What’s New in Mendeley: Our Most Recent Releases

We are always working hard at Mendeley to release features that will make the researcher’s life a bit easier. Here we share our most recent releases in Mendeley. 

Take advantage of a variety of options

Previously the only citation style available with the ‘Copy as citation’ function was American Psychological Association (APA), users are now able to select their default preference from a list of 10 citation styles. 

Simply select a citation via the checkbox and a toolbar should appear at the bottom of the screen. Select “Copy as” and then “Change Citation Style”, your Preferences side panel will pop up where you will be able to choose from the list. 

Quicker imports than before  

Users have always been able to import multiple files and to make that process even quicker and easier, users can now import multiple files at a time by simply importing the folder containing them.  

Easily shed the extra references 

Further in our bid to make processes quicker and easier, instead of deleting each duplicate reference, users can now select the reference they want to keep and automatically delete the duplicate references they don’t want. 

All you have to do is go to your Duplicates collection, select the “Actions” menu on the reference you want to keep and select “Keep this reference only”. 

Personalise your library experience 

In addition to resizing columns to user preference, users are now able to organise those columns to their preference by dragging and dropping the column titles.

These are just a few of the many features in Mendeley Reference Manager and Mendeley Cite, that can help simplify your referencing and citation workflow. Download Mendeley Reference Manager and Mendeley Cite today to see how they make researching simple.