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Frederic Schultz

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Frederic Schultz
Image of Frederic Schultz


Candidate, President of the United States

Elections and appointments
Next election

November 5, 2024



Columbia, 1990


Georgetown University Law Center, 1994

North Carolina
Human rights and voting rights attorney

Frederic Schultz (unaffiliated) is running for election for President of the United States. He declared candidacy for the general election scheduled on November 5, 2024.


Frederic Schultz was born in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He earned a bachelor's degree from Columbia in 1990 and a law degree from the Georgetown University Law Center in 1994. His career experience includes working as a human rights attorney, voting rights attorney, and stock trading. Schultz helped found the Academy for Jewish Religion and has served on the board of directors and the founding academy council.[1]



See also: California gubernatorial election, 2022

General election

General election for Governor of California

Incumbent Gavin Newsom defeated Brian Dahle in the general election for Governor of California on November 8, 2022.

Image of
Gavin Newsom (D)
Image of
Brian Dahle (R)

Total votes: 10,933,018
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Nonpartisan primary election

Nonpartisan primary for Governor of California

The following candidates ran in the primary for Governor of California on June 7, 2022.

Image of
Gavin Newsom (D)
Image of
Brian Dahle (R)
Image of
Michael Shellenberger (Independent) Candidate Connection
Image of
Jenny Rae Le Roux (R)
Image of
Anthony Trimino (R) Candidate Connection
Image of
Shawn Collins (R) Candidate Connection
Image of
Luis Rodriguez (G) Candidate Connection
Image of
Leo Zacky (R)
Image of
Major Williams (R) Candidate Connection
Image of
Robert Newman (R)
Image of
Joel Ventresca (D)
Image of
David Lozano (R) Candidate Connection
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Ronald Anderson (R)
Image of
Reinette Senum (Independent) Candidate Connection
Image of
Armando Perez-Serrato (D)
Image of
Ron Jones (R)
Image of
Daniel Mercuri (R)
Image of
Heather Collins (G)
Image of
Anthony Fanara (D) Candidate Connection
Image of
Cristian Morales (R) Candidate Connection
Image of
Lonnie Sortor (R) Candidate Connection
Image of
Frederic Schultz (Independent) Candidate Connection
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Woodrow Sanders III (Independent)
Image of
James Hanink (Independent)
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Serge Fiankan (Independent) Candidate Connection
Image of
Bradley Zink (Independent) Candidate Connection
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Jeff Scott (American Independent Party of California) (Write-in)
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Gurinder Bhangoo (R) (Write-in)

Total votes: 7,063,888
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

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Withdrawn or disqualified candidates

Campaign finance

Campaign themes


Video for Ballotpedia

Video submitted to Ballotpedia
Released May 31, 2022

Candidate Connection

Frederic Schultz completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey in 2022. The survey questions appear in bold and are followed by Schultz's responses. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

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I'm a lawyer who filed a human rights/voting rights case to block Roberts from swearing in Trump because he lost 2016 election to Clinton by 3,000,000 votes. I fought 3 years to the Supreme Court, where despite Roberts recusing, they denied certiorari, meaning 1-4 of those on “left” voted no. If elected governor, I’ll sue again for California citizens, whose votes count 1/3-1/2 of Americans in other states, for our human+ Constitutional rights to democracy. As I and many renowned lawyers know, 14A’s Equal Protection Clause requires our votes be counted equally, thus overrules 12A’s stealing them with Electoral College. Fought years to pass NY Child Victims’ Act. Helped close San Onofre nuclear plant when it was leaking, grilling "regulators". I’ve run for president the last 21 years to stop our government from arresting, torturing/enslaving us for unconstitutional victimless/consensual “crimes”, for a wealthtax on the 1% so we can have our human rights honored to housing, realfood, healthcare etc+ to stop spying on us illegally. I donated most funds to found L.A.’s Academy for Jewish Religion of California, advising for 23 years. Stop govt+internet spying. Pardon innocents. Free the people.

  • As Jefferson said, "The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others." USA arrests over 10m people/yr, most for victimless/consensual activity that our hurts no one, thus illegal arrests. 2.2m are in our jails, most in state jails. I'll free all the slaves convicted of victimless/consensual "crimes" and reopen every case, b/c no judge ever tells the jury of their rights to "jury nullification", to vote not guilty for any reason. Many are guilty but jailed far too long. I'll free most of the slaves in our jails. Drug prohibition is main cause of crime in our nation and world, thus we must re-legalize drugs and all victimless "crimes" to stop most real crime. Safe abortions till birth f/ all USA!
  • If Covid gets bad again, or if we have more and more frequent pandemics as scientists expect due to global warming (which we must reverse) I'll never lockdown or have mask or vaccine mandates, but will provide free N95 masks and safe real food, especially organic produce and oily fish, to all Californians and all Americans and people of world if possible, to protect us from severe illness or death by Covid. I'll ban sugar and processed food in school lunches and food stamps, to stop poisoning our citizens. Consuming processed "food" and over 5 tsp added sugar or 1 drink alcohol/day is main cause of inflammation, which not only is main cause of death by Covid, but also by most other diseases, causes 2.m / 3.5m deahts/yr in USA after Covid.
  • We must have a wealth tax on our state's wealthiest 1% which starts at $10m, on all assets above that amount, so our state will honor our human rights to safe real food for all, clean air and water, housing (starting w/ $4k tiny trailers f/ all f/ far less than current $14B bill to treat us like prisoners in shelters or motels where not allowed a guest), to jobs and a basic income of $25k, making up the difference f/ those who earn less. If I win, I move into a tent and the homeless move into the mansion. Free college (public and private) and forgive all student loans. Fought f/ $20 living wage f/ 20 yrs, and f/ yrs f/ 4 day 24hr workweek. 1 armed guard/classroom! Human Rights now!

I believe our nation must stop persecuting us f/all victimless+consensual activity they have deemed crimes, especailly "drugs", sexwork, abortion,gambling+drinking alcohol+driving, which we can and must fight w/ video game tests before driving instead of arrests which catch 1% impaired ppl. 22 years ago I was wrongfully arrested 2x, tortured f/ 1/2 hr the 1st time w/ handcuffs that were so tight I suffered nerve damage. I KNEW I was NOT impaired, but breathalyzer showed I was just @ legal limit. The NYTimes did an investigation which proved THEY LIE+ALWAYS show 10-40% above actual blood alcohol! "These Machines Can Put You in Jail. Don’t Trust Them. Alcohol breath tests, a linchpin of the criminal justice system, are often unreliable, a Times investigation found."
I will free all people wrongfully tortured and enslaved in our jails.
We must REPURPOSE THE POLICE to PROTECT US, not attack and murder us, disproportionately w/ darker skinned people, who have never hurt anyone. We need ARMED GUARDS IN EVERY CLASS to PROTECT OUR KIDS, slaughtered daily. Legalizing drugs will end most crime+accidental overdoses here +worldwide, as attempted prohibition and regulation raises prices, causing gangs and making drugs more concentrated or adulterated w/ fentanyl too. We must give all an equal chance in life, but no state discrimination.
Abortion rts till birth no matter what SCOTUS says!

  1. FreeShamu!

I very much respect and look up to first of all my grandfather, Papa Murray Rosof, a 1st gen American whose parents had emigrated from Russia, poor Jews running for their lives. He worked hard delivering milk as a child to help his family survive. He studied hard+excelled to great heights academically, then in life. He became a Spanish teacher, an accountant, a lawyer, and a night court judge. He ran for Congress twice. He invested in real estate, but had to sell most of his property after new rent control laws made the buildings unprofitable. (Why I consider rent controls for brief emergencies only.) Best to make enough affordable housing for all, and in meantime cheap trailers for all, but not put landowners out of business. Using "eminent domain", the govt made him sell the one building he owned that would have been now worth Billions, to a corporation that then rented it out to the govt on site that became the Twin Towers! I thus oppose land seizures except in emergencies!
I've loved+emulated Mahatma Gandhi+Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. my whole life too! I love that they fought for our equal rights to democracy, to all live decent lives no matter our ethnicity (aka "race", which there is no such thing). I have always opposed grouping us by our ethnicity, "race" or religion since childhood when had to take my first standardized test+had to check off my "race" (which I didn't know!)+later RELIGION! Then they took my score+ lowered it based on what I checked! That is not fair! I've always believed what IS fair is to give all an equal chance at success by providing us all w/ equal education, free test prep, free college (pub+priv), income, housing, food, healthcare+childcare+ to FREEDOM if not hurting/robbing anyone, but not "affirmative action" discrimination!
I've always admired Frederick Douglass+Harriet Tubman f/ fighting to free millions from slavery, as I've fought to do peacefully since 1986 by re-legalizing "drugs" etc! #OurBodiesOurRights!<3FCS

As a lawyer, I am already sworn to uphold the US Constitution. As we were taught in law school at Georgetown, that does not mean I must honor every word of it, it means I must honor it as I interpret it. For instance, if I had lived during the times the letter of the Constitution legalized slavery, I would have interpreted other parts of it, starting with the 9th Amendment, to require me to do all I could (peacefully) to end slavery, as a practice or in an individual case.

The 9th Amendment says, "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." This was added so that no one could ever say, "It doesn't say that in the Constitution, so you don't have that as a right!" Furthermore, it certainly should be interpreted to evolve over time: for instance, the slavery example I gave earlier!

How to decide what those rights are that are "retained by the people"? We can start w/the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, although that also does not have to be the be all and end all of the issue! However, it does protect our rights to be free from all slavery torture inhuman punishment (current jail), to "equal and universal suffrage" (voting) and to "equal access to public service", thus banning any fees to run f/ office+all $ from politics! Banning all campaign contributions, which inherently violate equal access by giving more access to those with money! No, even small donations must not be allowed, b/c those rely on fame, determined by money. Right to decent standard of living, to work, higher education based on merit, to marry+procreate, to privacy! I'll protect our rights to privacy, not allowing internet companies or the federal govt to spy on us (aka track us) w/o a warrant showing probable cause of a crime with victims. Protecting Californians' privacy rights will protect all humans' privacy rights, just as protecting our rights to democracy will make USA a democracy!

I believe that the only reason God puts us on this earth, and the only reason God allows us to live, is to help others. I've almost been killed many times+every time God saves me I rededicate myself to doing all I can to help others. After losing all the money I made many years ago, I've had trouble both helping others+ earning a living at the same time, while living at home, caring f/ +often saving the life of my elderly Mom who's VERY ill w/the hidden disease of diabetes! I'd love to leave the legacy of helping all reach their full potential, not just in CA, but in the world. I'd love to help bring peace to the world, end all suffering as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights envisions, and be looked back on as one who helped make the world a more loving community without any more war, murder, or slavery.
As a Jew, I'm also acutely aware that my ancestors were slaves in Egypt, and I'm very focussed on ending all modern slavery in all its forms, starting with freeing most people in our jails and stopping most arrests, which are for victimless/consensual activity that our nation was founded to protect!
We are supposed to live in a Constitutional Democracy, but we live in neither. The USA is not and has never been a democracy, because democracy means "rule by the people" and we've been always ruled by a minority due to judges following the parts of the Constitution that enact the electoral college and senate, rather than those parts that ban them like the 9th and 14th Amendments.
Furthermore, as I just alluded to, our human rights, as codified in the Bill of Rights+explicated in UDHR, are supposed to be protected by the Constitution, but they are not, in USA or the world certainly. I'd love to leave the legacy of helping to finally bring to all people, animals and plants of the world the promise of our nation's founders to bring prosperity, peace, love and community to all people of our nation and world, to help end all war, oppression, torture+slavery!

Leonard Cohen's "Everybody Knows".
I had the great joy, like being struck by lightning, of meeting him on a side street of Venice Beach, Los Angeles about 15 years ago! I remember it like yesterday! He was beaming with extraordinary love, warmth, caring, joy and interest! I was just blown away!
I've also read that he often fought off depression, and overcame many great hardships in his life, including late in life being robbed of all the money he'd earned by his "manager". When he sued and won, there was no money left to collect! This after having the royalties of the song "Suzanne" stolen by another "manager"!
His song everybody knows has the lyrics,
"Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died
Everybody talking to their pockets
Everybody wants a box of chocolates
And a long-stem rose
Everybody knows."

While campaigning, I've met hundreds of people who greatly support my campaign+want to help however they can, b/c they know that I am someone who cares about them, and is running not to oppress them, but to try to help!

I pray I can make the lyrics of that song a lie some day!

If I win as governor, even though I currently have a "net worth" of approximately zero, I won't earn more than the lowest-earning taxpayer earns, @ $14k, not $210k that Newsom takes while wasting $30B to theft + $14B not to build trailers for ALL homeless ppl in nation! I will not live in the governor's mansion like Newsom does, while people rot on the streets+ are murdered in tents daily! I'll move into a tent, just as I lived in a tent in my Mom's back yard for a year, until it blew over in a strong storm! Newsom lives in a mansion while enslaving 225,000 in our jails. Enough!<3

Since I was a senior in high school, I have been furious that neighbors with guns, who call themselves the government, had the right to attack, kidnap, rob, torture, and enslave us in jails EVEN IF WE HAVE NEVER HURT OR ROBBED ANYONE! I was a senior was just when the Reagans were ramping up their "war on drugs", even though Nancy's daughter later revealed she was addicted to amphetamines, aka legal speed! While I've fought to legalize all drugs to prevent arrests, I've also fought against even ppl taking prescription drugs, not by banning anyone from doing so, but education! Even demonized opiates are usu only deadly if combined w/ alcohol or Xanax etc, which ppl never tell you, b/c they are so focussed on banning or telling ppl not to do things that they don't tell us how to save our lives if we do!

I consider my most important responsibility to be to free all jailed f/ victimless/consensual activity, which is supposed to be legal, pardon innocents, pardon M's! Why our founders fought f/USA, to protect those rights, as they say in the 9th Amendment!
Gavin Newsom DOES NOT believe we have human rights to do to our bodies as we wish, or he would have pardoned millions! I WILL!
Newsom DOES NOT believe we have rights to an equal vote in CA, or he would have appointed an AG who would sue less populous states for stealing our rights using the electoral college and US Senate! I beg you to also vote f/ DAN KAPELOVITZ f/ AG, b/c he promised me HE WILL sue f/ our rts to democracy, as I did f/ 3 YEARS to throw evil trump out b/c he LOST to Clinton by over 3m votes!
NEWSOM HAD a responsibility to protect us from disease w/o making us all poor, and he blew it! He could+should have known an air-transmitted pandemic was coming as scientists have predicted f/ decades+stockpiled N95 masks, which he only started doing months ago!
He should have studied the science +told us YEARS AGO to quit sugar, processed "food"+alcohol+ to treat autoimmune illness+save millions of us!

First of all, we must not just slow but reverse global warming or many scientists believe most of the state will be below water in just decades! That means we can't just clean up California to fix the problem, we have to help the WHOLE WORLD reverse global warming! Yes, we must sue f/ our rights to democracy, to equal vote, to do away w/ the evil illegal electoral "college"+US Senate (and CA Senate too!) but that will only work if Pres. Biden packs the court w/ judges who know we have rights to democracy, and ideally removes all judges who don't believe in our rights to democracy, to do to our bodies as we wish, and to jury "nullification", our rights to vote however we want in criminal trials, or in civil trials even, as Judges Breyer and Scalia discuss here:, w/ Breyer saying towards end that juries are not just a "fact finding machine" and Scalia saying they are checks on judges, legislatures, and tyranny! As Scalia said, "when the Constitution was ratified, juries used to find not only the facts but the law." MEANING that the founders MEANT FOR juries to determine the law, and all the law since violates their original intention. So really, we must remove all current judges, unless they believe in our rights to democracy, freedom if not hurting others, and necessity to tell jurors of their rights to vote not guilty for whatever moral reason they believe.
To end global warming: IF US congress won't, CA must produce enough FREE renewable energy converters for whole world! 1B ppl burn dried cow dung f/ fuel, killing planet, which is free, so we must have free clean alternative!
We need to make govt a force to stop oppressing us, to lift us up! That means banning $ from politics, a small wealth tax on our richest citizens so all our human rights+economic needs are met! Should even have $20/hr minimum wage, fought f/f/ 20 yrs, + 4 day workweek, so all can benefit from computers!

Newsom had no right to ban us from working! All he had to do was tell us we had to quit sugar, processed food +alcohol f/ 9 days to survive Covid+supplied real food! As I said, he should have stockpiled N95 masks f/ yrs+ also O2 generators, in preparation f/ the pandemic all said was coming! The answer to a question should never be: we'll make everyone poor, as we should know poverty creates its own problems when ppl are forced to live on the streets, then face rape or murder, or arrest then rape, slavery and murder in our jails!
All he had to do was quickly grow enough safe real food f/ all, especially organic produce, fish+vitamins! For whole world, if no one else would!
If elected I will use emergency powers to get ppl off streets and into safe trailers! Will use to get ppl to quit sugar, processed food+alcohol, by banning added sugars, processed foods, chemicals+even as much as possible plastic packaging, which poisons foods, but also the planet, which we then consume!
We must use our emergency powers to reverse CA pollution, by banning most plastics, which the fish etc eat, then we eat!
Then use emergency powers, if legislature won't go along, to create waste to fuel plants, b/c we are all dying every second from plastic which w/in years will be larger content of plastic in ocean than fish! We can and must burn that plastic and all our waste in waste to fuel plants!
We should use our emergency powers to STOP ALL SCHOOL SHOOTINGS and declare public shootings a public health emergency, then use that power to have one armed guard/class, as I've said, as all experts believe police response will never be fast enough to prevent a few murders at least! My solution would prevent even one more murder, w/ perfect aim, of course.
We should use our emergency powers to say I will honor my oath+ protect all Americans rights to do to our bodies as we wish including abortions, no matter what illegal SCOTUS says! Even arrest electors+senators f/ stealing our votes!

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Campaign finance summary

Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. Depending on the election or state, this may represent only a portion of all the funds spent on their behalf. Satellite spending groups may or may not have expended funds related to the candidate or politician on whose page you are reading this disclaimer. Campaign finance data from elections may be incomplete. For elections to federal offices, complete data can be found at the FEC website. Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law.

Frederic Schultz campaign contribution history
2024* President of the United StatesCandidacy Declared general$0 N/A**
2022Governor of CaliforniaLost primary$0 $0
2020President of the United StatesLost convention$0 N/A**
Grand total$0 N/A**
Sources: OpenSecretsFederal Elections Commission ***This product uses the openFEC API but is not endorsed or certified by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
* Data from this year may not be complete
** Data on expenditures is not available for this election cycle
Note: Totals above reflect only availabale data.

See also

External links


  1. Information submitted to Ballotpedia through the Candidate Connection survey on June 1, 2022