patryckningar fran hela samhallet behovs for att fa de politiskt ansvariga att utova det ledarskap som klimatkrisen kraver, skriver 171 forskare i samhallsvetenskap och humaniora.
Arbetstagarna har fått minskad anställningstrygghet men inte de studiemöjligheter som lovades då regeringen inte klarat av att finansiera omställningsstudiestödet.
The article deals with the declining union density and shrinking coverage of collective agreements in most EU/EES countries, in particular in Eastern Europe and Greece. In many countries, international organizations pushed through... more
The article deals with the declining union density and shrinking coverage of collective agreements in most EU/EES countries, in particular in Eastern Europe and Greece. In many countries, international organizations pushed through “structural reforms” weakening trade unions. The result is declining union density and decreased capacity to conclude sectoral collective agreements and avoid downwards derogations at company level. Even in some core eurozone countries have governments without much of social dialogue carried through “internal devaluation” to restore competitiveness. High union density (Finland) or high union mobilization capacity (France) could not prevent this development. The economic performance of a country and degree of globalization, including the absence of a national currency, appear to be more important. The Swedish (and Nordic) model of self-regulation, resting on negotiations between the labour market parties, contrasts sharply to French state regulation with it...
The aim of this paper is to compare Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish industrial relations with respect to self-regulation versus state regulation (self-regulation being characteristic of the “Nordic model”), combined centralization... more
The aim of this paper  is to compare Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish industrial relations with respect to self-regulation versus state regulation (self-regulation being characteristic of the “Nordic model”), combined centralization and decentralization, union density (including the influence of the changed Ghent systems in three of the compared Nordic countries), and a socially segregated union structure.  Special attention is paid to industry norms in collective bargaining and to the new 2022 Swedish basic agreement regarding security (skills development), transition, and employment protection.
General rights Unless other specific re-use rights are stated the following general rights apply: Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright... more
General rights Unless other specific re-use rights are stated the following general rights apply: Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal
Maktforhallandena pa den svenska arbetsmarknaden har vaxlat mellan perioder av facklig offensiv och perioder da arbetsgivarna drivit utvecklingen i sin riktning. Utmarkande for Sverige ar att parterna snarare an staten star for... more
Maktforhallandena pa den svenska arbetsmarknaden har vaxlat mellan perioder av facklig offensiv och perioder da arbetsgivarna drivit utvecklingen i sin riktning. Utmarkande for Sverige ar att parterna snarare an staten star for arbetslivets reglering. Det har inte hindrat att staten under vissa perioder upptratt mer aktivt an under andra. I kapitlet anlaggs ett 100-arsperspektiv pa de svenska arbetsmarknadsrelationernas utveckling ur ett maktperspektiv. Darefter diskuteras olika dimensioner av facklig styrka och makt utifran svensk och internationell horisont.
The aim is to explain why union density is not only considerably higher in the Ghent country Sweden than in non-Ghent Norway but also why it has declined much more in Sweden, in particular among blue-collar workers. We show how changes to... more
The aim is to explain why union density is not only considerably higher in the Ghent country Sweden than in non-Ghent Norway but also why it has declined much more in Sweden, in particular among blue-collar workers. We show how changes to Swedish unemployment insurance in 2007–2013 were followed by a decline in union density and how white-collar unions were more successful than blue-collar unions in developing supplementary income insurance schemes that counteracted membership losses. This type of institutional explanation is nevertheless insufficient. In Norway, too, blue-collar density has decreased while white-collar workers have maintained their density rate. Norwegian data further show that even without unemployment insurance funds, it is possible to achieve a fairly high union density at workplaces with collective agreements. However, without unemployment benefits like we find in Sweden, it is increasingly challenging to establish an institutional foundation for a social custo...
Presentation of eleven dimension of trade union strength.
The Swedish model of industrial relations is distinguished by a high degree of self-regulation with roots around the turn of the century 1900. Under the threat of state regulation, the labour market parties in the 1930s, and again in the... more
The Swedish model of industrial relations is distinguished by a high degree of self-regulation with roots around the turn of the century 1900. Under the threat of state regulation, the labour market parties in the 1930s, and again in the late 1990s, found they had a common interest in self-regulation. The 1938 Saltsjobaden Agreement between the blue-collar confederation LO and the employer confederation SAF had its predecessors in the 1905 Engineering Agreement and the December Compromise LO-SAF. Two dimensions of Swedish industrial relations are highlighted: self-regulation (unilateral and bi-partite) versus state regulation and centralization versus decentralization. These can in turn be combined into a four-field table, which is extended to include bipartite regulation between state and unions (state-supported union-run unemployment funds) and tripartite regulation (the 1990-1993 Stabilization Agreements). Advantages and disadvantages of self-regulation are discussed on the basis...
This report presents and comments on the Swedish part of a survey made in autumn 2007 to obtain expert opinions on industrial relations in the EU25 and G7 countries in the year 2025. The survey was carried out by the European Foundation... more
This report presents and comments on the Swedish part of a survey made in autumn 2007 to obtain expert opinions on industrial relations in the EU25 and G7 countries in the year 2025. The survey was carried out by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound). One of the basic questions was about how the process of globalisation will influence future industrial relations in each of the EU27 member states (EU15 “old members states” and EU12 “new member states”) and in Global 7 countries (Australia, Brazil, China, India, Japan, South Africa, and the USA). The questionnaire contained 16 questions about the future development of actors, processes, outcomes and general trends in industrial relations and their environment. The respondents were representatives of trade unions, employers’ organisations, governments and academic experts. From Sweden 13 respondents participated, four of them trade union representatives, another four representatives of...
Sociologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet 27 maj 2011. Foto: Anders Kjellberg Anders Kjellbergs skrifter om facklig organisering, arbetsgivar-organisationer, partsrelationer, den svenska modellen, kollektivavtal, a-kassa,... more
Sociologiska institutionen, Lunds universitet 27 maj 2011. Foto: Anders Kjellberg Anders Kjellbergs skrifter om facklig organisering, arbetsgivar-organisationer, partsrelationer, den svenska modellen, kollektivavtal, a-kassa, arbetskraftsmigration mm Anders Kjellberg's publications on trade unions, employers' associations, industrial relations, collective agreements, the Swedish model, the Swedish Ghent System, labour migration, etc Se också Nyhetsarkiv (News Archive): fack, arbetsgivare, kollektivavtal, partsrelationer, svenska modellen, a-kassan, arbetskraftsmigration mm, 1978-2019:
Fortfarande vid slutet av mars 2014 stod 1,5 miljoner personer i arbetskraften utanfor a-kassan trots att avgifterna i manga fall sanktes vasentligt da den sa kallade arbetsloshetsavgiften avskaffades 1 januari 2014. I artikeln havdas att... more
Fortfarande vid slutet av mars 2014 stod 1,5 miljoner personer i arbetskraften utanfor a-kassan trots att avgifterna i manga fall sanktes vasentligt da den sa kallade arbetsloshetsavgiften avskaffades 1 januari 2014. I artikeln havdas att taket i arbetsloshetsforsakringen maste hojas for att gora forsakringen mer attraktiv. Idag ar de arbetslosas ersattning fran a-kassan nastan nere pa socialbidragsniva (”forsorjningsstodet”). I artikeln ges ocksa en bakgrund till medlemsraset i fack och a-kassa aren 2007 och 2008 samt konsekvenserna av de differentierade a-kasseavgifterna 2007-2013.
Sverige har sedan december 2008 liberalare regler för arbetskraftsinvandring från "tredje land" (länder utanför EU/EES) än kanske något annat land. De nya reglerna gäller alla yrken oberoende av kvalifikationsgrad eller om det... more
Sverige har sedan december 2008 liberalare regler för arbetskraftsinvandring från "tredje land" (länder utanför EU/EES) än kanske något annat land. De nya reglerna gäller alla yrken oberoende av kvalifikationsgrad eller om det är fråga om ett bristyrke eller inte. Artikeln handlar om de cirka 500 arbetskraftsmigranter från tredje land som 2012 beviljades arbetstillstånd i restaurang-och städbranscherna i Stockholm. Vi gör också utblickar mot utvecklingen på riksnivå. Enligt de nya reglerna blev det fritt fram för arbetsgivare att rekrytera personal från länder utanför EU/EES förutsatt att arbetet utannonserats och att anställn-ingsvillkoren inte är sämre än vad som följer av svenska kollektivavtal. Under de närmast följande åren rekryterades inte bara högkvalificerad personal i bristyrken i stor omfattning utan även lågkvalificerad arbetskraft där det inte förelåg brist. Det oroade OECD som efterlyste studier om det var fråga om regionala brister (till exempel i Stockholm)...
Sverige har sedan december 2008 liberalare regler for arbetskraftsinvandring fran ”tredje land” (lander utanfor EU/EES) an kanske nagot annat land. De nya reglerna galler alla yrken oberoende av kvalifikationsgrad eller om det ar fraga om... more
Sverige har sedan december 2008 liberalare regler for arbetskraftsinvandring fran ”tredje land” (lander utanfor EU/EES) an kanske nagot annat land. De nya reglerna galler alla yrken oberoende av kvalifikationsgrad eller om det ar fraga om ett bristyrke eller inte. Artikeln handlar om de cirka 500 arbetskraftsmigranter fran tredje land som 2012 beviljades arbetstillstand i restaurang- och stadbranscherna i Stockholms stad. Manga var "sparbytare" fran asylansokan till arbetskraftsmigrant. Arbetskraftsinvandrarnas utsatta position belyses i artikeln. Ar 2012 hamnade varannan migrant med nytt arbetstillstand i Stockholms restaurang- och stadbranscher i foretag utan kollektivavtal. Utblickar gors mot utvecklingen pa riksniva. Sedan 2011 har antalet beviljade nya arbetstillstand i restaurang- och stadbranscherna successivt minskat saval i Stockholm som i Sverige i dess helhet. Tankbara forklaringar diskuteras i artikeln. De tio vanligaste landerna som arbetskraftsmigranterna kom...
General rights Unless other specific re-use rights are stated the following general rights apply: Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright... more
General rights Unless other specific re-use rights are stated the following general rights apply: Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal

And 56 more

During the formative years of Swedish industrial relations, trade unions and employers were left to themselves to regulate the relations between them. Several circumstances promoted such self-regulation, among them the nonrepressive... more
During the formative years of Swedish industrial relations, trade unions and employers were left to themselves to regulate the relations between them. Several circumstances promoted such self-regulation, among them the nonrepressive character of the Swedish state and the fact that the Liberals – until universal suffrage was introduced – blocked conservative legislation initiatives.  In addition, protests from the trade union movement helped stop for example a 1901 committee proposal on a law on employment contracts aimed to curb strikes.  Due to the relative absence of legislation the labour market parties had to rely to their own strength during strikes and lockouts; these actions sometimes escalated into huge conflicts, and in 1905 and – in 1906 after threat of a big lockout – resulted in principally important compromises. Still, in the 1930s Sweden had a high rate of conflicts from an international perspective, but this time a basic agreement – the 1938 Saltsjöbaden Agreement – came about after peaceful negotiations between the
blue-collar confederation LO and the employer confederation SAF. Under the threat of state regulation, the labour market parties found they had a common interest in self-regulation. In this contribution I highlight self-regulation and state regulation in the development of Swedish industrial relations, with views towards some other countries. The first time I used the concept of self-regulation was in a conference paper (1990), where I discussed state regulation versus selfregulation and the combination of centralization and decentralization in the Swedish model of industrial relations. These two dimensions can in turn be combined into a four-field table. At the end of the contribution I discuss advantages and disadvantages of selfregulation on the basis of an article by Ann Numhauser-Henning. First I discuss unilateral self-regulation on the part of employers and trade unions, and then move on to bipartite self-regulation and combinations of state regulation and self-regulation
Presentation of eleven dimension of trade union strength.