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Meaning of "ser" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra ser procede de seer.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


ser play


Ser is a verb and can also act as a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb ser in Spanish.


Click to see the original definition of «ser» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.



Being is the Greek philosophical attribute attributed to an entity capable of defining itself in the face of a capable medium. Being is the most general of terms. The word "Being" is intended to encompass the realm of the real in the general ontological sense, that is, reality par excellence, in its broadest sense: "radical reality." The Being is therefore a transcendental, that which transcends and transcends all beings without being itself an entity, that is, without any being, however broad and present, deplete it. Put another way: the Being overflows and dialectically surpasses the world of forms, mundus asdpectabilis, moving in another context, "beyond the horizon of the seals," beyond all cosmic morphology. However, the question of Being does not correspond only to the West, and the ancient philosophers of China independently developed positions about being. Already Laozi does in the 6th century BC. The distinction between being and non-being. Then, neo-Taoist schools will prevail non-being over Being. Ser es el atributo filosófico griego que se le adjudica a una entidad capaz de definirse a sí misma frente a un medio capaz. Ser es el más general de los términos. Con la palabra «Ser» se intenta abarcar el ámbito de lo real en sentido ontológico general, esto es, la realidad por antonomasia, en su sentido más amplio: «realidad radical». El Ser es, por tanto, un trascendental, aquello que trasciende y rebasa todos los entes sin ser él mismo un ente, es decir, sin que ningún ente, por muy amplio que sea y se presente, lo agote. Dicho de otro modo: el Ser desborda y supera dialécticamente el mundo de las formas, el mundus asdpectabilis, trasladándose en otro contexto, «más allá del horizonte de las focas», más allá de toda morfología cósmica”. Sin embargo, la pregunta por el Ser no corresponde solamente a occidente, y los filósofos antiguos de China desarrollaron independientemente posiciones acerca del ser. Ya Laozi hace en el siglo VI a.C. la distinción entre ser y no-ser. Luego, las escuelas neo-taoístas harán prevalecer el no-ser sobre el Ser.

Definition of ser in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of being in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is to have or to exist. Another meaning of being in the dictionary is time. It's three. Being is also being able or serving. The languages ​​are TO communicate. La primera definición de ser en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es haber o existir. Otro significado de ser en el diccionario es indica tiempo. Son las tres. Ser es también ser capaz o servir. Los idiomas son PARA comunicarse.
Click to see the original definition of «ser» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.



yo soy
eres / sos
él es
nos. somos
vos. sois / son
ellos son
Pretérito imperfecto
yo era
él era
nos. éramos
vos. erais / eran
ellos eran
Pret. perfecto simple
yo fui
él fue
nos. fuimos
vos. fuisteis / fueron
ellos fueron
Futuro simple
yo seré
él será
nos. seremos
vos. seréis / serán
ellos serán
Condicional simple
yo sería
él sería
nos. seríamos
vos. seríais / serían
ellos serían
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo he sido
has sido
él ha sido
nos. hemos sido
vos. habéis sido
ellos han sido
Pret. Pluscuamperfecto
yo había sido
habías sido
él había sido
nos. habíamos sido
vos. habíais sido
ellos habían sido
Pretérito Anterior
yo hube sido
hubiste sido
él hubo sido
nos. hubimos sido
vos. hubisteis sido
ellos hubieron sido
Futuro perfecto
yo habré sido
habrás sido
él habrá sido
nos. habremos sido
vos. habréis sido
ellos habrán sido
Condicional Perfecto
yo habría sido
habrías sido
él habría sido
nos. habríamos sido
vos. habríais sido
ellos habrían sido


yo sea
él sea
nos. seamos
vos. seáis / sean
ellos sean
Pretérito imperfecto
yo fuera o fuese
fueras o fueses
él fuera o fuese
nos. fuéramos o fuésemos
vos. fuerais o fueseis / fueran o fuesen
ellos fueran o fuesen
Futuro simple
yo fuere
él fuere
nos. fuéremos
vos. fuereis / fueren
ellos fueren
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo hube sido
hubiste sido
él hubo sido
nos. hubimos sido
vos. hubisteis sido
ellos hubieron sido
Futuro Perfecto
yo habré sido
habrás sido
él habrá sido
nos. habremos sido
vos. habréis sido
ellos habrán sido
Condicional perfecto
yo habría sido
habrías sido
él habría sido
nos. habríamos sido
vos. habríais sido
ellos habrían sido
sé (tú / vos)
sed (vosotros) / sean (ustedes)







Synonyms and antonyms of ser in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «ser» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of ser


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «ser» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of ser
faltar · morir · nada · nadie

Translation of «ser» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of ser to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of ser from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «ser» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of ser in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


ser caro
ser caro 
  be steep.
 Even with Groome's effort to ease tax burden pressures on individual property owners through industrial development, the tax rate is very steep.
ser de
ser de 
  be a native of.
 Mathilda Panopoulos, known as 'Tilly' to her friends and colleagues but usually styled 'Tilly the Hun' or just 'the Hun' by her detractors, is a native of Pritchard.
  being ; creature.
 A feeling of unshielded relief filled Pope's whole being.
 Stories that lead to doing things are all the more attractive to children, who are active rather than passive creatures.
abducción por seres extraterrestres 
alien abduction
 These people believe not only in alien abductions, but also in things like UFOs, ESP (extrasensory perception), astrology, and crystal therapy.
alimentación del ser humano 
human nutrition
 The system aims to cover periodical articles on the use and function of vitamin, mineral, phytochemical, botanical and herbal supplements in human nutrition.
contacto con el ser humano 
human contact
 Some cats are cuddlier by nature while others need some encouragement to enjoy human contact.
en lo más íntimo de + Posesivo + ser 
deep inside + Pronombre
 Deep inside us, we know what every family therapist knows: the problems between the parents become the problems within the children.
llegada de seres extraterrestres 
alien visitation
 First, the scientific debunker will say that because alien visitation is an extraordinary claim, it thus demands extraordinary proof.
no ser un placer   
bring no + joy
there + be + no joy
take no + joy
 As teachers, we have to shatter their naivete (because ultimately that is what education ought to be), but it brings no joy to do so.
 Well, friends, we were really scraping the bottom of the barrel, and there was no joy, no joy at all.
 Make no mistake, I take no joy in seeing peaceful protesters attacked.
nutrición del ser humano 
human nutrition
 The system aims to cover periodical articles on the use and function of vitamin, mineral, phytochemical, botanical and herbal supplements in human nutrition.
Posesivo + seres queridos 
Posesivo + near and dear ones
 Christmas is the time to be merry and it definitely gives us many reasons to celebrate with all our near and dear ones.
ser consecuente con Uno mismo 
be true to + Reflexivo
 The important thing is to be true to yourself, but should you get cold feet at the eleventh hour remember that there could be serious financial implications as well as emotional ones.
ser extraterrestre 
alien creature
 Kidlets age 6 and up will be tied up for hours assembling and playing with these packs of different pirate ships, dinosaurs, airplanes or alien creatures.
ser fiel con Uno mismo 
be true to + Reflexivo
 The important thing is to be true to yourself, but should you get cold feet at the eleventh hour remember that there could be serious financial implications as well as emotional ones.
ser humano   
human being
human person
 McLuhan's observation is, I think, based upon an ongoing tension that exists between human beings and the world they live in.
 Intelligent agents are based on the concept of shared abilities and cooperative learning between humans and computers.
 It is essential to develop an understanding of the relation between phenomenological, epistemic, practical and social knowledge and its relation to the consciousness, questions, and practice of the human person.
ser inteligente  
be talented
intelligent being
 All students are talented, so teachers must find ways to bring out the best in each child.
 He also says that collectively as intelligent beings we are entwined in our ultimate destiny: to give birth to another universe.
ser irracional 
irrational being
 Women were viewed as irrational beings who can easily be swayed and are prone to vice.
ser pensante  
sentient being
thinking being
 The knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by sentient beings on this planet for aeons and aeons is quite impossible to fully comprehend.
 As a thinking being, one seems to be free from the vicissitudes of time and space - there is no coming to be or ceasing to be.
ser sobrenatural  
supernatural being
supernatural creature
 Much to her dismay, she rarely encounters supernatural beings other than on paper.
 This group is for books that have supernatural creatures in them, like werewolves, witches, sorcerers, vampires, dragons and things like that.
ser superior   
supreme being
higher being
superior being
 The supreme beings in creation myths came in many differnt forms and acted very differntly, but they all shared in the creation of the world.
 There is no convincing evidence that a higher being exists.
 Religions 'believe' in a superior being who is both our 'creator' and an answer to our miserable life on earth.
ser supremo 
supreme being
 The supreme beings in creation myths came in many differnt forms and acted very differntly, but they all shared in the creation of the world.
ser todo un éxito       [También usado en este orden bring down the house, pero menos frecuentemente]
hit + a home run
hit it out of + the park
knock it out of + the park
go (over/off) with + a bang
raise + the roof
bring + the house down
 EGND has hit a home run with the introduction of a new product line, increasing sales projections, and ramping up production schedules.
 We already knew these Irish lads were among the best boy bands out there, but they really hit it out of the park with this romantic song.
 It was a risk, but early results seem to indicate that the duo has knocked it out of the park with the new version.
 The first year, 2005, went with a bang and we raised a whopping £2700, which was donated to the local hospital.
 It's impossible to know where her big voice comes from, but she raised the roof and earned a standing ovation.
 She brought the house down with her special blend of reggae, funk and R&B.
ser vivo  
living being
sentient being
 They may be physical, eg matter, or physical phenomena; chemical, eg minerals; biological, ie living beings; or artefacts, ie manufactured items.
 The knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by sentient beings on this planet for aeons and aeons is quite impossible to fully comprehend.
todo ser humano  
every living soul
every single soul
 The inherent nature of man is ever seeking to express itself in terms of freedom, because freedom is the birthright of every living Soul.
 And as far as one knows, every single soul kept their mouths shut throughout the war about what they were doing.
tráfico de seres humanos 
trafficking in human beings
 By all accounts, trafficking in human beings is increasing at staggering rates.
trata de seres humanos 
trafficking in human beings
 By all accounts, trafficking in human beings is increasing at staggering rates.
  be ; take + the form of ; stand as.
 Systems such as Dialog, IRS, ORBIT and BLAISE may be accessed by libraries and information units.
 Hierarchical relationships may also take the form of co-ordinate relationships, in which case they may be represented by 'RT' or related term, in a similar manner to affinitive relationships below.
 Meantime, our new library stand as as a confident symbol of the importance of ALL librarires to the nation's cultural, educational and economic success.
anhelar ser 
ache to be
 How she ached to be a poet and by some wizardry of pen capture the mysteries going on out there.
a no ser que 
 The future of the scheme is questionable unless more positive central management can be achieved.
así es 
that's how it is
 Like it or not, that's how it is.
así sea 
 Fine, then I'm completely satisfied and I say, amen.
así son las cosas 
that's they way things are
 The meteorologist explains that that's way things are sometimes and you don't know what's going to happen.
centrado en el ser humano 
 These workplaces comprise a technocentric perspective and do not truly represent an anthropocentric route of information technology.
clonación del ser humano 
human cloning
 He stressed that human cloning was unethical and a direct assault on human dignity.
como era de esperar 
true to pattern
 True to pattern, however, the days after the typhoon were sunny and bright.
como es de esperar 
true to pattern
 True to pattern, however, the days after the typhoon were sunny and bright.
como es el caso de 
as it is with
 Dust is an enemy of microcomputers as it is with any piece of electrical apparatus, and a dust cover costing a few pounds is a worthwhile purchase.
cómo + ser 
what + be like
 Nor can we experience what it was like to be alive in an historical time - in, say, Elizabethan England - because the space-time barrier prevents it.
conseguir ser el centro de atención 
capture + spotlight
 It is ironic that archivists have watched librarians capture the 'preservation spotlight'.
continuar siendo importante 
remain + big
 Humour remains big in the repertoire found in gay and lesbian books, with straight people often the butt of jokes.
crearse el prestigio de ser 
establish + a record as
 The success that ACPAD has had in attracting donations suggests that it has established an enviable record as an efficient and effective distributor of publications to institution libraries.
cualquiera que fuere 
any ... whatsoever
 An 'image library' is any systematic collection of visual images that exist for any purpose whatsoever.
cualquiera que fuese 
any ... whatsoever
 An 'image library' is any systematic collection of visual images that exist for any purpose whatsoever.
cualquiera que sea + Nombre 
whichever + Nombre
 Whichever word in the term is used as the main entry point in an index, the user might choose to seek the subject under the other word in the term first.
debilidad del ser humano 
mankind's frailty
 The story is a tragic reminder of mankind's frailty in facing nature unaided by technology.
dejar de ser popular 
fade from + popularity
 Variety shows began to fade from popularity in the early 1970s, when research began to show that variety shows appealed to an older audience that was less appealing to advertisers.
dejar de ser útil 
outlive + Posesivo + usefulness
 There is no point in trying to prolong the life of a book which has outlived its usefulness.
demostrar ser 
prove + to be
 This fear was expressed by publishers and booksellers when the first lending libraries were established and by and large it has proved to be unfounded.
de tal forma que + ser/estar 
in such form as to + be
 They will record results in such form as to be readily available for distribution or for later further manipulation.
dicho sea de paso 
by the by(e)
 Zenobia, by-the-by, as I suppose you know, is merely her public name.
dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres 
you are known by the company you keep
 I have always believed that, as the old sayings go, 'You are known by the company you keep', 'Birds of a feather flock together', 'Lie down with dogs and you get fleas', etc, etc.
dinero + ser para 
money + go towards
 Most of the money meant for repairs eventually went towards redecorating the church and buying a new sound system.
el + Nombre + es inestimable 
the + Nombre + cannot be overestimated
 The value of professionally staffed libraries in these communities cannot be overestimated = La importancia que tienen las bibliotecas dirigidas por profesionales para estas comunidades es inestimable.
el ser barato 
 The cheapness however is not primarily because the book is a paperback, it is because the book has been printed to the tune of perhaps hundreds of thousands of copies.
el sueño de todo ser viviente 
the stuff dreams are made of
 The novel 'The stuff dreams are made of' suggests that the real part of us is not the body or the personality, both of which are transitory, but the inner consciousness.
entrar sin ser visto 
sneak into
 The police said that he had sneaked into a her house and raped her nearly 200 times over a 13-month period.
eramos pocos y parió la abuela  [Usado más frecuentemente en inglés británico]  [Usado más frecuentemente en inglés americano]
it never rains but it pours
when it rains, it pours
 I don't think I'll ever stop using the phrase 'it never rains but it pours', but right now, life is looking up.
 It's one of those 'When it rains, it pours' kind of weeks - Our doggy had knee surgery last week and she needs a lot of attention and, as a result, we haven't been sleeping well.
Érase una vez  [Forma tradicional de empezar un cuento]
Once upon a time
 Once upon a time there was a teeny-tiny woman who lived in a teeny-tiny house in a teeny-tiny village.
es  [Contracción de it is]
it's [it is]
 It's that joyful leap from one place to another that symbolises the freedom to explore on the web.
esa es la cuestión  
herein lies the rub
there's the rub
 But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub - or at least a rough spot - we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
 And there's the rub, as far as California is concerned we don't stand a very good chance in this competition.
esa es la dificultad  
herein lies the rub
there's the rub
 But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub - or at least a rough spot - we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
 And there's the rub, as far as California is concerned we don't stand a very good chance in this competition.
es decir     
i.e. (latín - id est)
in other words
that is
that is to say
which is to say
 Notes may relate to any of the previous elements of the description, i.e. title, authorship, edition, editorship, publisher area, physical description area or series area.
 In other words, the information supplied in the document matches, to an acceptable degree, the information demanded by the user.
 Inevitably any abridgement poses the dilemma how to abridge, that is, what to leave out and what to include.
 Our need is not for guided and controlled instruction, that is to say, for indoctrination.
 When you are unemployed, which is to say when you are underfed, harassed, bored, and miserable, you don't want to eat dull wholesome food.
es de deducir que 
it follows that
 It follows that offenders who are remorseful should not be treated more leniently.
es de destacar 
 In some subject fields, notably business, there may be both bibliographic and non-bibliographic data bases covering different aspects of the topic.
es de destacar que 
 Significantly, this framework and methodology is applicable to virtually every type and size of library.
es de esperar 
 During searching the index user is expected to formulate headings in the same way, and hopefully to match his subject description with the indexer's description.
es de esperar que 
all being well
 All being well, your suggested resource should appear in our database in due course.
es de resaltar que 
 Significantly, this framework and methodology is applicable to virtually every type and size of library.
es de suponer que 
 Most of the additional documents retrieved will presumably deal with the subject in question at a more general level.
ese es el asunto  
herein lies the rub
there's the rub
 But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub - or at least a rough spot - we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
 And there's the rub, as far as California is concerned we don't stand a very good chance in this competition.
ese es el problema  
herein lies the rub
there's the rub
 But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub - or at least a rough spot - we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
 And there's the rub, as far as California is concerned we don't stand a very good chance in this competition.
es el momento adecuado  
the moment is ripe
the time is ripe
 We must be ready to be flexible in our work, seizing the moment when it is ripe for introducing a book, and altering our methods to suit.
 The time is now ripe for library schools and libraries to work more closely on education for the profession.
es el momento oportuno  
the moment is ripe
the time is ripe
 We must be ready to be flexible in our work, seizing the moment when it is ripe for introducing a book, and altering our methods to suit.
 The time is now ripe for library schools and libraries to work more closely on education for the profession.
es evidente 
 Clearly, the operation may not be so extensive that each abstractor can work in a narrow niche.
es importante destacar 
 The collections contain only books specifically published for children, feature a wide range of paperbacks and, importantly, introduce students to new ideas and the works of some unknown authors.
es inevitable que 
 Inevitably any abridgement poses the dilemma how to abridge, that is, what to leave out and what to include.
es interesante que 
 Interestingly, all of these were published between 1722 and 1726.
es lo que a mí me parece 
my two cents' worth
 Thought I should throw my two cents into this debate about the Forbes article where in the author admonishes men from marrying women with careers.
es lo que yo pienso 
my two cents' worth
 Thought I should throw my two cents into this debate about the Forbes article where in the author admonishes men from marrying women with careers.
es más  
more important
 Objectives are tools; more important, they are tools that can relate closely to changing environments.
 Moreover, it was stated that only selected elements of subject indexing will be included.
es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo 
be easier said than done
 In formulating strategies and choosing options to deal with Iraq, it is important to recognize that some things are easier said than done.
es mi opinión 
my two cents' worth
 Thought I should throw my two cents into this debate about the Forbes article where in the author admonishes men from marrying women with careers.
es mi parecer 
my two cents' worth
 Thought I should throw my two cents into this debate about the Forbes article where in the author admonishes men from marrying women with careers.
es por lo tanto deducible que 
it therefore follows that
 It therefore follows that rules for use of the scientific literature should be designed to help achieve that goal.
es por lo tanto de esperar que 
it therefore follows that
 It therefore follows that rules for use of the scientific literature should be designed to help achieve that goal.
es por lo tanto lógico que 
it therefore follows that
 It therefore follows that rules for use of the scientific literature should be designed to help achieve that goal.
¡esta es tu oportunidad! 
here's your chance!
 'Here's your chance!' he smiled with entire good nature.
estar siendo + Participio 
be in process of + Nombre
 A stand-alone cataloguing system is, however, in process of development.
evitar ser afectado 
escape + unaffected
 Some children are swayed more than others by the attitudes, opinions, behavior of friends and fellows, but none escapes unaffected, not even the outsider, the loner.
fue durante mucho tiempo 
long remained
 In the Mediterranean the galley propelled by oars long remained the principal type of war vessel.
haber sido aceptado  
be here to stay
have come + to stay
 Such championship cannot be lightly set aside, nevertheless it is now quiet certain that 'bibliography', incorrect and unfortunate as it may be, is here to stay and the situation must be accepted.
 Consequently the book-stapling machines were generally replaced by sewing machines by the late 1880s; the stapling of pamphlets, however, had come to stay.
haber sido comprobado exhaustivamente 
be thoroughly tested
 Unfortunately, librarians were unable to bring themselves to whole-heartedly accept and implement this new philosophy, and as a result it has never been carefully thought out or thoroughly tested.
la razón de ser 
the reason for being
 The public library's sole reason for being is to help people get along in the world, to help school children get better grades, to help preachers write better sermons that will keep the congregation awake, to help newspapermen find facts.
la verdad sea dicha  
to tell the truth
in (all) fairness
 To tell the truth, I may speak, on this being indeterminate and indivisible, only tautologically: the being is the being.
 In all fairness, there are very few, if any, Benjamin Franklins in the contemporary American firmament either.
la vida no ser un camino de rosas 
life not be all beer and skittles
 Our son is now old enough to know that life isn't all beer and skittles.
la vida no ser un lecho de rosas 
life not be all beer and skittles
 Our son is now old enough to know that life isn't all beer and skittles.
llegar a ser  [Verbo irregular: pasado became, participio become] 
develop into
 Some degree of ignorance of this kind is not unusual since the usual objective in consulting an information source is to become better informed.
 A method has been devised to induce embryonic stem cells to develop into bone marrow and blood cells.
llegar a ser conocido como 
become + known as
 In 1961 an International Conference on Cataloguing Principles was held in Paris, and a statement of principles emerged, which became known as the Paris Principles.
lo que es aun peor 
worse still
 Worse still, some EC countries, particularly in a period of world economic recession, become adept at bending the Community's rules to suit their own purposes.
lo que es peor 
what's worse
 And, what's worse, they have themselves failed to aggressively lobby for their own interests.
lo que haya que de ser, será   
que sera sera
what's meant to be, will be
whatever will be, will be
 If you do this it should balance out some of the negative thoughts you're having and know that in the end que sera sera, what's meant to be will be .
 If you do this it should balance out some of the negative thoughts you're having and know that in the end que sera sera, what's meant to be will be .
 Needless to say, 'whatever will be, will be' is not adequate for most of us as an answer to that question.
lo que + ser 
what + be like
 Nor can we experience what it was like to be alive in an historical time - in, say, Elizabethan England - because the space-time barrier prevents it.
lo que tenga que ser, será   
que sera sera
whatever will be, will be
what's meant to be, will be
 If you do this it should balance out some of the negative thoughts you're having and know that in the end que sera sera, what's meant to be will be .
 Needless to say, 'whatever will be, will be' is not adequate for most of us as an answer to that question.
 If you do this it should balance out some of the negative thoughts you're having and know that in the end que sera sera, what's meant to be will be .
merecer ser mencionado 
deserve + mention
 No supervisor should be a tiresome nag, but the achievements and failings of a persons's performance deserves mention in a constructive way at timely, regular intervals.
no estar/ser (como) para tirar cohetes 
be nothing to write home (to mom) about
 He really does not have that great of a voice and his looks are nothing to write home to mom about.
no estar/estar para tirar cohetes 
be no great shakes
 My friends read my books not because they think I am any great shakes as a writer but simply because they know me.
no estar/ser para tirar cohetes 
be nothing to shout about
 The rooms are nothing to shout about, but it's a friendly place and has one of the neighborhood's best restaurants.
no ser aconsejable 
be undesirable
 The process of information system development requires a continuum of activity and fragmentation of the process is undesirable.
no ser + Adjetivo + Infinitivo 
be less than + Adjetivo + Infinitivo
 Keywords can prove difficult to identify immediately and their alphabetical sequence can be less than straightforward to follow.
no ser así ya 
be no longer the case
 Until recently, replacing the DLL seemed to solve the problem, but it appears as though that is no longer the case.
no ser bien visto 
be in the doghouse
 This video shows what happens when a guy bought his girlfriend the wrong gift and ended up in the doghouse.
no ser cobarde 
be no chicken
 I admire Governor Perdue's courage; he is no chicken like Mike Tyson.
no ser consciente de 
remain + unaware of
 Unfortunately, the majority of the public, and in particular those most in need of information - the disadvantaged - remain largely unaware of an 'information gap' in their lives.
no ser deseable 
be undesirable
 The process of information system development requires a continuum of activity and fragmentation of the process is undesirable.
no + ser + de sorprender que 
it + be + not surprising that
 It is not surprising that the majority of the world's inhabitants have been shut off from the digital revolution when half of those people have yet to make their first phone call.
no ser el fin del mundo 
not be the end of the world
 Taking a rest day from exercising is not the end of the world.
no ser fácil  
be no picnic
not be easy
 This will be no picnic, especially with the French at the wheel.
 It would not be easy to find in the history of philosophy and the sciences a situation more confused than our own.
no ser gran cosa  
not add up to much
add up to + nothing
 They are the most numerous thing in the galaxy, but each of them has such a small mass that they don't add up to much.
 This time it was a collection of random facts that added up to nothing.
no ser lo que parecer  
be not all what it seems to be
be not as it seems to be
 Knightley has warned children who dream of celebrity life that it's not all what it seems to be.
 Though at first it seems that this project is charming and has strong appeal for poor countries and its poor children, it is not as it seems to be.
no ser lo suficientemente bueno 
not be good enough
 It means admitting that their best shot so far has not been good enough.
no ser más que  
be nothing more than
be nothing but
 Women will like it because it shows how men are nothing more than putty in their hands.
 She is nothing but a narcissist that wants to hang out with the so-called big wheels in this city.
no ser mucho de 
be not much to
 'I'm not much to trust any politician,' he shrugs, but 'I just don't believe in changing horses in midstream'.
no ser muy dado a 
be not much to
 'I'm not much to trust any politician,' he shrugs, but 'I just don't believe in changing horses in midstream'.
no ser nada 
add up to + nothing
 This time it was a collection of random facts that added up to nothing.
no ser nada del otro mundo    
be no great shakes
be nothing to shout about
be nothing to write home (to mom) about
be not much cop
 My friends read my books not because they think I am any great shakes as a writer but simply because they know me.
 The rooms are nothing to shout about, but it's a friendly place and has one of the neighborhood's best restaurants.
 He really does not have that great of a voice and his looks are nothing to write home to mom about.
 They are held in contempt by motor racing types because they are not much cop on circuits.
no ser nada especial    
be nothing to shout about
be no great shakes
be nothing to write home (to mom) about
be not much cop
 The rooms are nothing to shout about, but it's a friendly place and has one of the neighborhood's best restaurants.
 My friends read my books not because they think I am any great shakes as a writer but simply because they know me.
 He really does not have that great of a voice and his looks are nothing to write home to mom about.
 They are held in contempt by motor racing types because they are not much cop on circuits.
no ser nada fácil  [Hacer algo]
be hard-pushed to
 And even if you are very well traveled, you will be hard-pushed to think of a place with more interior designers and furniture shops than here.
no ser nada nuevo 
be nothing new
 The issue of non-local women from the mainland coming to Hong Kong to give birth is nothing new.
no ser ningún jovencito 
be no chicken
 Her Swazi tracker said that Amy was the best shot he had ever seen - and he is no chicken, being the progenitor of various grandchildren.
no ser ni sombra de lo que se ha sido antes   
be a shadow of + Reflexivo
be a shadow of + Posesivo + former self
be a shell of + Posesivo + former self
 He had a good season last year but this time around he's just a shadow of himself.
 It took a week to reduce the East Timorese capital to a smouldering shadow of its former self.
 These feelings have slowly devoured Mary over the years, to the point where she is just a shell of her former self.
no ser ni una cosa ni otra 
fall between + two stools
 The article is entitled 'ADONIS: a happy medium or falling between two stools'.
no ser sino 
be nothing but
 She is nothing but a narcissist that wants to hang out with the so-called big wheels in this city.
no ser todo coser y cantar 
not be all beer and skittles
 Diplomacy is not all beer and skittles but this book can give that impression.
no ser una gran pérdida 
be no great loss
 The loss of any mentally-ill person is considered no great loss by society.
no ser un lecho de rosas 
be not all roses
 Maintaining plants is a big part of the work, but the job is not all roses.
no ser un placer   
bring no + joy
there + be + no joy
take no + joy
 As teachers, we have to shatter their naivete (because ultimately that is what education ought to be), but it brings no joy to do so.
 Well, friends, we were really scraping the bottom of the barrel, and there was no joy, no joy at all.
 Make no mistake, I take no joy in seeing peaceful protesters attacked.
no ser verdad 
be untrue
 You think that post-coordinate indexing does not usually include the translation stage of indexing: this is untrue.
no somos todos iguales 
one size doesn't fit all
 One size doesn't fit all anymore.
no tener razón de ser + Infinitivo 
there + be + no sense in + Gerundio
 There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking about = No tiene sentido andarse con precisiones cuando no se tiene ni idea de lo que se está hablando.
o sea 
that is
 Inevitably any abridgement poses the dilemma how to abridge, that is, what to leave out and what to include.
para ser concreto   
to be specific
to be precise
to be exact
 To be specific, parts, insets and maps on the verso of other maps need to be indicated.
 Perhaps, but I recently read something which suggested they (to be precise, Native Americans) really were happier than the European settlers of the time.
 I have a younger brother (14, to be exact), he's fucking losing it, he just entered high school and he's insanely insociable.
para ser específico   
to be specific
to be precise
to be exact
 To be specific, parts, insets and maps on the verso of other maps need to be indicated.
 Perhaps, but I recently read something which suggested they (to be precise, Native Americans) really were happier than the European settlers of the time.
 I have a younger brother (14, to be exact), he's fucking losing it, he just entered high school and he's insanely insociable.
para ser exacto   
to be specific
to be precise
to be exact
 To be specific, parts, insets and maps on the verso of other maps need to be indicated.
 Perhaps, but I recently read something which suggested they (to be precise, Native Americans) really were happier than the European settlers of the time.
 I have a younger brother (14, to be exact), he's fucking losing it, he just entered high school and he's insanely insociable.
para ser franco 
in all honesty
 In all honesty does weight have a huge impact on who you fancy?.
para ser justo 
in (all) fairness
 In all fairness, there are very few, if any, Benjamin Franklins in the contemporary American firmament either.
para ser sincero  
to be honest
in all honesty
 I was not, to be honest, expecting to enjoy the novel and was reading it as a duty, having promised Bob that I would.
 In all honesty does weight have a huge impact on who you fancy?.
pasar a ser  [Verbo irregular: pasado became, participio become] 
develop into
 Some degree of ignorance of this kind is not unusual since the usual objective in consulting an information source is to become better informed.
 A method has been devised to induce embryonic stem cells to develop into bone marrow and blood cells.
por ser + Adjetivo 
as being + Adjetivo
 In a retrospective search, if documents are retrieved on the basis of title alone closer examination may lead to the rejection of documents as being irrelevant.
por si fuera poco     
to boot
to add salt to injury
to rub salt in the wound
to top it all (off)
to top things off
 Such information will soon be replete with the requisite illustrations and, if need be, with sound explanations to boot.
 To add salt to injury there is a pregnancy as a result of this abominable act.
 And then, to rub salt in the wound, Adobe had the nerves to sent me an automated email announcing that the issue was fixed.
 They never recieved the money order because the fucking mail lost it, and to top it all off my mom lost the tracking number so there was no way to find it.
 To top things off, we had to put one of our dogs down on November 10th.
posible de ser consultado por máquina 
 One of the factors to consider in the selection of a data base is the documentation, and search aids available to support searching on the data base, such as classification schedules, printed or machine-viewable thesauri, and so on.
posible de ser visto en pantalla 
 By pressing this key, we obtain a list of searchable and displayable fields in the current file.
primer puesto + ser para 
pride of place + go to
 Pride of place must go to the Committee of Agricultural Produce Organizations (COPA) of which the United Kingdom member is the National Farmer's Union (NFU).
puede muy bien ser 
could well be
 Since the Root Thesaurus did not emerge, until 1981, it has not had a great impact on existing thesauri so far, but it could well be important in the future.
puede muy bien ser que 
it may well be that
 It may well be that the computer-based environment of such systems may overcome many of the limitations of enumerative classification schemes in their traditional applications.
que fue 
 The late James Bennet Childs, one-time head of Descriptive Cataloging at LC and long-time documents specialist, has often pointed out how the quality of documents cataloging went downhill after the special cataloging unit was abolished.
que fue común antes 
 Thus some once-common ordinary watermarks - crown, foolscap, hand, etc. - disappeared.
que ha sido abordado con preguntas 
 In a flash, without a moment wasted on intelligent astonishment, the poor accosted earthling gives a detailed description of the instrument he apparently assumes without further investigation the stranded space man needs.
que puede ser apilado 
 The other rooms on the third, second and first levels have a mixture of stacking chairs with writing board arms.
que sea lo que Dios quiera 
hope for + the best
 This will certainly be a learning experience for me especially since it's my first book so cross your fingers and let's hope for the best.
razón de ser    
raison d'etre
sense of purpose
 There seems little point in hundreds of cataloguers in separate locations wading through cataloguing codes and classification schemes in order to create a variety of catalogue records for the same work.
 The raison d'etre of the ALA is not to erradicate racial injustice and inequalities and to promote human brotherhood.
 The rationale, then, for a separate chapter of this work devoted to the cataloguing of the works of corporate bodies is threefold.
 This article argues that those in leadership roles bear a special responsibility for creating a sense of purpose in the organisation.
ser reconocido  
gain + recognition
find + recognition
 At the time, it was a startling accomplishment and gained wide recognition.
 Librarians are experiencing dissatisfaction with the restricted opportunities available to them to find expression for, and recognition of, their skills in the present climate of change.
resultar ser   
prove + to be
turn out to be
happen + to be
 This fear was expressed by publishers and booksellers when the first lending libraries were established and by and large it has proved to be unfounded.
 In some cases the real question that needs to be answered may indeed turn out to be, as Winston Churchill once said of Russia, 'a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma'.
 What is our responsibility to a fellow human being, who in this case happens to be a respected library director who is also our boss?.
sea como sea 
be that as it may
 Be that as it may, the fact is that there are tens of millions of MARC records in the world.
sea cual fuere 
any ... whatsoever
 An 'image library' is any systematic collection of visual images that exist for any purpose whatsoever.
sea cual fuese 
any ... whatsoever
 An 'image library' is any systematic collection of visual images that exist for any purpose whatsoever.
sea cual sea el criterio utilizado 
by any standard(s)
 By any standard there were many more illiterate Americans 100 years ago.
sea lo que sea   
whatever it is
call it what you want
no matter what
 Maybe it's the frustrated library school professor in him crying to come out - whatever it is, give him a chance to show you what he knows.
 Call it what you want but for future reference it may be best to name it according to its function.
 In hand-to-hand combat, the soldier must have the attitude that he will defeat the enemy and complete the mission, no matter what.
seamos realistas  
face it
let's face it
 The article is entitled 'Empty calories for the mind: the news might be sensationalistic, but face it, we're all interested'.
 Let's face it, personal grooming is the key to success, in business or in your social life.
sean cuales sean 
whatever they may be
 City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.
sentido del ser humano 
human sense
 Furthermore, this example brings into discussion the concept of a more complex relationship between the human senses and water in architecture.
ser aburridísimo   
bore + Nombre + to tears
bore + Nombre + to death
bore + Nombre + stiff
 However, before becoming the vivacious student we all loved, Camilla was stuck in a job that bored her to tears.
 Money matters bored her to death.
 She has just been fired by one of the city's top law firms because she had the honesty to admit the work bored her stiff.
ser accesible a través de 
be available through
 The term 'grey literature' refers to documents issued informally in limited amounts which are not available through normal publishing channels, a definition which includes many scientific and technical research reports.
ser aceptado   
take + hold
gain + acceptance
take off
 New computer-supported systems such as PRECIS will probably take hold only in languages and countries where a subject analysis system does not already exist.
 The standard of LC cataloging has been generally recognized to be of a high order and so its records have gained wide acceptance.
 But at some stage they are going to take off and public librarians will need to be ready to stake their claim to be the most appropriate people to collect and organize local community information.
ser acertado  
be spot on
hit + the spot
 The program is spot on - you can't fault it with the presentation and it's totally inoffensive and suitable for kids.
 We focus on quality rather than quantity and hit the spot every time.
ser aconsejable   
be welcome
be better served by
be in order
 Some improvements in presentation would be welcome.
 However, librarians are better served by presuming any given alternativa title is geared for adult audiences, until proven otherwise = No obstante, es aconsejable que los bibliotecarios asuman que cualquier título alternativo va dirigido a un público adulto, hasta que no se demuestre lo contrario.
 Indexing and searching, then, are integral one to another, and so a few comments on searching are in order here = Por lo tanto, la indización y la búsqueda son complementarios y así pues es pertinente hacer algunos comentarios aquí sobre la búsqueda.
ser acorde con 
be commensurate with
 We can offer you a salary that will be commensurate with the duties and responsibilities that the job demands.
ser acuciante 
be acute
 If the computer is correctly programmed it presents little difficulty in a computer-based system, where problems of excessive retrieval are likely to be most acute anyway.
ser acusado de delito criminal 
face + criminal charge
 Another rota system operates in some magistrates courts, whereby a duty solicitor is on hand to assist people facing criminal charges who otherwise would be unrepresented = En algunos juzgados de asuntos menores el sistema de turnos es diferente pues siempre hay un abogado procurador de guardiay a mano para ayudar a la gente acusada de delito criminal que de lo contrario no tendrían representación.
ser adecuado   
be right
stand up
fit + the bill
 Scenes from books done in polished improvisations, for instance, or puppet plays adapted from stories are just right.
 The vocabulary stood up well when used by persons whose mother tongue was not Italian.
 Some individuals think making resources simply electronic fits the bill, while others feel a digital library is far loftier than this.
ser + Adjetivo 
get + Adjetivo
 Without getting too technical, it is necessary to define some essential semiotic concepts.
ser + Adjetivo + para 
have + a + Adjetivo + effect on
 If you try to put small boxes of microfilm next to even standard-sized books, there will be problems with books wobbling back and forth which has a detrimental effect on the construction of the book.
ser afable 
be of good nature
 Addames specifies the commodities vendible in Japan, describes the island and the people, who he says are of good nature, courteous above measure.
ser afectado por 
have + a high stake in
 Libraries depend on vendors for a much broader range of services and have a high stake in what happens in the industry.
ser aficionado a 
be fond of
 MARIAN EVANS, who wrote as GEORGE ELIOT, was at times fond of identifying herself as MRS. GEORGE HENRY LEWES, and eventually actually became MRS. JOHN WALTER CROSS.
ser afortunado  
be lucky
strike + lucky
 'We were lucky you happened to be sitting in your dean's office when I called about the position, and that you could come over for an interview right away'.
 It's a bit like a lottery - sometimes you strike lucky and become rich and famous.
ser agradable de oír 
be good to hear
 It's good to hear their attitudes and opinions and the kind of positive feedback they give.
ser agradable + Verbo 
be neat to + Verbo
 I have always thought that it would be neat to take a trip to Israel - as a Christian it would be so historically mind blowing.
ser agudo de mente 
be sharp of mind
 He is sharp of mind and has all the tools to negotiate and achieve the best outcomes for his clients.
ser algo bien conocido que 
it + be + a (well)-known fact that
 It is a well-known fact that they're grossly deficient in identifiying talented minority children, and, for that matter, girls.
ser algo bueno 
be a good thing
 For crying out loud, would everyone please stop panicking - Don't you realize that this would be a good thing in the long run?.
ser algo completamente distinto 
be nothing of the sort
 The second edition of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2) is, in fact, nothing of the sort.
ser algo común      
be a fact of life
dominate + the scene
be a common occurrence
become + a common feature
be a part of life
be (a) common practice
 Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.
 This may have something to do with the absence of CABx, who seem to have dominated the scene in other states.
 In the nineteenth-century compulsory overtime to 10 p.m. or midnight was a very common occurrence in news offices, with all-night working when there was a rush on.
 Droughts are becoming a common feature, parching the land at least once every two years.
 Scratches are a part of life when you have parquet floors.
 It was a common practice to fill empty fuel oil tanks with sea water to ballast ships.
ser algo de esperar 
be a matter of course
 It was rather a surprise to her to find Mary alone; but being alone, her being unwell and out of spirits was almost a matter of course.
ser Algo demasiado difícil para  
be in over + Posesivo + head
be out of + Posesivo + depth
 This one is one of the lame excuses almost always used when an individual is not coping, out their depth and in over their head.
 This one is one of the lame excuses almost always used when an individual is not coping, out their depth and in over their head.
ser algo de poca monta   
be small beer
be small potato(es)
be small change
 The United States and United Kingdom are burdened by debt too but household debt even in these two countries is small beer compared to government debt.
 I know it's small potato for him, but if I'm having so many problems, then others must be having them as well.
 The casualties from a missile attack by them in response to an attack on their nuclear facilities will be small change compared to the consequences of their government attaining nuclear capability.
ser algo excepcional  
be the exception rather than the rule
be in a league of its own
 Public libraries carrying the latest issues of popular comics titles are still the exception rather than the rule = Las bibliotecas públicas que poseen los últimos números de los tebeos más conocidos siguen siendo la excepción que confirma la regla.
 The reason the survey places Canada so far ahead of Britain - in fact, in a league of its own - is that it has used the web to re-think how public services are run.
ser algo fácil      
be a cinch
be a doddle
be a breeze
be a picnic
be duck soup
be a walk in the park
 The article 'Singing with Children Is a Cinch!' explains how children learn to sing and discusses criteria for selecting songs suitable for young voices.
 Sitting on top of a launch rocket waiting for somebody to push a button and send you hurtling off into outer space is a doddle when compared with diving.
 We both woke up bright and early to forage for food nearby, which was a breeze.
 Drying and stewing fruit was a picnic compared to the elaborate rituals involved in the preparation and preservation of meat.
 Even driving the Taliban out of power from Afghanistan was duck soup compared to Iraq.
 The Zionists will discover that the war they had in July was a walk in the park if we compare it to what we've prepared for every new aggression.
ser algo facilísimo      
be a cinch
be a doddle
be a breeze
be a picnic
be duck soup
be a walk in the park
 The article 'Singing with Children Is a Cinch!' explains how children learn to sing and discusses criteria for selecting songs suitable for young voices.
 Sitting on top of a launch rocket waiting for somebody to push a button and send you hurtling off into outer space is a doddle when compared with diving.
 We both woke up bright and early to forage for food nearby, which was a breeze.
 Drying and stewing fruit was a picnic compared to the elaborate rituals involved in the preparation and preservation of meat.
 Even driving the Taliban out of power from Afghanistan was duck soup compared to Iraq.
 The Zionists will discover that the war they had in July was a walk in the park if we compare it to what we've prepared for every new aggression.
ser algo habitual  
become + a common feature
be a fact of life
 Droughts are becoming a common feature, parching the land at least once every two years.
 Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.
ser Algo imponente 
loom + large
 The philosophy of central collections providing back up for local libraries will loom large on the British library scene for some time.
ser algo impostergable 
be a matter of urgency
 By 1983 it became a matter of urgency to direct the selection of new titles towards the needs of students.
ser algo inaplazable  
be a matter of urgency
be a matter of urgency
 By 1983 it became a matter of urgency to direct the selection of new titles towards the needs of students.
 By 1983 it became a matter of urgency to direct the selection of new titles towards the needs of students.
ser algo inevitable  [El uso de handwriting en lugar de writing es menos frecuente] 
the (hand)writing + be + on the wall
see it + coming
 Surely the writing is on the wall for Gordon Brown and ministers will act in October to put him out of his and our collective miseries.
 The inference is that they cannot be held accountable for something so unusual, so extraordinary, and so unforecastable that that no one saw it coming.
ser algo insignificante   
be small beer
be small potato(es)
be small change
 The United States and United Kingdom are burdened by debt too but household debt even in these two countries is small beer compared to government debt.
 I know it's small potato for him, but if I'm having so many problems, then others must be having them as well.
 The casualties from a missile attack by them in response to an attack on their nuclear facilities will be small change compared to the consequences of their government attaining nuclear capability.
ser algo más profundo que 
go + deeper than
 The real heart of the matter of selection, however, goes deeper than a lag in the adoption of mechanisms by library, or a lack of development of devices for their use.
ser algo más serio que 
go + deeper than
 The real heart of the matter of selection, however, goes deeper than a lag in the adoption of mechanisms by library, or a lack of development of devices for their use.
ser algo (muy) bien sabido que 
it + be + a (well)-known fact that
 It is a well-known fact that they're grossly deficient in identifiying talented minority children, and, for that matter, girls.
ser algo muy claro 
be a dead giveaway
 False or exaggerated publisher claims are often a dead giveaway.
ser algo muy corriente 
be an everyday occurrence
 People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.
ser algo muy fácil de conseguir 
be there for the taking
 you have to turn them on later, otherwise unauthorised access and/or eavesdropping is there for the taking.
ser Algo muy importante 
loom + large
 The philosophy of central collections providing back up for local libraries will loom large on the British library scene for some time.
ser algo muy inteligente 
be a smart move
 It's a smart move on Jade's part to let Donna give her a helping hand in getting back on her feet.
ser algo muy obvio 
be a dead giveaway
 False or exaggerated publisher claims are often a dead giveaway.
ser algo muy poco frecuente  
be a rare occurrence
be a rare sight
 Scientists once thought that deep-sea volcanic vents were a rare occurrence.
 A full-sized spare wheel is an increasingly rare sight in the boot of today's car.
ser algo muy raro  
be a rare occurrence
be a rare sight
 Scientists once thought that deep-sea volcanic vents were a rare occurrence.
 A full-sized spare wheel is an increasingly rare sight in the boot of today's car.
ser algo muy revelador 
be a giveaway
 False or exaggerated publisher claims are often a dead giveaway.
ser algo natural 
be a matter of course
 It was rather a surprise to her to find Mary alone; but being alone, her being unwell and out of spirits was almost a matter of course.
ser algo natural para  
be second nature to + Pronombre
come + naturally to
 For such a task the librarian is particularly well fitted by his professional education: bringing to bear the great analytical power of classification should be second nature to him.
 Many of the revisions they suggest exacerbate the leaden, plethoric style that comes naturally to lawyers .
ser algo normal    
be a fact of life
become + a common feature
be a part of life
be a matter of course
 Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.
 Droughts are becoming a common feature, parching the land at least once every two years.
 Scratches are a part of life when you have parquet floors.
 It was rather a surprise to her to find Mary alone; but being alone, her being unwell and out of spirits was almost a matter of course.
ser algo permanente 
be here to stay
 Such championship cannot be lightly set aside, nevertheless it is now quiet certain that 'bibliography', incorrect and unfortunate as it may be, is here to stay and the situation must be accepted.
ser algo poco común 
be the exception rather than the rule
 Public libraries carrying the latest issues of popular comics titles are still the exception rather than the rule = Las bibliotecas públicas que poseen los últimos números de los tebeos más conocidos siguen siendo la excepción que confirma la regla.
ser algo poco conocido que 
it + be + a little known fact that
 It is a little-known fact that all the gas you burp comes from air that you swallow.
ser algo poco frecuente  
be a rare occurrence
be a rare sight
 Scientists once thought that deep-sea volcanic vents were a rare occurrence.
 A full-sized spare wheel is an increasingly rare sight in the boot of today's car.
ser algo poco sabido que 
it + be + a little known fact that
 It is a little-known fact that all the gas you burp comes from air that you swallow.
ser algo por lo que 
be a matter for/of
 It can only be a matter of time before we have in effect a complete set of MARC records to call on for details of any item we require.
ser algo por ver 
be an open question
 Whether such a solution would be agreed by users, and in particular the users of the Library of Congress itself, is still an open question.
ser algo que engorda 
be fattening
 Why are all the good things in life either illegal, fattening or immoral?.
ser algo que llama la atención 
be an eye popper
 Our wide array of frocks is an eye popper and is in huge demand among the youth due to their exotic designs.
ser algo que no ocurre con frecuencia  
be a rare occurrence
be a rare sight
 Scientists once thought that deep-sea volcanic vents were a rare occurrence.
 A full-sized spare wheel is an increasingly rare sight in the boot of today's car.
ser algo que pasa todos los días 
be an everyday occurrence
 People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.
ser algo seguro      
be a cinch
be a doddle
be a breeze
be a picnic
be duck soup
be a walk in the park
 The article 'Singing with Children Is a Cinch!' explains how children learn to sing and discusses criteria for selecting songs suitable for young voices.
 Sitting on top of a launch rocket waiting for somebody to push a button and send you hurtling off into outer space is a doddle when compared with diving.
 We both woke up bright and early to forage for food nearby, which was a breeze.
 Drying and stewing fruit was a picnic compared to the elaborate rituals involved in the preparation and preservation of meat.
 Even driving the Taliban out of power from Afghanistan was duck soup compared to Iraq.
 The Zionists will discover that the war they had in July was a walk in the park if we compare it to what we've prepared for every new aggression.
ser algo totalmente inesperado 
come out of/from + left field
 I think the reason most people here are thinking that Rose and Nat might get back together is because their break up seemed to come out of left field.
ser algo urgente 
be a matter of urgency
 By 1983 it became a matter of urgency to direct the selection of new titles towards the needs of students.
ser algo útil para 
be something in the hand for
 That book is a source document; it's something in the hand for somebody interested in censorship and secrecy in government.
ser alguien muy sociable 
be a social butterfly
 I'm introverted and my husband is a social butterfly - the more social he is the more introverted I become.
ser amado 
 Instead of spending hours being bored stiff in church, most families spend Christmas with family and loved-ones or are still recovering from the hangover .
ser amigo de 
be buddies with
 Strangely enough, despite the fact that he was buddies with Henry Kissinger at Harvard, he is registered as a member of the Democratic Party.
ser analizado como una frase 
be phrase parsed
 Refer to the database-specific documentation for more information on which fields are phrase parsed.
ser apreciado 
receive + appreciation
 It has been to the continuing shame of the library field that his efforts toward eliminating the price-fixing of children's books have received such little note and appreciation.
ser aprobado 
get + the thumbs up
 Would-be inventors get four to five minutes to present their product's concept and business plan before getting the thumbs up or down for funding.
ser apropiado 
be right
 Scenes from books done in polished improvisations, for instance, or puppet plays adapted from stories are just right.
ser aproximadamente + Número  
be around + Número
be about + Número
 The 'best size' public library from the point of maximising circulation appears to be around 100,000 volumes.
 The coverage of medical literature seemed to be about 95%.
ser arrastrado 
be carried along
 We are carried along in a stream - some are aware of the invisible forces pulling them, others float without a thought as to where the current is taking them.
ser arrestado 
be under arrest
 Prior to that, Fleming had never been under arrest or handcuffed.
ser asequible  
be available
become + available
 This emphasis upon 'the work' reflects the packaging of text, information, music, graphics, and so on, and indicates to the subsequent user what packages are available for use or consultation.
 Mini and micro computers will become cheaper and information retrieval software will become available in more financially attractive, user friendly and tried and tested packages.
ser asequible a 
be amenable to
 These LC Rules were devised in 1971 in order to provide a set of rules which was amenable to computer filing.
ser así  
be the case (with)
be just like that
 This has been the case with newspapers which suddenly find that their audiences are both growing older and dwindling in size and they are facing great difficulty appealing to the new electronic generation.
 And legends and fairy tales are just like that.
ser atacado   
be under attack
come under + fire
be under assault
 Computer networks are under attack from viruses, traditional hacking and cyberattack.
 At the other extreme, the grand tradition has come under fire from two franc-tireurs FN Hatt and DE Gerard.
 Those institutions and persons representing a progressive and hopeful future for Iraq are under assault and in retreat.
ser atractivo  
look + attractive
be popular in appeal
 Library buildings are now planned to be aesthetic as well as functional; in addition, books are designed to look attractive.
 Ticknor's belief in the library's potential as one means of inhibiting the chances of unscrupulous politicians who would lead the ignorant astray explains his insistence that the public library be as popular in appeal as possible.
ser atrevido 
make + a bold statement
 In addition, both were controversial libraries when they were constructed, and each was designed to make a bold statement about the important role of libraries within their respective city = Además, ambas fueron polémicas cuando se construyeron y se diseñaron para reafirmar el importante papel de las bibliotecas dentro de sus respectivas ciudades.
ser atribuible a 
be attributable to
 The inclusion of much of West Yorkshire in the non-quota textile programme is claimed to be at least partly attributable to this persistence.
ser aun más 
be all the more
 Stories that lead to doing things are all the more attractive to children, who are active rather than passive creatures.
ser autosuficiente  
stand on + Posesivo + own
 The ISBD presupposes that the description of a publication should be complete and stand on its own without the author heading.
 The survey highlighted that not only are information consumers happy to self-serve, they are confident that they can serve themselves well = Los usuarios no sólo están satisfechos con el hecho de valerse por sí mismos para acceder a la información, sino que además están convencidos de que lo pueden hacer bien.
ser autosuficiente económicamente 
pay + Posesivo + own way
 If they had to pay their own way, some schools would probably decide to spend their money elsewhere.
ser avaricioso 
have + Posesivo + cake and eat it
 The article is entitled 'Web lists or OPACs: can we have our cake and eat it, too?'.
ser ave de paso 
be a rolling stone
 I was a rolling stone until you changed my ways.
ser bajo en calorías 
be low in calories
 Whitefish like cod and halibut, bison, turkey breast, chicken breast, and ostrich breast are all very low in calories and very rich in protein.
ser bajo en proteínas 
be low in proteins
 Although beer is low in proteins, it contains all essential and many non-essential amino acids.
ser bajo en vitaminas 
be low in vitamins
 But these highly processed foods are mostly low in vitamins which can lead to deficiencies and health problems.
ser bienvenido   
be most welcome
make + welcome
be welcome
 In a profession which is composed largely of women, this research is most welcome and long overdue.
 Even the youngest children are made welcome in the library.
 Some improvements in presentation would be welcome.
ser bochornoso 
be embarrassing
 It was equally embarrassing to see her behave in such an obsequious manner.
ser bondadoso 
be of good nature
 Addames specifies the commodities vendible in Japan, describes the island and the people, who he says are of good nature, courteous above measure.
ser bonito + Verbo 
be neat to + Verbo
 I have always thought that it would be neat to take a trip to Israel - as a Christian it would be so historically mind blowing.
ser buenísimo + Gerundio 
be terrific at + Gerundio
 We are terrific at convening meetings, outlining problems, developing agendas and saying, 'Here's what needs to be done'.
ser bueno 
make + good + Nombre
 Some authors make good and others poor authors.
ser bueno en 
be good at
 Computers are good at routine and repetitive operations on large quantities of data.
ser bueno para Alguien 
be to + Posesivo + advantage
 So it's to your advantage, at least from their standpoint, to order by ISBN so that they can more expeditiously fulfill your order.
ser bueno para nada 
be a dead loss
 There is now never the need for someone with a hair problem to feel that the problem cannot be solved; hair loss is no longer a dead loss!.
ser cachondísimo    
be a (real) scream
be a (real) hoot
be a (real) laugh
be a (real) riot
 Andrea and Mark were very welcoming and Jess was a real scream and had us in stitches.
 Wouldn't it be a hoot if it turned out that chihuahuas actually were a type of rat?.
 My group had a really great day - it was a real laugh.
 These guys were a real riot and I enjoyed my brief encounter with them, even though I had to tolerate their noxious cigarette smoke.
ser cada vez más importante 
increase in + importance
 Licensing is increasing in importance as a means of gaining access to commercially available digital information = Las licencias están creciendo en importancia como forma de acceder a información digital comercial.
ser capaz de 
be capable of
 Main classes are thus only capable of precise definition in the contexts of particular classification schemes.
ser capaz de hacer cualquier cosa por  
go to + any lengths to
go to + great lengths to
 Some library staff will go to almost any lengths to avoid challenges, criticism, and controversy over which titles and which kinds of materials should be made available to their communities.
 Writers and publishers go to great lengths to avoid the appearance of supporting or condoning homosexuality.
ser característico de 
be emblematic of
 A system of performance appraisal (PA) is emblematic of twentieth century organisations, with probably more than 80 percent of all libraries of any size using PA.
ser carísimo 
cost + be prohibitive
 In addition, some developers would prefer to avoid conformance testing because the cost can be prohibitive.
ser caro 
be steep
 Even with Groome's effort to ease tax burden pressures on individual property owners through industrial development, the tax rate is very steep.
ser casi seguro 
be a good bet
 It is a good bet that if asked why libraries produce so much material of this type the librarian would answer by saying that it all helps members to make fuller use of the stock.
ser chiquito pero matón 
punch above + Posesivo + weight
 So although the Philippines is not the largest of countries, it, in using a phrase from boxing, punches above its weight in the international arena.
ser chulo  
be cool
look + cool
 Modern preppies try to be assholes, probably because they think it's cool, and never quite make it.
 The fact is that a beat-up guitar looks cooler than a pristine one, and getting it to look beat up just by playing it takes a really long time.
ser clavado a 
be a dead ringer for
 The final photocopy was a dead ringer for the PDF files downloaded from the CBS website.
ser cliente de una tienda 
patronise + shop
 Some children are prepared to patronize the shop, and use it in quite a different way, when they find the library (however well run) stuffy or off-putting.
ser coherente 
 Co-citation analysis shows that literature cohere and change in intelligible ways over time.
ser cómodo de conducir 
have + a cushy ride
 Because the boat is light for its size it may not have a cushy ride, but there is no doubt about its seaworthiness.
ser cómodo de llevar 
have + a cushy ride
 Because the boat is light for its size it may not have a cushy ride, but there is no doubt about its seaworthiness.
ser como dos gotas de agua 
be like two peas in a pod
 They were like two peas in a pod but the only problem was that they did not like school and often played truant.
ser como el día y la noche 
different as night and day
 When asked about their children's temperaments, parents frequently comment on how different their children are (e.g., 'different as night and day' or 'as if they came from different families').
ser como hablar con la pared  
be like talking to a brick wall
go in + one ear and out the other
 Volunteers have been circulating petitions for years, but 'it's been like talking to a brick wall'.
 I've even had friends and relatives talk with her and give her advice but it all goes in one ear and out the other.
ser como hablarle a la pared 
be like talking to a brick wall
 Volunteers have been circulating petitions for years, but 'it's been like talking to a brick wall'.
ser como ladrarle a la luna 
be like talking to a brick wall
 Volunteers have been circulating petitions for years, but 'it's been like talking to a brick wall'.
ser como mínimo 
be no less than
 Some fees paid to visiting speakers are no less than insulting.
ser como predicar en el desierto 
fall (up)on + deaf ears
 I realize that our pleas are no doubt continuing to fall on deaf ears at Thomson.
ser como quien oye llover  
be like water off a duck's back
go in + one ear and out the other
 You may threaten your children, tell them they'll be grounded for life (or worse), and it's all like water off a duck's back.
 I've even had friends and relatives talk with her and give her advice but it all goes in one ear and out the other.
ser como una esfera 
wrap around
 If one of them is held down long enough, the cursor will eventually be moved back to its starting position, since the screen 'wraps around'.
ser como un círculo 
wrap around
 If one of them is held down long enough, the cursor will eventually be moved back to its starting position, since the screen 'wraps around'.
ser como un libro abierto  
be an open book
read + Nombre + like a book
 When she was young and her heart was an open book, she used to say, 'Live and let live'.
 That girl could read me like a book, no matter how hard I tried to disguise my feelings.
ser complementario el uno del otro 
be integral one to another
 Indexing and searching, then, are integral one to another, and so a few comments on searching are in order here = Por lo tanto, la indización y la búsqueda son complementarios y así pues es pertinente hacer algunos comentarios aquí sobre la búsqueda.
ser complementarios 
be integral one to another
 Indexing and searching, then, are integral one to another, and so a few comments on searching are in order here = Por lo tanto, la indización y la búsqueda son complementarios y así pues es pertinente hacer algunos comentarios aquí sobre la búsqueda.
ser completamente aceptado 
be thoroughly accepted
 Black magic protection talismans have been thoroughly accepted as a shield against black magic by people all around the world.
ser completamente diferente 
be in a different league
 Australia is 'in a different league' to most stressed world economies because of the stability of its banks and China's hunger for its exports.
ser completamente inaceptable 
be bang out of order
 I know he has a job to do but he went way over the top - it was harsh, unnecessary and bang out of order.
ser completo 
be all inclusive
 Since no site is all inclusive, their relative value will vary depending on the individual's particular needs.
ser cómplice de 
be a party to
 The documentary is about how everyone was a party to what happened - it was not just the greedy bankers.
ser común 
be the case (with)
 This has been the case with newspapers which suddenly find that their audiences are both growing older and dwindling in size and they are facing great difficulty appealing to the new electronic generation.
ser condenado a prisión 
receive + prison sentence
 The two persons who committed the crime were apprehended and tried in 1964, receiving prison sentences of 10 years.
ser confuso 
be deceiving
 The intuitive simplicity of probability can be deceiving.
ser conocido por  
have + a track record of
 Nietzsche famously violates the rules of logic, gleefully engaging in the 'informal' fallacies, for example, in his appeals to emotions.
 They have a track record of hysterics and exaggerations for political purposes.
ser conocido por todos 
be out in the open
 Now it is out in the open that those of us in the academic world who have passed the student phase in our lives also use Google extensively!.
ser consciente 
sentient being
 The knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by sentient beings on this planet for aeons and aeons is quite impossible to fully comprehend.
ser consciente de       
be alive to
be aware of
be cognisant of
be mindful of/that
become + cognisant of
be aware of
realise [realize, -USA]
 To anyone who is alive to the trends today it is evident that we are moving into the planned society in all spheres.
 Although this may seem an obvious statement, there are many instances when the searcher is not fully aware of what can or might be retrieved.
 The second aspect of institutional behavior we need to be cognizant of involves the notion the further institutions move into their life-cycles, the more they demonstrate the characteristics of a closed system.
 She examines the features that make it attractive while also being mindful of its minor flaws.
 Becoming cognizant of these retail promotional tools is the first step - the fun part is adopting successful ones!.
 Although this may seem an obvious statement, there are many instances when the searcher is not fully aware of what can or might be retrieved.
 It should be realized, in addition, that the question involves not only serials but other works that are generally intended to be issued indefinitely in successive editions.
ser consciente de + Posesivo + valía 
be alive to + Posesivo + worth
 Of course, suspicion always arises that both are weak; for where the library is a vital force, the public is usually pretty much alive to its worth.
ser consciente + desafortunadamente 
be painfully aware of
 School library media specialists are painfully aware of the negative reactions of librarians in other types of libraries to their circulation and catalogue systems.
ser consecuente con 
be consistent with
 If these two questions are considered the choice of titles will be consistent with the choice of author headings.
ser contradictorio de 
run + contrary to
 This runs contrary to earlier user studies, particularly those of scientists and engineers, which concluded that perceived source accessibility was the overwhelming factor in source selection.
ser contraproducente   
defeat + Posesivo + purpose
defeat + Posesivo + objective
 Objectives are the basis of 'control' in the first sense; but they must never become the basis of 'control' in the second, for this would defeat their purpose.
 If we inflict great misery on innocent people in the Middle East, there will almost certainly be what the CIA refers to as 'blowback' - unintended negative consequences of our actions.
 They actually defeating their objective because they are feeding and fuelling the very mentality which is creating the ills they say they want to eliminate.
ser contrario a  
be contrary to
be hostile to
 This is a rather unexpected conclusion, and is of course contrary to most of what has been stated in this text; it is also contrary to the experience of large numbers of librarians, who have found that controlled vocabularies are helpful in practice.
 Although he recognized the need for some forms of synthesis, Bliss was hostile to the idea of complete analysis and synthesis put forward by Ranganathan.
ser conveniente + Infinitivo  
be as well + Infinitivo
be well + Infinitivo
 It is as well to note the connection between specificity and recall and precision.
 In order that the picture may not be too commonplace, by reason of sticking to present-day patterns, it may be well to mention one such possibility.
ser correcto   
be all right
be correct
be right
 The lead term 'metallurgy' is all right but you have then gone on to qualify this by the subordinate term in the chain 'assaying' and indexed this for the class number 669.
 It is not always correct to conclude that if users fail to frame their questions more specifically it is because they are incapable of doing so.
 Your answer 'by containing more than one substitute for each document and arranging these in sequences differing from shelf order' is right.
ser cortés con 
be civil towards
 Judging from the history of warfare and skirmish between the British and the French, I am surprised you are so civil towards each other.
ser cosa de todos los días 
be an everyday occurrence
 People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.
ser cosa (totalmente) natural 
be (only) natural
 It's only natural for a betrayed wife to be curious about her husband's mistress.
ser coser y cantar        
be a breeze
be a cinch
be a piece of cake
be a doddle
be a snap
be a picnic
be duck soup
be a walk in the park
 We both woke up bright and early to forage for food nearby, which was a breeze.
 The article 'Singing with Children Is a Cinch!' explains how children learn to sing and discusses criteria for selecting songs suitable for young voices.
 That was a piece of cake compared with getting the resulting research agency off the ground.
 Sitting on top of a launch rocket waiting for somebody to push a button and send you hurtling off into outer space is a doddle when compared with diving.
 The article is entitled 'Enhancing digital images is a snap'.
 Drying and stewing fruit was a picnic compared to the elaborate rituals involved in the preparation and preservation of meat.
 Even driving the Taliban out of power from Afghanistan was duck soup compared to Iraq.
 The Zionists will discover that the war they had in July was a walk in the park if we compare it to what we've prepared for every new aggression.
ser costumbre 
be customary
 She deliberately refused to rise to her feet when he entered a room as was customary, often pretending not to have seen him.
ser creativo 
be inventive
 Cataloguers have, however, been inventive and there exists a plethora of physical forms in which catalogues are to be found.
ser creíble 
invoke + belief
 The present paper disagrees, arguing that the Conspectus is too imprecise to be instructive, too untestable to invoke belief, and too laborious ever to repay the effort.
ser criado de 
wait on
 Leo isn't one to daydream of waiting on her man - in fact, if she has daydreams of this nature, they will be dreams of the man waiting on her.
ser criticado    
be subjected to + criticism
be (the) subject of/to criticism
take + heat
come under + fire
 Over the years, the AACR has been subjected to criticism for provisions that sanction the use of form subdivisions in headings for certain legal and religious publications.
 Both indexes were subject to considerable criticism but it was not found possible to allocate blame to the computer program.
 In general, librarians commented that 'the smaller the town, the more heat the library takes about weeding'.
 At the other extreme, the grand tradition has come under fire from two franc-tireurs FN Hatt and DE Gerard.
ser crucial (para) 
be central (to)
 In the libraries which were engaged in large-scale cataloguing co-operation was central to developments, as outlined in chapter 18.
ser cuestión de 
come down to
 The French are as determined as anyone can be when it comes down to protecting national interests.
ser culo de mal asiento 
be a rolling stone
 I was a rolling stone until you changed my ways.
ser culpable 
be to blame
 This article provides examples to illustrate why librarians are partly to blame through their indifference, complacency and failure to prosecute.
ser culpable (por/de) 
be at fault (for/to)
 Apart from the fact that the lecturer was at fault for not attending to the well-announced changes in program, the incident did make one wonder about the way teachers are trained.
ser dado a   
be amenable to
be apt to
be given to
 These LC Rules were devised in 1971 in order to provide a set of rules which was amenable to computer filing.
 Results indicated the on-line catalogue was more accurate, and the card catalogue was apt to present progressively more problems for users.
 First, he is dogmatic and autocratic, given to intimidating staff members and involving himself in the pettiest of details.
ser de 
be a native of
 Mathilda Panopoulos, known as 'Tilly' to her friends and colleagues but usually styled 'Tilly the Hun' or just 'the Hun' by her detractors, is a native of Pritchard.
ser de alto nivel 
be at a high level
 The result shows that most graduates entered a wide range of jobs in the 'emerging market' and that job satisfaction was at a high level.
ser de armas tomar 
be a (real) handful
 Like an ill-mannered child, the brat can be a real handful.
ser de ayuda 
be of assistance
 This article points to ways in which information technology can be of assistance to healthcare professionals.
ser debatible    
be a moot point
be open to question
be open to debate
be at issue
 Whether such precision will result in a catalogue more satisfactory to readers than that produced by the reasonable application of the vaguer AA is a moot point.
 The research described in this chapter tends to show that many of the ideas regarding semantic and syntactic relationships discussed in this text are open to question.
 One of the advantages frequently claimed for the library, its 'neutral' image, is more open to debate.
 What constitutes 'fair use' is at issue as well, and libraries, on the advice of lawyers, have to be extremely careful about what they reproduce digitally.
ser de buen gusto 
be in good taste
 Students are encouraged to dress informally and comfortably, as long as their attire is presentable and in good taste.
ser de calidad    
be up to snuff
be up to scratch
cut + the mustard
be a class act
 In addition to how poorly it would reflect on us to point someone to a grammatically challenged web site, it's a big hint that the content on the site is generally not up to snuff.
 The time-honoured training institution 'sitting with Nellie' is not much good if Nellie's competence is not up to scratch.
 His performance certainly wouldn't cut the mustard should he decide to become a professional.
 Good news is that my dinner was a class act, and they even got the steak perfect, which is a feat for such a fussy eater like me.
ser decisión de + Nombre 
be down to + Nombre
 Their success is down to them being perfectly adaptive and efficient killing machines.
ser de contenido + Adjetivo 
be + Adjetivo + in content
 Such recordings often originate in field work and are ethnomusicological, ethnolinguistic or folkloric in content.
ser de crecimiento rápido 
be a quick grower
 Eucalyptus trees are quick growers and many species reach a great height.
ser de difícil acceso 
tuck away
 It is rumoured to be, at least in part, tucked away in one of the attics of the Science Library, a forgotten monument to a great but unsuccessful idea = Se rumorea que se encuentra oculto, al menos en parte, en uno de los áticos de la Biblioteca de Ciencias, monumento olvidado a una gran idea pero sin éxito.
ser de dominio público  
be public domain
be out in the open
 The license to this program is public domain although the author suggests you donate $10.00 to your favorite charity.
 Now it is out in the open that those of us in the academic world who have passed the student phase in our lives also use Google extensively!.
ser de efectos retardados   
be slow on the uptake
be a button short
have + a button missing
 First off, I can be mighty slow on the uptake about things like this, because I usually pay little heed to the conventions that dictate you.
 He is a button short, if you don't mind my saying so.
 Payley is retarded and described by Ruth as having a 'button missing'.
ser de estúpidos + Verbo 
be crazy to + Verbo
 Of course, it's crazy to put down a deposit for a car when so much is still unknown.
ser deficiente 
be wanting
 The new code, even as augmented by the Library of Congress guidelines for uniform tiles, is found to be wanting.
ser definitivo 
be final
 Prices on the Jordan tour are not final.
ser de gran ayuda para 
be a boon to
 Directories of publishers arranged to indicate the specialist fields in which the publish can be a boon to the imaginative librarian on the trail of some obscure source.
ser de gran beneficio para 
be of great benefit to
 It is suggested that visits to a toy library could be of great benefit to children suffering from this condition.
ser de importancia primordial 
be of key importance
 An information section has been an integral part of the library structure for some considerable time and is thus of key importance.
ser de importancia vital 
lie at + the heart of
 Although the distinction between 'societies' and 'institutions' lies at the heart of the code.
ser de interés para 
be of interest (to/for)
 This note is of interest primarily for music = Esta nota es de interés principalmente para la música.
ser dejado en la obligación de Uno 
be derelict in + duty
 I think a person would be derelict in his or her duty not to forewarn someone about a problem.
ser de la izquierda 
be of the left
 Often the majority group in these councils is of the left, but the approach to obtaining finance has been bi-partisan and pragmatic, with groups of every political persuasion avidly pursuing Community money.
ser de la noche 
night creature
 Bigfoot or Sasquatch is generally depicted as a night creature but at times he will come out at daylight and likes to hang out in the woods.
ser de la opinión de que  
be of the opinion that
be of the view that
 Some considered the rules over-complicated and fussy, whereas others were of the opinion that more detail was required.
 The majority of respondents were of the view that their programmes now comprehend broader interests than might be suggested by the term 'librarianship'.
ser del gusto de  
sit + well (with)
go down + well with
 Although football pools were immediately popular with the public, they did not sit well with the establishment.
 The recent High Court verdict banning hookah parlours has not gone down well with hoteliers in the city.
ser del gusto de Uno 
be to + Posesivo + taste
 A few moments ago I was all ready to give up reading because the book was not going to be to my taste.
ser de locos + Verbo 
be crazy to + Verbo
 Of course, it's crazy to put down a deposit for a car when so much is still unknown.
ser del orden de + Número 
be of the order of + Número
 It was found that interlending traffic was of the order of 300,000 requests in 1985, with a fill rate of 80% and a median turnaround time of 10 days for 1st requests.
ser de los que piensan que 
subscribe to + view
 Magro was on record as subscribing to the view that the public library as a democratically based public institution had no business using a disproportionate amount of its resources to support an elitist program for a tiny minority of the community.
ser demasiado  
be over-provided
be a mouthful
 Which is a more effective location is a question that can be explored, but we do need to avoid the situation faced by other in situations developed in past ages, like the Church of England, whose physical plant (the church buildings) is over-provided for the denuded rural areas and under-provided for the city.
 I know that this is a mouthful, but I hope that a few of you can provide some information that will help guide us.
ser demasiado + Adjetivo 
be too + Adjetivo + by half
 Bold, ambitious and in-your-face I've always considered them to be just too cocky by half.
ser demasiado avanzado para + Posesivo + tiempo 
be before + Posesivo + time
 He was before his time in teaching them to think for themselves rather than cram facts in order to pass exams.
ser demasiado complaciente 
lean over + too far backwards
 Like the bear who could take it or could leave it alone, we may find that if we lean over too far backwards we might as well fall flat on our face.
ser demasiado común 
be all too common
 Such conversion requires such extremely detailed project planning and execution that new system start-up problems are all too common.
ser demasiado escandaloso 
be a bit (too) loud
 The cooling fan is a bit loud, but nothing major.
ser demasiado para 
be too much for
 The existential theme of this play, the need to face the truth that there is no meaningful life, may have been too much for its first American audience.
ser demasiado precavido 
err + on the side of caution
 This default is to err on the side of caution.
ser demasiado preciso  
put + too fine a point on
split + hairs
 Not to put too fine a point on this, and slap me down if I am being rude, but from the questions you are asking I do not think you are ready for a project of this scope.
 This volume is too long, contains too many lengthy theoretical arguments that often split hairs, and is written in a tedious prose style.
ser demasiado quisquilloso  
put + too fine a point on
split + hairs
 Not to put too fine a point on this, and slap me down if I am being rude, but from the questions you are asking I do not think you are ready for a project of this scope.
 This volume is too long, contains too many lengthy theoretical arguments that often split hairs, and is written in a tedious prose style.
ser demasiado ruidoso 
be a bit (too) loud
 The cooling fan is a bit loud, but nothing major.
ser demasiado tarde para echar atrás 
reach + the point of no return
 Global warming is reaching the point of no return, with widespread drought, crop failure and water shortages the likely result.
ser de mente aguda 
be sharp of mind
 He is sharp of mind and has all the tools to negotiate and achieve the best outcomes for his clients.
ser de (mucha) utilidad 
come in + handy
 Past experiences do come in handy when people have to make complex decisions based on uncertain or confusing information.
ser de mucha utilidad 
come in + handiest
 This blender is fabulous - I've used it for milkshakes but where it comes in handiest is when I use it to puree soups, which I do often.
ser de mucho uso 
take + Nombre + a long way
 This must be supplemented by further rules for less obvious relations, but the above will take us a long way in solving the problem of citation order.
ser de número limitado 
be limited in number
 To this end printing presses were limited in number and, with the exception of the university presses, were concentrated in the hands of the guild in London.
ser de origen + Adjetivo 
be + Adjetivo + in origin
 Some of these primary sources of information are national in origin.
ser de poco valor  
be of little use
be of little value
 This is one area in which off-the-shelf software will be of little use, except perhaps for very general introductions.
 The goal may be of little value or of high scientific or cultural significance, but energy is put forth to accomplish a task.
ser de primera categoría 
be top notch
 If I make the assumption that they're top notch, I'll transmit that confidence to them and they'll live up to my expectations.
ser de raza negra o de piel morena 
be coloured
 In the United Kingdom the London borough of Lambeth includes some 25,000 young persons, many of whom are unemployed, homeless and coloured.
ser de sabios 
be a point of wisdom
 It is therefore a point of wisdom to ensure beforehand that everything is in the best possible working order.
ser desacertado  
miss + the mark
miss + the point
 Such considerations suggest that exhortations directed at SLIS to transform their curricula in unspecified radical fashion miss the mark.
 Even those states who are pushing for legalized sports betting are missing the point when it comes to making a profit through sports betting.
ser desastroso   
spell + bad news
be a (complete) shambles
be (in) a (real) mess
 An economic downturn wil spell bad news for publishers that have invested heavily in this strategy.
 While the economy is a 'shambles' and likely to stay that way for some time, he remains optimistic there will eventually be a recovery over a period of years.
 The economy is in a real mess now, and we need to create as many jobs as possible.
ser desconocido para 
be alien to
 The indications are that socialist theory was absolutely alien to the majority of socialist workers, who had little interest in theoretical party literature.
ser descorazonador 
be dispiriting
 Because he falls behind in his school work he is labelled by a term of educational jargon verging on abuse, and this is dispiriting, makes him feel somehow deficient.
ser deseable para 
be desirous for
 More formal training was desirous for non-professionals to encourage them to move into the professional arena.
ser desoído 
be unheeded
 Any lessons which could have been learned from business models developed by other virtual finance sectors have been largely unheeded.
ser despedido 
get + the sack
 One in three people go to work with colds because they worry about getting the sack.
ser despiadado 
play + hardball
 Until progressives are willing to play hardball, we all better get used to being in the minority for the next few decades.
ser después de 
come after
 One of the first things you may be told when you start studying the Spanish adjective is that, unlike its English counterpart, it comes after the noun.
ser detenido 
be under arrest
 Prior to that, Fleming had never been under arrest or handcuffed.
ser de un mismo parecer 
be of one mind
 Finally, all of you should be of one mind, love each other as brothers and sisters, and keep a humble attitude.
ser de un mismo sentir 
be of one mind
 Finally, all of you should be of one mind, love each other as brothers and sisters, and keep a humble attitude.
ser de un solo uso 
be a one-trip pony
 He accused her of being a one-trip pony only suited to one type of song and that to be the an all-round singer you need to be diverse.
ser de un tipo diferente  
be different in kind
differ in + kind (from)
 Lubetzky points out that the problem is different in kind from the problem of change of name in personal authors.
 Corporate reference collections may differ in kind and in definition from reference collections of other types of libraries.
ser de un valor especial 
be of particular value
 The knowledge acquired during the development of this service is of particular value for other digitization projects.
ser de uso general  
be in general use
be generally available
 By the early 1820s a lithographic hand-press was in general use that was similar to the copperplate press except that the printing surface was run under a scraper rather than a roller.
 Microsoft has finally announced that the new system is generally available.
ser de utilidad 
be of use
 Libraries sometimes also find it useful to prepare leaflets which deal with a particular category of information source which might be of use to various users.
ser de utilidad a 
be of service to
 Computer-aided translation (CAT) would be of service to the potential readers of Chinese and Japanese technical literature = La traducción asisitida por ordenador sería de utilidad a los usuarios potenciales de la literature técnica china y japonesa.
ser diestro en 
be skilled at
 These writers are skilled at writing 'what-happens-next?' action-full plots that keep you turning their pages.
ser difícil 
be a stretch
 Sometimes it's a stretch to get all those home improvement or home repair jobs done so make it easy on yourself with this telescopic ladder.
ser difícil de bregar 
be a (real) handful
 Like an ill-mannered child, the brat can be a real handful.
ser difícil de conseguir  
be hard to get
be hard to come by
 And indeed we can see from the example that it would be hard to get a system of this kind without AI.
 Accurate, up-to-date figures on the numbers of homeworkers in the UK are hard to come by = Datos actualizados y precisos sobre el número de trabajadores a domicilio en el Reino Unido son difíciles de conseguir.
ser difícil de creer 
beggar + belief
 It beggars belief that the liberals view the golly as a racist artefact of unenlightened times.
ser difícil de encontrar 
be hard to find
 Serial specialists are hard to find.
ser difícil de lograr 
be hard to get
 And indeed we can see from the example that it would be hard to get a system of this kind without AI.
ser difícil de obtener  
be hard to come by
be hard to get
 Accurate, up-to-date figures on the numbers of homeworkers in the UK are hard to come by = Datos actualizados y precisos sobre el número de trabajadores a domicilio en el Reino Unido son difíciles de conseguir.
 And indeed we can see from the example that it would be hard to get a system of this kind without AI.
ser difícil de superar 
take + some beating
 That said, India, in my estimation, will take some beating.
ser digno de 
 This article identifies and discusses sources of information on comic books meriting inclusion on a core collection for academic and public libraries.
ser digno de admiración 
deserve + admiration
 In a sense, the general reference librarian can be viewed as a renaissance ideal who deserves everyone's admiration.
ser digno de crítica 
merit + a critical eye
 Scholarly publishers routinely include in their contract requirements that may merit a critical eye.
ser digno de + Infinitivo 
be worth + Gerundio
 Nevertheless, it is worth drawing a comparison between them so that menu-based information retrieval systems might avoid some of the pitfalls of traditional classification.
ser diplomático 
say + the right thing
 The article 'Say the right thing' discusses 12 winning strategies for talking to the press.
ser discutible   
be open to question
be open to debate
be at issue
 The research described in this chapter tends to show that many of the ideas regarding semantic and syntactic relationships discussed in this text are open to question.
 One of the advantages frequently claimed for the library, its 'neutral' image, is more open to debate.
 What constitutes 'fair use' is at issue as well, and libraries, on the advice of lawyers, have to be extremely careful about what they reproduce digitally.
ser divertidísimo   
be a (real) scream
be a (real) hoot
be a (real) laugh
 Andrea and Mark were very welcoming and Jess was a real scream and had us in stitches.
 Wouldn't it be a hoot if it turned out that chihuahuas actually were a type of rat?.
 My group had a really great day - it was a real laugh.
ser divertido 
be fun
 When I was 19, I met a man who was great-looking, had a profession, was fun to be with, and who just adored me, quirks and all.
ser dogmático 
be dogmatic
 The second thing is being good-humoured, not to get angry or pontificate or be dogmatic.
ser dos mundos completamente distintos 
be poles apart
 The author discusses the evolving shape of competitor intelligence explaining why to date its aims and realities have been poles apart.
ser dudoso 
be doubtful
 This pie in the sky solution is a long way off and I am doubtful that it will really solve the problem of tieing individual records into the authority file.
ser duro 
play + hardball
 Until progressives are willing to play hardball, we all better get used to being in the minority for the next few decades.
ser duro con 
come down (hard) on
 Of course they couldn't possibly come down on the lazy liggers of society - they will come down hard on the people that really need financial help.
ser duro de mollera   
be slow on the uptake
be a button short
have + a button missing
 First off, I can be mighty slow on the uptake about things like this, because I usually pay little heed to the conventions that dictate you.
 He is a button short, if you don't mind my saying so.
 Payley is retarded and described by Ruth as having a 'button missing'.
ser eficaz para + Infinitivo 
be efficient at + Gerundio
 'And of course,' said the director, brightening as his idea gave birth to another one in her mind, 'it will be interesting to know how efficient electronic systems are at catching thieves'.
ser el acabóse   
take + the biscuit
take + the cake
be the limit
 The one thing which takes the biscuit is the fact they use a cardboard cutout which is strapped upon another actor's body.
 Health care workers take the cake for high absenteeism.
 'It's the limit of arrogance,' complained the left-wing deputy representing OSCE, a pan-European body in charge of monitoring elections to ensure fair play = "Es el colmo de la arrogancia," se quejó el diputado de la izquierda representante de la OSC, organismo paneuropeo encargado del seguimiento de las elecciones para asegurar el juego limpio.
ser el alma de  
be the life of
be the life and soul of
 It is needless to say that young Lincoln was the life of the gatherings, being an expert in the telling of a humorous story and having always a plentiful supply.
 To be the life and soul of a party or social gathering requires you to come out of your shell and let go.
ser el asunto 
be the point
 Whether he goes or stays is not the point here, right now.
ser el beneficiario de 
be on the receiving end of
 Third world countries may not be on the receiving end of access because of lack of money or education.
ser el blanco de  
be a pushover for
be on the receiving end of
 A poorly run school is a pushover for conflict.
 He may have come out smelling of roses, but what can you do if you ever are on the receiving end of a master manipulator or cheating partner?.
ser el blanco de las críticas  
come under + fire
draw + criticism
 At the other extreme, the grand tradition has come under fire from two franc-tireurs FN Hatt and DE Gerard.
 Plan for golf course in impoverished Kentucky county draws much criticism.
ser el canalizador de 
be the conduit for
 Since reference service occurs at the point-of-need, that library function is the logical conduit for an informal training programme based on research protocols.
ser el candidato siguiente 
be next in line
 Could Florida be next in line to legalize marijuana?.
ser el capitán  
 Beckham is currently back in the starting line-up after a year in the wilderness under Steve McClaren and even skippered the side again on Sunday.
 The barnacled cannons found in the coastal waters off Catalina Island are thought to belong to a ship once captained by the notorious buccaneer William Kidd.
ser el caso (de) 
be the case (with)
 This has been the case with newspapers which suddenly find that their audiences are both growing older and dwindling in size and they are facing great difficulty appealing to the new electronic generation.
ser el centro de atención  [De manera inesperada, sin ser lo previsto]      [De manera inesperada, sin ser lo previsto]
steal + the limelight
steal + Posesivo + show
cut + a dash
steal + Posesivo + thunder
steal + Posesivo + scene
steal + the spotlight
 Little in general is said about the retrieval side of the systems: document analysis has stolen the limelight.
 The article is entitled 'Did Paris Steal the Show for American Library Innovations?'.
 He soon cut a dash with his liberal but pragmatic solutions to problems besetting the building industry in Sydney.
 She said some of the most hurtful things a person could say and it was all because she was afraid I was going to steal her thunder.
 But once again her little sister, famous as Kate if not more, is stealing her scene.
 It is her big screen debut tonight, so Katy Perry would have wanted to ensure nobody stole the spotlight.
ser el centro de todas las miradas  
cut + a dash
turn + heads
 He soon cut a dash with his liberal but pragmatic solutions to problems besetting the building industry in Sydney.
 She is one of those ultra sexy, smoking hot women who turn heads when they walk past anyone.
ser el colmo     
be the last straw
bring + the situation to a head
take + the biscuit
take + the cake
be the limit
 She said they've tolerated his moods, his viciousness - everything else - but that this was the last straw.
 But it was the government, rather than the workers and their bosses, who brought the situation to a head.
 The one thing which takes the biscuit is the fact they use a cardboard cutout which is strapped upon another actor's body.
 Health care workers take the cake for high absenteeism.
 'It's the limit of arrogance,' complained the left-wing deputy representing OSCE, a pan-European body in charge of monitoring elections to ensure fair play = "Es el colmo de la arrogancia," se quejó el diputado de la izquierda representante de la OSC, organismo paneuropeo encargado del seguimiento de las elecciones para asegurar el juego limpio.
ser el contrincante más débil 
punch above + Posesivo + weight
 So although the Philippines is not the largest of countries, it, in using a phrase from boxing, punches above its weight in the international arena.
ser el cuento de nunca acabar 
never + hear + the end/last of it
 This is a rivalry that has gone on for years and I will never hear the end of it for the next ten years if I lose.
ser el culo del mundo 
be the pits
 Our health-care system is the pits - millions of Americans don't have any health insurance.
ser el dominio de 
be the domain of
 In return, the young librarian took it upon himself to design an entire section of the second floor to be the domain of young adult.
ser elegido 
get in
 Time for a change, but whoever gets in, will sure have their job cut out for them thanks to good old Bush.
ser elegido de nuevo 
reelect [re-elect]
 Their only means of getting reelected is by rigging the elections.
ser (el) escenario de 
be the scene of
 The area now covered by metropolitan Atlanta was the scene of several fiercely-contested battles.
ser elevado 
be steep
 Even with Groome's effort to ease tax burden pressures on individual property owners through industrial development, the tax rate is very steep.
ser el éxito de la fiesta  [De manera inesperada, sin ser lo previsto]     [De manera inesperada, sin ser lo previsto]
steal + the limelight
steal + Posesivo + show
steal + Posesivo + thunder
steal + Posesivo + scene
steal + the spotlight
 Little in general is said about the retrieval side of the systems: document analysis has stolen the limelight.
 The article is entitled 'Did Paris Steal the Show for American Library Innovations?'.
 She said some of the most hurtful things a person could say and it was all because she was afraid I was going to steal her thunder.
 But once again her little sister, famous as Kate if not more, is stealing her scene.
 It is her big screen debut tonight, so Katy Perry would have wanted to ensure nobody stole the spotlight.
ser el farolillo rojo (del pelotón) 
bring up + the rear
 As always, Adam was in the lead, and John brought up the rear.
ser el fin de 
sign + a death warrant (for)
 If libraries do not catalog as many electronic resources as possible, this may effectively sign the death warrant for the library OPAC.
ser el jefe      
be in charge
call + the shots
be the boss
call + the tune
rule + the roost
run + the show
 He stared coldly at her for a moment, then spat out: 'Bah! You're in charge'.
 The article is entitled 'Who's calling the shots in the semiconductor industry'.
 One of the hardest things about being the boss is that no one tells you what you're doing wrong.
 As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.
 Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.
 This might happen organically as a younger cohort replaces the boomers currently running the show.
ser el límite 
be the limit
 In general, two drinks should be the limit when you're imbibing alcohol, whether it's wine, beer or liquor.
ser el mandamás     
call + the shots
be the boss
call + the tune
rule + the roost
run + the show
 The article is entitled 'Who's calling the shots in the semiconductor industry'.
 One of the hardest things about being the boss is that no one tells you what you're doing wrong.
 As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.
 Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.
 This might happen organically as a younger cohort replaces the boomers currently running the show.
ser el más afectado por 
bear + the brunt of
 It is natural to suppose that the government's own information service should bear the brunt of enquiries from the business sector about the European Community = Es natural suponer que el propio servicio de información del gobierno debería ser el más afectado por la preguntas del sector empresarial sobre la Comunidad Europea.
ser el máximo 
be the limit
 In general, two drinks should be the limit when you're imbibing alcohol, whether it's wine, beer or liquor.
ser el momento clave 
mark + the watershed
 The years 1966-1967 marked the watershed for the development of youth services and public library development = Los años 1966-198 fueron el momento clave para el desarrollo de los servicios para jóvenes y las bibliotecas públicas.
ser el momento (de) 
be the time to
 Now is the time to conduct the final check on each of the features of the list.
ser el momento decisivo 
mark + the watershed
 The years 1966-1967 marked the watershed for the development of youth services and public library development = Los años 1966-198 fueron el momento clave para el desarrollo de los servicios para jóvenes y las bibliotecas públicas.
ser el momento de/para 
it + be + time to/for
 If this appears to be excessively difficult, maybe it is time to question whether the tool is too complex.
ser el + Nombre + preferido 
be a choice of + Nombre
 Through its long history the rapier has changed its form, but it was a choice of weapon for gentlemen, rather than the military.
ser el objetivo de Uno 
be in business for
 Like many other institutions, the Museum had worked without an explicit definition of what it was in business for.
ser el ojito derecho de Alguien 
be the apple in + Posesivo + eye
 To his mother he was the apple in her eye and loved the fact that he was career oriented at a young age.
ser el ojo derecho de Alguien 
be the apple in + Posesivo + eye
 To his mother he was the apple in her eye and loved the fact that he was career oriented at a young age.
ser el orgullo de 
be the pride and joy of
 The main library may the be flagship of the system, and its large collection and monumental architecture the pride and joy of the community boosters, but it is the branch library where people come to get their reading material.
ser el origen de 
provide + the material for
 He believed that Jewish mysticism and Zionism could provide the material for the historical redemption of the Jews.
ser el pan nuestro de cada día 
be an everyday occurrence
 People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.
ser el paraje natural de 
be home to
 This region, known as the Kimberley, has been home to Aborigines for more than 40,000 years.
ser el preludio 
usher in
 Optical technology has ushered in a new phase in the storage and retrieval of information.
ser el primero  
be second to none
come out on + top
 The rate of growth in Australian data base activity is second to none in the world.
 The real story here is that no matter which format ultimately comes out on top, the battle will be long and protracted, with both formats existing side by side for some time.
ser el primero en 
lead + the way in
 We have long recognized the necessity for medical schools and law schools to lead the way in exploring new methods and new ideas - even ones that prove to be wrong or misguided.
ser el primero en + Infinitivo 
take + the lead in + Gerundio
 Yet, in its own way, the press was taking the lead in putting pressure on the Community to adopt a more practical outlook, and by so doing kept the subject alive in the minds of the public.
ser el protagonista 
star in
 She has starred in almost 100 films and twice won Cannes' best-actress prize.
ser el punto de partida de 
form + the basis of
 These two lists have formed the basis of indexing practice, theory, and discussion in respect of alphabetical subject catalogues for some years.
ser el punto más débil de Alguien 
be at + Posesivo + weakest
 Also, this method demands some knowledge of mathematics and statistical concepts, and these are areas where librarians in general are at their weakest.
ser el punto más flaco de Alguien 
be at + Posesivo + weakest
 Also, this method demands some knowledge of mathematics and statistical concepts, and these are areas where librarians in general are at their weakest.
ser el que con mayor frecuencia 
be (the) most likely to
 The most requested reference books are the most likely to be stolen and that this probability is double in a high-school library.
ser el que con menor frecuencia 
be (the) least likely to
 Low income households and households in inner city locations are least likely to own a telephone.
ser el responsable 
bear + the responsibility
 It does not matter who bears the bulk of the responsibility, the aggravated situation provides new arguments for supporters of military intervention.
ser el resultado de  
follow from
result from
 It follows from this that these experts will be recommending materials not necessarily available in the stock of the library.
 Part of the trend towards declining conference attendance results from the downturn in the economy = Parte de la tendencia hacia el descenso de la asistencia a los congresos es consecuencia de la caída de la economía.
ser el segundo 
win + second place
 She won second place in shotput at the state championship.
ser el segundo de a bordo 
play + second fiddle
 His classification was an attempt to adapt knowledge to the decimal pattern, and ideas had to play second fiddle; which is not a formula for efficient classification or a model for others.
ser el siguiente 
be next in line
 Could Florida be next in line to legalize marijuana?.
ser el (siguiente) sucesor 
be next in line
 Change in the laws of succession means firstborn child will be next in line after its father regardless of its gender.
ser el tiempo de  [Generalmente, referido a la fruta y verdura]
be in season
 Produce that is in season locally is cheaper, tastes better and has more nutrients.
ser el último grito 
be all the rage
 Catchphrases like this are all the rage these days, especially among those who allow current trends to dictate their lifestyles.
ser el último mono ser el último mono 
feel + pulled and tugged
 This article describes a study of stress conducted in a university library using the following categories: workload; schedule and workday; feeling pulled and tugged; physical facilities; unchallenging work; and miscellaneous.
ser emblemático de 
be emblematic of
 A system of performance appraisal (PA) is emblematic of twentieth century organisations, with probably more than 80 percent of all libraries of any size using PA.
ser en balde  
be of no avail
be to no avail
 This, however, was of no avail, for the whole cavity, including the external meatus, was gradually obliterated.
 However this was to no avail and the ship struck bottom.
ser en cierto modo un + Nombre 
be something of a + Nombre
 Whether the conditioning was the result of overt analysis of the failure to learn lessons or whether they simply become covert factors subconsciously affecting the way later thought developed is something of a moot point.
ser entretenido 
be fun
 When I was 19, I met a man who was great-looking, had a profession, was fun to be with, and who just adored me, quirks and all.
ser en vano   
be of no avail
be to no avail
prove + unavailing
 This, however, was of no avail, for the whole cavity, including the external meatus, was gradually obliterated.
 However this was to no avail and the ship struck bottom.
 Every effort to renew her strength proved unavailing, and she died in 1867, greatly beloved and lamented.
ser enviado a 
have + the lead to
 However, if you have consulted the index under the entry for, say, Psychotherapy itself, you will only have the lead to class 65.851.
ser equiparable a 
be commensurate with
 We can offer you a salary that will be commensurate with the duties and responsibilities that the job demands.
ser erróneo  
be wide of the mark
be wrong
 Your answer is wide of the mark.
 He began swearing and saying 'I don't know what you're on about, whatever we do, it's wrong!' and of course I answered his nastiness back.
ser escaso  
be few and far between
be in short supply
 Good bookshops are few and far between and the kind to be found in most towns are as educationally healthy as a river rich in industrial effluent is physically salubrious.
 It is often precisely the talents in SLIS, recognized as being in short supply, which are most attractive to other departments.
ser esclavo de  
be slave to
be in the thrall(s) of
 The author explains how libraries can keep their services going without being slaves to the job.
 I think a lot of Republicans want to cooperate, but they're in the thralls of this reign of terror from the far right that has dragged the party to the right.
ser esclavo de la rutina  
be (stuck) in a rut
be stuck in a groove
 So if you find yourself stuck in rut ask yourself if living in the past is the problem.
 It was like she was stuck in a groove and could not get out of it!.
ser estéril  
shoot + blanks
fire + blanks
 My vet assures me he's shooting blanks, but I've never heard of a neutered dog actually mating; have any of you?.
 However, my friend's dog has been done and he still wants to hump everything he can, just doesn't realise he's firing blanks.
ser estupendo  
sound + great
be fine and dandy
 Wonderful! This sounds great and wish I could participate!.
 Encouraging an interest in maths among grown-ups is fine and dandy, but kicking up a stink about the lack of maths teachers is far more important.
ser estupendo poder contar con + Nombre 
be nice to have + Nombre + on board
 He is so humble and such a sport - it's really nice to have him on board.
ser estúpido 
be off + Posesivo + rocker
 Nobody with any sense whatsoever would voluntarily swim in the waters of San Francisco Bay unless they were off their rocker.
ser estúpido + Verbo 
be crazy to + Verbo
 Of course, it's crazy to put down a deposit for a car when so much is still unknown.
ser evidente 
stand to + reason
 It only stands to reason that where there's service, there is someone being served.
ser exigente al elegir 
pick and choose
 You cannot look at this area of the world and pick and choose among the countries that you're going to deal with.
ser exigente al escoger 
pick and choose
 You cannot look at this area of the world and pick and choose among the countries that you're going to deal with.
ser experto en 
be skilled at
 These writers are skilled at writing 'what-happens-next?' action-full plots that keep you turning their pages.
ser expulsado de 
be dropped from
 Absenteeism amongst lower-level students caused them to be dropped from the study.
ser extraño para 
be alien to
 The indications are that socialist theory was absolutely alien to the majority of socialist workers, who had little interest in theoretical party literature.
ser extremadamente + Adjetivo 
be too + Adjetivo + by half
 Bold, ambitious and in-your-face I've always considered them to be just too cocky by half.
ser fácil 
be easy
 It can be easy if you think about what is recyclable before you throw it away.
ser fácil de conseguir 
be readily available
 I can readily visualize how an online catalog will make a particular book more readily available and findable.
ser facilísimo  
be a snap
be a piece of cake
 The article is entitled 'Enhancing digital images is a snap'.
 That was a piece of cake compared with getting the resulting research agency off the ground.
ser factible de 
be amenable to
 Manual post-coordinate indexes are not amenable to searching by the library's clientele.
ser familiar  
strike + familiar chords
ring + a bell
 But the further I went into that foreign domain the more I began to recognize facets of behavior, motivations, characters, which struck familiar chords.
 These names ring a bell related to using HTML and CGIs as an interface to a database.
ser famoso  
gain + recognition
be popular
 At the time, it was a startling accomplishment and gained wide recognition.
 The arrangement of two rotors side by side was never very popular.
ser famoso por   
have + a track record of
be famous for
 Nietzsche famously violates the rules of logic, gleefully engaging in the 'informal' fallacies, for example, in his appeals to emotions.
 They have a track record of hysterics and exaggerations for political purposes.
 He is famous for using his celebrity status to get through to politicians so that they'll raise money for the poor in underdeveloped countries.
ser favorable 
be a plus
 The author concludes that the overall effect of prizes is a plus for literature and those who write it.
ser ficticio 
be fiction
 Sometimes librarians have to explain to enquirers who will almost certainly not believe them that ostriches do not put their heads in the sand, that in Britain at least, doctors do not take the Hippocratic oath, and that both the yeti and Sweeney Todd's baber's shop are fiction.
ser fiel a   
cleave to
be true to
be faithful to
 The government seems to spurn the architecture profession and there is a growing rift between architects who assert their utility and those who cleave to artistic prerogatives.
 Even when people do not seem to be true to what they promise, we have to use every possible opportunity to be faithful to ourselves.
 Even when people do not seem to be true to what they promise, we have to use every possible opportunity to be faithful to ourselves.
ser fructífero  
come to + fruition
bear + fruit
 Menu-based information retrieval could be the area in which the extensive experiencia with enumerative classification may come to fruition.
 It was apparent that the responders to the investigation were basically satisfied that the efforts they were making were bearing fruit = Era claro que los entrevistados en la investigación se sentían básicamente satisfechos de que los esfuerzos que estaban haciendo estaban dando fruto.
ser gemelos 
be like two peas in a pod
 They were like two peas in a pod but the only problem was that they did not like school and often played truant.
ser goloso 
have + a sweet tooth
 The fact that cancer has a sweet tooth firmly points a finger at excess carbohydrate intake.
ser grosero con 
be abusive of
 He's frequently abusive of his subordinates, been responsive to instructions from his director.
ser hábil para 
be adroit at
 Computers are quite adroit at such simple yes/no response without much prodding.
ser habitual 
be customary
 She deliberately refused to rise to her feet when he entered a room as was customary, often pretending not to have seen him.
ser harina de otro costal     
be a different kettle of fish
be a whole new (ball) game
be a whole new kettle of fish
be a whole new story
be a different story
 Rumors are one thing - confirmation from a highly placed advisor to the government should be a different kettle of fish, altogether.
 General talk about football is cool, but when it becomes bigoted that's a whole new ball game.
 Negotiation of a general educational licence for Internet transmissions is obviously a whole new kettle of fish and would take several years.
 Travelling on a motorbike is one thing, but when the bike is powered by oil you would normally cook fish and chips in, that's a whole new story.
 Chile survived its huge earthquake relatively well - Iran would be a different story.
ser hincha de  
root for
be a fan of
 I didn't know her from Adam but started rooting for her from day 1 of the competition.
 I've always been a fan of putting jam on my grilled cheese on toast (I think it's best with a chunky homemade apricot or blackberry jam).
ser hipertenso 
be hyper
 Children who are hyper are not necessarily the most athletic and will probably be average or below-average students.
ser hombre muerto 
be a dead man/woman (walking)
 Probst thought he'd last longer, but I knew he was a dead man walking the minute he showed up.
ser hora de 
it + be + time to/for
 If this appears to be excessively difficult, maybe it is time to question whether the tool is too complex.
ser hora de definirse 
time to climb off the fence
 The article 'Time to climb off the fence' discusses the policy concerning publicly held data both in the USA and Europe.
ser hora de irse 
be time to go
 He politely got up and explained they had an early morning and it was time to go.
ser hora de marcharse 
be time to go
 He politely got up and explained they had an early morning and it was time to go.
ser hora ya de que  
be about time (that)
be high time (that/to/for)
 It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.
 In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.
ser humilde 
hide + Posesivo + light under a bushel
 Throughout his career, as indeed his life, he has shunned the public eye and as Phillip Adams said 'he has been inclined to hide his light under a bushel'.
sería mejor que él  [Contracción de he had better]
he'd better [you had better]
 So i told him that he'd better shut his mouth and do his job like a man.
sería mejor que ella  [Contracción de she had better]
she'd better [you had better]
 Sadie decided that she'd better pull herself together before he sensed what she was thinking.
sería mejor que ellos  [Contracción de they had better]
they'd better [you had better]
 So if players are looking for protection, they'd better look in the mirror.
sería mejor que + Imperfecto de Subjuntivo 
had better + Infinitivo
 Unless we believe we can do all this unaided, then we had better pay heed to literature.
sería mejor que nosotros  [Contracción de we had better]
we'd better [you had better]
 Cheaters often prosper, so we'd better get used to it.
sería mejor que + Subjuntivo 
better + Infinitivo
 'I better get out of here before I wind up with more jobs!' Rachel Bough gave a short laugh.
sería mejor que yo  [Contracción de I had better]
I'd better [I had better]
 Obviously, I could go on with these examples, but I'd better move on to a discussion of ways of eliminating these problems.
ser ideal     
suit + best
be just the thing
be just the ticket
be just the job
be just perfect
 They are the next best choice but they are suited best to low humidity situations as the air has greater potential to absorb water vapour.
 What's obsolete in one department could be just the thing for another, and hand-me-down computers are becoming the next stop in sophisticated inventory management.
 Relaxing, joking and just being around guys and gals who are good-hearted people was just the ticket we needed.
 She came up with a detail from a recent painting which was just the job, and we agreed terms relatively quickly.
 The weather was just perfect for taking shots as I wandered around.
ser ideal para Uno  
be (right) up + Posesivo + alley
be + Posesivo + cup of tea
 For them enough is never enough, and any kind of scam is right up their alley.
 As far as the younger generation is concerned, media is more their cup of tea than journalism.
ser idéntico a 
be just like
 Websites are just like children, they only seem to misbehave when you have visitors.
ser idénticos 
be like two peas in a pod
 They were like two peas in a pod but the only problem was that they did not like school and often played truant.
ser idóneo para 
be suited to
 Write-once optical drives are ideally suited to store the large amounts of data created in a software development environment.
ser ignorado 
be unheeded
 Any lessons which could have been learned from business models developed by other virtual finance sectors have been largely unheeded.
ser igual a  
be equivalent to
 = is equivalent to UF; - is equivalent to Use; < is equivalent to BT, > is equivalent to NT; - is equivalent to RT.
 Wilson charge a flat one-time fee for backfiles of each data base which equals a one-year subscription to that file.
ser igual que  
amount to + the same thing as
be just like
 This amounts to the same thing as summarization.
 Websites are just like children, they only seem to misbehave when you have visitors.
ser ilegal 
be against the law
 Examples would be: 'Is it against the law to ride a bicycle on the pavement?' 'What are the symptoms of a duodenal ulcer?'.
ser ilimitado 
be boundless
 Start afresh, think anew; the frontiers are boundless.
ser implacable 
play + hardball
 Until progressives are willing to play hardball, we all better get used to being in the minority for the next few decades.
ser imponente 
be awe-inspiring
 Yet the speed of action, the intricacy of trails, the detail of mental pictures, is awe-inspiring beyond all else in nature.
ser importante    
be of importance
make + a difference
be of consequence
 So bringing together the works of an author is of importance even from the perspective of subject access.
 If that cannot be determined, it hardly makes a difference which you use as main entry.
 Who gets killed is of no consequence but the fact that people are killed is of consequence.
 It does not matter where the cursor is when the ENTER key is pressed.
ser importantísimo  
make + all the difference in the world
make + difference in the world
 To the people in the field, it makes all the difference in the world.
 It may be fun to discuss wondrous new products, but they won't make much difference in the world if they are too expensive.
ser importantísimo (para) 
be central (to)
 In the libraries which were engaged in large-scale cataloguing co-operation was central to developments, as outlined in chapter 18.
ser imposible  
be dead meat
be a dead man/woman (walking)
 I think we have some chance to get Friday in, but Saturday is dead meat without any doubt whatsoever and Sunday is pretty iffy.
 Probst thought he'd last longer, but I knew he was a dead man walking the minute he showed up.
ser imprescindible 
be a must
 Terminological consistency is a must for achieving satisfactory information flow onboard an oil platform, and between offshore field centres and onshore administration.
ser improcedente 
be out of order
 Any more than two away games in a row is out of order.
ser imprudente 
be reckless
 The prosecution must prove either that the accused knew his action was illegal or that he was reckless or grossly negligent.
ser inalterable  
set in + stone
set in + tablets of stone
 Reciprocity and mutual understanding are necessary conditions for states who want establish firm relationships and this should be set in stone.
 Standards are not principles set in tablets of stone - they are living and contextualised principles open to critique, adaptation and refinement in the light of evolving professional knowledge.
ser incapaz de  
be unable to
be incapable of
 Entry of a 'p' means that you have been unable to find the bibliographic information in the system.
 It is not always correct to conclude that if users fail to frame their questions more specifically it is because they are incapable of doing so.
ser incoherente 
not hold + water
 Their arguments against the government's foreign policy simply don't hold water.
ser incomparable  
be one of a kind
be one in a million
 She was one of a kind and we were fortunate to have had the chance to make music with her.
 He changed my life forever and I will never forget him, he truly was one in a million.
ser incompatible (con) 
be irreconcilable (with)
 The necessary opposition between the two provokes the desperate quietism that sees good and the means of good as being irreconcilable.
ser inconsistente 
not hold + water
 Their arguments against the government's foreign policy simply don't hold water.
ser increíble 
beggar + belief
 It beggars belief that the liberals view the golly as a racist artefact of unenlightened times.
ser independiente    
go + Posesivo + own way
stew in + Posesivo + own juice
stand on + Posesivo + own (two) feet
stand on + Posesivo + own (two) legs
 The library which goes its own way might still find it beneficial to subscribe to the MARC service.
 Up to 1993, computer lawyers tended to stew in their own juice discussing the applicability of copyright law.
 The article is entitled 'Map cataloging can stand on its own feet'.
 The main objective is to be able to help these children stand on their own two legs and take control of their lives through good education.
ser indescriptible 
beggar + description
 Barkly declared that the contention between coloureds and whites was so intense in some instances as to beggar description.
ser indigesto 
give + Nombre + indigestion
 We can ease indigestion by knowing foods that aid indigestion or give indigestion.
ser indigno de  
be beneath + Posesivo + dignity
be beneath
 A man approached the Rabbi and commented that it was beneath his dignity to go shopping in the supermarket like everybody else.
 It was late when he got home, and Jasmine wore a face that was filled with contempt, considering him to be beneath her.
ser indispensable 
be a must
 Terminological consistency is a must for achieving satisfactory information flow onboard an oil platform, and between offshore field centres and onshore administration.
ser ineficaz  
fire + blanks
shoot + blanks
 Real Madrid spurned the chance to replace Barcelona at the top of the Spanish first division as they fired blanks in a frustrating 0-0 draw at Osasuna.
 They will continue to shoot blanks unless they can move down from their conceptual towers and engage with the real material conditions of existence.
ser infundado 
be unfounded
 This fear was expressed by publishers and booksellers when the first lending libraries were established and by and large it has proved to be unfounded.
ser inherente a 
inhere in
 A literary work represents intellectual skill or labour in which intellectual property can inhere.
ser inigualable  
be one of a kind
be one in a million
 She was one of a kind and we were fortunate to have had the chance to make music with her.
 He changed my life forever and I will never forget him, he truly was one in a million.
ser inimaginable 
beggar + imagination
 What the customers in the queue behind would say beggars imagination.
ser inmaduro   
be wet behind the ears
be a bit green
be green behind the ears
 Obama has many sterling qualities but he is wet behind the ears.
 He is a bit green, but learns quickly and has a great personality.
 The documentary contains interviews with members of the battalion, from green-behind-the-ears privates to high-ranking officers.
ser inminente 
be on the cards
 The strongest clue that a reshuffle is on the cards is the regularity with which the press has started to attack specific ministers.
ser inmune a  
be immune from
be immune against
 Machine-derived thesauri are not immune from the need for updating.
 Given the increasing frequency frequency of lawsuits brought against all kinds of institutions and individuals, libraries and librarians should not assume that they are immune against being sued.
ser innovador  
break + new ground
break + ground
 In this category too there are examples of SLIS participation in ventures breaking new ground.
 This framework breaks ground in integration of natural language with interactive computer graphics.
ser innumerable  
be without number
be legion
 This pattern is common to every human endeavor and the historical and current manifestations of this process are without number.
 Arguments against ranking journals by article productivity are legion.
ser innumerables 
run into + the thousands
 The fields to which this command can be applied run into the thousands.
ser inocente a no ser que se demuestre lo contrario 
be innocent unless proven otherwise
 He has denied any wrong doing and as such is presumed innocent unless proven otherwise.
ser insignificante   
pale into + insignificance
stick + Algo + on a pin-point
be of no consequence
 Even this pales into insignificance against the magnetic disc drive which can transfer data at 200,000 characters per second, with the discs rotating at 2,400 rpm.
 Miss Laski suggests that in many cases what can be learnt from popular romance can be 'stuck on a pin-point'.
 Who gets killed is of no consequence but the fact that people are killed is of consequence.
ser insignificante de 
be slight in
 Inevitably, a large proportion of these self-chosen books will be slight in stature.
ser inteligente  
be talented
intelligent being
 All students are talented, so teachers must find ways to bring out the best in each child.
 He also says that collectively as intelligent beings we are entwined in our ultimate destiny: to give birth to another universe.
ser interesante 
be of interest (to/for)
 This note is of interest primarily for music = Esta nota es de interés principalmente para la música.
ser interesante + Infinitivo  
be as well + Infinitivo
be well + Infinitivo
 It is as well to note the connection between specificity and recall and precision.
 In order that the picture may not be too commonplace, by reason of sticking to present-day patterns, it may be well to mention one such possibility.
ser interesante + Verbo 
be neat to + Verbo
 I have always thought that it would be neat to take a trip to Israel - as a Christian it would be so historically mind blowing.
ser interminable  
there + be + no end to
go on and on (and on (forever))
 Chilton Book Company is probably the largest publisher of repair guides for automobiles and motorcycles, and there is no end to the clamor for these tools at a reference desk.
 They say silence is golden but some people really just don't get it and they go on and on and on forever!.
ser intolerante a la lactosa 
be lactose intolerant
 When you're lactose intolerant, it means your body can't produce enough lactase, the enzyme needed to digest lactose, the primary sugar in cow's milk and other dairy products.
ser intransigente 
play + hardball
 Until progressives are willing to play hardball, we all better get used to being in the minority for the next few decades.
ser inútil   
fire + blanks
shoot + blanks
prove + unavailing
 Real Madrid spurned the chance to replace Barcelona at the top of the Spanish first division as they fired blanks in a frustrating 0-0 draw at Osasuna.
 They will continue to shoot blanks unless they can move down from their conceptual towers and engage with the real material conditions of existence.
 Every effort to renew her strength proved unavailing, and she died in 1867, greatly beloved and lamented.
ser irrelevante   
be beside the point
be beside the mark
be beside the question
 The fact that she chose to dissolve the dance troupe she founded in 1965 is now beside the point.
 In this case many of my objections would appear to be beside the mark.
 It is quite beside the question to ask which is the better.
ser irrespetuoso con   [Derivado del verbo disrespect]
 Imagine if it was your house and people were disrespecting you, cursing, urinating and fornicating on your lawn.
 And she has the gall to diss a Nobel Prize winner who isn't even in the academic world.
ser justo 
play + fair
 There is nothing wrong in teaching the values of sharing and playing fair among sibblings.
ser justo con todos 
give the devil his due
 We don't really get on with the new boss but he has some good ideas so we must give the devil his due.
ser justo hasta con el diablo 
give the devil his due
 We don't really get on with the new boss but he has some good ideas so we must give the devil his due.
ser justo lo que se necesita    
be just the thing
be just the ticket
be just the job
be just perfect
 What's obsolete in one department could be just the thing for another, and hand-me-down computers are becoming the next stop in sophisticated inventory management.
 Relaxing, joking and just being around guys and gals who are good-hearted people was just the ticket we needed.
 She came up with a detail from a recent painting which was just the job, and we agreed terms relatively quickly.
 The weather was just perfect for taking shots as I wandered around.
ser justo lo que Uno necesita 
be (right) up + Posesivo + alley
 For them enough is never enough, and any kind of scam is right up their alley.
ser justo que 
there + be + justice in
 There was justice in Dickens's complaint that his books would have made him many thousands of pounds in America if he had been able to copyright them there.
ser juzgado 
stand (for) + trial
 Knowing that the trials were inherently unfair and he was almost certain to be convicted and executed, Corey refused to stand for trial.
ser la abreviatura de 
be short for
 Immediately after the second prompt, S is short for SELECT.
ser la base de   
be at the core of
form + the basis of
be at the heart of
 This terse McLuhanesque turn of phrase is at the core of what I want to talk about today.
 These two lists have formed the basis of indexing practice, theory, and discussion in respect of alphabetical subject catalogues for some years.
 This idea is at the heart of the Theseus Project which proposes a teaching/learning methodology for the development of a distributed public database of audiovisual information.
ser la ciudad de 
be home to
 This region, known as the Kimberley, has been home to Aborigines for more than 40,000 years.
ser la clave de 
hold + the key to
 As we move into the 21st century there is a growing realization that information holds the key to health.
ser la clave del éxito  
be the key to success
be the ticket to success
 The key to its success was the extensive cosultation with children.
 Every politician running for office in the November elections recognized that law-and-order demagoguery was the ticket to success.
ser la comidilla del barrio 
be the talk of the town
 It wasn't long before the idea of a railhead was the talk of the town.
ser la comidilla del pueblo 
be the talk of the town
 It wasn't long before the idea of a railhead was the talk of the town.
ser la consecuencia de  
follow from
result from
 It follows from this that these experts will be recommending materials not necessarily available in the stock of the library.
 Part of the trend towards declining conference attendance results from the downturn in the economy = Parte de la tendencia hacia el descenso de la asistencia a los congresos es consecuencia de la caída de la economía.
ser la costumbre  
be customary
become + the custom
 She deliberately refused to rise to her feet when he entered a room as was customary, often pretending not to have seen him.
 Even before decorated Christmas trees became the custom, the crèche already had pride of place in people's homes.
ser la cuestión 
be the point
 Whether he goes or stays is not the point here, right now.
ser la culminación de Algo  
represent + the culmination of
mark + the culmination of
 The promulgation of Community law represents the culmination of an often tortuous legal process whose main features are laid down in the Treaty of Rome.
 The study of the novel 'The Secret Garden' marked the culmination of the program, as it drew on virtually all of the skills developed during the year.
ser la culpa de 
be the fault of
 The lack of awareness of bibliographic tools is partly the fault of librarians who do not adequately publicise their services.
ser la debilidad de Alguien 
be a sucker for
 Americas are suckers for being terrified, it is very sad.
ser la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte 
be the difference between life and death
 She said such decisions could have been the difference between life and death as those who left hours later perished.
ser la elección lógica 
be a/the natural choice
 Mosques were a natural choice for establishing the first libraries in the Arab world = Las mezquitas eran la elección lógica para crear las primeras bibliotecas del mundo árabe.
ser la elección natural 
be a/the natural choice
 Mosques were a natural choice for establishing the first libraries in the Arab world = Las mezquitas eran la elección lógica para crear las primeras bibliotecas del mundo árabe.
ser la época de  [Generalmente, referido a la fruta y verdura]
be in season
 Produce that is in season locally is cheaper, tastes better and has more nutrients.
ser la excepción 
be the exception
 In an age where large scale research are the norm rather than the exception, it is inevitable that the sponsors of such research will wish to keep the results to themselves.
ser la excepción a la regla 
constitute + the exception to the rule
 Naturally, there are always a few retired librarians who constitute the exception to the rule.
ser la excepción que confirma la regla 
be the exception rather than the rule
 Public libraries carrying the latest issues of popular comics titles are still the exception rather than the rule = Las bibliotecas públicas que poseen los últimos números de los tebeos más conocidos siguen siendo la excepción que confirma la regla.
ser la forma abreviada de 
be short for
 Immediately after the second prompt, S is short for SELECT.
ser la forma de 
be a recipe for
 While we can be proud of what we have achieved I believe resting on our oars is a sure recipe for failure.
ser la fórmula para 
be a recipe for
 While we can be proud of what we have achieved I believe resting on our oars is a sure recipe for failure.
ser la gota que colma el vaso 
bring + the situation to a head
 But it was the government, rather than the workers and their bosses, who brought the situation to a head.
ser la idea central de  
be at the core of
be at the heart of
 This terse McLuhanesque turn of phrase is at the core of what I want to talk about today.
 This idea is at the heart of the Theseus Project which proposes a teaching/learning methodology for the development of a distributed public database of audiovisual information.
ser la imagen de 
be a picture of
 This petite, agile, graceful and vivacious artiste was a picture of self-confidence on the stage.
ser la intención 
be the intention
 The effect was unusual, but it was somehow also a shade comic, which was not at all the intention.
ser la intención de uno 
be + Posesivo + intention
 It was not our intention, not indeed is it feasible, to cover every eventuality that will be encountered in producing A/Z index entries.
ser la manera de 
be a recipe for
 While we can be proud of what we have achieved I believe resting on our oars is a sure recipe for failure.
ser la materia prima de 
be grist to + Posesivo + mill
 All formats, book and non-book, audio and visual, are now grist to the reference librarian's mill.
ser la mayoría 
be in the majority
 Little attention has been paid to fields in which women were in the majority or to the issue of gender in professions.
ser la mejor alternativa 
be the best bet
 This article argues that for the assessment of the overall quality of library services the user survey is the best bet.
ser la mejor manera de 
be the conduit for
 Since reference service occurs at the point-of-need, that library function is the logical conduit for an informal training programme based on research protocols.
ser lamentable  
be a pity
be embarrassing
 It is rather a pity that book reviewers tend to ignore this very popular genre so much.
 It was equally embarrassing to see her behave in such an obsequious manner.
ser la minoría 
be in the minority
 Nonetheless, as Table 9 makes clear, these librarians are in the minority.
ser la monda    
be a (real) scream
be a (real) hoot
be a (real) laugh
be a (real) riot
 Andrea and Mark were very welcoming and Jess was a real scream and had us in stitches.
 Wouldn't it be a hoot if it turned out that chihuahuas actually were a type of rat?.
 My group had a really great day - it was a real laugh.
 These guys were a real riot and I enjoyed my brief encounter with them, even though I had to tolerate their noxious cigarette smoke.
ser la necesidad del momento 
be the need of the hour
 Genetically Modified (GM) seeds are the need of the hour to bolster farm production in the face of rising demand.
ser la niña de los ojos de Alguien 
be the apple in + Posesivo + eye
 To his mother he was the apple in her eye and loved the fact that he was career oriented at a young age.
ser la norma   
be the norm
be the rule
become + the norm
 In an age where large scale research are the norm rather than the exception, it is inevitable that the sponsors of such research will wish to keep the results to themselves.
 Problems are the rule rather than the exception in serials work.
 A crisp, even impression became the norm, along with the use of respectable paper and ink.
ser la novedad 
be on the scene
 But urban renewal is on the scene.
ser la obra de 
be the work of
 The finest and most influential of these French italics were the work of Robert Granjon, an artist of the stature of his countryman and near-contemporary Garamont and one of the greatest all-round type designers of any period.
ser la persona ideal para 
be the best placed to
 The trend seems to be towards holding information managers responsible for errors as a matter of policy because they would be the best placed to avoid the errors.
ser la persona más indicada para 
be in a position to
 At some stage, the librarian will be in a position to examine closely a number of programs that are likely candidates for purchase.
ser la propia responsabilidad de Alguien 
be of + Posesivo + own making
 This environment is one of the library's own making and includes intangibles that cannot be measured but that are necessary for quality performance.
ser la prueba de fuego de Algo 
test + Nombre + to the limit
 Motocross is one of the most physically demanding forms of motorcycle sport and tests both rider and their machines to the limit.
ser la punta de lanza de 
 STN International is a host arrangement being spearheaded by Chemical Abstracts Services.
ser la razón de 
lie at + the root of
 Telecommunications technology lies at the root of formal concepts such as Inter-Information Subjects Networks (IISNs) and National Information Systems (NISs), developed in the last few years.
ser la representación misma de 
be a picture of
 This petite, agile, graceful and vivacious artiste was a picture of self-confidence on the stage.
ser la responsabilidad de 
be the responsibility of
 It has recently been decided that the United Kingdom parliamentary archive, which is the responsibility of the House of Lords Record Office, will not include European Communities material.
ser la responsabilidad de Alguien + Infinitivo 
it + lie with + Nombre/Pronombre + to + Infinitivo
 Finally, then, it must lie with the editor to ensure that the submissions from individual contributors are legible.
ser la temporada de  [Generalmente, referido a la fruta y verdura]
be in season
 Produce that is in season locally is cheaper, tastes better and has more nutrients.
ser la última palabra 
be all the rage
 Catchphrases like this are all the rage these days, especially among those who allow current trends to dictate their lifestyles.
ser la última persona del mundo que + Infinitivo 
be one of the last people in the world to + Infinitivo
 I am one of the last people in the world to be a devil's advocate for ISBD.
ser la víctima de 
be on the receiving end of
 He may have come out smelling of roses, but what can you do if you ever are on the receiving end of a master manipulator or cheating partner?.
ser lector de una biblioteca 
library membership
 It has been stated that the applicant for library membership is usually required to sign a declaration of agreement to abide by the library's rules and regulations.
ser legendario 
be the stuff of legends
 It will be the stuff of legend, endless discussion and limitless inspiration for the brave of heart.
ser lento  
be slow off the mark
be slow off the blocks
 Rovers were slow off the mark and found themselves one down after five minutes, but Pat Daly soon had Rovers level.
 They were still slow off the blocks and didn't seem like threatening the opposite goalie.
ser líder en 
take + the lead in + Gerundio
 Yet, in its own way, the press was taking the lead in putting pressure on the Community to adopt a more practical outlook, and by so doing kept the subject alive in the minds of the public.
ser lo de Uno  
be cut out for
be (right) up + Posesivo + alley
 If you consider eating out a couple times a week a necessity rather than a lark, you aren't cut out for living on a shoestring.
 For them enough is never enough, and any kind of scam is right up their alley.
ser lógico 
stand to + reason
 It only stands to reason that where there's service, there is someone being served.
ser lo más importante 
take + first place
 Variety of products, good quality, competetive prices take first place for us.
ser lo más parecido a 
be as close as we come to
 An amnesty day that eliminates fines for overdue materials is as close as we come to a 'rebate'.
ser lo mejor para 
be the best deal for
 If you are hypermobile, your physician will most likely tell you that yoga is not the best deal for your joints.
ser lo mismo 
be one and the same
 Here we have a scheme in which the compiler and classifier are one and the same.
ser lo mismo que 
be just like
 Websites are just like children, they only seem to misbehave when you have visitors.
ser lo normal 
be the order of the day
 Now that financial stringencies were the order of the day, libraries had to compete with the more pressing needs of other programme areas, like education, social services, and housing, for dwindling resources.
ser lo primero 
take + first place
 Variety of products, good quality, competetive prices take first place for us.
ser lo principal de  
be at the core of
be at the heart of
 This terse McLuhanesque turn of phrase is at the core of what I want to talk about today.
 This idea is at the heart of the Theseus Project which proposes a teaching/learning methodology for the development of a distributed public database of audiovisual information.
ser lo que a Uno le encanta 
be (right) up + Posesivo + alley
 For them enough is never enough, and any kind of scam is right up their alley.
ser lo que a Uno le gusta  
be (right) up + Posesivo + alley
be + Posesivo + cup of tea
 For them enough is never enough, and any kind of scam is right up their alley.
 As far as the younger generation is concerned, media is more their cup of tea than journalism.
ser lo que a Uno le interesa  
be (right) up + Posesivo + alley
be + Posesivo + cup of tea
 For them enough is never enough, and any kind of scam is right up their alley.
 As far as the younger generation is concerned, media is more their cup of tea than journalism.
ser lo que a Uno le va 
be (right) up + Posesivo + alley
 For them enough is never enough, and any kind of scam is right up their alley.
ser lo que a Uno más le gusta 
be + Posesivo + big scene
 For the reference librarian his big scene is the reference search: the trap to be avoided here is over-playing.
ser lo que nos espera 
be the shape of things to come
 Only time will tell whether the rather gimmicky approach to libraries and to culture in general as manifested in the centre is the shape of things to come.
ser lo suficientemente + Adjetivo + como para 
be + Adjetivo + enough to
 Hundreds of unsuccessful children's books are written by practising mothers and only a few are lucky enough to have their work published.
ser lo suficientemente comprensivo  [Normalmente en frases negativas]
go + far enough
 This citation order does not, however, go far enough in its analysis of concepts.
ser lo suficientemente conocido como para que 
be sufficiently well known for
 In general an added entry or reference should be made if the secondary author is sufficiently well known for a reader to want all his writings.
serlo todo para todos  
be all things to all men
be all things to all people
 Leaving aside the heretical thought that perhaps 'all things to all men' is exactly what the public library should be, this alone is not enough.
 Traditionally, public libraries in the United States have attempted to be all things to all people.
ser lo último  
be all the rage
be the pits
 Catchphrases like this are all the rage these days, especially among those who allow current trends to dictate their lifestyles.
 Our health-care system is the pits - millions of Americans don't have any health insurance.
ser lo último en 
become + the next stop in
 What's obsolete in one department could be just the thing for another, and hand-me-down computers are becoming the next stop in sophisticated inventory management.
ser lo último en lo que + pensar 
be the last thing of + Posesivo + mind
 Till now the comfort of fans has been the last thing on the minds of many clubs.
ser lo último que + ocurrir + a Alguien 
be the last thing of + Posesivo + mind
 Till now the comfort of fans has been the last thing on the minds of many clubs.
ser magnífico + Gerundio 
be terrific at + Gerundio
 We are terrific at convening meetings, outlining problems, developing agendas and saying, 'Here's what needs to be done'.
ser malo   
be a joke
spell + bad news
make + poor + Nombre
 The Nobel prizewinning chemistry professor argues that TV's science programming is a joke.
 An economic downturn wil spell bad news for publishers that have invested heavily in this strategy.
 Some authors make good and others poor authors.
ser malo para 
be rubbish at
 Why are some people so good at everything while some are rubbish at everything?.
ser maravilloso 
sound + great
 Wonderful! This sounds great and wish I could participate!.
ser más astuto que    [Literalmente significa "ser más listo que"]
 It also led to a continuing guerilla war between the authorities and caricaturists who sought to evade, outfox, or entirely defy them.
 Two dangerous trysts are spied upon by a third and hostile party, whose presence is detected by the lovers who act in consort to outwit him.
 Smart and speedy start-ups blindside mature companies with their inventiveness then grow up into mature companies and are outsmarted in their turn.
ser más bueno que el pan 
have + a heart of gold
 Though my old man's a dustman he's got a heart of gold.
ser más interno 
inner being
 When people think about healthcare the thought is accompanied with a wince of pain stemming from the lower regions of their inner being!.
ser más un + Nombre 
be more of a + Nombre
 The author aims to present Delphi as a practical method and to dispel the idea that Delphi is more of a guessing game.
ser mayor 
be older
 In general, off-campus graduates were older, less mobile, had more family responsibilities, and used support structures generally available to mature adults.
ser mejor en 
be better at
 Special multimedia search engines such as used on CNN and Sony may be better at separating the wheat from the chaff.
ser mejor que  
be superior to
compare + favourably
 The video playback units are all Betamax format because it is felt that the picture quality is far superior to VHS (Video Home System) and other formats.
 The system compares favourably with commercial ones in cost and reliability = El sistema se compara favorablemente con los sistemas comerciales en coste y fiabilidad.
ser mejor que + Subjuntivo 
better + Infinitivo
 'I better get out of here before I wind up with more jobs!' Rachel Bough gave a short laugh.
ser menor 
be less
 Space requirements are less and capital outlay is considerably less, though this is offset by the higher maintenance costs.
ser menos + Adjetivo 
be less of a(n) + Nombre
 False drops are perhaps less of an annoyance in a computer-based system.
ser mínimo 
be at a minimum
 2,000 volumes had recently been weeded, so the number of books to be moved was at a minimum.
ser mirado de forma extraña 
get + some funny looks
 You might get some funny looks if you turn up looking like the wreck of the Hesperus, but other than that, you're grand as far as I know.
ser mirado por un tuerto 
be jinxed
 So today I just came to realization that I've been jinxed somewhere along the way in my life.
ser modesto 
hide + Posesivo + light under a bushel
 Throughout his career, as indeed his life, he has shunned the public eye and as Phillip Adams said 'he has been inclined to hide his light under a bushel'.
ser molesto 
be disturbing
 We are used to background noise in air conditioned buildings but the introduction of additional and unfamiliar sounds from AV equipment may be disturbing.
ser moneda corriente 
be an everyday occurrence
 People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.
ser moroso  
be in default
be slow to pay
 In the event that you do not pay the amount due within this period, you shall be considered to be in default, without any further notice of default being required = En el caso de que no pague la cantidad debida dentro de ese período, se le considerará como moroso sin que sea necesario ninguna otra notificación al respecto.
 When your customers are slow to pay, it forces you to eat into your cash reserves to pay for raw goods and salaries.
ser motivador 
be motivating
 The prestige of working for a world-renowned abstracting organization and of having one's name carried in its publications is also motivating.
ser motivo de preocupación 
loom + large
 The philosophy of central collections providing back up for local libraries will loom large on the British library scene for some time.
ser mucho 
be a mouthful
 I know that this is a mouthful, but I hope that a few of you can provide some information that will help guide us.
ser mucho lo que haber en juego 
stakes + be + high
 The stakes were high going into this game, win and we would most likely be in the semifinal, loose and we would be relegated.
ser mucho más 
be all the more
 Stories that lead to doing things are all the more attractive to children, who are active rather than passive creatures.
ser mucho más que 
be far more than
 The number of easy chairs frequently seems to be far more than is necessary.
ser mucho trabajo 
be a lot of work
 For some reason, I thought that yeasted waffles would be a lot of work.
ser (muy) acogedor 
be (very) welcoming
 Andrea and Mark were very welcoming and Jess was a real scream and had us in stitches.
ser muy aconsejable que 
be well advised to
 This difference between these two types of libraries we shall be well advised to observe though we should not be too hidebound as to the means by which we may secure the end.
ser muy agudo   
be sharp of mind
be as sharp as a razor (blade)
be as sharp as tack
 He is sharp of mind and has all the tools to negotiate and achieve the best outcomes for his clients.
 In fact, very soon the people will show that when they are driven to the edge, they are as sharp as a razor.
 He's still as sharp as tack and puts me to shame when it comes to certain things in life so I'm not going to argue with him.
ser muy aguzado   
be as sharp as a razor (blade)
be sharp of mind
be as sharp as tack
 In fact, very soon the people will show that when they are driven to the edge, they are as sharp as a razor.
 He is sharp of mind and has all the tools to negotiate and achieve the best outcomes for his clients.
 He's still as sharp as tack and puts me to shame when it comes to certain things in life so I'm not going to argue with him.
ser muy alto 
be metres high
 This rubbish sometimes is metres high.
ser muy amigo de 
be pally with
 That's the only real danger with being too pally with the Maoists.
ser muy antiguo 
go back + a long way
 LC's involvement in networking goes back a long way.
ser muy avanzado para + Posesivo + época 
be in advance of + Posesivo + time
 However since they were so much in advance of their time they didn't sell well and are gathering dust somewhere.
ser muy buena señal 
bode + well
 Advances in artificial intelligence bode well for knowledge-rich learning.
ser muy cachondo    
be a (real) scream
be a (real) hoot
be a (real) laugh
be a (real) riot
 Andrea and Mark were very welcoming and Jess was a real scream and had us in stitches.
 Wouldn't it be a hoot if it turned out that chihuahuas actually were a type of rat?.
 My group had a really great day - it was a real laugh.
 These guys were a real riot and I enjoyed my brief encounter with them, even though I had to tolerate their noxious cigarette smoke.
ser muy ceremonioso 
stand on + ceremony
 Australians and Americans don't like to stand on ceremony and they will quickly move on to first name terms.
ser muy conocido por  
be well known for
be famous for
 The philosophical, brooding Hippopotamians have suffered many attacks by the neighbouring nations who are well known for their purposefulness and efficiency.
 He is famous for using his celebrity status to get through to politicians so that they'll raise money for the poor in underdeveloped countries.
ser muy delicado con la comida  
be a picky eater
be a fussy eater
 You shouldn't cook special meals just for a picky eater, but do include something he or she likes in every meal.
 Good news is that my dinner was a class act, and they even got the steak perfect, which is a feat for such a fussy eater like me.
ser muy delicado para comer  
be a picky eater
be a fussy eater
 You shouldn't cook special meals just for a picky eater, but do include something he or she likes in every meal.
 Good news is that my dinner was a class act, and they even got the steak perfect, which is a feat for such a fussy eater like me.
ser muy demandado 
be in huge demand
 Our wide array of frocks is an eye popper and is in huge demand among the youth due to their exotic designs.
ser muy diferente de 
be quite apart from
 Library facilities have value for community events that are quite apart from in-house library services.
ser muy difícil  [Hacer algo]
be hard-pushed to
 And even if you are very well traveled, you will be hard-pushed to think of a place with more interior designers and furniture shops than here.
ser muy divertido      
be a (real) scream
be a (real) hoot
be a (real) laugh
be great fun
be good fun
be a (real) riot
 Andrea and Mark were very welcoming and Jess was a real scream and had us in stitches.
 Wouldn't it be a hoot if it turned out that chihuahuas actually were a type of rat?.
 My group had a really great day - it was a real laugh.
 Riding a train to Osaka for the party dressed as a mummy was great fun.
 The gig was very rowdy and loud but it was good fun, despite the torrential rain that was leaking through and flooding the floor.
 These guys were a real riot and I enjoyed my brief encounter with them, even though I had to tolerate their noxious cigarette smoke.
ser muy entretenido  
be great fun
be good fun
 Riding a train to Osaka for the party dressed as a mummy was great fun.
 The gig was very rowdy and loud but it was good fun, despite the torrential rain that was leaking through and flooding the floor.
ser muy escaso 
be at a premium
 Mini-abstracts are particularly important where currency is paramount or abstracting time is at a premium.
ser muy formal 
stand on + ceremony
 Australians and Americans don't like to stand on ceremony and they will quickly move on to first name terms.
ser muy gracioso 
be a right laugh
 Harry was a right laugh. I remember finding him in my bath one night, pissed as a lord, laughing his head off... and then weeping throughout till dawn.
ser muy importante 
maintain + a high profile
 The library maintains a high profile as a clearinghouse for current information on community organizations, issues, and services.
ser muy importante para + Nombre 
ride + high in + Posesivo + saddle
 The article 'End-user access to bibliographic databases: public users ride high in the RLIN saddle' explains that there are several problems which must be considered before RLIN can be accessed directly by the end-user.
ser muy insinuador 
be a (real) tease
 She is very affectionate but is a real tease with the other dogs who tolerate her mischievous ways and put up with her playfulness.
ser muy melindroso 
be picky
 However, the MS-DOS file ANSI.SYS is picky about the case of its special commands.
ser muy melindroso con la comida  
be a picky eater
be a fussy eater
 You shouldn't cook special meals just for a picky eater, but do include something he or she likes in every meal.
 Good news is that my dinner was a class act, and they even got the steak perfect, which is a feat for such a fussy eater like me.
ser muy melindroso para comer  
be a picky eater
be a fussy eater
 You shouldn't cook special meals just for a picky eater, but do include something he or she likes in every meal.
 Good news is that my dinner was a class act, and they even got the steak perfect, which is a feat for such a fussy eater like me.
ser muy necesario  
be long overdue
be badly needed
 In a profession which is composed largely of women, this research is most welcome and long overdue.
 A platform for communication and cooperation between teams was badly needed.
ser muy particular 
be picky
 However, the MS-DOS file ANSI.SYS is picky about the case of its special commands.
ser muy patoso 
be all (fingers and) thumbs
 The first time I did it I was all fingers and thumbs, but practice brings the reward of ease.
ser muy perspicaz   
be sharp of mind
be as sharp as a razor (blade)
be as sharp as tack
 He is sharp of mind and has all the tools to negotiate and achieve the best outcomes for his clients.
 In fact, very soon the people will show that when they are driven to the edge, they are as sharp as a razor.
 He's still as sharp as tack and puts me to shame when it comes to certain things in life so I'm not going to argue with him.
ser muy poco probable 
be remote
 The eventuality is, admittedly, remote but it is also necessary to render the imprint statement in this amount of detail.
ser muy popular 
have + mass appeal
 The romantic novel or the thriller have mass appeal.
ser muy probable 
chances + be
 I don't like to dampen her enthusiasm, but the chances are she will deliver at 20 weeks.
ser muy probable que + Subjuntivo 
be bound to + Infinitivo
 The repetition of the author's name introduces new esoteric punctuation which is bound to puzzle the catalog user.
ser muy prometedor  
promise + great possibilities
bode + well
 Laser optical videodisc technology promises great possibilities for information organisation, storage, retrieval and transfer.
 Advances in artificial intelligence bode well for knowledge-rich learning.
ser muy provechoso 
pay off + handsomely
 This presence, and the established connections that come with it, could pay off handsomely if we used them to help spread the work of free software.
ser muy provocador 
be a (real) tease
 She is very affectionate but is a real tease with the other dogs who tolerate her mischievous ways and put up with her playfulness.
ser muy provocativo 
be a (real) tease
 She is very affectionate but is a real tease with the other dogs who tolerate her mischievous ways and put up with her playfulness.
ser muy quisquilloso 
be picky
 However, the MS-DOS file ANSI.SYS is picky about the case of its special commands.
ser muy rápido 
be quick off + Posesivo + feet
 He is very quick off his feet and is active around the basket at both ends.
ser muy revelador  
speak + volumes
be an eye-opener
 The article 'Interior dialogues: Library design speaks volumes to users' offers a look at some pleasing new library interiors across the USA.
 It also can be an eye-opener to students who are focused on clinical practice.
ser muy sociable 
be a social butterfly
 I'm introverted and my husband is a social butterfly - the more social he is the more introverted I become.
ser muy sugerente 
be a (real) tease
 She is very affectionate but is a real tease with the other dogs who tolerate her mischievous ways and put up with her playfulness.
ser muy superior a los demás 
be way above all the others
 We had a pretty tight budget but Spector 360 was in the ballpark for us and we felt it was way above all the others when it came to features and benefits.
ser muy superior a los otros 
be way above all the others
 We had a pretty tight budget but Spector 360 was in the ballpark for us and we felt it was way above all the others when it came to features and benefits.
ser muy tiquismiquis con la comida  
be a picky eater
be a fussy eater
 You shouldn't cook special meals just for a picky eater, but do include something he or she likes in every meal.
 Good news is that my dinner was a class act, and they even got the steak perfect, which is a feat for such a fussy eater like me.
ser muy tiquismiquis para comer  
be a picky eater
be a fussy eater
 You shouldn't cook special meals just for a picky eater, but do include something he or she likes in every meal.
 Good news is that my dinner was a class act, and they even got the steak perfect, which is a feat for such a fussy eater like me.
ser muy usado  
be heavily used
be well used
 Its policy is to acquire data bases that are heavily used.
 This system is well used by picture researchers.
ser (muy) útil 
come in + handy
 Past experiences do come in handy when people have to make complex decisions based on uncertain or confusing information.
ser muy útil 
come in + handiest
 This blender is fabulous - I've used it for milkshakes but where it comes in handiest is when I use it to puree soups, which I do often.
ser nada más y nada menos 
be no less than
 Some fees paid to visiting speakers are no less than insulting.
ser nada más y nada menos que 
be nothing less than
 Frederick Holler claims that 'Information retrieval (ie, reference work) is nothing less than a full-fledged discipline and not simply a minor skill acquirable as a byproduct of other studies'.
ser natural de 
be a native of
 Mathilda Panopoulos, known as 'Tilly' to her friends and colleagues but usually styled 'Tilly the Hun' or just 'the Hun' by her detractors, is a native of Pritchard.
ser necesario  
be needed
it + take
 The title-unit entry is just a simplification of the cataloging process, which is badly needed.
 Researchers have shown it takes about ten years to develop expertise in any of a wide variety of areas, including painting, swimming, tennis, and research in neuropsychology and topology.
ser nocturno 
night creature
 Bigfoot or Sasquatch is generally depicted as a night creature but at times he will come out at daylight and likes to hang out in the woods.
ser normal 
be the case (with)
 This has been the case with newspapers which suddenly find that their audiences are both growing older and dwindling in size and they are facing great difficulty appealing to the new electronic generation.
ser nulo para 
be rubbish at
 Why are some people so good at everything while some are rubbish at everything?.
ser numeroso 
be large in number
 Production costs, and therefore ultimate copy purchase prices, are very high for printed library catalogues because sales are rarely very large in number.
ser objeto de      
be a matter for/of
be subject to
come in for
run + the gauntlet of
make + Nombre + subject to
 It can only be a matter of time before we have in effect a complete set of MARC records to call on for details of any item we require.
 I have never seen any statistics showing that nonbook materials are more subject to theft than books.
 If facilities like these are not supported by the data base design, the users of the system will experience slow response times.
 The role of librarians in bibliographic instruction has come in for special criticism.
 Sometimes running the gauntlet of criticism and ridicule allows an opportunity for defending oneself.
 This article discusses the proposal by the European Parliament to make books and journals subject to a band of taxation between 4 and 9%.
ser objeto de crítica      
attract + criticism
come in + for criticism
be under criticism
be subjected to + criticism
be (the) subject of/to criticism
take + heat
 Some of the features of KWIC indexes that have attracted criticism may be rectified moderately easily.
 However, both BTI and LCSH occasionally use headings of this kind, though one could argue strongly that these are out of place in direct entry methods, and they come in for trenchant criticism from Metcalfe.
 The article 'Record management professionals: suffering from self-inflicted wounds' discusses how since its creation in 1975 the Institute of Certified Records Managers has been under constant criticism.
 Over the years, the AACR has been subjected to criticism for provisions that sanction the use of form subdivisions in headings for certain legal and religious publications.
 Both indexes were subject to considerable criticism but it was not found possible to allocate blame to the computer program.
 In general, librarians commented that 'the smaller the town, the more heat the library takes about weeding'.
ser objeto de debate 
be at issue
 What constitutes 'fair use' is at issue as well, and libraries, on the advice of lawyers, have to be extremely careful about what they reproduce digitally.
ser objeto de discriminación 
suffer + discrimination
 Women have consistently earned less for the same education and experience and have always suffered discrimination for the top positions.
ser objeto de elogio  
win + acclaim
receive + acclaim
 Abstracting journal 'Physics' has won acclaim followed by 'Physics Abstracts', 'Electrical and Electronic Abstracts', 'Science Abstracts', all published by British INSPEC since 1898.
 The editor of textbooks in both secondary and higher education generally receive both monetary reward and professional acclaim for it.
ser obligatorio 
be a must
 Terminological consistency is a must for achieving satisfactory information flow onboard an oil platform, and between offshore field centres and onshore administration.
ser obra del diablo  
be the work of the devil
be the devil's work
 St Thomas Aquinas thought that spontaneous generation of insects was the work of the devil.
 When this happens you have to ask yourself whether it is the devil's work.
ser optimista  
look on + the bright side of life
look on + the bright side
 A genetically-driven tendency to look on the bright side of life is a core mechanism underlying resilience to general life stress.
 Looking on the bright side, this crisis has shown us that some people just shouldn't be homeowners.
ser optimista sobre 
be sanguine about
 Not many public sector SLIS were at all sanguine about their future levels of IT resourcing.
ser otra historia     
be a whole new (ball) game
be a different kettle of fish
be a whole new kettle of fish
be a whole new story
be a different story
 General talk about football is cool, but when it becomes bigoted that's a whole new ball game.
 Rumors are one thing - confirmation from a highly placed advisor to the government should be a different kettle of fish, altogether.
 Negotiation of a general educational licence for Internet transmissions is obviously a whole new kettle of fish and would take several years.
 Travelling on a motorbike is one thing, but when the bike is powered by oil you would normally cook fish and chips in, that's a whole new story.
 Chile survived its huge earthquake relatively well - Iran would be a different story.
ser otro cantar     
be a different kettle of fish
be a whole new (ball) game
be a whole new kettle of fish
be a whole new story
be a different story
 Rumors are one thing - confirmation from a highly placed advisor to the government should be a different kettle of fish, altogether.
 General talk about football is cool, but when it becomes bigoted that's a whole new ball game.
 Negotiation of a general educational licence for Internet transmissions is obviously a whole new kettle of fish and would take several years.
 Travelling on a motorbike is one thing, but when the bike is powered by oil you would normally cook fish and chips in, that's a whole new story.
 Chile survived its huge earthquake relatively well - Iran would be a different story.
ser paciente con 
bear with + Pronombre
 And again, if anything seems strange in the next few days, please bear with us and let us know.
ser pan comido        
be a cinch
be a piece of cake
be a doddle
be a breeze
be a snap
be a picnic
be duck soup
be a walk in the park
 The article 'Singing with Children Is a Cinch!' explains how children learn to sing and discusses criteria for selecting songs suitable for young voices.
 That was a piece of cake compared with getting the resulting research agency off the ground.
 Sitting on top of a launch rocket waiting for somebody to push a button and send you hurtling off into outer space is a doddle when compared with diving.
 We both woke up bright and early to forage for food nearby, which was a breeze.
 The article is entitled 'Enhancing digital images is a snap'.
 Drying and stewing fruit was a picnic compared to the elaborate rituals involved in the preparation and preservation of meat.
 Even driving the Taliban out of power from Afghanistan was duck soup compared to Iraq.
 The Zionists will discover that the war they had in July was a walk in the park if we compare it to what we've prepared for every new aggression.
ser para desternillarse    
be a (real) hoot
be a (real) scream
be a (real) laugh
be a (real) riot
 Wouldn't it be a hoot if it turned out that chihuahuas actually were a type of rat?.
 Andrea and Mark were very welcoming and Jess was a real scream and had us in stitches.
 My group had a really great day - it was a real laugh.
 These guys were a real riot and I enjoyed my brief encounter with them, even though I had to tolerate their noxious cigarette smoke.
ser para morirse de risa    
be a (real) hoot
be a (real) scream
be a (real) laugh
be a (real) riot
 Wouldn't it be a hoot if it turned out that chihuahuas actually were a type of rat?.
 Andrea and Mark were very welcoming and Jess was a real scream and had us in stitches.
 My group had a really great day - it was a real laugh.
 These guys were a real riot and I enjoyed my brief encounter with them, even though I had to tolerate their noxious cigarette smoke.
ser parcial   
be partial
feel + partial
 If the approach is not too blinkered, such situations, on the basis of mounting evidence, quickly lead to the realisation that technological solutions to information problems are at best partial.
 A sample would be biased if some elements in the population have no chance of selection.
 I don't feel partial either way but if I were a public librarian I think I would take exception to the idea that there was some kind of common plebeian form which I could use.
ser parecido 
be on a par
 The male coquette and the wanton woman are somewhat on a par.
ser parecido a  
be close to
be just like
 As this table shows, the age profile for all borrowers is very close to that of all adults in the country but when one looks at the more frequent users, the regular borrowers, the older people come more to the fore.
 Websites are just like children, they only seem to misbehave when you have visitors.
ser pareja 
be an item
 Being salacious in character, he spread the gossip that the boss and his new secretary were an item.
ser parte de    
be part of
be a part of
fall under
be a party to
 This is transparently part of the ideology of the title-unit-entry catalog where the book as such is the focus of the catalog.
 Librarians have to work, to some extent, within the constraints of the organization of which they are a part.
 It is the type of compound that is of primary importance to researchers in chemistry, not the total sum of individual compounds that fall under it.
 The documentary is about how everyone was a party to what happened - it was not just the greedy bankers.
ser partícipe  
take + part
play + Posesivo + part
 This article lists committees in whose work Soviet delegates took part and outlines results.
 Training, equipment and experience all play their part in the success of a search.
ser partícipe (de) 
partake (in/of)
 The objective should be to create and entrepreneurial spirit in the midst of bureaucracy whereby all partake in the responsibilities and risks of the library's activities.
ser partícipe de 
be a party to
 The documentary is about how everyone was a party to what happened - it was not just the greedy bankers.
ser partidario de      
be partial to
align + Reflexivo + with
be enthusiastic about
root for
be a fan of
 Certainly there are those who, because they themselves are not partial to change, will continue to seek out our present institutions and in their present form.
 Most respondents espoused the latter view as an appropriate response to IT developments to date.
 This article argues that fiction is an area of stock development which would readily achieve the goals of development with which public librarians have aligned themselves.
 I'm less enthusiastic about this criticism of ISBD than I am in my endorsement of his stress on the importance of the main entry.
 I didn't know her from Adam but started rooting for her from day 1 of the competition.
 I've always been a fan of putting jam on my grilled cheese on toast (I think it's best with a chunky homemade apricot or blackberry jam).
ser partidario de una idea 
favour + idea
 Half the respondents favoured the idea when it was explained; the rest opposed it, one of the main reasons given being that there was a lack of neighbour agreement.
ser patético 
be a joke
 The Nobel prizewinning chemistry professor argues that TV's science programming is a joke.
ser peligroso 
hold + danger
 While such a record is an obvious incentive to members to participate, it does seem possible that it holds some dangers.
ser pensante  
sentient being
thinking being
 The knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by sentient beings on this planet for aeons and aeons is quite impossible to fully comprehend.
 As a thinking being, one seems to be free from the vicissitudes of time and space - there is no coming to be or ceasing to be.
ser peor que  [Comparativo de sorry] 
be sorrier than
compare + unfavourably
 There is, however, no reason to despair of schools having an influence on children from subliterate and illiterate homes, even as things still are, otherwise the short history of universal education would be much sorrier than it is.
 Salaries of library professionals compare unfavourably with pay scales in the information industry.
ser perfecto     
be right
be spot on
fit + the bill
be (right) on the mark
hit + the spot
 Scenes from books done in polished improvisations, for instance, or puppet plays adapted from stories are just right.
 The program is spot on - you can't fault it with the presentation and it's totally inoffensive and suitable for kids.
 Some individuals think making resources simply electronic fits the bill, while others feel a digital library is far loftier than this.
 For a directorial debut with no big-name movie stars, the acting is right on the mark.
 We focus on quality rather than quantity and hit the spot every time.
ser permisible 
be permissible
 You are still failing to observe a PME...ST citation order where this is permissible in the construction of a compound class number in UDC.
ser pertinente    
be in order
commend + Reflexivo + for + situation
be to the point
 This could apply particularly if the figures are to be incorporated into annual reports or other documents.
 Indexing and searching, then, are integral one to another, and so a few comments on searching are in order here = Por lo tanto, la indización y la búsqueda son complementarios y así pues es pertinente hacer algunos comentarios aquí sobre la búsqueda.
 None of these classification schemes commended itself for the particular situation of the library.
 It might be to the point to mention that most printed bibliographical tools are of this kind.
ser pionero 
 Icons, or pictorial representations of objects in systems, were pioneered by Xerox.
ser poca cosa   
be small beer
be small potato(es)
be small change
 The United States and United Kingdom are burdened by debt too but household debt even in these two countries is small beer compared to government debt.
 I know it's small potato for him, but if I'm having so many problems, then others must be having them as well.
 The casualties from a missile attack by them in response to an attack on their nuclear facilities will be small change compared to the consequences of their government attaining nuclear capability.
ser poco 
be under-provided
 Which is a more effective location is a question that can be explored, but we do need to avoid the situation faced by other in situations developed in past ages, like the Church of England, whose physical plant (the church buildings) is over-provided for the denuded rural areas and under-provided for the city.
ser poco agradecido 
be thankless
 This is a task that is largely thankless.
ser poco eficaz 
do + little
 Amazingly, this has done little to temper their penchant for legalese and hair-splitting on international law.
ser poco reconocido 
be thankless
 This is a task that is largely thankless.
ser pocos  
be few in number
be small in number
 Whilst Prestel is in its infancy and subscribers few in number, costs are likely to be high, but they will only come down as the system moves into the mass market.
 However, there has been progress: newer university and divisional libraries have been established, and research libraries, such as the Cholera Research Laboratory are small in number but impressive.
ser polos opuestos  
be polar opposites
be poles apart
 These two visions of the role of libraries are polar opposites.
 The author discusses the evolving shape of competitor intelligence explaining why to date its aims and realities have been poles apart.
ser popular    
find + favour
be popular in appeal
attain + appeal
be popular
 Thus Dewey' policy of integrity of numbers has found great favour.
 Ticknor's belief in the library's potential as one means of inhibiting the chances of unscrupulous politicians who would lead the ignorant astray explains his insistence that the public library be as popular in appeal as possible.
 The good novelist is therefore an author with a wide appeal but this wide appeal is not attained, or even sought, through a dilution of quality; it is simply that this type of writer has a different sort of skill.
 The arrangement of two rotors side by side was never very popular.
ser popular entre 
be popular with
 Adventure is the most popular genre with primary school boys.
ser por el bien de Alguien 
be to + Posesivo + advantage
 So it's to your advantage, at least from their standpoint, to order by ISBN so that they can more expeditiously fulfill your order.
ser + Posesivo + casa 
call + home
 You'll share this tropical environment with beautiful birds, flowers, monkeys, and more aboard a restored riverboat you'll call home during your expedition.
ser + Posesivo + culpa 
be + Posesivo + fault
 Peter was trying to convince himself that it wasn't his fault as he navigated the glistening slippery streets.
ser + Posesivo + sombra 
follow + Nombre + like + Posesivo + shadow
 Melancholy followed him like his shadow in his journey; and on his return to Rome his malady increased.
ser posible la coexistencia entre  
there + be + room for both ...
 Just as libraries can exist alongside bookshops and video rental shops, so there is room for both libraries and private enterprise in the computer area.
ser posible (que) 
be likely (to)
 As with any categorisation, the categories are likely to be imperfectly defined.
ser preciso 
be precise
 There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're talking about = No tiene sentido andarse con precisiones cuando no se tiene ni idea de lo que se está hablando.
ser prerrogativa de + Nombre 
be down to + Nombre
 Their success is down to them being perfectly adaptive and efficient killing machines.
ser presa de 
be prey of
 Librarians need not fear that they will be prey to increases in postal rates if the introduce this scheme.
ser primordial (para) 
be central (to)
 In the libraries which were engaged in large-scale cataloguing co-operation was central to developments, as outlined in chapter 18.
ser prioritario 
be high on agenda
 High on this agenda will be the harmonization of legislation and practice concerning access.
ser probable que 
be liable to
 The cards in the index are liable to become disorganized if inexperienced information seekers tamper with the index.
ser probable (que) 
be likely (to)
 As with any categorisation, the categories are likely to be imperfectly defined.
ser probable que + haber 
there + be + likely to be
 Whatever the cause, there is likely to be confusion if we do nothing to distinguish such words.
ser procesado 
stand (for) + trial
 Knowing that the trials were inherently unfair and he was almost certain to be convicted and executed, Corey refused to stand for trial.
ser producto de  
spin off
be the product of
 A computerized search facility has been spun off from the basic work.
 This will be seen to be the product of the desire to meet, wholly or in part, the needs of nutrition.
ser prometedor  
hold + promise
be auspicious
 The optical digital disc holds enormous promise for large information storage applications.
 According to many an astrological treatise, the birth of a girl in an even sign in the ascendant is auspicious = Según muchos tratados de astrología, el nacimiento de una niña en un signo par en su fase ascendente es una buena señal.
ser promiscuo 
sleep around
 Sleeping around does not make a woman a slag or a slapper - a look at sex, lies and sterotypes that still persist today.
ser pronto (para) 
be early (for)
 Sometimes menstrual periods can come as a surprise, being early, late or not happening at all.
ser propenso a     
be liable to
be prone to
be subject to
be predisposed to/toward(s)
be a sucker for
 The cards in the index are liable to become disorganized if inexperienced information seekers tamper with the index.
 Computers are reliable, and less prone to error provided they are instructed or programmed appropriately and correctly.
 I have never seen any statistics showing that nonbook materials are more subject to theft than books.
 A person will be predisposed, or not, to seek and use information depending upon his or her goals and habits.
 Americas are suckers for being terrified, it is very sad.
ser propicio para 
lend + Reflexivo + to
 It is true that post-coordinate indexing lends itself well to a depth indexing policy, to the statement of sub-themes in documents in addition to the main theme.
ser propio de 
be proper of
 Exuberance and enthusiasm are proper to the young, as Quintillian remarked: 'The young should be daring and inventive and should rejoice in their inventions, even though correctiveness and severity are still to be acquired'.
ser provinciano 
be provincial
 Printing had arrived late and was deficient in technique and provincial in content.
ser prudente 
play it + safe
 Barack Obama is playing it safe in the final week of the election, but his Achilles' heel might be taxes.
ser prueba suficiente 
be proof enough
 For Miller, though, two decades of eyeball-to-eyeball confrontations with the new chairman are proof enough.
ser publicado 
see + the light of day
 The article 'OSI: will it ever see the light of day?' concludes that the promise of OSI has been bold and ambitious but that its delivery has been significantly delayed beyond its initial projections = El artículo "OSI: ¿verá alguna vez la luz del día?" concluye que la promesa de OSI ha sido osada y ambiciosa pero que su publicación se ha visto retrasada considerablemente por encima de las previsiones iniciales.
ser puente  
act as + a bridge
act as + a bridge
 Librarians must now act as a bridge between vital sources of primary material and users who need guidance in the difficult and time-consuming quest for information.
 Librarians must now act as a bridge between vital sources of primary material and users who need guidance in the difficult and time-consuming quest for information.
ser puente entre 
serve as + a bridge between
 IT can motivate children, provide a 'novelty' factor to enliven routine work and serve as a bridge between the classroom and the library.
ser querido 
 Instead of spending hours being bored stiff in church, most families spend Christmas with family and loved-ones or are still recovering from the hangover .
ser rápido  
be quick off the mark
be quick off the blocks
 Why is it that women are so much more quick off the mark than men to be appropriately dressed when the weather turns good?.
 They were quick off the blocks and were sitting pretty with a two-goal cushion over their rivals after only fifteen minutes.
ser razonable 
stand to + reason
 It only stands to reason that where there's service, there is someone being served.
ser reacio a   
be averse to
be reluctant
be loath to
 Some respondents were not averse to describing IT merely as another bandwagon.
 Many libraries are reluctant to reclassify stock and many libraries leave stock classified according to earlier editions long after the earlier edition has been superseded.
 When the profession once more brought censorship under the spotlight in the 70s, it was less critical and more loath to take a stand.
ser realista 
get + real
 The author of 'Let's get real about the presidential race' accuses both presidential candidates of not addressing the real issues affecting our economy.
ser realmente 
be nothing short of
 Until the late 20th century, the card catalogue was the beating heart of the library and its replacement with a computer database was nothing short of an organ transplant.
ser receptor de 
be in receipt of
 To be eligible for funding a private organization must be in receipt of a grant from such a body.
ser rechazado 
get + the thumbs down
 Would-be inventors get four to five minutes to present their product's concept and business plan before getting the thumbs up or down for funding.
ser recomendable 
be in order
 Indexing and searching, then, are integral one to another, and so a few comments on searching are in order here = Por lo tanto, la indización y la búsqueda son complementarios y así pues es pertinente hacer algunos comentarios aquí sobre la búsqueda.
ser reconocidopor 
receive + credit for
 Mühe had to watch from the sidelines as others received credit for the laparoscopic 'revolution'.
ser relevante  
commend + Reflexivo + for + situation
be to the point
 None of these classification schemes commended itself for the particular situation of the library.
 It might be to the point to mention that most printed bibliographical tools are of this kind.
ser relevante para 
have + bearing on
 Your practice in classifying by Colon will, however, have a direct bearing on any subsequent use of other classification schemes.
ser rentable    [Verbo irregular: pasado y participio paid] 
pay off
be a money-maker
turn + a profit
 This is an address given at a seminar on 'Books and businesses: an investment that pays off' at the Turin book fair on 17 May 89.
 The onion business is economically stable and is generally a money-maker.
 Simply put, it just doesn't pay to digitise information that few can use, and even fewer will pay for.
 Libraries are a public good, supported by tax dollars because they are essential to democracy, not because they turn a profit.
ser residencia de 
be home to
 This region, known as the Kimberley, has been home to Aborigines for more than 40,000 years.
ser respetuoso con 
be civil towards
 Judging from the history of warfare and skirmish between the British and the French, I am surprised you are so civil towards each other.
ser responsabilidad de 
be incumbent on/upon
 Recognising that society feels little need for librarians, it is incumbent upon the profession to do something about this.
ser responsable ante la ley 
be criminally liable
 Under proposed legislation librarians and distributors who disseminate materials proscribed under these laws would be criminally liable.
ser responsable de  
account for
be liable for
 The major four categories of physical forms outlined so far account for most of the published indexes and catalogues.
 The user is liable for any accidental or unintentional transmission.
ser responsable de Algo 
be held to account
 And those of us who manage the public's dollars will be held to account - to spend wisely, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of day - because only then can we restore the vital trust between a people and their government = Y los que manejamos el dinero público tendremos que responder de ello (gastar con prudencia, cambiar malos hábitos y hacer nuestro trabajo a la luz del día) porque sólo entonces podremos restablecer la confianza entre el pueblo y su gobierno.
ser restringido 
be constrained
 This proposal was later withdrawn in recognition of the fact that the time frame for the current revision project is too constrained.
ser resultado de 
result from
 Part of the trend towards declining conference attendance results from the downturn in the economy = Parte de la tendencia hacia el descenso de la asistencia a los congresos es consecuencia de la caída de la economía.
ser rico en 
be rich in
 Good bookshops are few and far between and the kind to be found in most towns are as educationally healthy as a river rich in industrial effluent is physically salubrious.
ser rico en calorías 
be rich in calories
 Squirrels store nuts for a good reason: they're rich in calories that keep them fed during the long cold winter.
ser rico en contenido 
be rich in content
 When the talk is rich in content, when it is spoken in a variety of tones and is verbally colorful and inventive, a child is being prepared for the possibilities of language.
ser rico en proteínas 
be rich in protein
 Whitefish like cod and halibut, bison, turkey breast, chicken breast, and ostrich breast are all very low in calories and very rich in protein.
ser rico en vitaminas 
be rich in vitamins
 Crab, lobster, shrimps and other shellfish are not very rich in vitamins, but they are good source of minerals.
ser sede de 
play + host to
 Being a large city, which plays host to conferences of all sizes on a frequent basis, Glasgow possesses an extremely diverse array of accommodation.
ser seguro 
be on the cards
 The strongest clue that a reshuffle is on the cards is the regularity with which the press has started to attack specific ministers.
ser seguro que + Subjuntivo 
be bound to + Infinitivo
 The repetition of the author's name introduces new esoteric punctuation which is bound to puzzle the catalog user.
ser sensato 
be on the safe side
 The title of the article is 'Being of the safe side' = El título del artículo es "Curarse en salud".
ser similar 
be on a par
 The male coquette and the wanton woman are somewhat on a par.
ser similar a 
be nothing short of
 Until the late 20th century, the card catalogue was the beating heart of the library and its replacement with a computer database was nothing short of an organ transplant.
ser sintomático de 
symptomatise [symptomatize, -USA]
 And thirdly and most importantly, I am concerned about some movements which I think symptomatize ideological deterioration and would have us, as someone put it, march boldly backwards into the future.
ser sobrenatural  
supernatural being
supernatural creature
 Much to her dismay, she rarely encounters supernatural beings other than on paper.
 This group is for books that have supernatural creatures in them, like werewolves, witches, sorcerers, vampires, dragons and things like that.
ser sólo comparable a 
be rivalled only by
 The disenchantment administrators experience with their consultant is rivalled only by their dissatisfaction with their own staff.
ser sólo la mitad de la ecuación 
be only half (of) the equation
 Excellence in the classroom is only half of the equation in preparing to be an effective professional: students must learn in the workplace as well.
ser solvente 
be free of debt
 My dad and I were talking about his recent financial turnaround, and one of the things he said was that he loves being free of debt.
ser sonámbulo 
sleep walk
 Its final sentence - 'Libraries are sleep walking to disaster; it is time they woke up' - should give us all food for thought.
ser subordinado  [A veces escrito "dependant"]
be dependent
 The organization wants employees to be dependent and the employee wants to be independent.
ser suficiente  
fit + the bill
 The tables permit one list to suffice for applications with respect to many different subjects.
 Some individuals think making resources simply electronic fits the bill, while others feel a digital library is far loftier than this.
ser suficientmentee bien + Participio Pasado 
be sufficiently well + Participio Pasado
 Soviet libraries are not sufficiently well equipped with technical equipment, such as word processors, copiers, and information systems.
ser sumamente necesario  
be badly needed
be long overdue
 A platform for communication and cooperation between teams was badly needed.
 In a profession which is composed largely of women, this research is most welcome and long overdue.
ser susceptible de 
be vulnerable to
 The system is vulnerable to breakdown, sabotage, theft, and the loss of information due to accidents or incompetence.
ser susceptible de cambios 
be subject to change
 Most serial publications are intended to be issued indefinitely and are subject to change of authorship.
ser también válido para 
hold + good for
 The indexing principles of this system hold good for computerized information and document retrieval systems.
ser tan buen momento como cualquier otro 
be as good a time as any
 Now is as good a time as any to get the ball rolling.
ser temprano (para) 
be early (for)
 Sometimes menstrual periods can come as a surprise, being early, late or not happening at all.
ser testamento 
stand as + a testament
 This unique book stands as a testament to the enduring place of the hillbilly in the American imagination.
ser testigo de   
be witness to
stand as + witness to
 We sometimes only have to speak a word to witness a reaction in other people that should logically follow only if the object itself were present.
 On several occasions he was witness to the sights and sounds of Balzac's emotionalism, including tantrum-pitched screaming, banging fists on desks, and slamming doors.
 Today's users stand as witnesses to the formative stages of a totally networked society in the 21st century.
ser testimonio 
stand as + a testament
 This unique book stands as a testament to the enduring place of the hillbilly in the American imagination.
ser testimonio de  
bear + testimony to
be testimony to
 The subsequent draft programme on solid fuels, which was produced by the Commission at the beginning of 1983, contained provisions on the environmental dimension of the subject which bore testimony to the effect of the conference on the Commission's thinking.
 Her death was tragic but her life was testimony to her fighting spirit.
ser todo corazón 
have + a heart of gold
 Though my old man's a dustman he's got a heart of gold.
ser todo oídos 
be all ears
 Some have been referred to as being all ears, while others have been noted as being all mouth.
ser todo sonrias 
be all smiles
 Mexico are all smiles after a thumping win over Jamaica in rugby.
ser todo un exitazo  [También usado en este orden bring down the house, pero menos frecuentemente]   
bring + the house down
hit it out of + the park
go (over/off) with + a bang
raise + the roof
 She brought the house down with her special blend of reggae, funk and R&B.
 We already knew these Irish lads were among the best boy bands out there, but they really hit it out of the park with this romantic song.
 The first year, 2005, went with a bang and we raised a whopping £2700, which was donated to the local hospital.
 It's impossible to know where her big voice comes from, but she raised the roof and earned a standing ovation.
ser todo un éxito       [También usado en este orden bring down the house, pero menos frecuentemente]
hit + a home run
hit it out of + the park
knock it out of + the park
go (over/off) with + a bang
raise + the roof
bring + the house down
 EGND has hit a home run with the introduction of a new product line, increasing sales projections, and ramping up production schedules.
 We already knew these Irish lads were among the best boy bands out there, but they really hit it out of the park with this romantic song.
 It was a risk, but early results seem to indicate that the duo has knocked it out of the park with the new version.
 The first year, 2005, went with a bang and we raised a whopping £2700, which was donated to the local hospital.
 It's impossible to know where her big voice comes from, but she raised the roof and earned a standing ovation.
 She brought the house down with her special blend of reggae, funk and R&B.
ser todo ventajas 
the best of both worlds
 We will only consider here the 'microcomputer-as-word-processor', because this is a combination which generally offers the best of both worlds.
ser todo vida 
be all life
 While they were talking a voice from the crow's nest called, 'Land ahoy!' and in a moment the ship was all life.
ser tolerante 
be forgiving
 Data base design is less forgiving when it comes to intellectual ambiguities than are the traditional methods and tools of the art historian.
ser tolerante conq 
be tolerant with
 Despite their size, manta rays are usually graceful and tend to be tolerant with divers.
ser tonto del bote 
the cheese slid off + Posesivo + cracker
 It sounds like the cheese slid off his cracker a long time ago.
ser torpe con las manos 
be all (fingers and) thumbs
 The first time I did it I was all fingers and thumbs, but practice brings the reward of ease.
ser torpe para + Infinitivo 
be deficient in + Gerundio
 It is a well-known fact that they're grossly deficient in identifiying talented minority children, and, for that matter, girls.
ser totalmente inaceptable 
be bang out of order
 I know he has a job to do but he went way over the top - it was harsh, unnecessary and bang out of order.
ser (totalmente) natural 
be (only) natural
 It's only natural for a betrayed wife to be curious about her husband's mistress.
ser (totalmente) natural, ser cosa (totalmente) natural 
be (only) natural
 It's only natural for a betrayed wife to be curious about her husband's mistress.
ser transportado 
be taken away
 Anyone who loves to be taken away by a good travel yarn will find 'Rude Awakenings' a great adventure.
ser trascedente 
be of consequence
 Who gets killed is of no consequence but the fact that people are killed is of consequence.
ser travieso 
 Websites are just like children, they only seem to misbehave when you have visitors.
ser una buena época 
be a good time
 November or early December is a good time because people have presents in mind for Christmas.
ser una buena idea 
be a good idea
 If your mouse is a bit jumpy it is a good idea first of all just to get it used to your hand before attempting to lift it out of its cage.
ser una buena idea para 
be the next best thing when it comes to
 Wet bars are the next best thing when it comes to entertaining.
ser una buena ocasión para + Infinitivo 
be a good time to + Infinitivo
 It is also a good time to stand back and take a look at 'what technology hath wrought' and some of the issues involved in our rush towards standardization on the national and international levels.
ser una buena señal 
be auspicious
 According to many an astrological treatise, the birth of a girl in an even sign in the ascendant is auspicious = Según muchos tratados de astrología, el nacimiento de una niña en un signo par en su fase ascendente es una buena señal.
ser una cabronada  
be a rotten thing to do
be a shitty thing to do
 This is a rotten thing to do to people at any time of the year, but most all Christmas.
 Whatever way you look at it, it was a shitty thing to do.
ser una calamidad 
be a dead loss
 There is now never the need for someone with a hair problem to feel that the problem cannot be solved; hair loss is no longer a dead loss!.
ser una ciencia exacta 
be an exact science
 Abstracting has been called an art, but it is actually an exact science.
ser una consecuencia lógica de  
go with + the territory (of)
come with + the territory (of)
 However, they also feel that this kind of media scrutiny goes with the territory of participating in national politics.
 The article is entitled 'It comes with the territory: handling problem situations in libraries'.
ser una consecuencia lógica que 
it therefore follows that
 It therefore follows that rules for use of the scientific literature should be designed to help achieve that goal.
ser una constante 
be a constant
 Librarians and libraries are always asked to do too much with too little, so the search for outside funding through grants, gifts and fundraisers is a constant in library life.
ser una copia exacta de 
be a dead ringer for
 The final photocopy was a dead ringer for the PDF files downloaded from the CBS website.
ser una cuestión de 
be a matter for/of
 It can only be a matter of time before we have in effect a complete set of MARC records to call on for details of any item we require.
ser una cuestión debatible 
be an open question
 Whether such a solution would be agreed by users, and in particular the users of the Library of Congress itself, is still an open question.
ser una cuestión de principios 
be a matter of principle
 A similar explanation must be given in those cases where the librarian believes as a matter of principle that enquirers should be shown how to find the answers to their own questions.
ser una cuestión de tiempo 
be a matter of time
 It is only a matter of time before a Muslim student is physically assaulted.
ser una cuestión de vida o muerte 
be a matter of life and death
 Find out why you need a second opinion, when to get a second opinion, and why it may be a matter of life and death.
ser una cuestión problemática 
be at issue
 What constitutes 'fair use' is at issue as well, and libraries, on the advice of lawyers, have to be extremely careful about what they reproduce digitally.
ser una epopeya  
be an odyssey
be a marathon journey
 What followed over the next nine months was an odyssey of violence, fear, torture, surrealism and unexpected humanity.
 In most cases, building a company is a marathon journey, a lot of hard work, and much less glamorous than the movies would have you think.
ser una espina que Alguien tiene clavada 
be a thorn in + Posesivo + side
 'It's finally come to a showdown with Stuart Wronski. I guess you know he's been a thorn in my side for a long time. But he's finally gone too far, and I've got to do something about it.' He bit his lip, and looked at the floor.
ser una flecha 
be quick off + Posesivo + feet
 He is very quick off his feet and is active around the basket at both ends.
ser una forma de 
provide + a way of/to
 Style flexibility provides a way to be accommodating without compromising integrity or naturalness of expression.
ser una forma segura de 
be a/one sure way of/to
 This is one sure way to watch one's health and dancing go right down the drain.
ser una ganga  
be a bargain
be a real snatch
 The outcome of the bidding was slightly disappointing for the vendor, but they say it was a bargain for the buyer.
 I've just bought this one for £250 - a real snatch as far as I'm concerned.
ser una gozada 
be a treat
 This article discusses the line 'It's a treat to beat your feet on the Mississippi mud' from the 1927 song by Harry Barris.
ser una gran ayuda 
be a tower of strength
 Australia's economy is a tower of strength after two respected international reports confirmed it continued to lead the developed world.
ser una hermosura 
be a gem
 I love her more than my own children because she is a gem and one in a million to find.
ser una incógnita 
be anyone's guess
 Why grub has to be 'rustled up' is anyone's guess; that is just the way it was on the Wild West.
ser una interrogante 
be an open question
 Whether such a solution would be agreed by users, and in particular the users of the Library of Congress itself, is still an open question.
ser una joya 
be a gem
 I love her more than my own children because she is a gem and one in a million to find.
ser una lástima 
be a shame
 It would be a shame, and very expensive, if the accumulated wisdom of librarianship were to be sacrificed, and the profession later reinvented, for digital information.
ser una mancha para 
be a blot on
 Their heart-rending plight stretching over centuries is a blot on Indian civilization.
ser una manera segura de 
be a/one sure way of/to
 This is one sure way to watch one's health and dancing go right down the drain.
ser una mejora con respecto a 
be an improvement on
 Whilst there was still a budget deficit, the situation was an improvement on last year and indications for the future look good = Aunque el déficit presupuestario seguía existiendo, la situación había mejorado con respecto al año anterior y las pespectivas para el futuro parecían buenas.
ser una mierda 
be the pits
 Our health-care system is the pits - millions of Americans don't have any health insurance.
ser una molestia  
be a pest
be a (real) nuisance
 My advice to young scientists: be a pest - ask questions and don't be satisfied with all answers; have the heart of a lion; have the patience of Job; be multi-culturally competent; and the only correct route to success is your own.
 The passenger sitting next to me was a real nuisance.
ser una monada 
be gorgeous to look at
 This filly is gorgeous to look at and is as sweet as they come.
ser una necesidad apremiante 
be the need of the hour
 Genetically Modified (GM) seeds are the need of the hour to bolster farm production in the face of rising demand.
ser una novedad en el contexto del que se está hablando 
be a newcomer to the scene
 A recent newcomer to the scene is the Index to International Statistics.
ser una nulidad 
be a dead loss
 There is now never the need for someone with a hair problem to feel that the problem cannot be solved; hair loss is no longer a dead loss!.
ser una odisea  
be an odyssey
be a marathon journey
 What followed over the next nine months was an odyssey of violence, fear, torture, surrealism and unexpected humanity.
 In most cases, building a company is a marathon journey, a lot of hard work, and much less glamorous than the movies would have you think.
ser una pérdida de dinero   
be money and effort down the drain
throw + Posesivo + money down the drain
be money down the drain
 So long as the library possesses accurate knowledge about its activities, it can use it proactively to define the areas where it would be money and effort down the drain.
 Many of those would-be first time buyers choose to continue renting even though they are throwing their money down the drain.
 Fluoridation is money down the drain - children's cavity rates are similar whether water is fluoridated or not.
ser una pérdida de tiempo    
be idle
beat + a dead horse
flog + a dead horse
fart in + the wind
 It would be idle to pretend that there have been no changes in the past twenty years.
 Despite all the written and spoken words, and the charge that to even raise the issue now is to beat a dead horse, there are, regrettably, a host of continuing problems in the area of fairness of headings.
 When Harries refuted the view that Africans were 'helpless cogs in the wheels of capitalist industrialization,' he was flogging a dead horse.
 Loving people is like farting in the wind; you don't actually accomplish anything, but you feel better.
ser una pérdida total 
be a dead loss
 There is now never the need for someone with a hair problem to feel that the problem cannot be solved; hair loss is no longer a dead loss!.
ser una persona sin raíces ni ataduras 
be a rolling stone
 I was a rolling stone until you changed my ways.
ser una piña 
stand + together
 For instance, in reproduction of Renoir's work under the subject IMPRESSIONISM, Renoir's works would not stand together in the catalog but be spread out according to their titles.
ser una práctica común 
be (a) common practice
 It was a common practice to fill empty fuel oil tanks with sea water to ballast ships.
ser una preciosidad 
be gorgeous to look at
 This filly is gorgeous to look at and is as sweet as they come.
ser una prioridad 
be high on agenda
 High on this agenda will be the harmonization of legislation and practice concerning access.
ser una prueba más de 
strengthen + evidence
 His book strengthens evidence that what the Wright brothers flew in 1903 was a glider, not an aeroplane.
ser una puerta abierta a 
be an open invitation to
 This rule leaves the definition of `significant' to the individual indexer which is clearly an open invitation to inconsistency.
ser una putada  
be a rotten thing to do
be a shitty thing to do
 This is a rotten thing to do to people at any time of the year, but most all Christmas.
 Whatever way you look at it, it was a shitty thing to do.
ser una raya en el agua 
be good for nothing
 For, methinks, the present condition of man is like a field, where battle hath been lately fought, where we may see many legs, and arms, and eyes lying here and there, which, for want of a union, and a soul to quicken and enliven them, are good for nothing, but to feed ravens, and infect the air.
ser una realidad  
be a fact of life
be a reality
 Federal aid to help cope with the problem of information was not new and had been a fact of life in one way or another for a long time.
 The days of the printed journal are numbered and the use of computers in the planning of experiments will soon be a reality.
ser una revelación 
be an eye-opener
 It also can be an eye-opener to students who are focused on clinical practice.
ser un arma de dos filos 
be a mixed blessing
 This feature, portability, can be a mixed blessing-things which can be moved have a habit of disappearing.
ser un asaltacunas 
rob + the cradle
 He was actually several years older than she was and never gave his real age because he didn't want to be accused of robbing the cradle.
ser un asunto de 
be a matter for/of
 It can only be a matter of time before we have in effect a complete set of MARC records to call on for details of any item we require.
ser un asunto difícil 
be a difficult business
 Ward's study is likely to remain a standard reference source for years to come, but trying to sort out the generalities from the particularities is a very difficult business.
ser un asunto problemático 
be at issue
 What constitutes 'fair use' is at issue as well, and libraries, on the advice of lawyers, have to be extremely careful about what they reproduce digitally.
ser una tacha para 
be a blot on
 Their heart-rending plight stretching over centuries is a blot on Indian civilization.
ser una tristeza 
be a sad pity
 He's an awfully decent fellow, but it's a sad pity he's such a masher.
ser una tumba 
lips + seal
 He might have murdered his grandmother or robbed a church, but her lips would be sealed.
ser un auténtico inútil 
be a dead loss
 There is now never the need for someone with a hair problem to feel that the problem cannot be solved; hair loss is no longer a dead loss!.
ser un avance 
be a step forward
 There is no doubt that the ideas put forward by Coates and their implementation in BTI have been a solid step forward in the theory of alphabetical subject headings.
ser una ventaja 
be a plus
 The author concludes that the overall effect of prizes is a plus for literature and those who write it.
ser una vergüenza 
be a disgrace
 To most students and collectors, the profession's treatment of these resources is a disgrace.
ser un beneficio inesperado para 
be a boon to
 Directories of publishers arranged to indicate the specialist fields in which the publish can be a boon to the imaginative librarian on the trail of some obscure source.
ser un bocazas 
be all mouth
 Some have been referred to as being all ears, while others have been noted as being all mouth.
ser un buen chico 
be a sport
 I get the feeling from both of them that my job may be in jeopardy if I'm not a better sport.
ser un buen comedor 
be a hearty eater
 Some children are hearty eaters, while others are very picky.
ser un cabrón con  
be rotten to
be shitty to
 It's a cartoon about a mischievous youngster who delights in playing pranks, being rotten to his relatives and generally getting up to no good.
 Well, if you'd asked five years ago, I'd have said yes, that women are naturally inclined to be shitty to each other.
ser un cacho de pan 
have + a heart of gold
 Though my old man's a dustman he's got a heart of gold.
ser un calco de 
be a dead ringer for
 The final photocopy was a dead ringer for the PDF files downloaded from the CBS website.
ser un calvario 
be a bed of nails to endure
 To her that school for girls was a bed of nails to endure.
ser un cantamañas 
be all mouth
 Some have been referred to as being all ears, while others have been noted as being all mouth.
ser un caos 
be (in) a (real) mess
 The economy is in a real mess now, and we need to create as many jobs as possible.
ser un caso aparte 
be in a league of its own
 The reason the survey places Canada so far ahead of Britain - in fact, in a league of its own - is that it has used the web to re-think how public services are run.
ser un caso completamente diferente 
be in a league of its own
 The reason the survey places Canada so far ahead of Britain - in fact, in a league of its own - is that it has used the web to re-think how public services are run.
ser un caso excepcional 
be in a league of its own
 The reason the survey places Canada so far ahead of Britain - in fact, in a league of its own - is that it has used the web to re-think how public services are run.
ser un caso perdido 
be a dead loss
 There is now never the need for someone with a hair problem to feel that the problem cannot be solved; hair loss is no longer a dead loss!.
ser un cero a la izquierda 
be a dead loss
 There is now never the need for someone with a hair problem to feel that the problem cannot be solved; hair loss is no longer a dead loss!.
ser un chollo  
be a bargain
be a real snatch
 The outcome of the bidding was slightly disappointing for the vendor, but they say it was a bargain for the buyer.
 I've just bought this one for £250 - a real snatch as far as I'm concerned.
ser un coñazo        
be a pest
be a pain in the neck
be a pain in the ass
be a pain in the arse
be a pain in the backside
be a pain in the proverbials
be a (real) nuisance
be a pain in the butt
 My advice to young scientists: be a pest - ask questions and don't be satisfied with all answers; have the heart of a lion; have the patience of Job; be multi-culturally competent; and the only correct route to success is your own.
 Within a few days it was apparent that my long hair was going to be a pain in the neck while swimming laps.
 The last thing that anyone working in an organization wants to be is a pain in the ass to work with.
 I alwasy knew she was a pain in the arse, without knowing her you can just tell, by the way she behaves, that she is big-headed and thinks she's god's gift to the human race.
 Our cat is a pain in the backside at times but we love him to bits.
 In one school, the kids were wonderful but the parents were a complete pain in the proverbials and seemed to live permanently on the school.
 The passenger sitting next to me was a real nuisance.
 The first thing to keep in mind is that brake bleeding can be an unbearable pain in the butt.
ser un depravado 
have the morals of an alley cat (and the scruples of a snake)
 Notorious for having the morals of an alley cat, he admitted to one of his girlfriends that he would do anything with anybody if it landed him a part in a film.
ser un desagradecido 
bite + the hand that feeds + Pronombre
 Moreover, it frees them from the fear that if they rattle the cages of city authorities they will be accused of biting the hand that feeds them.
ser un desastre  
be (in) a (real) mess
be a dead loss
 The economy is in a real mess now, and we need to create as many jobs as possible.
 There is now never the need for someone with a hair problem to feel that the problem cannot be solved; hair loss is no longer a dead loss!.
ser un desastre en potencia 
be a disaster in the making
 What you are witnessing is a disaster in the making - not only for Lebanon but for the United States, which stands exposed once again as a prejudiced hypocrite.
ser un desconocido 
not know + Pronombre + from Adam
 But the man in the street wouldn't know them from Adam.
ser un diamante en bruto  
be a rough diamond
be a diamond in the rough
 I don't mean to say that he was a rough diamond, for he was a gentleman by birth as well as by nature.
 She is a diamond in the rough and with some good training and lots of love she will be an amazing companion and loving pet.
ser un ejemplo 
be a case in point
 Consumer price indexes are a case in point.
ser un encanto 
be a gem
 I love her more than my own children because she is a gem and one in a million to find.
ser un engorro  
be a pest
be a (real) nuisance
 My advice to young scientists: be a pest - ask questions and don't be satisfied with all answers; have the heart of a lion; have the patience of Job; be multi-culturally competent; and the only correct route to success is your own.
 The passenger sitting next to me was a real nuisance.
ser un entendido en 
be knowledgeable about
 While most Americans have heard of the consumer price index (CPI), many people are not knowledgeable about its meaning or history.
ser un entusiasta de 
be a fan of
 I've always been a fan of putting jam on my grilled cheese on toast (I think it's best with a chunky homemade apricot or blackberry jam).
ser un estímulo 
be motivating
 The prestige of working for a world-renowned abstracting organization and of having one's name carried in its publications is also motivating.
ser un éxito    
prove + trumps
prove + a success
come up + a treat
go down + a treat
 This new software will prove trumps for Microsoft = Este nuevo software será un éxito para Microsoft.
 Self-renewal has proved a success, reducing queues and reducing pressure on staff; but the take-up of self-issue has been disappointing.
 The window frames appeared to have not seen the light of day for over 50 years and were totally caked in dirt - although with some elbow grease the window came up a treat.
 After only two days rehearsal we did a stormer of a gig from my point of view which went down a treat to a packed house.
ser un éxito tremendo 
go (over/off) with + a bang
 The first year, 2005, went with a bang and we raised a whopping £2700, which was donated to the local hospital.
ser un experto en 
be knowledgeable about
 While most Americans have heard of the consumer price index (CPI), many people are not knowledgeable about its meaning or history.
ser un experto en la materia 
know + Posesivo + stuff
 It is a richly documented, smoothly narrated, and lavishly illustrated study by a historian who knows his stuff and tells it with panache.
ser un extraño 
not know + Pronombre + from Adam
 But the man in the street wouldn't know them from Adam.
ser un fanfarrón 
be all mouth
 Some have been referred to as being all ears, while others have been noted as being all mouth.
ser un fantasma 
be all mouth
 Some have been referred to as being all ears, while others have been noted as being all mouth.
ser un fastidio  
be a pest
be a (real) nuisance
 My advice to young scientists: be a pest - ask questions and don't be satisfied with all answers; have the heart of a lion; have the patience of Job; be multi-culturally competent; and the only correct route to success is your own.
 The passenger sitting next to me was a real nuisance.
ser un fin en sí mismo 
be an end in itself
 Shera and Egan's definition of bibliographic organization provides a reminder that the compilation of bibliographies is not an end in itself but merely the means to an end.
ser un fin en sí mismos 
be ends in themselves
 Information networks are not ends in themselves, but rather are critical tools to ensure the exchange, transfer, and use of information.
ser un fracaso  
nothing + come of
prove + a failure
 Nothing came of it, but the episode is a reminder that information is not intrinsically valuable but becomes so only when someone wants it.
 Personnel policies instituted to combat absenteeism have generally proved a failure, because those measures attack the symptoms, not the cause.
ser un fresco con 
act + fresh with
 Sometime back a heroine created a ruckus by saying that the actor acted fresh with her by biting her lips in a smooching scene.
ser un fuera de serie  
be one of a kind
be one in a million
 She was one of a kind and we were fortunate to have had the chance to make music with her.
 He changed my life forever and I will never forget him, he truly was one in a million.
ser un gafe  
be jinxed
be jinxed
 So today I just came to realization that I've been jinxed somewhere along the way in my life.
 So today I just came to realization that I've been jinxed somewhere along the way in my life.
ser un gigante con los pies de barro 
be a giant with feet of clay
 The message is clear: do not fear the United States' power; the United States is a giant with feet of clay.
ser un gran alivio 
be a welcome relief
 This open source book is a welcome relief for strapped college students who are paying $100 and more for textbooks.
ser un gran apoyo 
be a tower of strength
 Australia's economy is a tower of strength after two respected international reports confirmed it continued to lead the developed world.
ser un gran avance 
be half the battle
 Knowing the problem is half the battle.
ser un gran paso adelante 
be half the battle
 Knowing the problem is half the battle.
ser un gran placer 
give + Nombre + great pleasure to
 Horses have always had a special place in her heart and it gives her great pleasure to capture them.
ser un grato alivio 
be a welcome relief
 This open source book is a welcome relief for strapped college students who are paying $100 and more for textbooks.
ser un hecho ampliamente aceptado 
it + be + widely agreed
 It is widely agreed that informal communication systems emerge spontaneously in organisations.
ser un hecho ampliamente reconocido 
it + be + widely recognised
 It is widely recognised that it is difficult and unhelpful to categorise fiction according to a subject classification = Es un hecho ampliamente reconocido la dificultad y la poca utilidad de clasificar la literatura narrativa de acuerdo con una clasificación por materias.
ser un hecho bien conocido que 
it + be + a (well)-known fact that
 It is a well-known fact that they're grossly deficient in identifiying talented minority children, and, for that matter, girls.
ser un hecho bien sabido que 
it + be + a (well)-known fact that
 It is a well-known fact that they're grossly deficient in identifiying talented minority children, and, for that matter, girls.
ser un hecho cotidiano 
be an everyday occurrence
 People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.
ser un hecho dado 
be a given
 Human rights should be a given in UK - not a battleground.
ser un hecho poco conocido que 
it + be + a little known fact that
 It is a little-known fact that all the gas you burp comes from air that you swallow.
ser un hecho poco sabido que 
it + be + a little known fact that
 It is a little-known fact that all the gas you burp comes from air that you swallow.
ser un hervidero de 
buzz with
 The entire USA has begun to buzz with discusions on making this way of doing business the rule rather than the exception of 21st century life.
ser un hervidero de actividad 
be a hive of activity
 It's been a busy summer of sport for thousands of children as schools and clubs across the country make sure the holiday period is a hive of activity.
ser un homenaje a la memoria de 
recall + the memory of
 This article recalls the memory of the Rumanian mathematician, logician and philosopher, Grigore C. Moisil = Este artículo es un homenaje a la memoria del matemático rumano, especialista en la lógica y filósofo, Grigore C. Moisil.
ser un honor para 
be an honour for
 Besides being an honor for Herbold, the nomination adds prestige to the law school.
ser único  
be one of a kind
be one in a million
 She was one of a kind and we were fortunate to have had the chance to make music with her.
 He changed my life forever and I will never forget him, he truly was one in a million.
ser único en su especie  
be one of a kind
be one in a million
 She was one of a kind and we were fortunate to have had the chance to make music with her.
 He changed my life forever and I will never forget him, he truly was one in a million.
ser único en su género  
be one of a kind
be one in a million
 She was one of a kind and we were fortunate to have had the chance to make music with her.
 He changed my life forever and I will never forget him, he truly was one in a million.
ser un impedimento 
stand in + Posesivo + way
 We support Mr. Radcliffe's artistic decision - if he wants to perform fully clothed, we'd never stand in his way.
ser un incentivo 
be motivating
 The prestige of working for a world-renowned abstracting organization and of having one's name carried in its publications is also motivating.
ser un incordio         
be a thorn in + Posesivo + side
be a pest
be a pain in the ass
be a pain in the neck
be a pain in the arse
be a pain in the backside
be a pain in the proverbials
be a (real) nuisance
be a pain in the butt
 'It's finally come to a showdown with Stuart Wronski. I guess you know he's been a thorn in my side for a long time. But he's finally gone too far, and I've got to do something about it.' He bit his lip, and looked at the floor.
 My advice to young scientists: be a pest - ask questions and don't be satisfied with all answers; have the heart of a lion; have the patience of Job; be multi-culturally competent; and the only correct route to success is your own.
 The last thing that anyone working in an organization wants to be is a pain in the ass to work with.
 Within a few days it was apparent that my long hair was going to be a pain in the neck while swimming laps.
 I alwasy knew she was a pain in the arse, without knowing her you can just tell, by the way she behaves, that she is big-headed and thinks she's god's gift to the human race.
 Our cat is a pain in the backside at times but we love him to bits.
 In one school, the kids were wonderful but the parents were a complete pain in the proverbials and seemed to live permanently on the school.
 The passenger sitting next to me was a real nuisance.
 The first thing to keep in mind is that brake bleeding can be an unbearable pain in the butt.
ser un infierno 
be hell
 To introduce a little vulgarity, it would be absolutely hell on browsers were all the works by Agatha Christie or Dorothy Sayers or Dashiell Hammett or you name it, entered individually by their title.
ser un ingrato 
bite + the hand that feeds + Pronombre
 Moreover, it frees them from the fear that if they rattle the cages of city authorities they will be accused of biting the hand that feeds them.
ser un insoportable      
be a pain in the neck
be a pain in the ass
be a pain in the arse
be a pain in the backside
be a pain in the proverbials
be a pain in the butt
 Within a few days it was apparent that my long hair was going to be a pain in the neck while swimming laps.
 The last thing that anyone working in an organization wants to be is a pain in the ass to work with.
 I alwasy knew she was a pain in the arse, without knowing her you can just tell, by the way she behaves, that she is big-headed and thinks she's god's gift to the human race.
 Our cat is a pain in the backside at times but we love him to bits.
 In one school, the kids were wonderful but the parents were a complete pain in the proverbials and seemed to live permanently on the school.
 The first thing to keep in mind is that brake bleeding can be an unbearable pain in the butt.
ser un lastre para 
be a drag on
 Students who slight preclass preparation are a drag on the class; they will not know what is going on and if they speak at all will frequently attempt to wrest the discussion away from the case to more comfortable topics.
ser un libro abierto  
be an open book
read + Nombre + like a book
 When she was young and her heart was an open book, she used to say, 'Live and let live'.
 That girl could read me like a book, no matter how hard I tried to disguise my feelings.
ser un maestro consumado en 
be a past master at
 He's a past master at getting verdicts delayed or overturned.
ser un maestro en el arte de 
be a past master at
 He's a past master at getting verdicts delayed or overturned.
ser un malagradecido 
bite + the hand that feeds + Pronombre
 Moreover, it frees them from the fear that if they rattle the cages of city authorities they will be accused of biting the hand that feeds them.
ser un mal necesario 
be a necessary evil
 I view the state - at least as we contemporarily conceive of it - as, at best, a necessary evil.
ser un medio para llegar a un fin 
be the means to an end
 Shera and Egan's definition of bibliographic organization provides a reminder that the compilation of bibliographies is not an end in itself but merely the means to an end.
ser un mero espectador 
watch from + the sidelines
 Mühe had to watch from the sidelines as others received credit for the laparoscopic 'revolution'.
ser un momento tan bueno como cualquier otro 
be as good a time as any
 Now is as good a time as any to get the ball rolling.
ser un mujeriego 
womanise [womanize, -USA]
 I just hope this guy does not beat his wife regularly, gamble and womanise and have illigitimate children like Karl Marx did.
ser (un/muy) bromista  
be a (real) joker
be a (real) tease
 I think that in the work place there is always someone who is a real joker.
 when I mention any of this to him he pretends not to know what I am talking about because, on top of all this, he's a real tease.
ser (un/muy) cachondo  
be a (real) joker
be a (real) tease
 I think that in the work place there is always someone who is a real joker.
 when I mention any of this to him he pretends not to know what I am talking about because, on top of all this, he's a real tease.
ser (un/muy) chinche 
be a (real) tease
 when I mention any of this to him he pretends not to know what I am talking about because, on top of all this, he's a real tease.
ser (un/muy) guasón  
be a (real) joker
be a (real) tease
 I think that in the work place there is always someone who is a real joker.
 when I mention any of this to him he pretends not to know what I am talking about because, on top of all this, he's a real tease.
ser un negado para 
be rubbish at
 Why are some people so good at everything while some are rubbish at everything?.
ser un + Nombre + excelente 
be a prince of a + Nombre
 The general opinion of Edward Wood seemed to be summed up in the words of one staff member, who said, 'Ed Wood's a prince of a guy'.
ser un obstáculo  
stand in + the way (of)
stand in + Posesivo + way
 It may be objected that a direct experience of the country by visiting it does not ensure a true picture, in fact that it may even stand in the way.
 We support Mr. Radcliffe's artistic decision - if he wants to perform fully clothed, we'd never stand in his way.
ser uno de entre varios + Nombre 
be one of a number of + Nombre
 Information technology must be recognized as one of a number of factors that can improve organizations.
ser un paseo militar 
whistle + Posesivo + way
 Juelz rode Cam's coattails for a couple of singles before whistling his way to the top and then, just as quickly, right back into obscurity.
ser un patoso 
have + two left feet
 Our classes will appeal to everyone, including people who have not had the confidence to dance before and believe they have two left feet.
ser un pedazo de pan  
have + a heart of gold
as good as gold
 Though my old man's a dustman he's got a heart of gold.
 It may look like junk, but to thieves scrap metal has become as good as gold.
ser un peñazo      
be a pain in the ass
be a pain in the neck
be a pain in the arse
be a pain in the backside
be a pain in the proverbials
be a pain in the butt
 The last thing that anyone working in an organization wants to be is a pain in the ass to work with.
 Within a few days it was apparent that my long hair was going to be a pain in the neck while swimming laps.
 I alwasy knew she was a pain in the arse, without knowing her you can just tell, by the way she behaves, that she is big-headed and thinks she's god's gift to the human race.
 Our cat is a pain in the backside at times but we love him to bits.
 In one school, the kids were wonderful but the parents were a complete pain in the proverbials and seemed to live permanently on the school.
 The first thing to keep in mind is that brake bleeding can be an unbearable pain in the butt.
ser un persona que se levanta tarde 
be a late riser
 He was a late riser, and as the clock on the mantelpiece showed me that it was only a quarter-past seven, I blinked up at him in some surprise.
ser un pesado        
be a pest
be a pain in the neck
be a pain in the ass
be a pain in the arse
be a pain in the backside
be a pain in the proverbials
be a (real) nuisance
be a pain in the butt
 My advice to young scientists: be a pest - ask questions and don't be satisfied with all answers; have the heart of a lion; have the patience of Job; be multi-culturally competent; and the only correct route to success is your own.
 Within a few days it was apparent that my long hair was going to be a pain in the neck while swimming laps.
 The last thing that anyone working in an organization wants to be is a pain in the ass to work with.
 I alwasy knew she was a pain in the arse, without knowing her you can just tell, by the way she behaves, that she is big-headed and thinks she's god's gift to the human race.
 Our cat is a pain in the backside at times but we love him to bits.
 In one school, the kids were wonderful but the parents were a complete pain in the proverbials and seemed to live permanently on the school.
 The passenger sitting next to me was a real nuisance.
 The first thing to keep in mind is that brake bleeding can be an unbearable pain in the butt.
ser un petardo       
be a pain in the neck
be a pain in the ass
be a pain in the arse
be a pain in the backside
be a pain in the proverbials
be a pain in the proverbials
be a pain in the butt
 Within a few days it was apparent that my long hair was going to be a pain in the neck while swimming laps.
 The last thing that anyone working in an organization wants to be is a pain in the ass to work with.
 I alwasy knew she was a pain in the arse, without knowing her you can just tell, by the way she behaves, that she is big-headed and thinks she's god's gift to the human race.
 Our cat is a pain in the backside at times but we love him to bits.
 In one school, the kids were wonderful but the parents were a complete pain in the proverbials and seemed to live permanently on the school.
 In one school, the kids were wonderful but the parents were a complete pain in the proverbials and seemed to live permanently on the school.
 The first thing to keep in mind is that brake bleeding can be an unbearable pain in the butt.
ser un pilar de fuerza 
be a tower of strength
 Australia's economy is a tower of strength after two respected international reports confirmed it continued to lead the developed world.
ser un placer + Infinitivo  
be happy to + Verbo
be a joy to + Verbo
 Maybe Juan and his merry companions would be happy to relegate us to the boiler room, or a janitor's closet!.
 So it was a joy to take a stroll down memory lane and revisit some of their most poignant and funny moments as described in the book.
ser un plasta        
be a pest
be a pain in the neck
be a pain in the ass
be a pain in the arse
be a pain in the backside
be a pain in the proverbials
be a (real) nuisance
be a pain in the butt
 My advice to young scientists: be a pest - ask questions and don't be satisfied with all answers; have the heart of a lion; have the patience of Job; be multi-culturally competent; and the only correct route to success is your own.
 Within a few days it was apparent that my long hair was going to be a pain in the neck while swimming laps.
 The last thing that anyone working in an organization wants to be is a pain in the ass to work with.
 I alwasy knew she was a pain in the arse, without knowing her you can just tell, by the way she behaves, that she is big-headed and thinks she's god's gift to the human race.
 Our cat is a pain in the backside at times but we love him to bits.
 In one school, the kids were wonderful but the parents were a complete pain in the proverbials and seemed to live permanently on the school.
 The passenger sitting next to me was a real nuisance.
 The first thing to keep in mind is that brake bleeding can be an unbearable pain in the butt.
ser un plomazo      
be a pain in the neck
be a pain in the ass
be a pain in the arse
be a pain in the backside
be a pain in the proverbials
be a pain in the butt
 Within a few days it was apparent that my long hair was going to be a pain in the neck while swimming laps.
 The last thing that anyone working in an organization wants to be is a pain in the ass to work with.
 I alwasy knew she was a pain in the arse, without knowing her you can just tell, by the way she behaves, that she is big-headed and thinks she's god's gift to the human race.
 Our cat is a pain in the backside at times but we love him to bits.
 In one school, the kids were wonderful but the parents were a complete pain in the proverbials and seemed to live permanently on the school.
 The first thing to keep in mind is that brake bleeding can be an unbearable pain in the butt.
ser un plomo      
be a pain in the neck
be a pain in the ass
be a pain in the arse
be a pain in the backside
be a pain in the proverbials
be a pain in the butt
 Within a few days it was apparent that my long hair was going to be a pain in the neck while swimming laps.
 The last thing that anyone working in an organization wants to be is a pain in the ass to work with.
 I alwasy knew she was a pain in the arse, without knowing her you can just tell, by the way she behaves, that she is big-headed and thinks she's god's gift to the human race.
 Our cat is a pain in the backside at times but we love him to bits.
 In one school, the kids were wonderful but the parents were a complete pain in the proverbials and seemed to live permanently on the school.
 The first thing to keep in mind is that brake bleeding can be an unbearable pain in the butt.
ser un poco bobo 
be soft in the head
 One of the curses of being a well-known science-fiction writer is that unsophisticated people assume you to be soft in the head.
ser un poco lelo    
be slow on the uptake
be soft in the head
be a button short
have + a button missing
 First off, I can be mighty slow on the uptake about things like this, because I usually pay little heed to the conventions that dictate you.
 One of the curses of being a well-known science-fiction writer is that unsophisticated people assume you to be soft in the head.
 He is a button short, if you don't mind my saying so.
 Payley is retarded and described by Ruth as having a 'button missing'.
ser un poco torpe   
be slow on the uptake
be a button short
have + a button missing
 First off, I can be mighty slow on the uptake about things like this, because I usually pay little heed to the conventions that dictate you.
 He is a button short, if you don't mind my saying so.
 Payley is retarded and described by Ruth as having a 'button missing'.
ser un primor  
be a gem
be gorgeous to look at
 I love her more than my own children because she is a gem and one in a million to find.
 This filly is gorgeous to look at and is as sweet as they come.
ser un problema 
be at issue
 What constitutes 'fair use' is at issue as well, and libraries, on the advice of lawyers, have to be extremely careful about what they reproduce digitally.
ser un producto de su tiempo 
be a product of + Posesivo + time
 Clearly any book is a product of its time and classification schemes are no exception.
ser un punto y aparte     
be a whole new (ball) game
be a different kettle of fish
be a whole new kettle of fish
be a whole new story
be a different story
 General talk about football is cool, but when it becomes bigoted that's a whole new ball game.
 Rumors are one thing - confirmation from a highly placed advisor to the government should be a different kettle of fish, altogether.
 Negotiation of a general educational licence for Internet transmissions is obviously a whole new kettle of fish and would take several years.
 Travelling on a motorbike is one thing, but when the bike is powered by oil you would normally cook fish and chips in, that's a whole new story.
 Chile survived its huge earthquake relatively well - Iran would be a different story.
ser un resentido 
carry + a chip on + Posesivo + shoulder
 Sixteen years later, the truth remains indeterminable but this much is clear: Thomas carries a huge chip on his shoulder.
ser un rollo 
 It was almost like predestination, and predestination stinks.
ser un saco de huesos 
be a bag of bones
 Would you prefer to be a bag of bones to look at or a bit overweight?.
ser un símbolo de prestigio 
attach + prestige value
 It seems that a certain prestige value was attached to the possession of this roll as it was accessible only to the elite ('one of a thousand') among the population.
ser un simple espectador 
watch from + the sidelines
 Mühe had to watch from the sidelines as others received credit for the laparoscopic 'revolution'.
ser un sobón 
be all hands
 The second we were out of my parents eyesight he was all hands - groping and kissing and calling me baby.
ser un suceso cotidiano 
be an everyday occurrence
 People gawp at anything that is not an everyday occurence.
ser un sufrimiento 
be a bed of nails to endure
 To her that school for girls was a bed of nails to endure.
ser un tío apañado 
be a good sport
 Blood hypothesized that girls were dated because they exhibit such personality characteristics as consideration, cheerfulness, being a good sport, & a sense of humor = Blood formuló la hipótesis de que las chicas tenían citas debido a las características de su personalidad como consideración, alegría, ser una tía apañada y tener sentido del humor.
ser un único pago 
be a once-only payment
 It is not a once-only payment, you have to renew the subscriptions every year.
ser un (verdadero) caos 
be a (complete) shambles
 While the economy is a 'shambles' and likely to stay that way for some time, he remains optimistic there will eventually be a recovery over a period of years.
ser un verdadero caos  
be in complete chaos
be (in) a (real) mess
 The world would be in complete chaos if there was no Internet anymore.
 The economy is in a real mess now, and we need to create as many jobs as possible.
ser un (verdadero) desastre 
be a (complete) shambles
 While the economy is a 'shambles' and likely to stay that way for some time, he remains optimistic there will eventually be a recovery over a period of years.
ser un verdadero despelote  
be in complete chaos
be (in) a (real) mess
 The world would be in complete chaos if there was no Internet anymore.
 The economy is in a real mess now, and we need to create as many jobs as possible.
ser un (verdadero) despelote 
be a (complete) shambles
 While the economy is a 'shambles' and likely to stay that way for some time, he remains optimistic there will eventually be a recovery over a period of years.
ser un vicio 
 Public health research also stands to gain if we can understand why certain foods are so moreish.
ser un vivo retrato de 
be a dead ringer for
 The final photocopy was a dead ringer for the PDF files downloaded from the CBS website.
ser útil      
be of use
hold + Nombre + in good stead
stand + Nombre + in good stead
do + the trick
come in + useful
come into + Posesivo + own
 Libraries sometimes also find it useful to prepare leaflets which deal with a particular category of information source which might be of use to various users.
 The communications and leadership skills common in those librarians who work with young people hold them in good stead when they move to other positions.
 The management of Britannica failed to perceive the true threat of electronic publishing, thinking that their history would stand them in good stead.
 We are currently in the process of looking at two products that seem to do the trick.
 Indefinite growth of stock is impossible, and yet no one dares throw material away, because it might come in useful one day.
 Online access comes into its own for the type of search that has been introduced in Chapters 8 and 9.
ser útil para 
be of service to
 Computer-aided translation (CAT) would be of service to the potential readers of Chinese and Japanese technical literature = La traducción asisitida por ordenador sería de utilidad a los usuarios potenciales de la literature técnica china y japonesa.
ser válido     
hold + true
hold + good
ring + true
 A simple past tense describes more effectively what was done and the present tense may be used in dealing with facts, properties etc, which still hold true.
 The conditions that pertained in 1908 when the first rules for entry were published do not pertain in 1975, and did not in 1967 when the present AACR was published.
 The general analysis of the subject will of course hold good in searching any source.
 This simple rule obtains no matter what the type of book may be, unless the publishing house is enabled to run at a loss through some form of external subsidy.
 The old axiom 'there's no substitute for experience' still rings true.
ser válido + Expresión Temporal 
be good + Expresión Temporal
 This discounted rate is good through July 25.
ser vanguardista  
break + new ground
break + ground
 In this category too there are examples of SLIS participation in ventures breaking new ground.
 This framework breaks ground in integration of natural language with interactive computer graphics.
ser verdad 
be true
 It does appear to be true that the slogan 'Information - one world' is no exaggeration.
ser verdad de 
be true of
 This is also true of the facet indicators used to introduce the special auxiliaries, - (hyphen), and .0 (point nought).
ser vergonzoso 
be embarrassing
 It was equally embarrassing to see her behave in such an obsequious manner.
ser víctima de   
fall + prey to
fall + victim to
run + foul of
 Administrators all too easily fall prey to the siren song of cost reduction, especially if phrases like innovation are employed as harmonic accompaniment.
 But once the Community becomes an object of ridicule in the minds of the public, truth falls victim to ignorance and prejudice.
 Although Limburg's attempt to cover such a wide range of issues is commendable, he runs foul of the dangers of simplistic diatribe and superficiality.
ser visible 
be in evidence
 Despite its low international profile, Danish music is always in evidence in music catalogues and at music festivals.
ser viviente 
living creature
 Countless movies depict quicksand as some kind of living creature that sucks its victims down into a bottomless pit, never to be heard.
ser vulnerable a 
be vulnerable to
 The system is vulnerable to breakdown, sabotage, theft, and the loss of information due to accidents or incompetence.
ser ya hora de que   
it + be + well past the time for
be high time (that/to/for)
be about time (that)
 It is well past the time for academics to challenge growing unconstitutional restraints on freedom to publish.
 In her view, it is high time for the plays by this versatile and prolific dramatist to begin elbowing their way into the American repertoire.
 It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.
ser zona prohibida 
be off limits
 Serious damage to the structural underpinnings of the library building meant that the library was off limits to everyone except construction workers.
siendo necesario 
resulting in the need for
 Monolingual interrogation is insufficient in an increasing number of cases, resulting in the need for cross-lingual retrieval.
siendo optimista 
 More optimistically, Taylor believes that, in the long run, the Internet could lead to more open government.
siendo realista 
 In the light of the information explosion, no researcher can now realistically expect to keep pace with developments in his own field, let alone those in allied fields = En vista del crecimiento vertiginoso de la información, siendo realista ahora el investigador no puede mantenerse al día en los avances de su propio campo y mucho menos de los de campos afines.
si es así 
if so
 If so, the call number of the document is looked up and displayed.
si es que sucede alguna vez 
if ever
 A search of a collection very rarely, if ever, retrieves all the relevant documents possessed in that collection.
si fuera necesario 
at a push
 A 6 foot round table will fit 10 people comfortably or 12 at a push.
si no es posible 
failing which
 We will however endeavour to inform the successful candidate by the close of play on the day of interviews failing which it will be on the following day.
si no fuera así 
if it were not
 If it were not, Mr Dunlop would not have sold the patent rights in his pneumatic tyre for $1,000 instead of accepting a small royalty on each one manufactured.
si no fuese/fuera posible  
failing which
failing that/these
 We will however endeavour to inform the successful candidate by the close of play on the day of interviews failing which it will be on the following day.
 Thus, single-word terms or, failing theses, two-word terms, are preferred for describing concepts if such terms exist.
sin ser anunciado de antemano 
 The arrival of the school doctor or dentist or of well-knwon personalities visiting the school normally occur unannounced.
sin ser percibido 
out of sight
 More through inattention than any attempt at concealment, the shaping of the twenty-first century is happening offstage, out of sight.
sin ser visto  
out of sight
 But he was wiry and wily, too, and he could often out-run, track, back-track, double-back, and finally dodge unseen in the subway.
 More through inattention than any attempt at concealment, the shaping of the twenty-first century is happening offstage, out of sight.
si se quiere que + Nombre + sea 
if + Nombre + be + to be
 With printed thesauri there are limits on space, if the publication is to be economically viable, and easy to handle.
somos lo que comemos 
we are what we eat
 In this world of instant gratification and overindulgence we lose sight of the fact that we are what we eat.
tal y como + ser 
in + Posesivo + true colours
 That is life in its true colours.
tiempo + ser + precioso 
time + be + precious
 With days growing shorter, time was precious, and man was reminded of the long darkness ahead.
venir a ser lo mismo que 
amount to + the same thing as
 This amounts to the same thing as summarization.
volver a ser el de siempre 
be back to + Posesivo + usual self
 All cats get the runs from time to time but it usually runs its course quickly, and your cat is back to his usual self in a day or two.
volver a ser lo que era  
be back on track
be on track
 When all is said and done, however, this great encyclopedia is now back on track after a period of confusion and frustration = No obstante, al final de cuentas esta gran enciclopedia vuelve a ser lo que era después de un periodo de confusión y frustración.
 The programme is now on track and microfiche is flowing again to the depository libraries = El programa ha vuelto a ser lo que era y las microfichas vuelven a enviarse a las bibliotecas de depósito legal.
ya era hora  
not a moment too soon
not a minute too soon
 Spring comes has come to Bloomington - not a moment too soon.
 This highly anticipated follow-up album is due to hit the streets shortly, and not a minute too soon.
ya ir siendo hora de que 
be about time (that)
 It's about time that we go back to these principles and make sure that the quality of cataloging is upheld.
ya sea o  
whether ... or ...
 Thus, the language is derived from the documents input to the system, whether they are abstracts, full text, citations or lists of controlled or uncontrolled index terms.

Trends of use of ser



The term «ser» is very widely used and occupies the 66 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «ser» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of ser
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «ser».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «ser» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «ser» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about ser



Famous quotes and sentences with the word ser.
Georges Poulet
El ser humano no ha tenido tiempo de ser; tan sólo ha tenido tiempo de llegar a ser.
Jean De La Bruyère
La armonía más dulce de escuchar es el sonido de la voz del ser amado.
Jean De La Fontaine
No puede encontrarse bajo el firmamento ni un solo ser, animal o criatura, que no tenga su contrario. Es una ley de la naturaleza.
Jean Rostand
Consiente en ceder cuando tengas razón, con tal de que sepas ser intransigente cuando estés equivocado.
Jean-Baptiste Say
No deja de ser humillante para una persona de ingenio saber que no hay tonto que no le pueda enseñar algo.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Ninguno puede ser feliz si no se aprecia a sí mismo.
Johann G. Seume
Engañar y ser engañado, nada es más común en el mundo.
Oscar Wilde
Una idea no peligrosa no vale la pena de ser llamada idea.
Pierre Corneille
Jamás la libertad deja de ser grata.
Santiago Ramón Y Cajal
Apártate progresivamente, sin rupturas violentas, del amigo para quien representas un medio en vez de ser un fin.


Más vale ser cornudo sin que lo sepa ninguno, que no serlo y que lo diga todo el mundo.
No basta ser bueno, sino parecerlo.
Bueno es ser casado si no tuviese cuidado.
A la que quiere ser mala, poco aprovecha guardarla.
A pesar de ser tan pollo, tengo más plumas que un gallo.
Amar sin padecer, no puede ser.
Aun para ser pobre se necesita caudal.
Cuidado, que antes de ser cura fui monaguillo.
El hijo de la cabra, cabrito ha de ser.
El mejor modo de ser rico es ser pobre en deseos.


Discover the use of ser in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to ser and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
101 preguntas para ser culto
101 preguntas para ser culto responde a las interrogantes fundamentales de la vida, desde los temas más importantes de la historia y la cultura hasta los conceptos más asombrosos de las ciencias naturales y las ciencias sociales.
Roberto Pliego, 2011
A veces quisiera ser un tigre
Esta hermosa y divertida historia refleja los deseos que frecuentemente tienen los niños de ser otras cosas, de desempeñar oficios interesantes y de querer ver el mundo con otros ojos.
Erhard Dietl, 1999
El ser humano y el esfuerzo físico
Explica el funcionamiento del ser humano cuando está en movimiento. Se explican los diferentes sistemas que intervienen de forma didáctica y comprensible.
A los que lloran la muerte de un ser querido
No permitas que el sol ardiente de la mañana seque una sola lágrima de dolor, antes que tú la hayas enjugado en el ojo del que sufre.
C. W. Leadbeater, 2001
Ser feliz depende de ti
Sí, amigo lector, ser feliz depende de ti.
La pura conciencia de ser
La pura conciencia de Ser es una recopilación de los textos específicamente espirituales de la obra de Ken Wilber; un tratado que sintetiza el núcleo místico que impregna por igual su vida y su obra.
Ken Wilber, Mark Palmer, 2007
Cómo ser diseñador gráfico sin perder el alma
Adrian Shaughnessy, diseñador asesor y escritor, dibuja desde las alturas de su experiencia y nos proporciona este manual.
Adrian Shaughnessy, 2006
Como Ser Una Persona de Verdad
Kara, a young girl of 11 years old, is confronting the terrible responsibility of taking care of her mother who has a mental illness. She will lie to keep her secret.
Sally Warner, 2002
Pensar como Einstein: Claves para ser más creativo y eficiente
Para ser más creativo y mejorar, desde los negocios hasta las cuestiones más personales, Pensar como Einstein, le proporciona las herramientas necesarias para descubrir soluciones innovadoras a los desafíos de cada día.
Scott Thorpe, 2005
Ser Justo
El acto de ser justo es una condición espiritual que se relaciona con el concepto más elevado y puro del ser humano, ya que significa desarrollar un estilo de vida determinado, por el sólo deseo de vivir lo correcto, por lo tanto, ...
Robin Nelson, 2005


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term ser is used in the context of the following news items.
Claudio Bravo: "No me fui del Barça por Ter Stegen, me fui porque ...
Al chileno no le molesta que Stegen presionara para ser titular en los partidos, dice que él solo se dedica a hacer su trabajo "lo mejor posible". Además, Bravo ... «Cadena SER, Sep 16»
Las increíbles e inesperadas ventajas de ser tímido
Para quienes no son tímidos, esta situación podría resultar incomprensible pero para quien está afligido por el peso de la inseguridad, ésta puede llegar a ser ... «BBC Mundo, Sep 16»
Adiós a los focos halógenos
“Es una medida más- asegura a la Cadena SER el director general de Industria de la Comunidad de Madrid, Carlos López Jimeno- que, al igual que otras que ... «Cadena SER, Aug 16»
Las sorprendentes ventajas de ser un cascarrabias
Hugh Grant es conocido por ser un cascarrabias y porque es complicado trabajar con él. Pero ¿es su mal humor el secreto de su éxito? La presión para ser una ... «BBC Mundo, Aug 16»
Arnaldo Otegi, en 'Hoy por Hoy'
El pasado viernes, el fiscal jefe de la Audiencia Nacional, Javier Zaragoza, firmó un documento en el que se certificaba que Otegi no puede ser elegido ... «Cadena SER, Aug 16»
Los recortes que sufrió la Sanidad Pública beneficiaron al sector ...
... para que aquellos que no tienen la posibilidad desgraciadamente de asumirlo, tengan una opción de ser atendidos lo antes posible [en la sanidad pública]", ... «Cadena SER, Aug 16»
La Guardia Civil y la Agencia Tributaria detectan un desfalco de casi ...
La Cadena SER ha tenido acceso al sumario, decenas de tomos de informes de la Guardia Civil, la Agencia Tributaria y los Servicios de Aduanas que a través ... «Cadena SER, Jul 16»
El Gobierno aprueba las 'reválidas' de ESO y Bachillerato
Las evaluaciones finales se realizaran por primera vez el curso que viene aunque sin efectos académicos. La de bachillerato servirá de prueba de acceso a la ... «Cadena SER, Jul 16»
La condición por la que 'Cuéntame' renovaría (o no) en TVE
Así lo ha confirmado el propio Eladio Jareño, director de TVE, a Cadena SER. “Estamos valorándolo para ver cómo podemos igualar la oferta de Antena 3. «Cadena SER, Jul 16»
El cantante Francisco, a Mònica Oltra: “Descerebrada, inculta ...
Desconocía que una opinión en mi muro pudiera ser publicada en un periódico. Asumo mi responsabilidad y doy mi palabra que no volveré a opinar de política ... «Cadena SER, Jul 16»



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