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2024 Election

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That Donald Trump is a political martyr is indisputable. It was already bedrock truth in January, 2021, when I first uttered the M-word. The occasion was the president's second impeachment, passed impromptu in the House, with no due process of law afforded him whatsoever. That the persecution of Trump is his badge of honor, a... Read More
King Tuck clearly carried the Fox News network and its nits
Whether full of spleen or in support of Tucker Carlson, the commentariat, as usual, was dead wrong about the effects of his firing on the Fox News network. The disposable clowns at The Dispatch echoed the gleeful sentiment, coming from the left and the pseudo-right. Posted on Nick Catoggio’s crudely (and cruelly) titled “Boiling Frogs”... Read More
THE GULF BETWEEN principles and practice, doxa and praxis, is eternal—all the more so when it comes to the politician. When you think of a GOP candidate, in particular, you think of neither creed nor action, but, rather, of a list of talking points and policy positions to the exclusion of bedrock principles. “God, groceries... Read More
Fix News is finished, having just fired their only attraction, Tucker Carlson. As a writer who put in years of sustained antiwar writing against Genghis Bush and the neocon coterie—who burned (and consequently burnt-out) as hot as a Babylonian kiln against invasions backed 100 percent by Faux New and its blonde war-porn flank—something just short... Read More
Without listening to any of the other victory speeches—and without a shadow of a doubt—I'll say that the best electoral victory address was that of Ron DeSantis, who has handily won a second term as Florida's governor. Tuesday noon is when David Vance and your columnist pre-record a new segment of our Hard Truth podcast.... Read More
Ilana Mercer
About Ilana Mercer

ILANA Mercer is the author of "The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed," (June, 2016) and “Into The Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa” (2011) She has been writing a popular, weekly, paleolibertarian column—begun in Canada—since 1999. Ilana’s online homes are www.IlanaMercer.com & www.BarelyABlog.com. Follow her on https://twitter.com/IlanaMercer.

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