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Meaning of "saber" in the Spanish dictionary



La palabra saber procede del latín sapĕre.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.


sa · ber play


Saber is a verb and can also act as a noun.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.

See the conjugation of the verb saber in Spanish.


Click to see the original definition of «saber» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.



Knowledge is usually understood as: ▪ Facts or information acquired by a living being through experience or education, the theoretical or practical understanding of a matter relating to reality. ▪ What is acquired as intellectual content relating to a particular field or the whole universe. ▪ Consciousness or familiarity acquired by the experience of a fact or situation. ▪ Represents all measurable cognitive certainty according to the answer to: Why ?, How ?, When ?, Where? There is no single definition of "Knowledge". However, there are many perspectives from which knowledge can be considered, being the consideration of its function and foundation, a historical problem of philosophical reflection and science. The branch of science that studies knowledge is the epistemology or theory of knowledge. The theory of knowledge studies the possible forms of relationship between the subject and the object. It is therefore the study of the function of the person's own understanding. El conocimiento suele entenderse como: ▪ Hechos o información adquiridos por un ser vivo a través de la experiencia o la educación, la comprensión teórica o práctica de un asunto referente a la realidad. ▪ Lo que se adquiere como contenido intelectual relativo a un campo determinado o a la totalidad del universo. ▪ Conciencia o familiaridad adquirida por la experiencia de un hecho o situación. ▪ Representa toda certidumbre cognitiva mensurable según la respuesta a: ¿Por qué?, ¿Cómo?, ¿Cuándo?, ¿Dónde?. No existe una única definición de "Conocimiento". Sin embargo existen muchas perspectivas desde las que se puede considerar el conocimiento, siendo la consideración de su función y fundamento, un problema histórico de la reflexión filosófica y de la ciencia. La rama de la ciencia que estudia el conocimiento es la epistemología o teoría del conocimiento. La teoría del conocimiento estudia las posibles formas de relación entre el sujeto y el objeto. Se trata por lo tanto del estudio de la función del entendimiento propia de la persona.

Definition of saber in the Spanish dictionary

The first definition of knowing in the dictionary of the real academy of the Spanish language is to know something, or to have news or knowledge of it. I knew he was married. I do not know how to go to his house. Another meaning of knowing in the dictionary is to be learned in something. He knows geometry. To know is also to have ability for something, or to be educated and skilled in an art or faculty. He knows how to swim. Knows English. La primera definición de saber en el diccionario de la real academia de la lengua española es conocer algo, o tener noticia o conocimiento de ello. Supe que se había casado. No sé ir a su casa. Otro significado de saber en el diccionario es ser docto en algo. Sabe geometría. Saber es también tener habilidad para algo, o estar instruido y diestro en un arte o facultad. Sabe nadar. Sabe inglés.
Click to see the original definition of «saber» in the Spanish dictionary.
Click to see the automatic translation of the definition in English.



sabes / sabés
él sabe
nos. sabemos
vos. sabéis / saben
ellos saben
Pretérito imperfecto
yo sabía
él sabía
nos. sabíamos
vos. sabíais / sabían
ellos sabían
Pret. perfecto simple
yo supe
él supo
nos. supimos
vos. supisteis / supieron
ellos supieron
Futuro simple
yo sabré
él sabrá
nos. sabremos
vos. sabréis / sabrán
ellos sabrán
Condicional simple
yo sabría
él sabría
nos. sabríamos
vos. sabríais / sabrían
ellos sabrían
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo he sabido
has sabido
él ha sabido
nos. hemos sabido
vos. habéis sabido
ellos han sabido
Pret. Pluscuamperfecto
yo había sabido
habías sabido
él había sabido
nos. habíamos sabido
vos. habíais sabido
ellos habían sabido
Pretérito Anterior
yo hube sabido
hubiste sabido
él hubo sabido
nos. hubimos sabido
vos. hubisteis sabido
ellos hubieron sabido
Futuro perfecto
yo habré sabido
habrás sabido
él habrá sabido
nos. habremos sabido
vos. habréis sabido
ellos habrán sabido
Condicional Perfecto
yo habría sabido
habrías sabido
él habría sabido
nos. habríamos sabido
vos. habríais sabido
ellos habrían sabido


yo sepa
él sepa
nos. sepamos
vos. sepáis / sepan
ellos sepan
Pretérito imperfecto
yo supiera o supiese
supieras o supieses
él supiera o supiese
nos. supiéramos o supiésemos
vos. supierais o supieseis / supieran o supiesen
ellos supieran o supiesen
Futuro simple
yo supiere
él supiere
nos. supiéremos
vos. supiereis / supieren
ellos supieren
Pret. Perf. Compuesto
yo hube sabido
hubiste sabido
él hubo sabido
nos. hubimos sabido
vos. hubisteis sabido
ellos hubieron sabido
Futuro Perfecto
yo habré sabido
habrás sabido
él habrá sabido
nos. habremos sabido
vos. habréis sabido
ellos habrán sabido
Condicional perfecto
yo habría sabido
habrías sabido
él habría sabido
nos. habríamos sabido
vos. habríais sabido
ellos habrían sabido
sabe (tú) / sabé (vos)
sabed (vosotros) / sepan (ustedes)







Synonyms and antonyms of saber in the Spanish dictionary of synonyms



The following Spanish words have a similar or identical meaning as «saber» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish synonyms of saber


The following Spanish words mean the opposite of «saber» and also belong to the same grammatical category.
Spanish antonyms of saber

Translation of «saber» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of saber to 25 languages with our Spanish multilingual translator.
The translations of saber from Spanish to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «saber» in Spanish.

In the following section you can check the translations of saber in the Spanish-English dictionary.

Translator Spanish - Chinese

1,325 millions of speakers


570 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - English

to know
510 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Hindi

380 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Arabic

280 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Russian

278 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Portuguese

270 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Bengali

260 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - French

220 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Malay

190 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - German

180 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Japanese

130 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Korean

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Javanese

85 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Vietnamese

80 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Tamil

75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Marathi

मला माहीत आहे
75 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Turkish

70 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Italian

65 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Polish

50 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Ukrainian

40 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Romanian

30 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Greek

15 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Afrikaans

14 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Swedish

10 millions of speakers

Translator Spanish - Norwegian

5 millions of speakers


saber a
saber a 
  reek of.
 To the founders of Artificial Intelligence, this argument reeked of obscurantism.
 It is the responsibility of educators to stretch their student's intellects, hone their skills of intuitive judgment and synthesis, and build a love of learning that will sustain them beyond the level of formal education.
ansia de saber 
thirst for knowledge
 Here is an institution which knows, neither rank nor wealth within its walls, which stops the ignorant peer or the ignorant monarch at its threshold, and declines to unveil to him its treasures, or to waste time upon him, and yet welcomes the workman according to his knowledge or thirst for knowledge.
a + Posesivo + saber 
to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge
 To the best of her knowledge, she has no professional affiliations that create conflicts of interest with her editorial responsibilities.
a + Posesivo + saber y entender 
to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge and belief
 The undersigned certifies to the best of his knowledge and belief that the applicant has not been convicted of a criminal offense .
como sabéis 
as you know
 As you know, several weeks ago in our first encounter we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, when I called you an idiot.
como saben 
as you know
 As you know, several weeks ago in our first encounter we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, when I called you an idiot.
como sabes 
as you know
 As you know, several weeks ago in our first encounter we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, when I called you an idiot.
cúmulo de saber  
knowledge repository
repository of knowledge
 Like evil trolls guarding the gates, the copyright controllers are trying to hold sway over our actions and create walled gardens around knowledge repositories.
 Before knowledge was recorded individuals formed the repository of knowledge, the bridge between successive generations and between those who generated new information and those who required to use it.
hasta donde + Pronombre + saber 
to the best of + Posesivo + knowledge
 To the best of her knowledge, she has no professional affiliations that create conflicts of interest with her editorial responsibilities.
institución del saber 
institution of learning
 A culture of violence and hatred seems to have percolated through the corridors of the institutions of learning particularly schools.
no querer saber más nada de  
drop + Nombre + like a hot potato
drop + Nombre + like a hot brick
 People were just curious, and once they slaked their thirst for this new product, they dropped it like a hot potato.
 The public is equally quick to worship a winner as to drop a loser like a hot brick.
no saber lo que es 
have + no sense of
 The man who has no sense of history, is like a man who has no ears or eyes.
como sabe 
as you know
 As you know, several weeks ago in our first encounter we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, when I called you an idiot.
por el bien del saber 
for knowledge's sake
 'Boffins' have been identified as the category of learners who 'delight in unrelated fragments of knowledge for knowledge's sake,' and 'put these fragments into a framework and analyze them'.
por el mero hecho de saber 
for knowledge's sake
 'Boffins' have been identified as the category of learners who 'delight in unrelated fragments of knowledge for knowledge's sake,' and 'put these fragments into a framework and analyze them'.
rama del saber 
branch of learning
 It has long been a hope of reference librarians that with the application of sufficient thought their work and their art may also emerge as a worthy discipline, or branch of learning.
saber escuchar  
listening skills
listening capacity
 This article presents a comparison of the impact of three methods of story hour presentation upon children's listening skills = Este artículo presenta una comparación del impacto de tres métodos de presentar la hora del cuento sobre la capacidad de comprensión de los niños.
 A person with good earning capacity and listening capacity and understanding capacity is called successfull person.
saberse los tejemanejes 
know + the ropes
 She wasn't particularly worried though, she knew the ropes and could get herself home safe and sound.
sede del saber  
seat of knowledge
seat of learning
 Yoga teachings suggest that the heart is the 'seat of knowledge'.
 Oxford is Britain's oldest seat of learning.
vivir sabiendo que 
live with + the knowledge that
 She has always lived with the knowledge that her blue-blooded family disowned her as a baby.
  know ; learn ; find out.
 However, in general, it is unreasonable to expect a user to know the ISBN of a book.
 'I'd be disappointed to learn that my boss or subordinates - or peers for that matter - told tales out of school about me to others'.
 For example, a person can consult the system holdings files to find out whether a library in the network owns a copy of the document.
al final, se sabrá la verdad 
it will come out in the wash
 Conspiracy theory maybe but I do feel there is more to this than meets the eye and as they say it will come out in the wash.
al final, todo se sabrá 
it will come out in the wash
 Conspiracy theory maybe but I do feel there is more to this than meets the eye and as they say it will come out in the wash.
a saber   
to wit
 Then, in the 1930s extraterrestrial radio signals were detected, and during the last four decades a whole new intellectual area of science has developed, namely radio astronomy.
 There are two main categories of relationship, viz semantic and syntactic relationships.
 At dinner, he was to learn several other things as well, to wit: that he was one of three people being brought in for an initial and then a second interview; that they had been very impressed by his credentials; and that no one from the Halvorsen staff had applied for the position.
capacidad de saber leer y escribir 
literacy skills
 This is a programme launched in 1979 in response to the urgent need of black young adult South Africans for reading and literacy skills.
como todos (bien) sabemos 
as we all know (well)
 They can easily turn into delinquents and cause social disturbances, for, as we all know, the devil finds work for idle hands.
curioso por saber 
 We want to help the learner become an active interrogator = Queremos ayudar al alumno a ser un interrogador activo.
de quién sabe dónde 
out of the woodwork
 The exhibition 'Out of the woodwork: On the history of tartanware' displays boxes, frames, penknives and other objects decorated with a distinctive tartan pattern and manufactured in Scotland in the 19th c.
Dios sabe cómo 
God knows how
 The gap was about a foot wide so God knows how she fit through without hurting herself.
Dios sabe cuándo 
God knows when
 We've been best friends since God knows when.
Dios sabe dónde 
God knows where
 Only God knows where or when we'll meet again.
Dios sabe lo que 
God knows what
 God knows what she saw in him, but they make a cute couple however odd.
Dios sabe por qué 
God knows why
 I'd love to see that son of a bitch roasted on a spit, but only God knows why she's sticking by his side.
Dios sabe quién 
God knows who
 Weyane has already rotted from within and will collapse eventually and God knows who will come to power after that in Ethiopia.
hacer saber  
let + Nombre + know
let + it be known
 Then the secretary, having rallied herself, said forlornly 'I'll let him know you're here in a minute'.
 It can certainly be status-conferring to let it be known in social conversation that one has read the latest Fay Weldon book, but if the group one is in never reads Fay Weldon anyway and could not care less what she has written then the victory is a somewhat hollow one.
hacer saber la intención de uno 
announce + intention
 Two recently elected school board members have announced their intention of 'ridding the high school of Mrs Panopoulos' - to which she replied, with a defiant shrug, 'Let them try'.
más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo    
there's no substitute for experience
experience is the best teacher
wisdom comes with age
with age comes wisdom
 The old axiom 'there's no substitute for experience' still rings true.
 Experience is the best teacher and none can deny it.
 I think it's time we dispel the untruth that 'wisdom comes with age'.
 We've all heard the adage that with age comes wisdom, but now science is backing up the claim.
nada sabe mejor que sentirse delgado 
nothing tastes as good as thin feels
 She has been accused of encouraging anorexia in teenagers after telling a fashion website she lives by the maxim 'nothing tastes as good as thin feels'.
no haber manera de saber cuándo 
there + be + no telling when
 There is no telling when the full potential of information technology for preservation and dissemination will be realized.
no haber manera de saber qué 
there + be + no telling what
 We never have seen her and know little of her, but there is no telling what such an uncultivated person as she might do.
no querer saber más nada de  
drop + Nombre + like a hot potato
drop + Nombre + like a hot brick
 People were just curious, and once they slaked their thirst for this new product, they dropped it like a hot potato.
 The public is equally quick to worship a winner as to drop a loser like a hot brick.
no querer saber nada de 
want + nothing to do with
 He wanted nothing to do with the straitjacket of guidelines and so-called standards = Él no quería tener nada que ver con el encorsetamiento que imponen las directrices y los "presuntos" estándares.
no saber cómo explicarlo 
be at a loss to explain it
 She sensed that something was wrong with his logic, but she was at a loss to explain it.
no saber cómo seguir   
be stuck
get + stuck
become + stuck
 Present information retrieval technology is stuck in the preliminary stages and is thus no improvement on manual retrieval.
 Hence, the proposed method is capable of enhancing the regularization property without getting stuck at sub-optimal values in search space.
 Michoud was the smallest of the three, so volunteered to try getting in through the partially-open sunroof but she became stuck.
no saber de 
have + no understanding of
 Someone who is too honest sounds like a lunatic because they seem to have no understanding of how the world works.
no saber dónde meterse de vergüenza 
squirm with + embarrassment
 This horrible caricature is supposed to be an Olympic symbol to be proud of, yet at this moment the British public can only be squirming with embarrassment.
no saber expresarse bien 
 But we are not then acting quite so much out of blindness or inarticulateness; we are selfishly or fearfully or wilfully trying to short-circuit what we know underneath to be more nearly the true state of things.
no saber más por ello 
be none the wiser
 Not surprisingly, the girls went away embarrassed, and the mother, if she was any better informed, was certainly none the wiser.
no saber qué contestar 
 I'm stumped - again, any help would be appreciated - and thank you for your responses so far!.
no saber qué decir   
be at a loss for words
be lost for words
be bereft of words
 The readers' services librarian was at a loss for words.
 Being lost for words is a major frustration for both Alzheimer's and semantic dementia patients.
 Once again I was bereft of words, left longing for language that could speak from heart to heart.
no saber qué hacer    
be at a loss
get out of + Posesivo + depth
be on the horns of a dilemma
be at a nonplus
 Many librarians are disturbed by this problem but have been at a loss as to the remedy.
 It sounds like it could be quite easy for you to get out of your depth with this problem.
 Well right now I am on the horns of a dilemma as the weather outside is so cold it would freeze the balls off a brass monkey but I would be barking mad not to go home and get a good heavy coat for later this evening.
 I liked the methodology cited in the article, but was quite at a nonplus as to description of why several items were taken out of consideration.
no saber qué hacer a continuación    
draw + a blank
be stuck
get + stuck
become + stuck
 He must assure himself that he has indeed eliminated every possibility that lies within his power before concluding that he has indeed drawn a blank.
 Present information retrieval technology is stuck in the preliminary stages and is thus no improvement on manual retrieval.
 Hence, the proposed method is capable of enhancing the regularization property without getting stuck at sub-optimal values in search space.
 Michoud was the smallest of the three, so volunteered to try getting in through the partially-open sunroof but she became stuck.
no saber qué hacer con 
be at sixes and sevens with
 She told me that I was all at sixes and sevens with my eight times table and that it was 'back to square one' for me.
no saber qué más hacer  [Con menos frecuencia también se utiliza wits' en lugar de wit's]
be at + Posesivo + wit's end
 'Are you sure that's what you want?' 'I'm at my wit's end', he said and spread out his hands in a gesture of hopelessness.
no saberse cuándo 
there + be + no telling when
 There is no telling when the full potential of information technology for preservation and dissemination will be realized.
no saberse qué 
there + be + no telling what
 We never have seen her and know little of her, but there is no telling what such an uncultivated person as she might do.
no se sabe todavía 
the jury is still out (on)
 Nevertheless, he believes that while it will not disappear tomorrow, the jury is still out on whether Knowledge Management has staying power.
nunca se sabe 
one never knows...
 One never knows where the solution to a problem lies.
persona que sabe contar anécdotas 
 He is a skillful raconteur, his writing is wonderfully entertaining and his message is controversial, bedazzling, savvy, disquieting... yet optimistic.
por lo que yo sé 
to the best of my knowledge
 For another thing, to the best of my knowledge IQ tests do not differentiate between different kinds of giftedness.
quedar mucho por saber  
there + be + a great deal yet to be learned
there + be + still a great deal to be learned
 There is a great deal yet to be learned about electronic mail reference service = Queda mucho por conocer sobre el servicio de referencia por correo electrónico.
 There is still a great deal to be learned about information, its use by people and the way people interact with machines before information technology can realize its full potential.
que sabe lo que 
who knows what
 One key to success is a principal who knows what is needed and can put a plan in place.
que sabe muy bien a dónde va  
 Understanding how to live a purpose-driven life at work is one of the keys to a fulfilled and happy life.
 The final step in the purpose-oriented approach is Ihe development of a master plan.
que sabe muy bien lo que quiere  
 Understanding how to live a purpose-driven life at work is one of the keys to a fulfilled and happy life.
 The final step in the purpose-oriented approach is Ihe development of a master plan.
¿quién sabe? 
who knows?
 Who knows? If we can abolish the card catalogue and replace it with some form more acceptable to library users, they may even begin to use library catalogues!.
quién sabe cómo 
who knows how
 Who knows how the pony will take to it, or if she will even enjoy the discipline that your friend wants to train her for.
quién sabe cuándo 
who knows when
 Avoid starting a project and leaving it half-finished until who knows when.
quién sabe dónde   
in the middle of nowhere
in the back of beyond
out in the sticks
 The chance to stay in the middle of a rainforest in the middle of nowhere and nobody else around us was too good an opportunity to miss.
 They didn't go there because life was good, but because there, in the back of beyond, you could pan for gold without the threat of being robbed.
 Listen to people who live out in the sticks and heed their advice and recommendations - don't rely on instinct or rumour.
quién sabe lo que 
who knows what
 When it comes to 'student-centered' teaching, who knows what teachers are talking about?.
quién sabe por qué 
who knows why
 Who knows why she is smiling, but who cares?.
quién sabe qué 
who knows what
 You must have been struck with how dismal international relations have become with the demise of the nation-state and its replacement with who-knows-what.
quién sabe quién 
who knows who
 Who knows who will be in the building...but it will be star-studded!.
saber a ciencia cierta   
know for + certain
know for + sure
know for + a fact
 I know for certain I was moony and lonely, feeling dissatisfied with myself, and wanted only to be alone that night.
 The whole extent of Chernobyl's damage - both in terms of human casualties and environmental destruction - may never be known for sure.
 Here's the question: If you knew for a fact that you only had seven years to live, what would you do?.
saber a ciencia cierta que 
know + for a fact that
 'I know for a fact that it has to be modified, and more than a little,' she said, grinning awkwardly.
saber apreciar las cosas buenas de la vida 
appreciate + the good things in life
 I last appreciated the good things in life looking out over the water today while my daughter threw sticks and laughed at the splashes.
saber apreciar lo bueno de la vida 
appreciate + the good things in life
 I last appreciated the good things in life looking out over the water today while my daughter threw sticks and laughed at the splashes.
saber argumentar Algo convincentemente 
make + a business case
 A lack of internal resources was cited by 59% of respondents, and 34% said they lacked the data needed to make a business case for implementation.
saber buscar con inteligencia 
be search-savvy
 To be search-savvy, you need to know which search-engines are best.
saber (cómo) hacer las cosas bien 
push + (all of) the right buttons
 If you want me to unleash my wild side, you'll have to push all of the right buttons.
saber con certeza   
know for + certain
know for + sure
know for + a fact
 I know for certain I was moony and lonely, feeling dissatisfied with myself, and wanted only to be alone that night.
 The whole extent of Chernobyl's damage - both in terms of human casualties and environmental destruction - may never be known for sure.
 Here's the question: If you knew for a fact that you only had seven years to live, what would you do?.
saber contestar muy bien 
be not at a loss for words
 The readers' services librarian was not at a loss for words.
saber cúal es la verdad 
discern + the truth
 Discerning the truth in a situation sometimes takes cunning.
saber de algún modo 
know + on some grounds
 Each test involves obtaining a cluster of about five documents known on some grounds to be related in subject matter, and retrieving their descriptors from at least two data bases.
saber de buena boca 
have it on + good word
 The English is a little rocky on this lovely web site but we have it on good word that the original French is très bien.
saber de buena tinta 
have it on + good word
 The English is a little rocky on this lovely web site but we have it on good word that the original French is très bien.
saber defenderse 
hold + Posesivo + own
 In-house abstracts bulletins can also hold their own against more selective services, and these will be reviewed later in this section.
saber de lo que Uno estar hablando 
know + Posesivo + stuff
 It is a richly documented, smoothly narrated, and lavishly illustrated study by a historian who knows his stuff and tells it with panache.
saber demasiado bien 
know + all too well
 If you are self-employed or own a small business, you know all too well that out-of-control overhead costs can be crippling.
saber de seguro   
know for + certain
know for + sure
know for + a fact
 I know for certain I was moony and lonely, feeling dissatisfied with myself, and wanted only to be alone that night.
 The whole extent of Chernobyl's damage - both in terms of human casualties and environmental destruction - may never be known for sure.
 Here's the question: If you knew for a fact that you only had seven years to live, what would you do?.
saber de sobra 
know + all too well
 If you are self-employed or own a small business, you know all too well that out-of-control overhead costs can be crippling.
saber escuchar  
listening skills
listening capacity
 This article presents a comparison of the impact of three methods of story hour presentation upon children's listening skills = Este artículo presenta una comparación del impacto de tres métodos de presentar la hora del cuento sobre la capacidad de comprensión de los niños.
 A person with good earning capacity and listening capacity and understanding capacity is called successfull person.
saber hacer 
savoir faire
 Library staff should be provided with the opportunity to see blunders which they occasionally commit as well as the laudable 'savoir faire' with which they dispatch some reference question.
saber hacer cuentas 
be numerate
 However, if you take tasks 5, 6 and 7 you would be looking for somebody who is physically fit, who is numerate and literate and perhaps has a high boredom threshold.
saber interiormente 
know + underneath
 But we are not then acting quite so much out of blindness or inarticulateness; we are selfishly or fearfully or wilfully trying to short-circuit what we know underneath to be more nearly the true state of things.
saber la verdad 
know + the truth
 Everyone thinks she's just a dotty old woman, but Joe knows the truth.
saber leer y escribir 
be literate
 However, if you take tasks 5, 6 and 7 you would be looking for somebody who is physically fit, who is numerate and literate and perhaps has a high boredom threshold.
saberlo todo 
be omniscient
 One of the first things to determine is how much skill the indexer needs to be able to use the system; we cannot all be omniscient!.
saber muy bien 
know + all too well
 If you are self-employed or own a small business, you know all too well that out-of-control overhead costs can be crippling.
saber perfectamente 
know + all too well
 If you are self-employed or own a small business, you know all too well that out-of-control overhead costs can be crippling.
saberse Algo al dedillo  
know + Nombre + inside-out
learn + Nombre + inside-out
 On the contrary, they are connoisseurs because they know their subject inside-out: the good, bad and indifferent.
 The article is entitled 'Learning computers inside-out'.
saberse la verdad 
the truth + come out
 She went down in their estimation when the truth came out.
saber un poco de todo y mucho de nada 
jack of all trades, master of none
 In their greed to cram everything but the kitchen sink into the courses, what they end up producing is graduates who are jacks of all trades but masters of none.
sabiendo diferenciar entre lo que vale y lo que no 
 The business history or biography should not be seen as simply to entertain or eulogise, but as a tool which can be used discriminatingly for its more factual content.
sabiendo que 
on the understanding that
 Employers & trade unions can make whatever use they like of the money thus provided, on the understanding that it is for education.
salir de quién sabe dónde 
come out of + the woodwork
 And I'm sure there's plenty more unknowns or 'brand-news' yet to come out of the woodwork.
según lo que + Pronombre Personal + saber 
to + Posesivo + knowledge
 The discussion didn't make that great an impression on me at the time because I had never, to my knowledge, experienced any form of sexual harassment.
ser una incógnita 
be anyone's guess
 Why grub has to be 'rustled up' is anyone's guess; that is just the way it was on the Wild West.
sin saberlo  
unbeknown to
unbeknownst to
 Unbeknown to the users who accessed the system, the knowledge-base included two human experts, communicating with them from a different building, via the computer screen.
 A honeypot is a decoy computer system designed to look like a legitimate system an intruder will want to break into while, unbeknownst to the intruder, they are being covertly observed.
sin saber qué decir  
nonplussed [nonplused]
be bereft of words
 He was nonplussed when the crowd he expected protesting his policy of arresting illegal immigrants turned out to be seven.
 Once again I was bereft of words, left longing for language that could speak from heart to heart.
si sabes donde mirar 
if you know where to look
 You can get rid of uric acid in your body quite naturally if you know where to look.
si sabes lo que hacer 
if you know where to look
 You can get rid of uric acid in your body quite naturally if you know where to look.
si sabes lo que hay que hacer 
if you know where to look
 You can get rid of uric acid in your body quite naturally if you know where to look.
si sabes qué hay que hacer 
if you know where to look
 You can get rid of uric acid in your body quite naturally if you know where to look.
un no sé qué 
a je ne sais quoi
 There's a je ne sais quoi about the film that transcends what might otherwise be mere art for art's sake and makes it pleasantly enjoyable.
y Dios sabe qué más 
and Heaven knows what else
 They're going to have department stores, and restaurants, and movie theatres, and bowling alleys, the whole nine yards, and Heaven knows what else.
y qué sé yo  
and whatnot
or whatnot
 I'd been toying with the idea of having my hair cut at a hairdressing academy for a while and took the plunge when my hair got out of control with split ends and whatnot.
 The immediate representatives of the public are the trustees; the secondary representatives are members of the appropriating body - the city council, the state legislature or what not.
y yo qué sé qué más  
and whatnot
or whatnot
 I'd been toying with the idea of having my hair cut at a hairdressing academy for a while and took the plunge when my hair got out of control with split ends and whatnot.
 The immediate representatives of the public are the trustees; the secondary representatives are members of the appropriating body - the city council, the state legislature or what not.
 Professional skills are enhanced by the opportunity which IFLA provides to taste the cultures of other countries in a very accessible (dare I say privileged?) way.
lo bueno sabe a poco 
you can't have too much of a good thing
 They say you can't have too much of a good thing but at some point in the summer you may find yourself with more basil than you can handle.
saber a 
reek of
 To the founders of Artificial Intelligence, this argument reeked of obscurantism.
saber amargo 
taste + bitter
 Good coffee tastes somewhat bitter but smooth, and has no sour undertones.

Trends of use of saber



The term «saber» is very widely used and occupies the 437 position in our list of most widely used terms in the Spanish dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «saber» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of saber
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our Spanish online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «saber».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «saber» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «saber» appears in digitalised printed sources in Spanish between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the Spanish literature, quotes and news about saber



Famous quotes and sentences with the word saber.
Blaise Pascal
La curiosidad no es más que vanidad. En la mayoría de los casos, sólo queremos saber algo para hablar de ello.
Saber demasiado es funesto para quien no sepa moderar su lengua. Es como un niño que tuviera un cuchillo.
Carlo Bini
La felicidad consiste casi siempre en saber engañarse.
Saber que se sabe lo que se sabe y que no se sabe lo que no se sabe; he aquí el verdadero saber.
Dante Alighieri
No menos que el saber me place el dudar.
Honoré De Balzac
Es un mérito bien raro saber juzgar con cordura los tiempos a que se pertenece.
Jean-Baptiste Say
No deja de ser humillante para una persona de ingenio saber que no hay tonto que no le pueda enseñar algo.
José María Pemán
Todo el arte de vivir con paz y resignación está en saber alegrarse con cada rayo de sol.
José Ortega Y Gasset
La ciencia consiste en sustituir el saber que parecía seguro por una teoría, o sea, por algo problemático.
Mariano José De Larra
No sé quién ha dicho que el gran talento no consiste precisamente en saber lo que se ha de decir, sino en saber lo que se ha de callar.


Quien quiera saber lo que vale un potro, que venda el suyo y compre otro.
Al hombre de más saber, una mujer sola le echa a perder.
Al que quiere saber, mentiras a él.
Aquí yace quien nació y murió, sin saber nunca para qué vivió.
Con la mujer y con la mar hay que saber navegar.
Dineros me dé Dios; que con mi poco saber me aviaré yo.
El que quiera saber, que vaya a Salamanca.
El ser señor no es saber, sino el saberlo ser.
El viejo por no poder y el mozo por no saber, quédase la moza sin lo que puedes entender.
Enseñar sin saber?: como no sea el culo, no sé qué.


Discover the use of saber in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to saber and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in Spanish literature.
211 Cosas que una chica lista debe saber
Si quieres presumir entre clase y clase, entre plato y plato, o entre copa y copa, con los mejores trucos que te puede enseñar la escuela de la vida, no dudes en hacerte con este ejemplar de 211 cosas que una chica lista debe saber.
Bunty Cutler, 2011
La belleza de saber vivir
La belleza de saber vivir lo preparará para responder positivamente a los desafíos de la vida diaria y eliminar las malas actitudes y el tener lástima de sí misma.
Barbara Palacios, 2010
Creer, saber, conocer
Villoro analiza sistemáticamente los conceptos epistemológicos fundamentales: creencia, certeza, saber, conocimiento, y establece sus relaciones con las razones que justifican la verdad de las creencias y con los motivos que pueden ...
Luis Villoro, 1996
211 Cosas que un chico listo debe saber
Si quieres presumir entre clase y clase, entre plato y plato, o entre copa y copa, con los mejores trucos que te puede enseñar la escuela de la vida, no dudes en hacerte con este ejemplar de 211 cosas que un chico listo debe saber.
Tom Cutler, 2011
Saber ambiental: sustentabilidad, racionalidad, conplejidad, ...
La empresa tradicional ha privilegiado a los propietarios en su gestión, dejando a un lado los demás participantes e interesados en sus acciones, en el marco de la racionalidad económica que sólo promueve el crecimiento y la ...
Enrique Leff, 2002
Arqueología del saber
En sus obras anteriores, Foucault no había definido lo que para él significa “arqueología”.
Michel Foucault, 1997
50 cosas que hay que saber sobre las matemáticas
En 50 cosas que hay que saber sobre matemáticas, el profesor Tony Crilly explica 50 conceptos matemáticos -antiguos, modernos, cotidianos y esotéricos- que nos permitirán entender y dar forma al mundo que nos rodea.
Tony Crilly, 2011
Discapacidad: lo que todos debemos saber
En America Latina viven aproximadamente 85 millones de personas con discapacidad, de las cuales solo 2% encuentran respuestas a sus necesidades.
Esther Alicia Amate, Armando J. Vásquez, Pan American Health Organization, 2006
Saber escoger: el arte del discernimiento
Carlos González Vallés, nacido en España en 1925, se hizo jesuita en 1941, y desde 1949 vive en la India, donde ha sido catedrático de matemáticas en la Universidad de Ahmedabad y ha publicado cerca de sesenta libros en lengua gujarati ...
Carlos González Vallés, 1986
Saber estar: guía práctica de buenas maneras
From how to dress to how to respond to an invitation, the author teaches the proper protocol for all occasions.
Carmen De Soto Díez, 1999


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term saber is used in the context of the following news items.
Saber o no saber
LA Historia de la España que arrancó en los albores de la Transición es la de la libre expresión, pero sobre todo es la de la transparencia. O al menos, así ... «Diario de Sevilla, Sep 16»
'Saber y Ganar' inicia hoy una serie de duelos especiales para ...
'Saber y Ganar' (La 2) iniciará este miércoles 14 de septiembre una serie de duelos especiales, con los que quiere conmemorar el 60 aniversario de Televisión ... «Lainformacion.com, Sep 16»
El ganadero salmantino sigue cosechando éxitos en ´Saber y Ganar´
P. G. José Pinto, el ganadero salmantino que participa desde hace algo más de dos semanas en el concurso 'Saber y Ganar' de La 2 de Televisión Española, ... «Gaceta de Salamanca, Jul 16»
Ganadores de ´Saber y ganar´ y ´Pasapalabra´ se enfrentan en ...
a. j. c. | valencia Cuatro de los mejores participantes de Saber y ganar y Pasapalabra se reunieron esta semana en La Fábrica de Hielo de Valencia para ... «levante.emv.com, Jul 16»
Jordi Hurtado reaparece este jueves en 'Saber y ganar'
Larrodera despidió el espacio pasando el relevo a Jordi Hurtado, "mi amigo y maestro": "Ahora ya podré decir: yo también presenté 'Saber y ganar'", acabó. «El Periódico, Jun 16»
Los consejos baldíos de «Saber vivir»
Con esta justificación personas de toda España asumen a diario la veracidad de las pautas y recomendaciones médicas que el espacio Saber vivir lanza ... «levante.emv.com, May 16»
Jordi Hurtado regresa el 9 de junio a Saber y Ganar - RTVE.es
Jordi Hurtado regresa este martes 24 de mayo a las grabaciones de 'Saber y Ganar', el programa que lleva presentando 19 años, tras recuperarse de una ... «RTVE, May 16»
Los consejos de Mariló en 'Saber Vivir', sin validez científica
Una nueva polémica se cierne sobre Mariló Montero. Pero en esta ocasión, por el espacio Saber Vivir de La Mañana de La1 al que una tesis doctoral de la ... «La Vanguardia, May 16»
Luis Larrodera: “O Jordi Hurtado es inmortal o necesito el teléfono ...
Tras casi 20 años al frente del concurso de La 2 Saber y ganar (todos los días, a las 15.45), Jordi Hurtado estará varias semanas de baja para recuperarse de ... «EL PAÍS, May 16»
Jordi Hurtado bromea en directo sobre su ausencia en 'Saber y ganar'
El presentador de Saber y ganar (La 2) ha intervenido en el programa para explicar los motivos de su ausencia y ha aclarado que se debe a un "pequeño ... «Cadena SER, May 16»



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