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While speed is a secondary parameter in some associated motion systems, some languages have verbal affixes dedicated to the encoding of speed-CELERATIVE markers. Celeratives can encode both quick and slow speed and are in some languages... more
While speed is a secondary parameter in some associated motion systems, some languages have verbal affixes dedicated to the encoding of speed-CELERATIVE markers. Celeratives can encode both quick and slow speed and are in some languages even the main or the sole way of expressing this meaning. However, some morphemes not only encode speed, but also other types of ACTION MANNER, in particular hurry or suddenness, following colexification patterns also observed in the lexicon crosslinguistically. This paper provides a first overview of this category in the world's languages, and more generally suggests that action manner constitutes a set of comparative concepts that can be be encoded morphologically.
This paper is the first survey of verbal affixes encoding the day period (‘at night’,‘in the morning’ etc.) or the yearly seasons (‘in winter’ etc.) when the action takes place. It introduces the term ‘periodic tense’ to refer to this... more
This paper is the first survey of verbal affixes encoding the day period (‘at night’,‘in the morning’ etc.) or the yearly seasons (‘in winter’ etc.) when the action takes place. It introduces the term ‘periodic tense’ to refer to this comparative concept, explores the attested paradigms, their interactions with other verbal categories (including the more usual deictic tense), and investigates their diachronic origins. It shows that periodic tense markers are not restricted to incorporated nouns of time period but constitute a highly grammaticalized verbal category in some languages, which can redundantly co-occur with free adverbs or nouns indicating time.
This article deals with simulative derivations, meaning 'pretend (to be) X', where X stands for a verb or a noun. It shows that these derivations have three main origins: incorporation, denominal derivation and combination of reflexive... more
This article deals with simulative derivations, meaning 'pretend (to be) X', where X stands for a verb or a noun. It shows that these derivations have three main origins: incorporation, denominal derivation and combination of reflexive and causative. It also systematically discusses the corresponding analytic constructions.
This article deals with estimative (also called ‘tropative’) constructions meaning ‘find/consider X to be Y’, where Y stands for a noun or an adjective. It systematically investigates morphological estimatives and their relationship to... more
This article deals with estimative (also called ‘tropative’) constructions meaning ‘find/consider X to be Y’, where Y stands for a noun or an adjective. It systematically investigates morphological estimatives and their relationship to causative, applicative and denominal derivations from synchronic and diachronic perspectives. In addition, the article presents a survey of periphrastic estimative strategies in the world’s languages.
""This article investigates the synchronic status and diachronic origin of an incorporation-like construction in Japhug, a polysynthetic Sino-Tibetan language of Eastern Tibet. This construction constitutes the intermediate stage on a... more
""This article investigates the synchronic status and diachronic origin of an incorporation-like construction in Japhug, a polysynthetic Sino-Tibetan language of Eastern Tibet. This construction constitutes the intermediate stage on a path of development from denominal derivation to incorporation, the opposite of the usual path of development from incorporation to denominal derivation.

Additionally, this article shows that similar phenomena exist in other languages, and that coalescence between noun and verb is not the only attested diachronic origin of incorporating verbs.""
Japhug, like other Gyalrong languages, is one of the very few languages with both a full-fledged person indexation system and an egophoric evidential category. A detailed account of the uses and meanings of the Egophoric and its... more
Japhug, like other Gyalrong languages, is one of the very few languages with both a full-fledged person indexation system and an egophoric evidential category. A detailed account of the uses and meanings of the Egophoric and its interaction with person is thus of interest to the typology of evidential systems. This paper describes the uses of Egophoric marking in Japhug and of the two other evidential categories with which it contrasts (Factual and Sensory), as well as their interaction with person indexation. Due to the limited distribution of the Egophoric in Japhug (it only occurs in present contexts), the present paper exclusively focuses on the uses of evidentials with stative verbs in present (imperfective) contexts, where minimal pairs are available in the corpus.
This paper addresses Prins' (2016) recent proposal of a m(ə)-non-volitional prefix in the Kyomkyo dialect of Situ, showing that alternative analyses are preferable. In addition, it offers an account of some irregular anticausative forms... more
This paper addresses Prins' (2016) recent proposal of a m(ə)-non-volitional prefix in the Kyomkyo dialect of Situ, showing that alternative analyses are preferable. In addition, it offers an account of some irregular anticausative forms in Situ, and presents evidence for a possible volitional mə-prefix in Gyalrong languages.
Research Interests:
This article provides a detailed survey of complement clauses and complementation strategies in Japhug. It shows the bewildering diversity of constructions attested in these languages, which are largely unpredictable and need to be... more
This article provides a detailed survey of complement clauses and complementation strategies in Japhug. It shows the bewildering diversity of constructions attested in these languages, which are largely unpredictable and need to be specified for each complement-taking verb. Special focus is given to typologically unusual constructions, in particular Hybrid Indirect Speech.
Research Interests:
This paper documents equative, similative, comparative and superlative constructions on the basis of a corpus of narratives. It reveals a previously unsuspected wealth of constructions: no less than three main types of superlatives, and... more
This paper documents equative, similative, comparative and superlative constructions on the basis of a corpus of narratives. It reveals a previously unsuspected wealth of constructions: no less than three main types of superlatives, and four types of equative are attested, some including additional subtypes. Most of the constructions described in this paper belong to categories previously identified by typologists, but some constructions, such as the denominal equative adjectives, appear to be crosslinguistically rarer.
Research Interests:
This paper describes the uses of the marker kɯ in Japhug, which presents many distinct functions, including ergative, instrumental, distributive, causal linker, manner linker, emphatic adversative, interrogative sentence final particle... more
This paper describes the uses of the marker  kɯ in Japhug, which presents many distinct functions, including ergative, instrumental, distributive, causal linker, manner linker, emphatic adversative, interrogative sentence final particle and index of the comparee in the comparative construction. A series of grammaticalization pathways, some of which have never been documented before, are proposed to account for the polyfunctionality of this marker.
Research Interests:
This paper documents the morphosyntactic and semantic properties of the autobenefactive-spontaneous prefix nɯ– . It describes the regular and irregular morphological and morphophonological alternations displayed by this prefix, as well as... more
This paper documents the morphosyntactic and semantic properties of the autobenefactive-spontaneous prefix nɯ– . It describes the regular and irregular morphological and morphophonological alternations displayed by this prefix, as well as its three main semantic functions, namely spontaneous, autobenefactive and permansive. Finally, it discusses the historical relationship of the autobenefactive prefix with other derivations, in particular the vertitive nɯ– and the anticausative prenasalization.
Khaling, like other Kiranti languages, has a Reflexive / Middle suffix-si, the main function of which is to reduce the valence of verbs. The present paper describes the complex morphological alternations observed in the reflexive... more
Khaling, like other Kiranti languages, has a Reflexive / Middle suffix-si, the main function of which is to reduce the valence of verbs. The present paper describes the complex morphological alternations observed in the reflexive paradigms, and provides a detailed account of the various meanings of the -si derivation in Khaling.
Research Interests:
Supplementary file to the article "Tangut, Gyalrongic, Kiranti and the nature of person indexation in Sino-Tibetan/Trans-Himalayan"
Research Interests:
The diachronic analysis of person indexation systems in Sino-Tibetan (Trans-Himalayan) languages is currently a topical issue. Factual errors have occasionally crept in, detracting somewhat from the quality of the linguistic discussion... more
The diachronic analysis of person indexation systems in Sino-Tibetan (Trans-Himalayan) languages is currently a topical issue. Factual errors have occasionally crept in, detracting somewhat from the quality of the linguistic discussion about these systems. Evidence from Tangut, Gyal-rongic and Kiranti is so central to the debates that it appeared useful to provide a few clarifications about their person indexation systems, adduc-ing evidence from a body of texts that has been considerably enriched in the past decade. The main points made in this paper can be summarized as follows. First, the view that personal affixes derive diachronically from pronouns is by no means as self-evident as it may seem. Second, person indexation in Tangut, the oldest Trans-Himalayan language with person in-dexation, is not optional, as has sometimes been stated in the literature. Third, person indexation in Gyalrongic and Kiranti is sensitive to grammatical relations, a finding which calls into question its analysis as marking speech act participant involvement.
Research Interests:
In Kiranti languages, the presence of rich alternations in verbal paradigms make internal reconstruction possible, and allow a better understanding of the vowels and codas of the proto-language than is possible for other parts of speech.... more
In Kiranti languages, the presence of rich alternations in verbal paradigms make internal reconstruction possible, and allow a better understanding of the vowels and codas of the proto-language than is possible for other parts of speech. This paper, using data from four representative languages (Wambule, Khaling, Bantawa, Limbu), proposes a new approach to Proto-Kiranti historical linguistics combining the comparative method and internal reconstruction, and taking morphological alternations and analogy into account. It presents a comprehensive account of the sound correspondences between the four target languages and reconstructs more than 280 proto-Kiranti verb roots.
A possible trace of verbal agreement in Tibetan* Guillaume Jacques CNRS (CRLAO) INALCO 1 Introduction In the Sino-Tibetan family, some subgroups, like Rgyalrong and Kiranti, have extensive verbal agreement morphology, while others such as... more
A possible trace of verbal agreement in Tibetan* Guillaume Jacques CNRS (CRLAO) INALCO 1 Introduction In the Sino-Tibetan family, some subgroups, like Rgyalrong and Kiranti, have extensive verbal agreement morphology, while others such as Chinese, Lolo-Burmese or Tibetan ...
"Tibetan verbal morphology differs considerably from that of other Sino-Tibetan languages. Most of the vocalic and consonantal alternations observed in the verbal paradigms remain unexplained after more than a hundred years of... more
"Tibetan verbal morphology differs considerably from that of other Sino-Tibetan
languages. Most of the vocalic and consonantal alternations observed in the verbal paradigms remain unexplained after more than a hundred years of investigation: the study of historical Tibetan morphology would seem to have reached an aporia. This paper proposes a new model, explaining the origin of the alternations in the Tibetan verb as the remnant of a former system of directional prefixes, typologically similar to the ones still attested in the Rgyalrongic languages."
The Middle Chinese translitterations are taken from Baxter (1992), and the Archaic Chinese reconstruction is based on Sagart (1999). Its system of rhyme is based on the same 6-vowel theory as Baxter (1992) and Starostin (1989). The A/B... more
The Middle Chinese translitterations are taken from Baxter (1992), and the Archaic Chinese reconstruction is based on Sagart (1999). Its system of rhyme is based on the same 6-vowel theory as Baxter (1992) and Starostin (1989). The A/B distinction (Karlgren's yod) is noted with prefixed a ...
Cet article discute du destin des groupes internes du protoalgonquien ayant une nasale homorganique comme premier élément en cri et en menomini, où ils deviennent préaspirés. Il est suggéré que la préaspiration provient d'un stade... more
Cet article discute du destin des groupes internes du protoalgonquien ayant une nasale homorganique comme premier élément en cri et en menomini, où ils deviennent préaspirés. Il est suggéré que la préaspiration provient d'un stade intermédiaire comme consonne géminée, et non d'une nasale sourde comme l'avait proposé Hockett.
This paper shows the existence of a pretonic assimilation of *y to a following coronal consonant (including *y from proto-Semitic *y and *w) in North-West Semitic languages. This rule, which has been obscured by analogy in each of the... more
This paper shows the existence of a pretonic assimilation of *y to a following
coronal consonant (including *y from proto-Semitic *y and *w) in
North-West Semitic languages. This rule, which has been obscured by
analogy in each of the North-West Semitic languages, explains three independent
sets of facts: the formation of irregular maqtal-s in Hebrew,
Phoenician and Aramaic; the irregular conjugations of several verbs in
Hebrew; and the plural formation of the irregular noun “house” in
Hebrew and Aramaic. This proposal also solves the long-standing problem
of the etymology of the verb “to give” in North-West Semitic languages
(NTN in Hebrew vs. YTN in Phoenician).
The word lists published in 1903 by C.-E. Bonin for several languages of East Asia are highly rudimentary; the transcription is based on French spelling conventions. These lists nonetheless provide hints about the pronunciation of these... more
The word lists published in 1903 by C.-E. Bonin for several languages of East Asia are highly rudimentary; the transcription is based on French spelling conventions. These lists nonetheless provide hints about the pronunciation of these languages at the end of the 19th century. We examine two of Bonin's lists in light of more recent and more systematic descriptions of the same languages, looking for evidence about phonetic evolutions. The Naxi word list offers hints about the pronunciation of vowels /i/, /y/ and /o/ and the degree of palatalization of velars before high front vowels. The list for Pumi shows that the initial cluster /st-/ was still present at the time in the dialect recorded.
Laze is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken in the county of Muli, in Sichuan, by a population of less than 1,000. The article proposes a synchronic account of Laze phonology, supplemented by a list of about 1,400 words in the Appendix. A... more
Laze is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken in the county of Muli, in Sichuan, by a population of less than 1,000. The article proposes a synchronic account of Laze phonology, supplemented by a list of about 1,400 words in the Appendix. A phonemic analysis is proposed, with an inventory of syllables that brings to light the synchronic distributional properties of Laze onsets and rhymes - properties that are crucial to ongoing research into the historical phonology of the subgroup of Sino-Tibetan to which Laze belongs.
Sino-Tibetan (Trans-Himalayan) is one of the typologically most diverse language families in the world, one of the few comprising all gradients of morphological complexity, from isolating to polysynthetic. No consensus exists as yet on... more
Sino-Tibetan (Trans-Himalayan) is one of the typologically most diverse language families in the world, one of the few comprising all gradients of morphological complexity, from isolating to polysynthetic. No consensus exists as yet on whether the rich morphology found in some languages, in particular person indexation, should be reconstructed in the common Sino-Tibetan ancestor or whether it is a later innovation confined to and defining a particular “Rung” subgroup. In this article, we argue that this question is fundamentally a problem of phylogeny, and that the results of recent works on the phylogeny of Sino-Tibetan, supplemented by a more refined investigation of shared lexical innovations, provide support for the idea that person indexation morphology is not a recent innovation and that the languages lacking such a feature are thus innovative.
Robbeets et al.1 argue that the dispersal of the so-called “Transeurasian” languages, a highly disputed language superfamily comprising the Turkic, Mongolian, Tungusic, Koreanic, and Japonic language families, was driven by Neolithic... more
Robbeets et al.1 argue that the dispersal of the so-called “Transeurasian” languages, a highly disputed language superfamily comprising the Turkic, Mongolian, Tungusic, Koreanic, and Japonic language families, was driven by Neolithic farmers in the West Liao River region of China. They adduce evidence from linguistics, archaeology, and genetics to support their claim. An admirable feature of the Robbeets et al.’s paper is that all their datasets can be accessed. However, a closer investigation of all three types of evidence reveals fundamental problems with each of them. Robbeets et al.’s analysis of the linguistic data does not conform to the minimal standards required by traditional scholarship in historical linguistics and contradicts their own stated sound correspondence principles. A reanalysis of the genetic data finds that they do not conclusively support the farming-driven dispersal of Turkic, Mongolian, and Tungusic, nor the two-wave spread of farming to Korea. Their archae...
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Stau (Ergong, Horpa) Guillaume Jacques, Yunfan Lai, Anton Antonov, Lobsang Nima
Le livre a succes de l’archeologue Jean-Paul Demoule Mais ou sont passes les Indo-Europeens? Le mythe d’origine de l’Occident (Seuil, 2014) met en doute l’existence d’une langue ancestrale a la famille indo-europeenne sur la base de... more
Le livre a succes de l’archeologue Jean-Paul Demoule Mais ou sont passes les Indo-Europeens? Le mythe d’origine de l’Occident (Seuil, 2014) met en doute l’existence d’une langue ancestrale a la famille indo-europeenne sur la base de critiques portees a la linguistique indo-europeenne et a la linguistique historique en general. Nous montrons ici que ces critiques reposent sur une documentation biaisee, et qu’elles comportent de nombreuses erreurs et contresens, dont nous presentons une selection. Nous examinons les alternatives potentielles a l’idee d’une langue ancestrale : pidginisation, creolisation, interactions dans le cadre d’une Sprachbund, formation de langues mixtes par contact mutuel prolonge, et montrons que toutes echouent a rendre compte des flexions verbales, nominales et pronominales communes aux diverses branches de la famille. Enfin, nous rejetons l’equation entre la linguistique indo-europeenne et les ideologies racistes. Nous reaffirmons, s’il en etait besoin, le c...
The goal of this article is to contribute to the debate on lambdaism vs sigmatism by re-examining the etymology of the Turkic word for 'silver'. We propose that the PT etymon reflected in CT kumus and Chuvash kӗmӗl is a Wanderwort... more
The goal of this article is to contribute to the debate on lambdaism vs sigmatism by re-examining the etymology of the Turkic word for 'silver'. We propose that the PT etymon reflected in CT kumus and Chuvash kӗmӗl is a Wanderwort also found in various ST and AA languages. Although the source and direction of borrowing remain uncertain, all languages except CT have either a final lateral or a segment which originates from a lateral in the proto-language(s). Therefore, the data presented in this article support the idea that the correspondence -s :: -l between CT and Chuvash should be reconstructed in PT as a lateral *ɬ rather than as a palato-alveolar fricative *s.
The present paper presents a detailed description of the Associated Motion system of Classical Manchu, on the basis of original texts from the 17–18th centuries. It shows that despite superficial similarities, Classical Manchu differs in... more
The present paper presents a detailed description of the Associated Motion system of Classical Manchu, on the basis of original texts from the 17–18th centuries. It shows that despite superficial similarities, Classical Manchu differs in many ways from previously described AM systems only comprising translocative vs. cislocative markers, such as that of Japhug. This paper provides a basic framework for further research on the typology of simple AM systems.
Newari is one of the few ancient Sino-Tibetan languages attested in written texts. Since previous studies on the phylogeny of Sino-Tibetan did not take Newari data into account, we felt it is important to close this gap by providing an... more
Newari is one of the few ancient Sino-Tibetan languages attested in written texts. Since previous studies on the phylogeny of Sino-Tibetan did not take Newari data into account, we felt it is important to close this gap by providing an up-to-date comparative wordlist of Newari varieties. This wordlist has now been finalized in a first version that has additionally been standardized following the recommendations of the Cross-Linguistic Data Formats initiative.
La présente communication présente les projets scientifiques et les réalisations de deux collections hébergées par la plateforme de ressources orales Cocoon : la Collection Pangloss, qui concerne principalement des langues de tradition... more
La présente communication présente les projets scientifiques et les réalisations de deux collections hébergées par la plateforme de ressources orales Cocoon : la Collection Pangloss, qui concerne principalement des langues de tradition orale (sans écriture), du monde entier ; et la Collection AuCo, dédiée aux langues du Vietnam et de pays voisins. L’objectif est un progrès solidaire des recherches et de la documentation linguistique. L’accent est mis sur les perspectives ouvertes pour la recherche en phonétique/phonologie par certaines réalisations récentes dans le cadre de ces deux Collections.
The word lists published in 1903 by C.-E. Bonin for several languages of East Asia are highly rudimentary; the transcription is based on French spelling conventions. These lists nonetheless provide hints about the pronunciation of these... more
The word lists published in 1903 by C.-E. Bonin for several languages of East Asia are highly rudimentary; the transcription is based on French spelling conventions. These lists nonetheless provide hints about the pronunciation of these languages at the end of the 19 century. We examine two of Bonin's lists in light of more recent and more systematic descriptions of the same languages, looking for evidence about phonetic evolutions. The Naxi word list offers hints about the pronunciation of vowels /i/, /y/ and /o/ and the degree of palatalization of velars before high front vowels. The list for Pumi shows that the initial cluster /st-/ was still present at the time in the dialect recorded.
Abstract: Laze is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken in the county of Muli, in Sichuan, by a population of less than 1,000. The article proposes a synchronic account of Laze phonology, supplemented by a list of about 1,400 words in the... more
Abstract: Laze is a Sino-Tibetan language spoken in the county of Muli, in Sichuan, by a population of less than 1,000. The article proposes a synchronic account of Laze phonology, supplemented by a list of about 1,400 words in the Appendix. A phonemic analysis is proposed, with an inventory of syllables that brings to light the synchronic distributional properties of Laze onsets and rhymes–properties that are crucial to ongoing research into the historical phonology of the subgroup of Sino-Tibetan to which Laze belongs.
Robbeets et al.'s "Triangulation supports agricultural spread of the Transeurasian languages" (Nature 599, 616-621, 2021) argue that the dispersal of the so-called "Transeurasian" languages, a highly disputed language superfamily... more
Robbeets et al.'s "Triangulation supports agricultural spread of the Transeurasian languages" (Nature 599, 616-621, 2021) argue that the dispersal of the so-called "Transeurasian" languages, a highly disputed language superfamily comprising the Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic, Koreanic, and Japonic language families, was driven by Neolithic farmers from the West Liao River region of China. They adduce evidence from linguistics, archaeology, and genetics to support their claim. An admirable feature of the Robbeets et al.'s paper is that all their datasets can be accessed. However, a closer investigation of all three types of evidence reveals fundamental problems with each of them. Robbeets et al.'s analysis of the linguistic data does not conform to the minimal standards required by traditional scholarship in historical linguistics and contradicts their own stated sound correspondence principles. A reanalysis of the genetic data finds that they do not conclusively support the farming-driven dispersal of Turkic, Mongolian, and Tungusic, nor the two-wave spread of farming to Korea. Their archaeological data contain little phylogenetic signal, and we failed to reproduce the results supporting their core hypotheses about migrations. Given the severe problems we identify in all three parts of the "triangulation" process, we conclude that there is neither conclusive evidence for a Transeurasian language family nor for associating the five different language families with the spread of Neolithic farmers from the West Liao River region.
The Sino-Tibetan language family is one of the world’s largest and most prominent families, spoken by nearly 1.4 billion people. Despite the importance of the Sino-Tibetan languages, their prehistory remains controversial, with ongoing... more
The Sino-Tibetan language family is one of the world’s largest and most prominent families, spoken by nearly 1.4 billion people. Despite the importance of the Sino-Tibetan languages, their prehistory remains controversial, with ongoing debate about when and where they originated. To shed light on this debate we develop a database of comparative linguistic data, and apply the linguistic comparative method to identify sound correspondences and establish cognates. We then use phylogenetic methods to infer the relationships among these languages and estimate the age of their origin and homeland. Our findings point to Sino-Tibetan originating with north Chinese millet farmers around 7200 B.P. and suggest a link to the late Cishan and the early Yangshao cultures.
Gyalrongic languages, a subgroup of the Burmo-Qiangic branch of the Sino-Tibetan family, are spoken in the Western Sichuan Province of China. They are polysynthetic languages, and present rich verbal morphology. Although they are not... more
Gyalrongic languages, a subgroup of the Burmo-Qiangic branch of the Sino-Tibetan family, are spoken in the Western Sichuan Province of China. They are polysynthetic languages, and present rich verbal morphology. Although they are not closely related to Chinese, they are of particular interest for Sino-Tibetan/Trans-Himalayan comparative linguistics with regards to their conservative phonology and morphology. Based on previous studies on Old Chinese phonology, combining with recent fieldwork data, this paper aims to show how Gyalrong languages could shed light on Old Chinese morphology and thus contribute to the Old Chinese reconstruction. It also proposes a list of possible cognates between Old Chinese, Gyalrong languages, indicating also Tibetan cognates when available.
Research Interests:
The commercially successful book by archaeologist Jean-Paul Demoule (Seuil, 2014) casts doubt on the existence of an ancestral language of the Indo-European family on the ground of criticisms directed at Indo-European linguistics, and at... more
The commercially successful book by archaeologist Jean-Paul Demoule (Seuil, 2014) casts doubt on the existence of an ancestral language of the Indo-European family on the ground of criticisms directed at Indo-European linguistics, and at historical linguistics in general. We show here that these criticisms are based on a biased documentation, and that they contain numerous errors and misinterpretations, of which we present a selection. We examine the potential alternatives to the idea of an ancestral language : pidginization, creolization, interactions within a Sprachbund, formation of mixed languages through prolonged mutual contact, and show that all fail to account for the verbal, nominal and pronominal inflections common to the various branches of the family. Finally, we reject the equation between Indo-European linguistics and racist ideologies. We reaffirm the scientific and non-ideological nature of Indo-European historical linguistics.
In the historical evolution of Sino-Tibetan languages, the obstruentization of the lateral *l into a voiced stop such as d- is well attested in Chinese, Old Tibetan as well as Tibetan dialects, and Stau. Jingpho also displays *l >-d-... more
In the historical evolution of Sino-Tibetan languages, the obstruentization of the lateral
*l into a voiced stop such as d- is well attested in Chinese, Old Tibetan as well as Tibetan dialects,
and Stau. Jingpho also displays *l >-d- obstruentization, but this phenomenon did not get enough
attention. This paper analyzes the four cognate words shared by Jingpho and Tibetan, and proposes
that the obstruentization *l >-d- in Jingpho is a contextually determined sound change, occurring in
clusters with *s-, *m-, and *n- as first element. Obstruentization of *l is not attested after stops in
consonant clusters. After obstruentization of *l, the resulting clusters have been broken up by the
insertion of an epenthetic vowel: *Cl->*Cd->*Cə-d->Că.t-.
Background: The aim of the study was to investigate knowledge and use of wild food plants and fungi in a highland valley in the Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Region on the northeastern edges of the Tibetan Plateau. Methods: Field research was... more
Background: The aim of the study was to investigate knowledge and use of wild food plants and fungi in a highland valley in the Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Region on the northeastern edges of the Tibetan Plateau. Methods: Field research was carried out in four neighbouring villages in a mountain valley of the Diebu (Tewo) county, surrounded by spruce forests. The study consisted of 30 interviews with single informants, or group interviews (altogether 63 informants). Apart from collecting voucher specimens, we also identified fungi using DNA barcoding. Results: We recorded the use of 54 species of vascular plants. We also recorded the use of 22 mushroom taxa, which made up the largest category of wild foods. Fruits formed the largest category of food plants, with 21 species, larger than the wild greens category, which consisted of 20 species eaten after boiling or frying and 7 as raw snacks. We also recorded the alimentary use of 10 species of
Research Interests:
This article shows that a hitherto unattested construction type – namely, adverbial subordinator prefixes – is in fact attested in several languages. While Dryer’s (2013) 659-language convenience sample does not turn up any clear example... more
This article shows that a hitherto unattested construction type – namely, adverbial subordinator prefixes – is in fact attested in several languages. While Dryer’s (2013) 659-language convenience sample does not turn up any clear example of such a construction, we argue that this is in part due to arbitrary coding choices that a priori exclude potential constructions of this type. In order to document the existence of adverbial subordinator prefixes, we present three languages with different genealogical and areal affiliations (Japhug, Cree, and Coptic), each of which shows solid synchronic evidence for what appears to be a universally dispreferred feature. Furthermore, we propose a diachronic account for the paucity of documented adverbial subordinator prefixes, according to which cross-linguistic distributions of structural features make rare the source constructions from which adverbial subordinator prefixes can grammaticalize. However, there are nonetheless grammaticalization pathways, some of which seem to involve rare types of change, which can lead to the development of such prefixes.
Research Interests:
This article proposes an idealized model of direct-inverse systems inspired by canonical morphology, against which attested systems are then evaluated in terms of their deviation from it. A language-independent definition of obviation is... more
This article proposes an idealized model of direct-inverse systems inspired by canonical morphology, against which attested systems are then evaluated in terms of their deviation from it. A language-independent definition of obviation is provided, and then applied to language families other than Algonquian. Referential hierarchies are shown not to be the only way of accounting for direct-inverse systems. Finally, the article surveys the attested origins of inverse systems and the ways in which they can be further reanalyzed, ultimately leading to their decay.
The goal of this article is to contribute to the debate on lambdacism vs sigmatism by re-examining the etymology of the Turkic word for ‘silver’. We propose that the PT etymon reflected in CT kümüš and Chuvash kӗmӗl is a Wanderwort also... more
The goal of this article is to contribute to the debate on lambdacism vs sigmatism by re-examining the etymology of the Turkic word for ‘silver’. We propose that the PT etymon reflected in CT kümüš and Chuvash kӗmӗl is a Wanderwort also found in various ST and AA languages. Although the source and direction of borrowing remain uncertain, all languages except CT have either a final lateral or a segment which originates from a lat-
eral in the proto-language(s). Therefore, the data presented in this article support the idea that the correspondence -š: -l between CT and Chuvash should be reconstructed in PT as a
lateral *ɬ rather than as a palato-alveolar fricative *š.
Research Interests:
This paper deals with ‘semi-direct’ speech (Aikhenvald, 2008), also called ‘hybrid’ in the context of Tibetan languages (Tournadre, 2008), in Rtau (locally known as rəsɲəske). Rtau is a poorly documented Rgyalrongic language... more
This paper deals with ‘semi-direct’ speech (Aikhenvald, 2008), also called ‘hybrid’ in the context of Tibetan languages (Tournadre, 2008), in Rtau (locally known as rəsɲəske). Rtau is a poorly documented Rgyalrongic language (Sino-Tibetan) spoken in Rtau county, Sichuan
province, China. The data presented here is based on ongoing eldwork by the authors.
比较几个语系的相关数据可以看出鼻化特征的转移发生在音节首辅音丛和其后的元音之间。本文总结了迄今为止发现的数据,并针对一套汉藏语做了新的分析。显示这种演化在两个方向同时出现:从辅音声母到其后的元音出现在壮侗语系(台-卡岱语系)、南亚语系、汉藏语系、尼日尔-刚果语系(克瓦语)和印欧语系(凯尔特语)中;从元音向辅音声母的转移出现于苏语。仔细检验演化的条件,带出一条(规则的)不对称性。大多数情况下鼻化特征的转移是从辅音声母到其后的元音。相反方向的有规律的变化常常要附加下面任意一条对鼻... more
比较几个语系的相关数据可以看出鼻化特征的转移发生在音节首辅音丛和其后的元音之间。本文总结了迄今为止发现的数据,并针对一套汉藏语做了新的分析。显示这种演化在两个方向同时出现:从辅音声母到其后的元音出现在壮侗语系(台-卡岱语系)、南亚语系、汉藏语系、尼日尔-刚果语系(克瓦语)和印欧语系(凯尔特语)中;从元音向辅音声母的转移出现于苏语。仔细检验演化的条件,带出一条(规则的)不对称性。大多数情况下鼻化特征的转移是从辅音声母到其后的元音。相反方向的有规律的变化常常要附加下面任意一条对鼻音的限制条件:(i) 鼻辅音为非音位性(语境可预测);或者(ii) 鼻辅音后的鼻元音和口元音的对立发生中和(更倾向于鼻元音)。
This article shows that a hitherto unattested construction type – namely, adverbial subordinator prefixes – is in fact attested in several languages. While Dryer's 659-language convenience sample does not turn up any clear example of such... more
This article shows that a hitherto unattested construction type – namely, adverbial subordinator prefixes – is in fact attested in several languages. While Dryer's 659-language convenience sample does not turn up any clear example of such a construction, we argue that this is in part due to arbitrary coding choices that a priori exclude potential constructions of this type. In order to document the existence of adverbial subordinator prefixes, we present a number of languages with different genealogical and areal affiliations, each of which shows solid synchronic evidence for what appears to be a universally dispreferred feature. Furthermore, we identify some diachronic pathways through which adverbial subordinator prefixes grammaticalize.
Scepticism against the tree model has a long tradition in historical linguistics. Although scholars have emphasized that the tree model and its longstanding counterpart, the wave theory, are not necessarily incompatible, the opinion that... more
Scepticism against the tree model has a long tradition in historical linguistics. Although scholars have emphasized that the tree model and its longstanding counterpart, the wave theory, are not necessarily incompatible, the opinion that family trees are unrealistic and should be completely abandoned from historical linguistics has always enjoyed a certain popularity. This scepticism has further increased with recently proposed techniques for data visualization which seem to confirm that we can study language history without trees. In this paper, we show that family trees are not only a logical but also a practical necessity in linguistic reconstruction. While the logical necessity of the tree model follows directly from the basic assumptions underlying linguistic reconstruction, the practical necessity of the tree-model follows from its implications for a realistic modeling of language history, which always needs to involve a before and after of events. In order to save the trees from the critics, we show that the concrete arguments brought up in favor of anachronistic wave models do not hold. In comparing the phenomenon of incomplete lineage sorting in biology with processes in linguistics, we show that data which does not seem to be resolvable in trees may well be explained without turning to diffusion as an explanation. At the same time, methodological limits in historical reconstruction may easily lead to an overestimation of regularity, which may in turn surface as conflicting patterns when trying to reconstruct a coherent phylogeny. While acknowledging that not all aspects of language history are tree-like, and that integrated models which capture both vertical and lateral language relations may depict language history more realistically, we claim that all models which claim that vertical language relations can be completely ignored are essentially wrong: Either they silently still use family trees, or they only provide a static display of data and thus fail to model temporal aspects of language history.
Research Interests:
The present paper presents a detailed description of the Associated Motion system of Classical Manchu, on the basis of original texts from the XVII-XVIII th centuries. It shows that despite superficial similarities, Classical Manchu... more
The present paper presents a detailed description of the Associated Motion system of Classical Manchu, on the basis of original texts from the XVII-XVIII th centuries. It shows that despite superficial similarities, Classical Manchu differs in many ways from previously described simple AM systems only comprising translocative vs cislocative makers, such as that of Japhug. This paper provides a basic framework for further research on the typology of simple AM systems.
Research Interests:
This document is an abstract accepted for presentation at the 6th Workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages of Southwest China (STLS-2021) held at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies on September 7-11, 2021:... more
This document is an abstract accepted for presentation at the 6th Workshop on Sino-Tibetan Languages of Southwest China (STLS-2021) held at Kobe City University of Foreign Studies on September 7-11, 2021: We report on progress in interdisciplinary work using state-of-the-art technology for language documentation.
This paper reports on progress integrating the speech recognition toolkit ESPnet into Elpis, a web front-end originally designed to provide access to the Kaldi automatic speech recognition toolkit. The goal of this work is to make... more
This paper reports on progress integrating the speech recognition toolkit ESPnet into Elpis, a web front-end originally designed to provide access to the Kaldi automatic speech recognition toolkit. The goal of this work is to make end-to-end speech recognition models available to language workers via a user-friendly graphical interface. Encouraging results are reported on (i) development of an ESPnet recipe for use in Elpis, with preliminary results on data sets previously used for training acoustic models with the Persephone toolkit along with a new data set that had not previously been used in speech recognition, and (ii) incorporating ESPnet into Elpis along with UI enhancements and a CUDA-supported Dockerfile.
fr: La présente communication présente les projets scientifiques et les réalisations de deux collections hébergées par la plateforme de ressources orales Cocoon : la Collection Pangloss, qui concerne principalement des langues de... more
fr: La présente communication présente les projets scientifiques et les réalisations de deux collections hébergées par la plateforme de ressources orales Cocoon : la Collection Pangloss, qui concerne principalement des langues de tradition orale (sans écriture), du monde entier ; et la Collection AuCo, dédiée aux langues du Vietnam et de pays voisins. L'objectif est un progrès solidaire des recherches et de la documentation linguistique. L'accent est mis sur les perspectives ouvertes pour la recherche en phonétique/phonologie par certaines réalisations récentes dans le cadre de ces deux Collections.
Title: Contributing to joint progress in documentation and research: some achievements and future perspectives of the Pangloss Collection and the AuCo Collection
Abstract: This talk sets out the scientific goals and achievements of two collections hosted by the Cocoon Open Archive of oral resources: the Pangloss Collection, which mainly focuses on unwritten languages from all areas in the world ; and the AuCo Collection, which is dedicated to languages of Vietnam and neighbouring countries. The aim is to contribute to joint progress in language documentation and in research. Emphasis is placed on the perspectives for phonetic/phonological research that are opened by some recent achievements in the framework of these two Collections.
Haudricourt’s main legacies to the field of Chinese historical phonology are his systematic account of tonogenesis, and his reconstruction of final *-s and of labiovelars. The method that he proposed under the term of Panchronic Phonology... more
Haudricourt’s main legacies to the field of Chinese historical phonology are his systematic account of tonogenesis, and his reconstruction of final *-s and of labiovelars. The method that he proposed under the term of Panchronic Phonology holds special promise for the study of the languages of China in their universal context.
The present paper presents a detailed description of the Associated Motion system of Classical Manchu, on the basis of original texts from the 17–18th centuries. It shows that despite superficial similarities, Classical Manchu differs in... more
The present paper presents a detailed description of the Associated Motion system of Classical Manchu, on the basis of original texts from the 17–18th centuries. It shows that despite superficial similarities, Classical Manchu differs in many ways from previously described AM systems only comprising translocative vs. cislocative markers, such as that of Japhug. This paper provides a basic framework for further research on the typology of simple AM systems.
Research Interests:
This work shows that the complement-taking verb 偽 ŋjweH 'pretend' in the Archaic Chinese dialect of the Zuozhuan specifically selects nominalized complements in 者 tɕaeX. It then discuss the additional implications of this fact for the... more
This work shows that the complement-taking verb 偽 ŋjweH 'pretend' in the Archaic Chinese dialect of the Zuozhuan specifically selects nominalized complements in 者 tɕaeX. It then discuss the additional implications of this fact for the typology of complementation and the etymology of this verb.
The Sino-Tibetan language family is one of the world's largest and most prominent families, spoken by nearly 1.4 billion people. Despite the importance of the Sino-Tibetan languages, their prehistory remains controversial, with ongoing... more
The Sino-Tibetan language family is one of the world's largest and most prominent families, spoken by nearly 1.4 billion people. Despite the importance of the Sino-Tibetan languages, their prehistory remains controversial, with ongoing debate about when and where they originated. To shed light on this debate we develop a database of comparative linguistic data, and apply the linguistic comparative method to identify sound correspondences and establish cognates. We then use phylogenetic methods to infer the relationships among these languages and estimate the age of their origin and homeland. Our findings point to Sino-Tibetan originating with north Chinese millet farmers around 7200 B.P. and suggest a link to the late Cishan and the early Yangshao cultures. Sino-Tibetan languages | human prehistory | East Asia | peopling | computer-assisted language comparison
Yak, a species of bovid uniquely adapted to high-altitude environments, plays a critical role in the life of the inhabitants of the Tibetan Plateau and neighboring areas. There is currently no consensus on when these animals may have been... more
Yak, a species of bovid uniquely adapted to high-altitude environments, plays a critical role in the life of the inhabitants of the Tibetan Plateau and neighboring areas. There is currently no consensus on when these animals may have been domesticated. In this paper, we review the archaeological, genetic, and linguistic evidence relevant to this question, and suggest that the domestication took place following hybridization with taurine cattle from the end of the fourth millennium BCE. This study also shows that the original domesticators of yaks included not only the ancestors of the Tibetans, but also Rgyalrongic speaking people from Eastern Tibet.
Language is one of the most complex of human traits. There are many hypotheses about how it originated , what factors shaped its diversity, and what ongoing processes drive how it changes. We present the Causal Hypotheses in Evolutionary... more
Language is one of the most complex of human traits. There are many hypotheses about how it originated , what factors shaped its diversity, and what ongoing processes drive how it changes. We present the Causal Hypotheses in Evolutionary Linguistics Database (CHIELD,, a tool for expressing, exploring, and evaluating hypotheses. It allows researchers to integrate multiple theories into a coherent narrative, helping to design future research. We present design goals, a formal specification, and an implementation for this database. Source code is freely available for other fields to take advantage of this tool. Some initial results are presented, including identifying conflicts in theories about gossip and ritual, comparing hypotheses relating population size and morphological complexity, and an author relation network.
This paper proposes that Tangut should be classified as a West Gyalrongic language in the Sino-Tibetan/Trans-Himalayan family. We examine lexical commonalities, case marking, partial reduplication, and verbal morphology in Tangut... more
This paper proposes that Tangut should be classified as a West Gyalrongic language in the Sino-Tibetan/Trans-Himalayan family. We examine lexical  commonalities,  case  marking,  partial  reduplication,  and  verbal morphology in Tangut and in modern West Gyalrongic languages, and point out nontrivial shared innovations between Tangut and modern West Gyalrongic languages. The analysis suggests a closer genetic relationship between Tangut and Modern West Gyalrongic than between Tangut and Modern East Gyalrongic.This paper is the first study that tackles the exact linguistic affiliation of the Tangut language based on the comparative method.