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This paper investigates voice categories in Berber languages, with special attention paid to causative constructions and labile verbs.
In the present work, the kinetics of the hydrolysis of the complex Trans-K[Cr(ox) 2 (H 2 O) 2 ].3H 2 O have been studied in aqueous media at (pH = 4.7, 5.1, 5.6 and 6.3) (μ=0.4 NaNO 3). The hydrolysis rate was found to be acid dependent... more
The present paper is a continuation of Voice, lability, and causatives in Berber (I) that appeared in EDB 32 (2013): 63-79. Part I discussed Berber verbal system (including verbal derivation that expresses changes in verb valency),... more
The western variety of Peninsular Spanish possesses a type of causative construction in which an intransitive lexeme is used transitively. This phenomenon , called lability, is attested in three specific verbs: caer ('to fall'), quedar... more
In this talk I give a brief introduction to the subject of ergativity, some terminological issues and a delineation of ergativity from a functional perspective. This talk is intended for students who are not yet familiar with ergative... more
Full text / texte complet : This paper deals with the identification of labile verbs in Andi (Nakh-Daghestanian, Russia), and more specifically its methods, results and conclusions for... more
• In the clade of Penstemon and segregate genera, pollination syndromes are well defined among the 284 species. Most display combinations of floral characters associated with pollination by Hymenoptera, the ancestral mode of pollination... more
Psychological preparedness is defined as a phenomenon to face challenges in life as you are able to understand, anticipate, recognize and manage your anxieties, stress, emotional responses, and feel more confident, efficient in... more
A new complex of Cr(III) has been prepared, and the kinetics and equilibrium study of the substitution reaction of the complex Trans-K[Cr(ox)2(H2O)2].3H2O {T1}, with 4-aminoantipyrine {AAP}, have been performed in aqueous media at (pH =... more
The article deals with the typological analysis of labile (ambitransitive) verbs and their cross-linguistic distribution. Although Haspelmath (1993) considers the distribution of labile verbs, as well as causativization and... more
В этом тексте я анализирую окказиональные употребления типа "Я поступала дочку в институт", "Ты подгорела, ты и отмывай" и прихожу к выводу, что носители русского языка способны при порождении речи подстраивать синтаксическую переходность... more
The present paper consists of two parts. In part 1 (this document), I discuss voice and lability in Berber. In part 2 (to appear later), I investigate Berber causative constructions. In this paper, I discuss various Berber languages, but... more
In this paper we will discuss morphological effects of agent-oriented components (AOC) of verbal semantics with relation to passive lability. Pas-sive lability, which is a typological rarum, is widely spread in Mande lan-guages. In some... more
Background and objectives: Environmental pollution by heavy metals has been known as a serious problem associated with industrialization. Due to high stability nature, heavy metals could be accumulated in soils at toxic levels and insert... more
The relation between affective instability and two facets of emotional awareness, attention to emotion and clarity of emotion, was examined in two community samples (Ns = 303, 101) and one student sample (N = 409). Affective instability... more
Labile metal species in aquatic humic substances (HSs) were characterized by ion exchange on cellulose phosphate (CellPhos) by applying an optimized batch procedure. The HSs investigated were pre-extracted from humic-rich waters by... more