Business, Management and Accounting Top 5 Trending Papers for December 2018

During December we analysed millions of academic papers in Business, Management and Accounting to discover the top 5 articles being read by Mendeley users in the discipline. We believe these papers will have an impact on the influential academic papers of tomorrow.

Mendeley Trending considers the number of people reading a specific paper, the change in number of new readers within a timeframe and how recently the paper was published.

Some of these papers can be viewed on the Mendeley Web Catalog page, and to access others you may need to click on ‘Get full text’ to view it on the publisher’s site.

  • Topics in this list: Big Data Challenges, Business Model Innovation, Business Models for Sustainability, Sustainable Business Model Innovation

A) Critical analysis of Big Data challenges and analytical methods (1079 Readers)

Big Data (BD), with their potential to ascertain valued insights for enhanced decision-making process, have recently attracted substantial…

Sivarajah U. et al. in Journal of Business Research (2017)


B) Fifteen Years of Research on Business Model Innovation: How Far Have We Come, and Where Should We Go? (613 Readers)

Over the last 15 years, business model innovation (BMI) has gained an increasing amount of attention in management research and among practitioners…

Foss N. et al. in Journal of Management (2016)


C) Business Models for Sustainability: Origins, Present Research, and Future Avenue (350 Readers)

The recent global economic and financial crises have raised fundamental questions about the impacts of existing corporate business models on the sustainability of the global economy and society…

Stefan S. et al. in Organization and Environment (2016)


D) Sustainable business model innovation: A review (161 Readers)

The capability to rapidly and successfully move into new business models is an important source of sustainable competitive advantage and a key leverage to improve the sustainability performance…

Lena A. et al. in Journal of Cleaner Production (2018)


E) Debating big data: A literature review on realizing value from big data (591 Readers)

Big data has been considered to be a breakthrough technological development over recent years. Notwithstanding, we have as yet limited understanding of how organizations translate its potential…

Wendy Arianne G. et al. in Journal of Strategic Information Systems (2017)


That’s it for open access Business, Management and Accounting papers this month. If you like this curation, please let us know with a like or share.


Explore the Mendeley Web Catalog here.