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We consider the biharmonicity condition for maps between Riemannian manifolds (see [BK]), and study the non-geodesic biharmonic curves in the Heisenberg group H_3. First we prove that all of them are helices, and then we obtain explicitly... more
Quantized contact transformations are Toeplitz operators over a contact manifold $(X,\alpha)$ of the form $U_{\chi} = \Pi A \chi \Pi$, where $\Pi : H^2(X) \to L^2(X)$ is a Szego projector, where $\chi$ is a contact transformation and... more
Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. (2001), 131, 487 Printed in the United Kingdom c© 2001 Cambridge Philosophical Society ... Hardy's Theorem for simply connected nilpotent Lie groups ... By EBERHARD KANIUTH Fachbereich... more
In this manuscript, we develope the theory of harmonic analysis on the Heisenberg group G of high dimension. We investigate the theta functions and the Weil representation related to this Heisenberg group and describe the connection among... more
In this paper, we outline a developement of the theory of orbit method for representations of real Lie groups. In particular, we study the orbit method for representations of the Heisenberg group and the Jacobi group.
The Schr\"odinger-Robertson inequality for relativistic position and momentum operators X^\mu, P_\nu, \mu, \nu = 0,1,2,3, is interpreted in terms of Born reciprocity and `non-commutative' relativistic phase space geometry. For states... more
We study coercive inequalities on finite dimensional metric spaces with probability measures which do not have volume doubling property. This class of inequalities includes Poincar\'e and Log-Sobolev inequality. Our main result is proof... more
We describe intrinsically regular submanifolds in Heisenberg groups Hn. Low dimensional and low codimensional submanifolds turn out to be of a very different nature. The first ones are Legendrian surfaces, while low codimensional ones are... more
We establish several versions of Hardy's theorem for the Fourier transform on the Heisenberg group. Let \(\hat f (\lambda)\) be the Fourier transform of a function f on \(H^n\) and assume \(\hat f (\lambda)^\ast \hat f (\lambda) \leq c... more
We extend results of the Pompeiu problem on the Heisen- berg group Hn from spheres to complex ellipsoids. These results also tell us what happens for spheres and complex ellipsoids on the anisotropic Heisenberg group, Hna. The results for... more
The Jacobi group is the semi-direct product of the symplectic group and the Heisenberg group. The Jacobi group is an important object in the frame- work of quantum mechanics, geometric quantization and optics. In this paper, we study the... more
For a class of discrete quasi-periodic Schrödinger operators defined by covariant representations of the rotation algebra, a lower bound on phase-averaged transport in terms of the multifractal dimensions of the density of states is... more
We study the minimality of an isometric immersion of a Riemannian manifold into a strictly pseudoconvex CR manifold endowed with the Webster metric hence formulate a version of the CR Yamabe problem for CR manifolds-with-boundary. This is... more