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Can I Rant About the Anal Pope and Such? He’s Going Vaginal Now.

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Saint Paul didn’t stutter, you freaks. It means what it says.
Saint Paul didn’t stutter, you freaks. It means what it says.

I’ve been fixated for years now on a need to join the Catholic Church. And I still will.

But there are questions I still have as to where exactly the line is for the Pope, and what exactly it means if he is totally out of control.

We appear to be entering “totally out of control” territory, frankly. In fact, that point was arguably passed some time ago.

I’ve read the various “trads” and so on. I feel I have the necessary information to understand, and yet, do not understand what it means if the Pope is evidenced to be a homosexual in clear rebellion against God and the Church. I understand, however, that there is an answer to this that is not Sedevacantism.

There is a question how that is actually Catholicism at all, as it would seem to fit the definition of protestantism. Although, given that it is not Sola Scriptura, it doesn’t have the problems of basic incoherence that most Protestantism has.

What is clear to me is that the answer to the question ultimately does not matter that much, because there can only be one Church.

And then…

Well, I could go on and on, of course. Catholics/Sedevacantists rage at me over it when I do go on, but what they are apparently unaware of (or don’t care about) is that something around 90% of white Americans were raised either completely secular or, more likely, in a ridiculous protestant church that should be an absolute embarrassment to any adult male. So, I’m going to write whatever I want about this, because my experience is shared by the majority of the English-as-a-first-language readership.

Further, for me it is an actual experience that I am experiencing, which is not usually what I’m writing about. Usually, I’m applying objective information that I’ve learned to various current events, or otherwise elucidating concepts based on a very stable understanding of the subject matter.

And yes. I understand the irony of a subjective perception of an objective understanding. But I’m right about women, I’m right about the Jews, I’m right about homosexuality, I’m right about race, I’m right about the Dalai Lama being a satanic cannibal, and I’m right about a lot of other things that were not taken for granted a decade ago when I started this website.

I’m that nigga who invented the Napcel, alright?

At this point in my life, I say with as much conviction as it is possible for a man to say anything that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, born of a virgin, crucified and arisen from the grave, and that the sins we’ve carried on our backs and in our skulls since our whore mother Eve convinced our simp father Adam to go along with the brilliant plan of a talking snake can be taken off of us and we may be permitted to enter paradise with our Father God.

There is nothing I’m more sure of, and therefore, it is very strange, and a sign of an age of bad doom that I am not a member of a church. It may say something about me personally, or rather it must, but it says something much more about the age, and the fact that the Pope has called for the legalization of homosexuality among a very extreme list of other very strange statements is the biggest part of why I am not a confirmed Catholic at time of writing.

My current perception is that the Pope is not the Church, that the Church belongs to Christ and to us, the followers of Christ, and that good men joining the Church makes it better. My current perception is also that it is God’s will that the Eastern and Western Catholic Churches will reunite, and that Protestantism will stop existing as anything other than what it is in most of the world – a CIA cult used like Wahabbist terrorism or neo-Nazism to undermine states not on-board with the Americanist agenda.

It seems to me that if I am Irish-German then my obvious responsibility is to join the Western Catholic Church and do what I can to further the full reunification of the Body of Christ.

But I am learning this. I am working towards understanding. I am praying, primarily the Lord’s Prayer and the Orthodox Jesus Prayer, and I am studying, and I am having conversations, and I am thinking.

I am not ready to accept that referring to Pope Francis as “The Anal Pope” is not a good idea. The Bible says homosexuals deserve the death penalty, and I don’t need to do Sola Scriptura because among others, the Council of Paris (AD 829) explicitly endorsed the death penalty for homosexuality, and this has been standard through most of church (and for that matter, most of pre-Christian Northern European) history.

The Council of Paris gave very interesting reasoning for killing homos: that allowing them to live would bring down the wrath of God and give victories to the enemies of Christendom (Islam was of particular concern at the time).

When I look around, what I see is the wrath of God being brought down on those who tolerate and now actively celebrate homosexuality. As I look at what is happening to my people, and as I pray and ponder, I am willing to entertain not blaming the Jews in the same way I’ve typically been prone to doing. The Romanian (Orthodox) interwar politician and leader of The Legion of the Archangel Michael, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, said:

“A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.”

Codreanu was an interesting man and a fun writer. Possibly as I age I would take more issue with his numerous justifications for extreme forms of violence, and I would certainly take issue with his claims to have been given visions from the Archangel, as well as much of the mysticism in general.

(He was actually sort of a standard kind of whacko you found around both communist and fascist movements during this confused period. I don’t think it’s the same thing on any level at all, but it’s the same sort of thing, where people are going to look back and ask why Tucker Carlson was promoting gay marriage and Donald Trump Jr. was promoting trannyism during a time where the mainstream of the youth was promoting Hitler. There was just some really strange stuff happening in that period when man was first coming face to face with the awesome power of the machine. Being born into the era where you saw electricity first be harnessed at scale is going to lead to stuff like “hey, let’s put that terrorist guy who talks to angels in charge of our political movement.”)

But is the statement true?

Do the Jews settle the swamp or are they the swamp?

I am open to considering this further, but I think that probably, the answer has to be “both.” If men were free of sin, we would be free of the Jews, but if we were free of sin, we would not need Christ. So the temptations that the Jews bring are a form of violence, because we are in a fallen state. But at the same time, the more you resist sin, the fewer Jews you’re going to have around bleeding you.

As we return to the previous thread, taking note that the Jews are mere agents of the devil, however, we note: we are in a spiral, where sin is bringing doom and doom is bringing sin.

We should relate the concept that the victim is always the victimizer, a cycle that began with the pain that Cain felt, as his offering pleased not the Lord. This is not to say that Cain was a victim of God, but that his sin in slaying Abel came from a place of shame and hurt, which birthed hatred and violence. Since then, every victimizer has first been a victim.

Without God, there is no forgiveness, there is no repentance, and the sin through which we victimize one another can only continue to intensify. There is no way to clear the cache, as it were. So every man becomes a beast, preying on other beasts, as in the imagery of Inferno.

Both most obvious and most tragic is the boy molested who goes on to molest boys.

The thing that I loath most of all is the molestation of a boy. I have said this many times, and been confronted regarding why it should be different for a prepubescent girl, and it is because it does not break her soul. The molestation of a little girl certainly causes harm, and as much as I dislike women I would not downplay it, but homosexual molestation of boys is designed to take the innocence of a child and make it the incubation vessel for a monster.

The Pope has called, explicitly, for decriminalization of homosexuality. The only reason you would do this is if you wanted to increase the occurrence of homosexuality.

You are turning innocent little boys into monsters, you are bringing the wrath of God down upon us to increase this and all other evil, and with the increase in sin and doom, we develop further distance from God, and sin manifests more and more aggressively, and you now have celebration of mutilating children.

And darker things are still to come if God does not stop it.

For America, we must have passed the point where we are beyond redemption as a nation.

I have said that there is nothing more satanic than taking a vulnerable and innocent child and telling it it is the opposite sex and then injecting it with hormones and mutilating its body. Frankly, this action makes both child rape and human sacrifice look like a Mary Poppins dance routine. So I’m not sure where we go from here exactly, but I suspect it will involve requiring people to participate in it more directly. Although, with the pronouns and such, there is already a high degree of forced participation. You also already have the state taking kids from their parents to mutilate them.

The Pope is, in a way, participating in all of this.

He is now going from anus to vagina, once again assaulting the Christian faith and the order of nature.


Pope Francis, in a historic move that could lead to more inclusiveness in decision-making in the Roman Catholic Church, will allow women to vote for the first time at a global meeting of bishops in October.

In the past, women were allowed to attend the synods, a papal advisory body, as auditors but with no right to vote.

The revolutionary rules, announced on Wednesday, allow for five religious sisters with voting rights.

Additionally, the pope has decided the inclusion of what a Vatican document called “70 non-bishop members who represent various groupings of the faithful of the people of God”.

The 70 priests, religious sisters, deacons and lay Catholics will be chosen by the pope from a list of 140 people recommended by national bishops’ conferences. The conferences were encouraged to include young people. The Vatican has asked that 50% of the 70 be women.

Are the girls going to be rolling on X and selling feet pics as well, Pope?

You can say that is less extreme than his homosexuality promotion, but it’s actually not. It’s just as clearly a violation of the Bible and the history of the Church and it ties into the homosexual agenda, because it is only women who back the homosexual agenda. All men are fundamentally repulsed by it, which is why in the most masculine societies – Islamic and African countries – you have the death penalty, including my favorite “rooftop bowling” – while in the most feminine nations, which are Northern European states, you have the active celebration of child homosexuality and organized attempts by the state to use sexual abuse to turn children into homosexuals.

These women the Vaginal Pope is bringing in to run things will forward all of his various agendas, from the denial of Hell, to the invasion of Europe by the Islamic hordes, to the tolerance of the Jews, up to and very most aggressively, his gay agenda.

I should have started this with a better plan for circling back around.

Give me a second.

Yes, okay.

This is a very strange time in all aspects, and it is only capable of being this strange because the Church is hurting. If the Church were not hurting, there would not be all of these people trying to bring down God’s wrath on us by maximizing homosexual behavior. If the Church was healthy and strong and you had people like Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump Jr. out actively promoting homosexuality, you would have protests or like, a January 6 type situation at the Fox News studios.

The solution can only be to join the Church.

I’ve been wanting to see if I can interview both E. Michael Jones and Roosh V on this topic. It’s just another thing to figure out how to record. Some guy posted a really nasty comment about my audio on WANG TOWN a couple weeks ago and it hit. During my 3 months on Twitter, I’d say there were 3 hits, and that was one of them.

Too personal.

Too personal.

I will say: social media is garbage and I’m not buying a cellphone. And there is some sense of relief in this mysterious Twitter ban (although I still feel like it’s going to be reversed, because of the structure of it, i.e., double jeopardy for a pornographic joke of the kind that was not explicitly banned under pre-Elon Twitter).

I’m just going to have to cut it. This is another disaster, and for that I AM ONCE AGAIN APOLOGIZING.

But I think we got some ideas out there, and I put up 2,700 words in 48 minutes so I can now go focus on thinking about my impending series of very serious essays.

I kept saying I wanted to write another topic focused book, but when it comes down to it, when it comes down to virtually any topic (of a certain level of specificity), the difference between a 6,000-word essay and a 60,000-word book is elaboration that often borders on repetition and indeed, filler.

So, I was saying – the addiction hoax and the ideology hoax are both worthy of book length works, because these are things that like, no one says. Another woman book built on a critique of PUA/manosphere as further mommyism is also called for. But there are all kinds of things in my life, and things rarely get done. I’ve got at least 7 works between 30k-70k words, which have been written when people were whining the site was too low energy, which I don’t have the ability to finish without either an editor or a 10-day break (each work, probably).

But 3,000-6,000 word essays I can pump out in my sleep. The piece of garbage you’re reading now could be a solid 3,000-word essay about the post-protestant longing for Catholicism during the worst crisis in the history of the Church (wherein the Pope is actively promoting homosexuality). But that would take 2.5 hours, and I don’t think it’s worth it. You know. I’ve got like, crypto charts to look at and shit, bro.

People don’t even know I called WOO and made like, almost $600 last week, bruv. I was on the verge of calling myself the Ice Cream Man, and I told one dude at the barber shop and two hours later I had 5 niggas from Zone 6 roll up at my crib and took half my WOO winnings. I got smacked straight upside my head. Smacked that WOO straight out. Then the nigga is like “next time yall start name dropping Zone 6 niggas, we gonna pop your ass so hard your brains’ll be listing themselves on Coin Gecko.”

Plus, if I’m being real – if you can let a nigga just be real with ya – I think that the keyboard slam heavy content/low or no structure, overly personal (I’m not using the term “stream of consciousness” and would appreciate it if you did not either, but it does simulate thought if not stimulate it) – this particular style right here – is a relatively unique style which I am often able to make fun to read. I don’t think this is the best example of the style. But it’s not like this is the only way I write, you know?

But the numbers have always shown that the readership likes this crap. And sometimes, in these types of writings, you end up with gems like:

“I’m not using the term “stream of consciousness” and would appreciate it if you did not either, but it does simulate thought if not stimulate it.”

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. It’s not just the Pope, it’s three-fourths of the priests. My son is Orthodox now and you might find peace there. The most ancient churches are Orthodox, not Catholic.

  2. gay troll [AKA "deadname"] says:

    Too funny. Woe to anyone who takes this writer seriously. My favorite part was where he defended the molestation of young girls. But the black rapper impersonations and Zionist bloodthirst were also exceptionally ironic touches for our supposed white Christian nationalist.

    Too bad that Jesus doesn’t say anything about the sin of homosexuality. Only the Torah thumping Jew named Paul condemns it. According to the actual words of Jesus, the Torah brand of justice is not to be enforced anymore. Jesus rejects taking an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, saying instead to agree with and submit to your adversary. In Luke, he prevents capital punishment from being inflicted on a fornicator. I’m sure he would do the same for a power bottom.

    The only time Jesus alludes to queers, he asks people to “grasp” or understand them. He says some men are born eunuchs and some even chose to become eunuchs for the sake of the Heavenly kingdom.

    Andrew just wants to do the Old Testament stuff. Putting their blood on them.

    Andrew is the biggest Jew of all.

    Take the log out of your eye, bitch.

  3. gay troll [AKA "deadname"] says:

    Saint Paul didn’t stutter, you freaks. It means what it says.

    Agree with this. And according to Paul:

    -There was no wise man of his age
    -There was no miracle worker either
    -He learned about Christ Jesus by reading the Jewish Bible (which is full of both words “Christ” and “Jesus”)
    -His authority on these matters comes from the unseen and nonsensical, not history or the real world
    -He knows nothing about Christ’s “life”
    -He (Paul) is a Jew who constantly solicits donations for Jerusalem
    -He also claims to be the sole architect or even the mother of Christianity.

    Yes, it means what it says. Jesus was never a real person…he was a Jewish fever dream. But if you’re going to insist that Jesus really came down to Earth and became a Galilean rock star, then how can you deny what he says in the Gospels? Where is your meekness, your submission, your mercy? It is nowhere to be found. Jesus will be sending you to Gehenna.

    • LOL: A. Clifton
  4. Wokechoke says:
    @gay troll

    Something about Millstones around their necks and chucking them in the sea.

  5. Codrenau is brilliant, everyone should read “for my legionnaires”

    Nearly a century later and it could have been written today, talking about Jews smashing their own windows at night and wailing victims, how the media termed anyone who didn’t go along with their communist sympathies “hate”

  6. @gay troll

    Your comment regarding eunuchs is stupid as it has nothing to do with fags.

    The choice to not marry gives the person more time to serve God. That’s the point of that scripture.

    The Catholic Church is garbage now. The Pope is a stupid POS.

    The Orthodox Church is a batter better choice.

    Oh, and there are quite a few scriptures that condemn homosexuality, and surely you already know this.

    In fact, every religion frowns on faggotry.

    • Replies: @gay troll
    , @raga10
    , @gay troll
  7. anon[153] • Disclaimer says:

    Nicholas Fuentes has also been asked about the Anal Pope and his answer is that he, as a common layperson, has no standing to question the Anal Pope. His ego being much too large, Anglin has yet to come to terms with this sort of self effacing position. Eventually, though, he will have to bend the knee to the Anal Pope if he wants to be Catholic. Or perhaps he should bend over instead.

    • Agree: Hulkamania
    • Replies: @Kolya Krassotkin
  8. @Red Pill Angel

    Orthodoxy is largely made up of national and ethnic churches. I’m a big fan of Orthodoxy—the eastern part of the Apostolic Church— but let’s be honest, Ss. Peter and Paul went to Rome, not Constantinople.

  9. @Racer X (覆面レーサー)

    Orthodoxy is ruined by it’s LARPing adherents in the West

  10. tosca says:

    The See is indeed vacant because the last popes were no priests. Vatican II has changed the words of the nomination of bisschops, so that the new irregularly nominated bisschops do not valuably nominate priets any more. The last pope has been consecrated as a priest by a bisschop who had not the capacity to do so. See the site Rore Santifica which explains everything better than I.

  11. @Racer X (覆面レーサー)

    They went to Rome because Anatolia had converted to Christianity VERY rapidly.

    • Replies: @Supply and Demand
  12. @Red Pill Angel

    It’s not even the priests either. It’s deeper than that. Papism has fundamentally flawed dogma.

  13. @Racer X (覆面レーサー)

    Peter and Paul also founded the Church at Antioch, dumbass. And the Church has always been organized regionally. The papist cult itself is still organized regionally.

    • Replies: @polaco
  14. Bingo! Young man, you are on the right track!!!
    And yes, an interview with Michael E. Jones – do this as soon as possible!

    • Agree: inspector general
  15. Protestantism will stop existing as anything other than what it is in most of the world – a CIA cult used like Wahabbist terrorism or neo-Nazism to undermine states not on-board with the Americanist agenda.

    This should be registered as the official definition of (((protestantism))) in dictionaries or something.

  16. Franz says:

    This is a very strange time in all aspects, and it is only capable of being this strange because the Church is hurting.

    The church is not and never was “hurting”. It’s worth billions, probably could buy the USA right now, and the only problems the church has now, or ever had before, is the distractions and diversions they create for the common folk to fall for.

    The “priest molesting” scandal was cooked up forty years ago, right after Reagan got in, at the Archdiocese of Baltimore. Among the monastic orders this is common knowledge. Regular pastors know nothing about it. They were never supposed to.

    The Catholic Church is the world’s first fully-functional post-industrial corporation. Once you know that all the strategies it plays are obvious.

  17. @gay troll

    It does seem odd, doesn’t it? If homosex is such an important, world-destroying issue, you’d think he’d have at least mentioned it. And it’s not like he doesn’t talk about sex: he’s got some pretty hardline ideas about marriage and divorce.

    Moreover: there are two people he says had “more faith than I have found in Israel.” One is a woman, and a Samaritan (and cf. the Good Samaritan); the other, even more oddly, is a Roman centurion.

    He doesn’t seem like a very typical Jew, this Jesus; he’s cruising for a bruising.

    Moreover, the Roman centurion is praised for seeking Jesus’s help to cure his “boy” or “slave” (depending on the Gospel you read). Both are terms for the object of a pederast’s attention. And why else would a Roman, a centurion at that, care so much about a slave, that he’d seek out a Jewish magician to cure him? Maybe he figured that this unmarried guy hanging out with 12 of his pals was, you know, “one of us.”

    To this day, Catholic boys recite the words of the centurion before a man in a dress gives them a wafer to chew. Makes you think, don’t it?


  18. @Racer X (覆面レーサー)

    Ss. Peter and Paul went to Rome, not Constantinople.

    Neither S existed.

    Also, neither did Rome.

    However, even if you don’t buy the Jesus & Paul Mythist view, or Chronological Revisionism, the Christian Church was founded in Asia Minor (see Paul’s churches, his travels, and the letters to the Churches in Revelation) and until the fall of Constantinople was overwhelmingly an Eastern affair.

    The First White Genocide: Deflating the Myth of “Christian Europe”

    John Philip Jenkins
    The Lost History of Christianity: The Thousand-Year Golden Age of the Church in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia–and How It Died
    New York: HarperCollins, 2008

  19. James J. O'Meara [AKA "Peter D. Bredon"] says:

    The Catholics sure are in a pickle now. How’s that “infallible authority” working out for you?

    The whole problem is a result of Protestantism, or rather, both are caused by the same social developments.

    The whole point of Catholicism is that the peasants shut up and do what they’re told. If the Pope says red is black, it is, case closed, and go back to hoeing cabbage. It’s part of the system that keeps society together by keeping the low-IQ proles in line.

    Of course, the elite — the ones smart enough to be in the clergy and state — knew the real story, and paid “the teaching” no mind.

    Once you start letting the proles ask questions, and trying to think for themselves, you have Protestantism.

    Unfortunately, todays’ “Catholics” take after the Protestants and rationalists they see around them, and think they should have “opinions” and even judge the Pope!

    The Church is not some bourgeois chattering shop, like some Parliament and the Pope is not some Prime Minister serving at the whim of the public. That’s why the Church, like the Reich, got things done, and “democracies” just fiddle around. If you don’t want someone “deciding the exception” as the Catholic jurist Carl Schmitt would say, then don’t pretend to be Catholic, just vote harder.

  20. Haruto Rat says: • Website

    For teh lulz, there is an interesting footnote on the pedowikia article on Codreanu:

    At the time of Corneliu’s birth, his father Ion Zelea Codreanu was legally known as “Ion Zelinsky” (alternate spellings “Zelinschi”, “Zilinschi”, or “Zelinski”). When registering his son’s birth in 1899, Ion declared the child’s name to be “Corneliu Codreanu”.

    Some conspiracy-minded folks believe Codreanu had at least some Jewish roots himself.

  21. @Racer X (覆面レーサー)

    made up of national


    and ethnic churches

    No. “Ethnic” churches are a violation of canon law and a heresy. The law is “one bishop for one city”.

    Ss. Peter and Paul went to Rome, not Constantinople

    It doesn’t really matter what the largest city was at the time. Canon law remains canon law.

  22. @James J. O'Meara

    If homosex is such an important, world-destroying issue, you’d think he’d have at least mentioned it.

    He also doesn’t mention sex with donkeys and dogs, nor cannibalism.

    Some things used to be too obvious to mention.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  23. As I’ve been saying here and elsewhere, we face an Islamic future, and what is striking is the way that virtually no entity in the West is preparing for this. This includes the Catholic Church. I am not now and never was Catholic, but if I were, I would feel a sense of betrayal. What exactly is the Catholic Church doing to prevent being overwhelmed by the Islamic hordes? Nothing that I can see. Instead, they seem to be welcoming them in or worrying about the harsh treatment of homosexuals instead.

    A better example of unpreparedness is the feminist movement. If you manage to get an egalitarian society in place, how do you defend it against societies that are more patriarchal? Simply condemn them as patriarchal? I can’t think of anything that feminists have written that is relevant. I have just re-read Plato’s Republic, and one thing striking about it is that he deals with the defense of his ideal state very early on. (Whether his ideas would work is another matter.) But feminists have not thought about this at all, it seems. Obviously, though, when fighting off the Islamists or any other group that is more patriarchal and is bent on conquering everyone, the feminists will have to rely on very masculine men, the very sort of people they despise. (The campaign against toxic masculinity is practically a green light to the Islamists, telling them to go ahead and conquer us.) Or they will have to rely on superior technology, but that is also the product of men and not women, generally speaking. So, the feminist movement is doomed. This wasn’t so evident when I was young because our worst enemy, the commies, seemed as willing to accept feminism as the West has been. But the situation has changed. It should be perfectly obvious that Muslims are the feminists’ worst enemies and that they need to object strenuously to their presence in the West, but they are doing nothing of the sort. When the abuses in Rotherham and other English cities were revealed, feminists had nothing much to say. Their movement is doomed.

    Ditto for the homosexuality movement. When there are people in the world who want to throw you off of tall buildings, it is pretty clear that you need to keep them out. The fact that there is no vocal, visible movement of homosexuals who are trying to keep Muslims out means that their movement is doomed, too.

    And ditto for secularism. If you are a secularist, then you need to keep religious fanatics out of your society. And no secularists seem interested in doing that. So, secularism in the West is doomed.

    The West generally is just plain doomed. How Catholicism, or Christianity in general, will fare in the West of the future, I shudder to contemplate.

    • Replies: @Hulkamania
  24. Dumbo says:

    This pope is a dope, and the church has been infiltrated by Jews, Freemasons and faggots, like the ones commenting above, but this has been happening since the Middle Ages. There is a good story in Bocaccio’s Decameron about that, about the conversion of a Jew to Catholicism after seeing Rome’s corruption up close — well, you have to read the story.

    This too shall pass. The Catholic Church will remain.

  25. Anon[143] • Disclaimer says:

    And darker things are still to come if God does not stop it.

    Then what’s stopping him? With the barest of effort, the smallest of thought, your god could turn this world into a paradise. No suffering, no blacks, no jews. All women become subservient and all assholes become closed. Easily accomplished by your god. So where is he?

  26. Division in the Church has been the rule since at least the schism between Torah-observant Christians and the followers of Paul. I’ve personally lapsed into apostasy, and so I’m biased, but my take on the situation is that the Christian Church in its present form (Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant and others) is unable to retrieve the moral and spiritual deterioration. I predict that reform can come only from Islam (in which I don’t believe either), which will impose a theocracy along the lines of the government of Iran. Some forms of fundamentalist Christianity may not be as far from Islam as often believed. That’s a harsh solution, but it may be better than the present slide towards total depravity.

    If I believed in the occult, I would regard the present pope as occupying his position and exerting his influence as a result of the direct intervention of Satan.

  27. Wokechoke says:
    @anonymous coward

    The marriage thing looks like the basic one.

  28. I don’t have to become Catholic..I was brought up in that church and knew almost right away that the priests were all Irish and ‘bullers’.

    ( That’s one of the terms we called Homosexuals where I grew up – Bullers, bullers! The act itself -bullin! ‘Hoops’ was a game of ‘Catch me if you can! And if you got caught you were taken to the priest and you had to submit to whatever it was decided to be done to you )

    It was the devil’s own job you learned immediately if you were to successfully dodge and protect yourself from wayward, young white pastors, all of whom on recollection were homosexual, on Saturday afternoons, in the large bush/tree filled church yard, in games of ‘hoops’ they organized in place of the confession you were sent to then for… to be sin-free for communion on Sunday morning…at which the ‘bread’ was utterly tasteless, disgusting, but equally guilt ridden.

    The priests were never really interested in confession-communion, made the sign of the cross in my face and absolved me of my sins when I was clearly concerned about the sin/communion question. Sunday ‘communion bread’ never tasted right because I never, ever, was required to kneel down and literally confess my sins to the white ‘Father’ in the confession box, who was more interested in playing with my ass than any confession. That was never right to me. I was always a serious kid who could read a bit and believed in the connection between God and man…in confession for the preservation of my soul and route to heaven when I died.

    I was 7 years old, managed to save my ass and was naturally rebellious that I walked out of church, stopped going at 10, when my father died 3 years later and there was no more direct famility authority to make me. By then church made no sense! I had come to see it as a senseless program I was living under and did not ask for.There was at 10 years old, living under penance- Death- for original sin I did not commit, and had nothing to do with and could never get out from under
    And now my own father was dead, prematurely I thought, then as now… and I was completely on my own period.
    And it has been a battle ever since just to live and breathe…and the Catholic church never was a help but a major hindrance…from membership as a children, all throughout my life with his hegemonic imperialist exploitative class-based impact, wherever I have lived in the world

    And again the question of church, religion, God, was then as it is now… Why? Relative to the actual, physical life experience of life I was living, what was the point to God? What could have been before life? Whatever I was unconscious, let’s say or imagine. I had no idea what life/consciousness was. But here I am burdened with original sin and fearful of death, subject to all manner of threats, insecurities etc., that I did not ask for and there was no way out or around or to relieve, but to accept it as natural, normal, live by its conditions and coordinates and that’ that! To accept it as I prove it as I go along, improve it and make the best of it as I go along

    That is the key! Why am I blamed for so much in, under so many manners, tortures actually in routine life? Who conceived of such a life then put it on me, and blamed me blames me for it? I never asked to be born! And what I am saying is, were I given the choice, in even a fifth of the awareness of life I possess currently, I would refuse life…categorically. I don’t want this nonsense. I would not make life as it were I God and had such power! I do nothing at all but the best way I can. Why would I make humanity this way?

    At 10 years old those questions popped And the conduct of the Catholic Priests I had to deal with was a major initiator of such thought. By their example they were the opposite of the religious doctrine they were teaching. Homosexuality/pedophilia was a fact I had to dodge regularly at church as a child but could not talk about it because the social aurhority of the clergy was supreme.
    You would get punished then as now for complaining about priestly pedophillia . But currently the Catholic church is helping to make Bulli’n legal. And Francis is right in the middle of it. Again no ‘sooprise!’

    All seems flowing regularly with the catholic church, the Trans eugenics extremities included and expanding. A whole lot worse of that is to come which leads me to the question ” What is Klaus Schwab and the WEF doing now while we are focused on the murderous, fake and homosexual Catholic fakerr of a religion?”

    This is the end of the human species…not the end of the American hegemony. We are way past that. The human species is not expanding anywhere it must in order to be on upward curves of survivability, but is engaged in all and every collective behaviour that decreases human chances of survival…behaviors which are being expanding and finessed for profit and for class warfare

    • Replies: @Ben Sampson
  29. Rich says:
    @gay troll

    You are incorrect. Jesus states plainly that marriage is to be between a man and a woman when He says , “Have you not read, He has made them man and woman, for this reason a man will leave his parents and live with his wife.” Mathew 19:4-5. Mathew 11:24 He condemns the city of Sodom and those who follow its way (homosexuality). Besides the dozens of other references throughout the Holy Bible. Stop lying.

  30. Religion: the mental deficiency that leads putatively rational adults to refuse to accept the fact that the nearly infinite universe couldn’t care less what happens to one individually or even this planet as a whole.

  31. @Red Pill Angel

    Although raised in the Roman Church I am much more sympathetic to Orthodoxy. Many say that it is the one remaining branch of Christianity where a man can feel comfortable as a man. The Roman Church as well as the vast majority of mainline Protestant churches have cucked to a totally PC mindset. I really don’t know what is going on in the more conservative Evangelical groups. Although we may agree on morals and ethics, I really don’t feel comfortable in those circles. I really wouldn’t bother my mind about Sedevacantism. I accept the Society of Pius X, but the Sedes are borderline whackos. Getting back to men, women and family: the Roman Church is largely made up of a group of “big girls”. They have protected themselves for centuries under the skirts of Mama Vatican. In days of yore, it was unthinkable to challenge a priest- not so much on doctrinal or theoligal level, but on a more mundane level – on how parish funds are spent. It is still that way in a more cutesie fashion. Who do you think gives the Church that money? Being that the majority of Orthodox priests are married men, it is a more sympathetic place for married couples with children. The priest’s wife (called by different names depending on the original ethnicity of the parish – matushka, presbytera, khouriye) many time provides a sympathetic ear for the women of the parish -maybe even to a more professional level depending on her education. What do a bunch of celibate men (many of them gay) have to realistically say about family difficulties? In the Orthodox Church neither men nor women overstep their boundaries as far as wanting to make “the liturgy” more PC, Woke, up to date etc.. The laity have quite a bit of power in the Orthodox Church. Even though their are Patriarchs etc. the real power lies in the local bishop. It is the local bishop who laicizes a priest if there is a problem. I just pray that they do not decide to have Drag Queen Liturgy in the Roman Church.

    • Thanks: Red Pill Angel
  32. Then there is the supposed prophecy of St Malachi, which predicted the number of future popes and eerily described certain things about them. According to the prophecy, Francis is the last pope, after which follows the apocalypse. That doesn’t seem far-fetched.

  33. Notsofast says:

    i didn’t realize it was so hard to join the catholic church. they must have some very difficult entrance exams, good luck to andrew the next time, it’s not like they take just anybody. apparently many are called but few are chosen.

    pro tip: the easiest way to get in, is by marrying a catholic girl (or better yet, impregnating one), she’ll sneak you in the back door.

    don’t give up andrew, i have faith in you and remember that any catholic, can one day, become pope. hell, even women and i suppose by extension, all genders now, can be pope and you would make a great spokesman for the catholic church.

  34. @anonymous coward

    There’s another good reason:

    St. Peter d. 64/68 AD
    St. Paul d. 64/65 AD
    Constantinople founded: May 330 AD

    • LOL: bike-anarkist
  35. DanFromCT says:

    The promotion of the homo/trans agenda is straightforward warfare against God and the Christian family and, by extension, against America. There’s no need to dwell on its noisome practices except to note the predictable inversion of Logos that has the US government and its fellow-traveler apostates in the Church demanding we accept what is essentially coprophilia as an expression of love that, incredibly, is demonically symbolized by the cleansing metaphor of the rainbow. A more meaningful symbol would be a symbolized human butt.

    Maybe you could locate a more suitable logo for the homo/trans movement. Back in the 1960s when Americans fighting in Vietnam were “baby killers” because they weren’t fighting for Israel’s expansionist dreams, you’d see the peace symbol opposing our military everywhere. Its main feature was a cleverly stylized inverted cross, identifying the fake peace movement with Satan. Jokers back at the time, however, captured the actual movement by turning the straight lines of the inverted cross into curves symbolizing a human butt, which would almost perfectly capture the noisome reality wafting behind the rainbow, as well as the Pope’s disingenuous talk about mercy for the purpose of normalizing coprophilia and sodomy.

    As for Borgoglio the Pope, the majority of cardinals who elected him had to have known of his relativizing the truth by claiming theological claims of the past are no more reliable than earlier ages’ understanding of science, his apparent Teilhardian New Age-ism, etc. Because of the turmoil wihin the Church hierarchy caused by so much apostasy, I’d recommend following the writings of Carlo Maria Viganò or even the ex-communicated bishop, Richard Williamson, whose hard-hitting weekly essays in the latter case are posted on the Internet.

  36. Dumbo says:

    For some reason, most writers I like or bloggers I follow are Catholic or at least raised Catholic. The best novelists are Catholics.

    Protestantism is just not very serious, and its austerity is boring. Plus today they are promoting even trannies. Catholics are also very pozzed, starting from the Pope. But it is still not (as) bad as Protestantism.

    Orthodox Christianity is interesting but really more for Slavs.

    I think the Latin Mass is nice, there are some traditionalists around and they might still win against the Judeo-Homo-Masonic Cabal. Who knows?

    • Replies: @DanFromCT
  37. @Ben Sampson

    I guess with prodigious practise I could become as prolific and finissed as Andrew Anglin, avoiding the mistakes literary mistakes that profusely flow through my comment above.

    There it stands looking clean and bright, unruffled and unread save I am sure, by the Mod who found it useful to post up on his thread. But I do want to apologise for those mistakes which makes a barely tolerable comment intolerable, save for the Mod who I thank for being as broad in his selection policy as he demomstates here

  38. The Middle Path is the best path, and you call it well.

    On Jews and Homosexuals, Feminism and Worms, people are both responsible and victims.

    The major thing is anyone advocating more corruption, or that corruption is good and something to be celebrated in an enemy, is a voice of evil.

    It is a Devil to be faced and fought, whether directly or through living a good life.

  39. A complete waste of time. Christianity and it’s step-sister Islam are garbage. Complete denial of the laws of logic. The collapse of Rome at about 500 A.D. is followed by 1000 years of complete superstition and fear – the dark ages. Renaissance emerges circa 1500 A.D.

    Now take a look at an advanced civilization based on Confucianism:

    Take your snout out of the stupid bible and look at something else.

    Religions Based On Fear And Superstition | Religions Based On logic

    Christianity | Confucianism
    Islam | Buddhism (mainstream only)
    Judaism | Sikhism

    Porch negra with an IQ of 75 signing off

    • Replies: @Rich
    , @raga10
    , @caeser's ghost
  40. @gay troll

    Mr. Anglin, like many people, mistakes Paulianity for Christianity. That has led them all down an endless series of dead-end trails.

    One of the most degenerative traits shared by the lot of them, including Mr. Anglin here, is that their “I” is much too much with us. The Christ, known always and everywhere among us surviving Free Wild Peoples as Love Hisownself, came and showed The Way to get over the organically crippling “self” sickness….what our domesticated Sisters and Brothers often call the deadliest “sin,” pride.

    Looking around for the most likely explanation for the ongoing “fall” so constantly decried these days, there ain’t much use in looking beyond that most “original” of fatal mistakes. Still, the last place most of them are going to look, for the root of their problems, is at the heyoka image of their too-precious “self” in the mirror.

  41. @anon

    Following the Pope is not the sine qua non of being Catholic, and that Catholics respected and obeyed the Pope was always predicated on the understanding that the Pope upheld the Deposit of Faith and followed the centuries old teachings and tradition of his predecessors.

    But Bergolio, like almost everyone everywhere on the left, imagines that holding a title gives him authority to mandate and change according to his whims and fancies and he works hard at trying to create “an ape of the Church.” Happily, men with intellects far superior to his are putting the kibosh on his heretical nonsense and Trad-Catholics sift and weigh his every word, choosing what to keep and what to reject.

    Bergoglio’s only achievement of any merit will be how he, ironically and unwittingly, did so much to discredit modernism.

    • Replies: @Hulkamania
  42. @John Pepple

    Replacing papism, feminism, and secularism with Islam would be a great improvement. It’s probably the only way the west could ever be worth a shit.

    • Replies: @bike-anarkist
  43. gay troll [AKA "deadname"] says:
    @Robert Dolan

    Your comment regarding eunuchs is stupid as it has nothing to do with fags.

    Oh OK. Then maybe you can tell me what he means by being born a eunuch or choosing to become a eunuch, and why he mentions such people in the exact context of his new teachings on divorce. Genesis said that man and woman will become one flesh. Paul spoke of the sanctity of marriage…but he did not speak against divorce, and neither do the law and the prophets; Moses allowed for divorce. In Mark, Jesus redefines the law of divorce (as he there redefines all Mosaic law) and says that divorce and remarriage is tantamount to adultery.

    Matthew alters Mark slightly, allowing for divorce in the case of adultery. Matthew contains a full explication of Jesus’s views on marriage in chapter 19. His disciples tell him that if they cannot divorce their wives, perhaps it is better not to marry. And Jesus responds by asking them to “grasp” the fact that some men are born eunuchs, some are made eunuchs, and some choose to live like eunuchs (Matt 19:12). Eunuchs of course being men who are not attracted to women.

    Do you “grasp” Matthew’s meaning? As in his other embellishments of Mark, Matthew employs a black humor. He tells the disciples they can only divorce their wives in case of adultery, and when the disciples then complain that it may be better not to marry, Jesus encourages them by reminding them that some men are born “passive”, some are forced to be “passive”, and some choose to be “passive”. He thus implies that a little fraternal ass play can bring relief from the strictures of monogamy.

    What else could he possibly mean?

    • Disagree: Robert Dolan
  44. There is no church. It was destroyed in the 1960s by masons and Jews. The New Testament should be read as a confrontation between Christ and demonic Jewry, but that has been tossed out in favor of hippy garbage. Catholics historically have always been at odds with Jews. The corruption in the church immediately worsened when this truth was abandoned.

    No one is being saved. We’re all going to hell.

  45. Rich says:
    @caeser's ghost

    You have zero understanding of Christianity if you believe it is based on either fear or superstition. It’s okay, many are called but few are chosen. You may not be one of the chosen.

    • Agree: Twodees Partain
  46. @Kolya Krassotkin

    But Bergolio, like almost everyone everywhere on the left, imagines that holding a title gives him authority to mandate and change according to his whims and fancies

    It does. This was decided at the first Vatican council. In Pastor Aeternus, chapter iii.


    And since, by the Divine right of Apostolic primacy, the Roman Pontiff is placed over the Universal Church, We further teach and declare that he is the supreme judge of the faithful, [12] and that in all causes, the decision of which belongs to the Church, recourse may be had to his tribunal, [13] and that none may re-open the judgment of the Apostolic See, for none has greater authority, nor can anyone lawfully review its judgment. [14] Therefore, they stray from the right course who assert that it is lawful to appeal from the judgments of the Roman Pontiffs to an Ecumenical Council, as if to an authority higher than that of the Roman Pontiff.

    If anyone, then, shall say that the Roman Pontiff has the office merely of inspection or direction, and not the full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the Universal Church, not only in things which belong to faith and morals, but also in those which relate to the discipline and government of the Church spread throughout the world; or assert that he possesses merely the principal part, and not all the fullness of this supreme power; or that this power which he enjoys is not ordinary and immediate, both over each and all the Churches and over each and all the Pastors and the faithful; let him be anathema.

    The pederast Pope, Bergoglio, is the judge, jury, and executioner of the papist cult. Papist dupes are obligated to follow this elderly homosexual and his subversive teachings straight to hell.

  47. gay troll [AKA "deadname"] says:
    @James J. O'Meara

    It doesn’t help that “Peter” was originally just Paul’s metaphor for the Church’s penis. As confirmed by the fact that St. Peter’s “square” is actually a giant yoni and lingam. Or this charming bust of the “cosmic savior”, hidden deep in a Catholic crypt.

    Andrew Anglin’s role model


    • Thanks: bike-anarkist
  48. raga10 says:
    @Robert Dolan

    there are quite a few scriptures that condemn homosexuality,

    There are literally six verses in the entire Bible that refer to homosexuality and even some of those are open to interpretation. It is probably one of the least discussed subjects there. On the other hand there are over 2,000 verses on money and wealth, many of them on the subject of giving and sharing.
    So have you sold all your possessions and given to the poor yet? (Matthew 19:21)

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Telimektar
    , @Rich
  49. gay troll [AKA "deadname"] says:
    @Robert Dolan

    The choice to not marry gives the person more time to serve God. That’s the point of that scripture.

    Wrong. You can’t read it that way. If “eunuch” means someone who chooses not to marry, then what is a born eunuch? Or how can a man force another man to be a eunuch?

  50. John1955 says:

    Saddest thing is that Bergoglio is Jesuit = God’s Marine.

    Some Marines are b-b-b-bad to the bone ( and not in a good way 😁 )
    Charles Joseph Whitman…
    Lee Harvey Oswald…

    IMHO Jesuits are the smartest and best educated of them all. Every time after having brief conversation with my Jesuit neighbor my IQ almost (but not quite) reaches that magic 3 digit 100 score.

  51. raga10 says:
    @caeser's ghost

    Now take a look at an advanced civilization based on Confucianism

    Yes, let’s do that:

    I do agree with you on your point re: Christianity and Islam, btw – just minus the adoration of China.

    • Replies: @Lin
  52. Fenya says:

    As I agree with Henry Makow and brother Nathaneal both raised as Judas but converted as it seems.
    The elite Jews own everyone like Pope and governments and also every gentile by debt and loans.
    They have bribed way too many weak, money hungry souls to slave for them last 500 years at least
    causing most of wars, 9/11, revolutions, destruction of morals and soul as we se today.
    Control of information is crucial for the masters of deceptions and they know it.
    So sad too many Gentiles become their slaves to lead us to the Judea despotism.
    Hope the truth prevails and the we can win over the devil liberalism claimed as progressive but just
    to rot, decay, destroy.

  53. @Hulkamania

    I agree with replacing papism, but feminism and secularism are legitimate values for reasons:

    Maria Zakharova is definitely a real feminist. Her intellectual capacity is obvious head and shoulders above most here, even me. Her self-confidence is beyond anything I have seen in women politicos of any stripe. A real feminist knows that they are of equal merit in this world and will respect universality of all peoples beliefs and values. A real feminist has no need to have compensation for past grievances.

    Changing “isms” with different “isms” is a path to what we have now.

  54. Wokechoke says:

    Are any homosexual couples described at any point in the Gospels?

  55. @raga10

    I don’t have any possession and I’m poor, I accept donations though !

  56. John1955 says:

    1 Samuel 18:3-4 KJV

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  57. gay troll [AKA "deadname"] says:

    Well it’s pretty darn sweet when the dying Jesus asks his mom to become John’s mother in law. 💖

  58. It’s not difficult to join the Universal Church, as that’s what Catholic means.

    In the 18 or more countries I have been to , going to mass is always a joy because you meet people who you share an intrinsic part of your life with, and while you may not speak their language or even understand their culture, or history, you have instant friendship.

    My daughter runs Ministry as a co op position at one of the better non woke Universities an hour from home, and recently we attended the Easter Saturday vigil with the blessing of the Pascal candle, and babtised three new Catholic members at this amazing event.

    They also confirmed three other Catholics whose parents forgot to, or did not make the effort to do so.

    It was quite a joyous event, music and the extinguishing of the candles and then the lights came on.
    Actually as well as figuratively.

    The priest was a youngish excellent speaker, his homily was quite exceptional, and we had food that everyone brought afterwards, to wrap up the three hour event.

    It was wonderful.

    My daughters Irish grandparents were massive influences on her, she is a proud and vigilant Culdean Catholic, and practices what she preaches. Her best friend at this school is a Muslim, her boy friend is British Jewish, and the ministry head honcho said to her earlier in the year that no one has brought people together like that before at the School.

    Covid had ruined in house services, part of the scamdemic plans of course, but thankfully my daughter already has a legacy as she has helped revive the weekly mass, the ministry meetings are well attended, 5 more people have started the 3 month weekly bible study required, and she tells me they needed two people and two lines for the Eucharist last week.

    My daughter and her friends give me great joy and my wife and I could not be prouder of her, and the joy she brings others.

    That is the essence of our Lords sacrifice for us all, that the veil of original sin is lifted, and we can shine with the love and caring that JC Superstar exudes!

    Andrew, you would make a Great Catholic, many of us can relate to everything you say😁
    Well, almost everything.

    Never encountered a homo priest at Church, one at Boys High School but we all knew about him, there are no Priest pedophiles, they are all just homos, everyone knows that simple fact.

    The Catholic faith keeps people married together, divorce
    is never an option, the family unit comes first!


    • Replies: @Hulkamania
  59. Rich says:

    Why are you lying so much about Christianity? Homosexuality is clearly condemned in both the Old and New Testaments. There is no ambiguity. Jesus clearly states that marriage is between one man and one woman. The Old Testament states homosexuals should suffer the death penalty. Stop lying. There are over 25 Bible verses condemning homosexuality.

    • Agree: Robert Dolan
    • Replies: @raga10
  60. Lin says:

    Raga10 bhai,

    I fully understand your sentiment and there’s no need for adoration of China.
    Do you need to find a 10 years old youtube to show how bad chinese pollution is?
    Can you tell me why(besides straw and cowdung burning) bharat with its much lower fossil fuel consumption than china has 39 cities among the worst polluted global 50 cities, and china has only 2?

    • Replies: @raga10
    , @nokangaroos
  61. Mac_ says:

    The problems around us are result of two groups, the smiley pervert cons including female cons, and those who ignore. Beside the monotheism con being a con scheme, supposed krisjuns or kathleks though lesser now were a group of numbers over time, and beside ‘inquistions’ since then other bs and fraud wars and bogus ‘tax’, over the last two hundred years this territory and earth is mostly destroyed, which though each person is to make effort the larger supposed groups failing to stop the cons has been them. The few chuck baldwin or westborough bapist types very few exceptions. Now the cons have many weapons as people ignored fraud ‘wars and focused breeding instead. Wrong priority.

    The con of ‘obey and ‘turn cheek is cons bs.

    Important to see, natural law, might is right, effort makes rule, should make note. And undo con bs femy down training. Remember hate is natural. The answer isn’t more obey con religon. Instead look at moon phases and energy, make a truther friend, put bumpersticker on car. – Just gave three things can do, and expands energy instead.

    the cons use bogus media and photos and 'lighting' or fake blond hair or 'bizness clothes or religon or 'judge robes to disguise theyre psychos, and suck everything down to dead black void.

    They do their acts to steer and stop us thinking or sharing. So by that we know what we should be doing. opposite.

  62. It is quite clear that God hates fags and they will NOT enter the Kingdom of God.


    • Replies: @Red Pill Angel
  63. @MacOisdealbhtoo

    My daughter runs Ministry as a co op position at one of the better non woke Universities an hour from home

    If it has females running anything, then it is woke by definition.

    • Replies: @MacOisdealbhtoo
  64. St. Agnes says:

    Just want to say: this was honest, humble and brilliant. And, based on what I’ve read – I’ve been reading you for about a year – you’ve already completed more spiritual exercises than most Catholics offer up in a lifetime.

    “The difficulty of explaining ‘why I am a Catholic’ is that there are ten thousand reasons all amounting to one reason: that Catholicism is true.” G.K. Chesterton, 1926

    The Catholic Church still subsists in small enclaves (ghettos) around the world. I pray that you find your way, Mr. Anglin.

    – A Catholic Ghetto Family

  65. @Hulkamania

    The Bible study is part of becoming a Catholic, along with your sponsor who has to be Catholic as well, and is there to guide and assist with any questions.

    The Ministry group assist as well, and my daughter is doing another study group to become an Ecumenical Minister so she can Give out the Body of Christ as well.

    She had run our local churches Youth Group also, that she had been a part of since she was 10, when they usually start attending.

    Church is a parking lot away from the school, always a vibrant community, we have ex students in the seminary and Priesthood now, and one playing for the Stanley Cup, and it’s quite a diverse church community, over 12 countries represented.

    No purple haired kids at all, or blue or red, no pierced kids, no tats all over adults or kids, hard to believe but little to no wokeness evident.

    In a city of over 3 million people, this is the rule at the three churches I attend, my sisters in the east end, my childhood one downtown, and my west suburb one that I have been a member of for 30 years, both kids graduated from there, babtised, holy communion, confirmation etc etc.

    We are blessed to have this , and the Parish Priest is a grad of my Boys High School 5 years after me.

    He even gave us the churches financial statement, and we are flush and have more members probably because of his transparency.

    He showed up to give my mom and then my dad last rites on a days notice, and my mom rallied and is still kicking, sadly we lost my Dad though.

    Truly we are blessed by all this, and I am not a crazy catholic or Opus Dei type at all, but my faith has served my family well for centuries now, and it’s a private club with a 2000 year record, good and bad, way more good, I am very content hearing the Lords message weekly, and following his simple rules to live by.

    My posts show my pessimism, but my faith keeps me sane, and the saints around us are the sane people doing good deeds , in an insane world.

    We should all be so lucky☘️🇨🇦

    • Thanks: Red Pill Angel
  66. Rogue says:

    and as much as I dislike women

    This is the reason to not take this author too seriously.

    And seeing as he writes from a “Christian” perspective, where in scripture is there a quotable endorsement for disliking women? You know, like half the human race.

    Anglin can be fairly amusing at times – his obsession with all things bum-hole notwithstanding.

    But treat him as a lightweight. Cos that’s all he is.

  67. @Robert Dolan

    “It is quite clear that God hates fags and they will NOT enter the Kingdom of God.”

    You’re probably right, and I’m about fed up with the whole bunch myself; but on the other hand, when the book of life is opened on the last day, it’s not gonna be you or me judging. Not entering the Kingdom seems sufficient punishment to me. Sufficient to keep them away from kids, because that’s probably how they got that way.

  68. St Brigid says:

    There is only one true church that Christ started and has never abandoned. – the Catholic Church. It’s the Ark, outside of which there is no salvation. Make the plunge and you’ll never look back; the current pope may be a scandal and an embarrassment, but there is still no other way to get to heaven. Don’t worry about him. All other faiths are false and manmade. I’ll pray for you.

    • Thanks: Emslander
    • Troll: Hulkamania
    • Replies: @Hulkamania
  69. raga10 says:

    Are any homosexual couples described at any point in the Gospels?

    Not that I can think of. But the lesbian interpretation of the relationship between Nomi and Ruth (Old Testament, The Book of Ruth) is quite popular. It is also rather flimsy in my opinion, because it basically rests on sexualised interpretation of one word: “cling”.

    Some also claim that the relationship between King David and his pal Jonathan went beyond plain friendship but again, it’s very much a matter of looking for subtext… If you want to find it, you’ll find it.

  70. raga10 says:

    Jesus clearly states that marriage is between one man and one woman.

    This has literally nothing to do with homosexuality though, because like you said it concerns one man and one woman.

    The Old Testament states homosexuals should suffer the death penalty.

    Yes it does, in Leviticus. Those are two of the six verses I mentioned.

    When did a lie?

    • Replies: @Rich
  71. “homosexual molestation of boys is designed to take the innocence of a child and make it the incubation vessel for a monster.“

    I’ve always suspected that this is what is wrong a great many Jewish men, i.e. their neuroticism and slightly effeminate mannerisms. Being molested by their rabbi is all but a right of passage for them.

  72. raga10 says:

    Can you tell me why(besides straw and cowdung burning) bharat with its much lower fossil fuel consumption than china has 39 cities among the worst polluted global 50 cities, and china has only 2?

    I have absolutely no idea. So what of it? I’ve been to India and I know it’s definitely not a paradise. If someone presented utopian image of India, I’d pull them up on that just as surely.

  73. @anonymous coward

    Red Pill Angel wrote,

    The most ancient churches are Orthodox, not Catholic.

    This statement literally gets the facts backwards, and the fact that they are backwards is not even debatable. Then replying to Racer X’s apt correction,

    Ss. Peter and Paul went to Rome, not Constantinople.

    you wrote,

    It doesn’t really matter what the largest city was at the time.

    I suggest, on the contrary, that every Christian’s reflexive assumption needs to be that everything that mattered to Peter, Paul, and the other Apostles must matter to the end of time to the One, Holy, Universal, and Apostolic Church that Christ founded and entrusted to the Eleven and, shortly afterward, to Paul and Barnabas. The distinctively divine, doctrinal, and definitively and permanently significant character of the “acts of the Apostles” is indeed pointed to by the fact that the New Testament contains a divinely inspired book of that name.

    To repeat, everything that has ever mattered to the Church about the chosen companions of the Lord Himself should also ipso facto matter to all true Christians, however much the perfidious, Jew-corrupted distortions of Vatican II and the similarly corrupted prelates of the postconciliar decades try to present their monstrous mockeries of the Faith as a newer, hipper, cooler version of the genuine article.

    • Replies: @Red Pill Angel
  74. @St Brigid

    Christ did not start the papist cult. The papist cult was officially formed in 1054 by Swabian pederasts and was spread by murderous Norman thugs.

    the current pope may be a scandal and an embarrassment

    Anathema. See my post #47 above. The pope cannot be a scandal or an embarrassment for a true papist, no matter how gay and retarded he is.

    • Disagree: Emslander
  75. @Wokechoke

    Homosexual couples did not really exist in the ancient world. This is because coupling (marriage) back then was not viewed as a fulfillment of romantic love or sexual desire, but was still viewed in its traditional social role as a means of family formation and having children. So, homosexuals were typically married to a person of the opposite sex but would engage in pederasty on the side. The idea of homosexuals pairing up and living together and playing house like they are a normal married couple is a recent phenomenon that arose after the papist cult destroyed the institition of marriage with its creation of the perverse concept of “love marriage” at the Council of Trent in the 16th century.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  76. You’d be closer to Christianity if you joined the Russians Orthodox Church.


    • Replies: @John1955
  77. Funny article. I can’t be bothered reading it all. But I suggest your starting point might be the Westminster Confession of Faith and its definition of the Church. Are the Cat Licks even members of the Church, which has Jesus Christ as its only Head?

    • Replies: @Rogue
  78. It is quite a satisfying spectacle to watch Christianity in its final years fragmenting back into the chaotic panoply of lunatic cults from which it coalesced so long ago.

  79. Rogue says:
    @Ann Nonny Mouse

    Yes, no pope (or bishop of Rome or anywhere else) has ever been the head of the universal church.

    The church was founded by Jesus Christ and He alone was, is and will be the head of the church. The scripture is abundantly clear about this.

    Furthermore, a plain reading of the book of Acts does indeed place Peter in a position of leadership in the early church – but the same plain reading seems to indicate that his position of leadership gradually dissipates over time. And never does Peter lord it over any of the other disciples or anyone else, it strikes me.

    If Peter was head of the church, or the first “pope”, you’d assume some mention of that by Paul, James, John or Peter himself. But it’s nowhere in the New Testament.

    Peter was not the head of the church at any time, nor any other bishop or pope anywhere or at any time.

    Christ is the head of the church – and only Him always.

    • Replies: @gay troll
  80. Wokechoke says:

    That was handing over kingship. An abdication of the Saul dynasty.
    Probably David usurping the guy in reality.

    The bible used Yada as the word for a sexual relationship. “Knowing” in the biblical sense.

    The type of homosexual relationship doesn’t get described at all.

    • Replies: @John1955
  81. Wokechoke says:

    That’s original.

    The playing house phenomenon originates from the Papacy?

    Shieeet even the priests had housekeepers who were women. Even when it wasn’t obvious they were keeping wives.

    Most queers slake their thirst in the clubs and bathhouses. It’s a revolt against normality as Karl Lagerfeld observed. “What’s the point in bourgeois homsexual marriage?”

    • Replies: @Hulkamania
  82. Rich says:

    Since sex outside of marriage is forbidden and marriage is only between a man and a woman, homosexuality is forbidden. Can your brain comprehend that? Romans 1:26-28, 1Corinthians 6:9-11, 1Timothy 1:8-11, Jude 1:5-8, how many more times do you need to read it? And every single Christian sect, until yesterday, forbid this behavior. It’s been the teaching of the Church from the beginning. Homosexuality is also forbidden in Islam, Judaism Buddhism, Hinduism and was even forbidden in the laws of ancient Rome. Stop lying.

    • Replies: @raga10
  83. DanFromCT says:

    There are plenty of traditionalists around and many Catholic Churches are still offering the Latin Mass on a limited schedule. Traditionalists take the faith seriously and regulate their personal lives around the holy days and seasons of the Church liturgy, instead of, say, the artificial seasons of televised professional sports. I’d like to give the traditional tempo a try. I’m sure its spiritual orientation is a hugely beneficial escape from the madness and artificiality characterizing a lot of life these days.

    All the protestantizing stripping of the altars isn’t for traditionalists, nor is the impossibly awful new music accompanied by pianos or guitars that’s heard at the typical Catholic Church these days, where slobs in shorts and flip flops go perfectly with the hideous music and lack of faith. These outward signs of a lack faith are also on display at evangelical churches that are more like Sunday entertainment venues complete with rock bands on a stage, instead of an altar reenacting Christ’s redemption of mankind from sin as He told His apostles to do in His memory.

    A while ago when a friendly acquaintance and Protestant minister was criticizing the Church for the Latin Mass, I pointed out to him that the missals that most traditional Catholics had and sometimes brought to Mass, including those adapted for the smallest of children, contained a complete, facing-page translation of the Latin into English, as well as drawings or photos with an explanation of the symbolism behind of every gesture the priest makes during Mass. Nothing is left out or part of some occult nonsense that many enemies of the Church apparently wish was the case.

    The priest’s intoning the word of God in Latin, which is chanted during a High Mass, is spiritually beautiful. Despite the Protestants’ claim that they’re scripturally based while the RCC isn’t, the Catholic Church’s liturgy covers the Bible in its entirely over a two-year cycle (if I remember correctly), but in a methodical fashion prohibiting whimsical variations at the hands of the priest. Traditional priests also don’t feel the need to adopt the demeanor of stand-up comics or tell jokes and, instead, relate their sermons to the scriptural readings leading up to the consecration of the host.

    During Mass there’s a reading from the OT, Psalms and more Psalms, traditional hymns, and a reading from the Epistles, which are all intended as a prelude to the day’s Gospel reading. Many Catholic Churches have wonderful choirs singing Gregorian chants and magnificent classical hymns during Mass. At St. John’s in Stamford, CT, at least when I went there years ago, the choir was amazing inasmuch as many of the members of the NY Metropolitan Opera were Catholics who attended St. John’s and sang in the choir.

    If you’re interested, why not stop by a traditional Catholic Church to introduce yourself and have a look around. You won’t be distracted by the naysayers who’d have us believe they’ve studied the Church’s teachings on theology, philosophy, morals, ethics, and law, or it’s art, architecture, and music and found it all wanting. These critics also falsely claim that the Church was the chief obstacle to the development of science when, in fact, without the vocabulary and conceptual apparatus developed only by the Scholastics guided by their Christian faith, science would have remained as stillborn as it was during antiquity.

    The Church’s enemies also like to completely mischaracterize the Inquisition as to numbers put to death when the Church had no authority to put anyone to death at a time when enemies of the faith were correctly viewed as subversive enemies of the civil order as well. At a time seemingly barbaric by our legal standards, it’s also the case that it was the Inquisition and not its enemies who introduced the right to be represented by counsel and protected witnesses from recriminations by powerful people. Let the naysayers howl all they want since it typically sounds more like a personal problem with self control than reasoned objection.

  84. Lin says:

    17 Popes Who Didn’t Practice What They PreachedPietro Barbo. Cristofano dell’Altissimo, late fifteenth century. Pope Paul II loved beautiful men and juicy melons. It’s no surprise that the story of his death includes both. Wikipedia. ArtNet.
    10. Paul II Supposedly Died in Bed with a Page Boy
    As the successor of the politically active Pius II, Pope Paul II’s only real success was introducing the printing press to Rome. He was vain and selfish, obsessed with his own good looks, although surviving images depict him as the opposite. A lover of appearances and grand display, Paul splurged on fancy clothing and an elegant tiara designed with sapphires, pearls, and diamonds. Ridiculed for wearing blush on his cheeks during public outings, Paul II was widely rumored to be homosexual.

    Throughout his pontificate, stories and humorous poems circulated Rome that the pope loved two things: beautiful clothes and gorgeous men. The only thing that Paul loved more than his companions was melons. His favorite food appeared at every meal, and he often ate them until they made him sick. Before his death in 1471, rumors claimed that the pope liked to watch the torture of young boys while devouring a whole table of melons. Although the story is probably false, it didn’t help his reputation.

    Paul’s papacy was unimpressive, and no one really noticed when he died. Pope Paul II’s official cause of death listed a heart attack after indulging in too many melons. This report is believable, given his fondness for him. However, another story claims that the pope died in bed with a page boy. As the servant sodomized him, the corpulent Paul’s heart gave out from the excitement. This story is also most likely false, but it has continued for over five hundred years.

  85. @Lin

    The Chinese brutally embarked (one of the upsides of being a dictatorship) on
    electrified public transport before that was a thing elsewhere – they are
    simply 30 years ahead of the curve (in this respect, maybe 20 in others).

  86. @Pierre de Craon

    Red Pill Angel wrote,

    The most ancient churches are Orthodox, not Catholic. This statement literally gets the facts backwards, and the fact that they are backwards is not even debatable.

    Well, I’m still a practicing Catholic and will be until the day I die. I cannot fully figure out first millennium history and will leave it to others.

    • Replies: @Pierre de Craon
  87. gay troll [AKA "deadname"] says:

    In the genuine letters of Paul, the head of the church is called Cephas, a name that is suspiciously similar to the Greek word for head, cephale. This pun fits perfectly well into Paul’s extended metaphor of the Church as a human body wherein different parts serve different purposes. Over a century after Paul was written, the Gospel of John claimed that Cephas is just another name for the apostle Peter. And that’s why Peter had to become the “head” of the early Christian church. The book of Acts is a work of retroactive continuity.

    In reality, Paul refers to Cephas and Peter as if they are different individuals. And just as Cephas is so similar to the Greek word for head, Peter is the Greek word for rock. This may actually be a bit of slang; there’s a reason that “Peter” is still slang for a human penis to this day and in all cases associated with the cock. It’s also possible that Paul is using the Christian church as a metaphor for his body rather than using a body as the metaphor for the Church.

    Peter has another name attached to him by John, which is Simon. Curiously, there was a real Jewish cult leader named Simon in first century Jerusalem who was described by Josephus as emerging out of a hole in the ground from the ruins of the Temple after it was torn down by Titus in a graphic fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s prophecies. One can imagine Christ standing there, watching Simon’s head peer out of the rubble, and declaring “on this Peter I will build my church.” There’s much more wordplay in the New Testament than history. In this case it also ties directly into Isaiah’s prophecy of the foundation stone of Zionism.

    • Replies: @Rogue
  88. Dumbo says:

    Thanks. I actually went recently to a Latin Mass for the first time a while ago and it was very nice. The main difference it that it just feels more serious and much more beautiful. Now some modern churches (even Catholic ones, not protestant) may have someone playing a guitar, or even recorded pop music during the Eucharist. I kid you not. Crazy stuff!

    I mean, there’s a time and a place for everything. Someone playing guitar is nice in a campfire, but not appropriate in a Church. While an organ and singing in Latin feels so much more right, especially if it is in an old church.

    The idea of Vatican II appears to be to “change religion to make it more in tune of the times”, which is a stupid idea, because religion is about timeless values. If you have to adapt it to the times, then it will be constantly changing. Which was the case of Protestant churches I suppose, at least some branches, but the whole point of Catholicism was about being consistent and traditional.


  89. @Dirk Manley

    Anatolia and to a lesser extent Greece produced just about every bad, degenerate heresy imagineable as well. Galatians is a war-time letter attempting to correct a group of people perverting the faith. This is because Anatolia was white.

    The Epistle to the Romans is laying down a systematic theology in a multicultural metropolis of right-thinking BIPOCs and Latins.

    It’s no surprise why The Rock was in Rome. Paul’s alternatives were the whitey Wife-Swappers of Athens or the Aryan-Alexandrian nudists.

  90. John1955 says:

    =That was handing over kingship.=

    My friend;

    Those who knew what it REALLY meant/was about are long dead. We, the living, must read Commentaries to the Bible. Our local library has 22 volume set, each volume >1000 pages, which is covered by the thick layer of dust and just sits on the shelf for years, patiently waiting to be read. I am using my own “Layman’s Commentaries to the Bible” set written for non-scholars like me.

    Regarding David & Jonathan, nowadays they are prominently featured on kid’s books covers. 2 bearded nice (very nice !!!) guys in love, kissing & hugging each other, holding hands, walking toward the Bright LGBTQFJB++ Future. On Google Images enter “David and Jonathan” if you can stomach it.

    Final Judgment on what it REALLY meant is provided by our Academia:

    “Jonathan Loved David: Manly Love in the Bible and the Hermeneutics of Sex”
    By Anthony Heacock


    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  91. raga10 says:

    Since sex outside of marriage is forbidden and marriage is only between a man and a woman, homosexuality is forbidden.

    If you actually read my post rather then put words into my mouth, I never actually claim that the Bible approves of homosexuality. What I *do* claim is that it wasn’t a topic of great importance to its writers so maybe it shouldn’t be to us, either.

    I find it strange that most modern Christians will dismiss most of the nonsense found in Leviticus (and rightly so!) but then trot out those two verses about gay sex.

    Then there is that story about Sodom, where locals want to have their way with Lot’s guests… So Lot, outstanding guy that he is, offers them his daughters instead. Questionable choice, I think most of us would say today. But this story comes from a different time and culture – one where host’s obligation to his guest apparently trumped father’s responsibility to his daughters, who were clearly worth so little as to be dispensable… another reminder that perhaps we should be weary of taking moral guidance from the OT.

    Once you leave the OT out, what’s left? Corinthians is an interesting one. First, it seems reasonably clear-cut in translation but much ink has been spilled about the word there, “arsenokoitai” so I won’t go into it here. Instead I’d rather point out that whatever the exact meaning was, in the next verse Paul goes on to say: “And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” Condemnation is no longer absolute.

    • Replies: @Rich
  92. @Wokechoke

    It’s clear that the idea of homosexual marriage originates in the concept of love marriage. They even used it as their slogan: “love is love.” When the papists destroyed traditional marriage and introduced the novel concept of love marriage in its place, they pulled marriage out of the social realm and dragged it into the personal realm. Marriage was no longer a social institution aimed at creating families and bringing about a harmonious social order, but instead became a personal institution aimed at fulfilling personal desires and bringing about personal happiness. Just one more step on the papist road to individualism, liberalism, and the total dissolution of society itself.

    That’s why Asians don’t really buy into homosexual marriage despite many of their cultures being relatively tolerant of homosexuals for a lot longer than the west was. It’s because Asian cultures do not have a long history of love marriage and they have a tendency to still view marriage primarily as a social institution.

  93. Anglin delivers a lot of interestingly readable garbage. This post is unreadable garbage.

  94. Sedevacantism: their position is that the Chair of Peter Today is Vacant

    In addition to ALL of the other abominations, confusion & antics: pedo-priests, clown masses, etc. (ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWo-7uVR8yI), which never existed in the ‘old Church’ – nevertheless, the ELEPHANT-IN-THE-ROOM is this:
    as a result of Vatican II, the new-church changed not only the ‘mass,’ but ALL of the other rites too, from baptism to exorcism, but most importantly, the rite of episcopal consecration (for comparison of old vs. new rites, see details, bottom) – which ‘if’ correct, means that their sacraments began to disappear with the consecrations of their N.O. (new order) bishops and the consequent ordinations of their N.O. priests… so today, arguably, the N.O. church has no valid sacraments anymore, NONE (except for baptism, which even laymen can do).

    related books:
    The Resurrection of the Roman Catholic Church: http://www.the-pope.com/preface0.html

    Bottom line: Sedevacantism is THE remnant Church now – although the Eastern Orthodox rites who’ve maintained a ‘valid’ Apostolic Succession will have valid sacraments too (unlike the N.O. church).


    • Replies: @Hulkamania
  95. Rich says:

    So a couple years ago a handful of homosexuals suddenly discovered that the teachings of the Church for 2,000 years about sodomy was wrong? Does the ink spilled trying to change what was accepted by everyone have any credibility? Has the human race suddenly become brighter? Does Jesus mention murder much? How many verses cover idol worship? How often does Jesus mention coveting your neighbor’s goods? But he does specifically mention that marriage, and therefore sexual relations, are to be only between a man and a woman. Why are you obsessed with trying to change Christian teaching on buggery?

    • Replies: @raga10
    , @Hi There Bro
  96. @Sedevacantist-now

    See my post 47 above. If sedevacantists reject the second Vatican council, then they must also reject the first Vatican council.

    • Replies: @Sedevacantist-now
  97. John1955 says:
    @The Alarmist

    =You’d be closer to Christianity if you joined the Russians Orthodox Church.=


    Our library has “Tretyakov Gallery” book so huge that it can stop .308

    Artist:Vasily Perov
    Title:Tea Drinking in Mytishchi, near Moscow, 1862
    Museum:Tretyakov Gallery – Moscow


    I thought that things changed during the past 160 years. Then I entered “Russian Orthodox Priests” on Google Images… Then I tried Yandex Images… Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose. Everybody looks like fat Conchita Wurst.

    Maybe (just maybe !) Russian Orthodox Priests should consult Taliban Fighters and learn something useful about the Proper Diet, Rock-Solid Faith and safe handling of RPG-7 ?

    Russian Old Believers ( The Great Schism of 1666 ) living in Alaska are OK. Russian Old Believers holding PKM ( light machine gun ) would be absolutely perfect.

  98. @Hulkamania

    Disagree (with Hulkamania’s statement) – the First Vatican Council was indeed legitimate: legitimate pope, legitimate bishops (etc.), and was actually a clarification of the Gospel of Matthew 16:18 & 19:

    Matthew 16:18
    And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
    19 And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

    • Replies: @Hulkamania
  99. raga10 says:

    So a couple years ago a handful of homosexuals suddenly discovered that the teachings of the Church for 2,000 years about sodomy was wrong?

    It’s more that the whole concept of sexual identity is rather modern. In Biblical times there was no such thing that’s why it talks about sexual acts, not lifestyles.

    Does the ink spilled trying to change what was accepted by everyone have any credibility?

    Are you saying that it *isn’t* important to determine what the original texts actually said? Also, ‘being accepted by everyone’ is certainly not a valid argument for something being true.

    Has the human race suddenly become brighter?

    Maybe, maybe not – but it definitely got access to more information. Peasants listening to their priests’ sermon weren’t going to question him about the meaning of specific word in Greek original text, but we can.

    • Replies: @Rich
  100. Rich says:

    Peasants like Aquinas, Augustin, More, Ambrose, etc.? Just stop. What are you doing? You don’t know about the licentiousness of the ancients? Homosexuality was rampant in some nations, it’s one of the reasons the Hebrews separated themselves from the other nations. Our ancestors were smarter than us, they weren’t as easily manipulated or confused. Everything you find so new, was argued before. Do you really believe that degenerate moderns understand the Greek better than the Greek Church Fathers? Maybe you know what you’re trying to do, or maybe you’re just confused, whatever it is, you’re wrong. Bottom line, the rectum wasn’t designed to be a sex organ.

    • Replies: @raga10
  101. polaco says:

    It’s not how/where you start, it’s where you finish. Many failed enterprises had been created along the way, before someone’s ultimate goal was reached and his plans got to a flying start.

    The Russian Tserkev was a tsarist cult of personality, with his picture in every temple, as if to overshadow God in importance.

    Poor peasants had to pray for him, and than for each of his family members- whose names would have been invoked by the pop (Russian priest) in succession, from dawn to dusk, usually for more than 6 grueling hours, which had instilled in them the hatred the Bolsheviks were later able to utilize so efficiently.

    • Replies: @Hulkamania
  102. raga10 says:

    Well now you’re just contradicting yourself – it was you who claimed this is somehow a new interpretation. And of course, it’s true that scholars debated various things for ages but it was a debate limited to their circles – Ordinary Joes frankly had more pressing issues to worry about.

    You (Christians) should take a page out of their book, that’s what I’m saying. It really doesn’t matter how consenting adults want to have sex, or with whom. Bottom line, how others live their lives is none of your business.

    • Replies: @Rich
  103. @Red Pill Angel

    I’m still a practicing Catholic and will be until the day I die.

    May God grant us both the grace of final perseverance.

    • Thanks: Red Pill Angel
    • Replies: @Sedevacantist-now
  104. @Pierre de Craon

    RE: Pierre de Craon
    Assuming you’re referring to the ‘new order’ church – then at least suggest praying Rosary everyday (if not already doing so).

    • Thanks: Red Pill Angel
    • Replies: @Pierre de Craon
  105. @DanFromCT

    … the Catholic Church’s liturgy covers the Bible in its entirely over a two-year cycle (if I remember correctly) …

    You are confusing the Traditional and the post–Vatican II liturgies. The latter, whether celebrated in Latin or the vernacular, utilizes a three-year cycle of readings—the better to minimize the extent that any particular scriptural passage will be remembered by members of the congregation. The Traditional liturgy, on the other hand, is invariable from one year to the next.

    During Mass there’s a reading from the OT, Psalms and more Psalms, traditional hymns, and a reading from the Epistles, which are all intended as a prelude to the day’s Gospel reading.

    This sounds much more like a description of the Novus ordo Missae. In a typical Traditional mass, the Introit, the Gradual-Tract-Alleluia, the Offertory, and the Communion prayers are almost always sourced from the Psalms. There are, however, no more than about thirty instances—only one that I can recall occurring on a Sunday—where an Old Testament passage substitutes for a reading from an epistle. Weekday masses for Ember Days, Rogation Days, and similar seasonal feasts are typical locales.

    The only such instance with which most Traditionalist Catholics are very familiar is the passage from Judith used as the Epistle for the feast of the Assumption. The mass for the new feast was prepared from scratch in 1950 in preparation for Pius XII’s proclamation of the dogma in November. As is now known, infiltration of the hierarchy and the ranks of theologians and liturgists by modernists and Jewish subversives had been under way for almost forty years at that time, and their influence, though still largely undetected, had become enormous. It is thus hardly surprising that the mass for a feast celebrating the first newly proclaimed article of faith in almost a century should coincidentally [ahem] exhibit a feature that “reformers” were already plotting to make the norm.

  106. polaco says:
    @Red Pill Angel

    It’s always been Peter to whom Jesus would entrust the duties of authority. Peter was promised the keys to the kingdom, he was there to try to defend Jesus physically at Gethsemane, he followed Jesus to the trial while other disciples ran away, he caved and denied Jesus under duress, so the Pope will sometimes as well, not to worry, we’ve been there, he went first into the tomb, Peter responded for all the apostles calling Jesus the Messiah, he received the vision permitting the eating of ‘unclean’ animals to preach to the gentiles, he was there at the Transfiguration, he saw Jesus first after the Resurrection.

    They have always been Catholics, who have successfully beaten back and repelled Mahometan assaults.

    When Constantine moved the capital to Byzantium, later his namesake city, all those Eastern churches ended up in a prolonged fight for supremacy at the imperial court. And all those patriarchates- Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, and later Constantinople itself, were utterly destroyed by Mahometans, not unlike the Jews, having been punished and subjugated by pagans several times, for their disobedience to God.

    When Constantinople fell, Moscow took primacy with the Byzantine princess Sophia marrying Ivan the Great. It all ended when Nicolas II (an Orthodox saint) begun associating and hosting prominent European occultists, and charlatans like Rasputin (who even got access to the tsar’s kids) at his court. Theologically speaking, he thus transferred the entire country under his reign, his subjects, to the devil’s rule.

    As a consequence, the Bolsheviks had more support among the populace than he- by the lack of God’s grace among the Orthodox faithful. Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow and all Rus, died mysteriously, probably poisoned, in a hospital in 1925. The communists hijacked the Tserkev from that moment on to serve the new government, instead of the old, with Patriarch Sergius as his successor. Thereafter the goodly Orthodox masses became the human capital basis, for the Evil Shithole of a Union, to spread communism to all the four corners of the world, including to America.

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  107. @Sedevacantist-now

    Assuming you’re referring to the ‘new order’ church …

    Nothing I have written warrants that assumption.

    … then at least suggest praying Rosary everyday (if not already doing so) …

    Our Lady and several hundred saints have made similar suggestions. One needn’t be a sede to be familiar with them.

    • Replies: @Sedevacantist-now
  108. @Pierre de Craon

    RE: Pierre de Craon (reply)
    …oh, glad to hear that (not part of ‘new order’ church) – nor can one go wrong heeding the suggestions of Our Lady and the saints.

  109. Rich says:

    Homosexuals spread filth and disease. They often go after teens trying to corrupt them. They are known to engage in their degenerate behaviors in public restrooms and highway rest stops. Their behavior needs to be discouraged and kept underground. There was no discussion by the ancient Hebrews or by the Christians, homosexuality was always prohibited. As it was by every other major religion on the planet and by just about every government.

    • Replies: @raga10
  110. @polaco

    Is your rambling post supposed to make a point? Unlike the papist cult, the Church makes no claim that any individual clergy members will be above corruption. Only papists make this claim about their god-man, Pope “Anus” Bergoglio. Or at least, they would if they were literate and knew how to read dogmatic proclamations that their own cult puts out, like the Pastor Aeternus that I conveniently linked to above. Unfortunately, 99.99% of papists seem completely uninterested in understanding what their own cult teaches.

    • Replies: @polaco
  111. Wokechoke says:

    David usurped the family of Saul either way. The stripping sounds like handing over the vestments of office.

  112. @Sedevacantist-now

    the First Vatican Council was indeed legitimate

    If you believe this, then you must necessarily believe that the second Vatican council was legitimate as well, as its legitimacy logically follows from the legitimacy of the first. You are in contradiction believing the first but not the second or believing that the sede is vacant.

    • Replies: @c matt
  113. Wokechoke says:

    Rasputin wasn’t a bad fellow.

    He opposed the Russian declaration of War on Austria and appeared to calm down the Prince when he
    suffered from hemophilia. Apparently he tried to stay away from the family after the first time he stopped the bleeding episodes, understanding that he’d be blamed if it didn’t work a third time and the heir died.

    He slept with several aristocratic broads. But that’s about it for the rap sheet on him. Big fucking deal.

    Chances are good that MI6 killed him to remove an anti war voice in the Russian Court. Some guy from Botley in West Oxford did the deed.

    • Replies: @Lin
  114. Since Anglin wants to throw homosexuals from the rooftops, promotes White Sharia, and wants to keep women out of everything, wouldn’t Islam be a better fit for him?

  115. raga10 says:

    Homosexuals spread filth and disease.

    Meh, plenty of diseases don’t need homosexuals to spread… but I’d agree that anal sex does have some associated health issues. None of them are show-stoppers though and plenty of heterosexuals engage in it too. I suppose you’d like to stone them to death as well? Too bad Leviticus forgot to mention anything about that.

    Actually any exchange of body fluids involves some risk and speaking of which, the author of Leviticus did say that sex with woman on period was a no-no but disappointingly, he only prescribes banishment (for both man and a woman) rather than usual death. Must’ve been feeling off that day… (Leviticus 20:18)

    They often go after teens trying to corrupt them.

    Unlike heterosexuals, who prefer their partners to be closer to retirement age?

    They are known to engage in their degenerate behaviors in public restrooms and highway rest stops

    Again, hardly a trait exclusive to homosexuals. Anyway, isn’t that what restrooms and highway stops are for?

    As for other religions, Buddhism doesn’t really care. Buddha only said that you should avoid sexual misconduct, without going into detail of what that actually means. Tibetan Buddhism has some weird ideas about sex, but Tibetan Buddhism is just weird in general, being a mix of Buddhism and other beliefs that were native in Tibet prior to its arrival.

    And Islam… I don’t actually give a shit about Islam.

    • Disagree: Rich
  116. Rogue says:
    @gay troll

    Not sure what to make of your comment – other than to say it sounds like a great deal of obfuscation.

    I have a simple guide to the understanding of scripture – read it for what it actually says – rather than for what you want it to say.

    Whilst not everything is made clear by this ethos (we look through a glass darkly, as scripture makes clear), I do believe this clears up a lot of nonsense.

    • Replies: @gay troll
  117. gay troll [AKA "deadname"] says:

    I have a simple guide to the understanding of scripture – read it for what it actually says – rather than for what you want it to say.

    Well, according to Paul, Cephas and Peter are NOT the same person, but according to John, they are. And upon John’s claim rests the entire theory of apostolic succession. Because Paul says that Cephas is the leader of the nascent Christian Church.

    As in many other matters, Paul and the Gospels contradict each other egregiously. So who do you believe?

    • Replies: @Rogue
  118. polaco says:

    You seem to be a cultist of the mustachioed washed up imposter, that clown puppet of the Jewish entertainment business. You own paraphernalia? Don’t project your tendencies on us Catholics. Are you a pentecostal or an adventist, which cult are you in?

    The Russian Tserkov has always been an arm of the government, beginning with Vladimir, to promote the cult of the Tsar, as such the corruption of the state was indeed above all the pops and metropolitans, when Catherine deposed her husband the clergy were ready and waiting in the barracks to do as they were told. The same with all those so called Orthodox churches.

    The true Church- The Catholic Church recognizes the need for ultimate authority, the Holy Spirit inspires and guides the flock, and Pope Francis has so far not made any ex cathedra pronouncements, which would not be his personal opinion anyway, but the result of theological inquiries to affirm beliefs held true for centuries before.

    There are heretic cultists who believe the Holy Spirit descends upon on demand, as if by magic, so they can mumble and roll on the floor. Just snap your fingers and God must obey. You should jot down some of their unintelligible ramblings, it’s coming down directly from Heaven, no Pope or papist could match such stunts.

    • Replies: @Hulkamania
  119. @polaco

    Pope Francis has so far not made any ex cathedra pronouncements

    Irrelevant. Again, read Pastor Aeternus.

    There are heretic cultists who believe the Holy Spirit descends upon on demand, as if by magic, so they can mumble and roll on the floor. Just snap your fingers and God must obey. You should jot down some of their unintelligible ramblings, it’s coming down directly from Heaven, no Pope or papist could match such stunts.

    Papists invented this behavior. See your satanic Saint Teresa of Avila, who claimed her masturbation and orgasm while communing with demons were mystical experiences of holy ecstasy.

    • Troll: Pierre de Craon
  120. Lin says:

    I agree. Rasputin was a victim of anglo WW1 war propaganda because he tried to persuade the Czar to pull out from the war.

    Yes, he had sex with nuns; he was a peacemaker who had sinned.
    Saint Martyr Grigori Rasputinhttps://omolenko.com/en/rasputin/index.html
    Prophesy by the Holy Man Grigori Rasputin on Destruction of the Russian Land.
    Last prophetic letter of the Holy Man Grigori Rasputin
    Grigori Efimovich Rasputin. My Ideas and Thoughts. Petrogad, 1915
    Grigori Efimovich Rasputin. Life of an Experienced Pilgrim. May 1907
    Tatyana Mironova. Grigori Rasputin: Belied Life – Belied Death
    Sergey Fomin. Their Ashes – In Our Hearts
    O.A. Platonov. Truth about Grigori Rasputin
    O.A. Platonov. Murder of Grigori Rasputin
    Letter by Grigory Rasputin, hand-written and signed, mentioning his associate being sent away

    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  121. You’re not right about the Jews, an easy scapeboat by every LW RW, Roman Society seems to chimp out on Jews and blame them for every problem. In every inherited Roman cultural sense of a society its always been endless degeneration, without Jews,

    Roman culture = Party on endless debauchery, nothing to do with Jews. Do you see Jews in Algeria and Morroco making problems?

    The problem is only limited to the West. Its only secular athiests who abandon their Jewish religion and follow the Roman libtard religion that’s the problem. The root of cause is 100% Roman

    • Replies: @Pierre de Craon
  122. Wokechoke says:

    The church had to ferret out Muslims and Jews doing the crypto thing. Which was a good. However as an institution based in Rome, The church also kind of messed the relationship with northern whites, which was avoidable.

  123. Emslander says:

    I assume that the current Pope issues these ridiculously sixties-flavored political opinions (with absolutely NO meaning for Catholic dogma) in order to relate somehow with a current line of secular thinking. If he wants to see how ineffective his pandering is, he needs to read the Unz comment section.

    Stick to tradition, the cross and Jesus Christ. It provides no openings. Everybody knows Christ forgives sin. The gays have no interest in being forgiven while they’re caught up in that slavery.

  124. Rogue says:
    @gay troll

    Paul says that Cephas is the leader of the nascent Christian Church

    Nowhere does Paul say such a thing. You will have to provide the chapter and verse to back up what you’ve claimed.

    Certainly, Peter (or Cephas – same person) had a position of leadership in the first months or years of the very early church. But taking the whole New Testament into account – Peter’s position of leadership appears to wane somewhat as time goes by. Not because of anything wrong he did, but probably because God wanted things that way.

    Christ was, is and always will be the head of the church – not any mortal man at any time.

    • Replies: @gay troll
    , @gay troll
  125. gay troll [AKA "deadname"] says:

    In one instance [Paul] says Christ “was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve”, implying that Cephas is not one of the twelve apostles (1 Corinthians 15:5). In another instance he mentions Peter and Cephas as if they were separate individuals (Galations 2:7-10). In fact there is no reason to think Paul is describing the same person when he talks about Cephas and Peter. Even Eusebius wrote that Cephas “happened to have the same name as Peter the apostle” (The History of the Church, Book 1, 12). This is another indication that the names do not actually have an identical meaning.

    • Replies: @Rogue
  126. polaco says:

    Your assumptions are idiotic and absurd. Par for an anal, man-child hulkamaniak.
    Which you admit yourself.

    Only papists make this claim about their god-man, Pope

    and then

    Or at least, they would if they were literate and knew how to read dogmatic proclamations that their own cult puts out

    Which is it, A or B ?

    A = claims pope is god-man -> papist cult
    B = doesn’t claim pope is god-man -> papist cult

    See idiot, you are a papist too using your backward logic.

    Jesus is the one and only God and Man in the Roman Catholic Church.

    If A, judging by the amount of valid, constructive criticism pope Francis, and all the previous popes have received from their own (usually more than from the stinking Jewish communists and their useful idiots in the media), there is absolutely no cult like behaviour there. No suggestion that he’s above corruption, the Pope has to go to confession like everybody else. You fail to comprehend the documents you lie you read.

    Cult members follow blindly.

    It’s always been easy for the usual suspects to direct the attention and anger of the impoverished masses away from their own shenanigans and towards the orderly institution of the Church. Even now, they’re waging a smear campaign in Poland against pope John Paul the Great, to tarnish his memory. A threadbare scam artist, a non-profit head, who posed as an abuse victim (he was not, which was proven in court), was even dragged to the Vatican seeking compassion from the Pope, before he was outed as an even bigger fraudster than Rachel Dolezal:


    Some examples of real cults:

    The Tsars were known as god-emperors, who ruled by decree, and their edicts would apply selectively, not universally, there was no rule of law as westerners understood it, and the Russian Church turned Nicholas II into a cult like figure during his life, perhaps to try to bolster his (un)popularity when enemy forces from within and without were closing in on the monarchy.

    Then there are numerous, fanatically obedient, protestant cults with ‘charismatic’ pastors at the helm- Jehova’s Witnesses, Adventists, Mormons, Pentecostals, and innumerable other sects have sprung up centered around their narcissistic god-men leaders.

    Mentally ill adults and their cultist ways- man-children, maniacally obsessed with childish stuff and cartoonish idols.

    Jews had many false messiahs, but generally theirs is the cult of Satan and mammon.


    If it’s B, then it’s not a (papist) cult by your own admission. A cult member, e.g. a hulkist, must necessarily acknowledge his leader as a superior being. A superhuman at least.

    Saint Theresa had mystical experiences after going through 9 grades of prayer, which require the amount of concentration that’s unachievable by most people, (since you didn’t even read the Pastor Aeternus, you won’t read her either), not by waving a magic wand and going into a trance in an instant, like those charlatan pastors do with random people. These cults hate us Papists as much as Satanic Jews like you do, no way they would follow or take anything from her or the Holy Church. Satanic Jewish perverts always have masturbation on their minds, every reformed synagogue will have a female rabbi with an outreach group to teach kids about such filth, whose damaged minds gravitate towards childish things even in adulthood.

    • Replies: @Hulkamania
  127. @polaco

    Which is it, A or B ?

    The meaning was very simple. You would be able to parse the statement if you were not a low IQ papist retard. Papist dogma says one thing, while papist cultists, who are generally low IQ and borderline illiterate and uninterested in understanding the dogma of their own cult, like yourself, say another.

    Saint Theresa had mystical experiences after going through 9 grades of prayer

    She had mystical experiences after communing with demons, no different from Hindu yogis or satanist sex magic practitioners like Aleister Crowley. Why is there no history of this sort of sensuous experience in Christianity? Why did Church fathers clearly warn that these kinds of sensory experiences are delusions? They are identical to experiences described by Hindu yogis or Aleister Clowleyan sex magic practitioners because they were the same phenomenon: demonic influence.

    • Replies: @polaco
    , @Commentator Mike
  128. Rogue says:
    @gay troll

    I will absolutely concede that “was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve” might sound like something other than what it’s saying.

    But I believe that the “twelve” in question was simply referring to God’s original calling of the 12 disciples – just as God determined there should be 12 Hebrew patriarchs descended from Jacob.

    To your Galatians quote:

    James, Cephas[c] and John, those esteemed as pillars

    These 3 individuals are clearly placed on an equal footing. Peter or Cephas is not rated any higher than James or John, in this scriptural quotation.

    Even Eusebius wrote yada yada

    I care what scripture says – what he said, or his great aunt Agatha said, or nephew Cedric 17 times removed said, I couldn’t care less about.

  129. polaco says:

    Was your IQ above the basement bargain level, the Jewish moron that you are, you could see the contradiction in implying that they’re all in the papist cult, whether they believe the dogma about the pope or not. A logical error, which you again repeat.

    Saint Theresa had exorcised demons. Put your hulk pajamas on, and go back to your toys to play with yourself, you falsely accuse her of masturbation for that’s your favourite pastime, demons accuse people of what they’re guilty of themselves, the same with calling Catholics cultists while being a retarded, man-child hulkamaniac.

    Jews believe sowing discord among Christians will be as easy as in the past. Not anymore, American Christians , including Catholics, will side with Putin against the Satanic Jewish, so called Brandon administration.

    • Replies: @Hulkamania
  130. gay troll [AKA "deadname"] says:

    As for whether Paul considered Cephas a leader of the church, in Corinthians he identifies four people who Christians might follow: Paul, Apollos, Cephas, and Christ (1 Cor 1:12). Later he resolves this tension by saying whether you follow Paul or Cephas or Apollos, it doesn’t matter as long as you follow Christ (1 Cor 3:22). So clearly Cephas is in a very special leadership role.

    Cephas is also heavily distinguished from the other apostles, as seen in the early citation I provided to you. I think you may be missing the point I was trying to make with Galatians 2:7-9. Paul refers to both Peter and Cephas in the same sentence: “For God, who was at work in the ministry of Peter as an apostle to the circumcised, was also at work in my ministry as an apostle to the uncircumcised. James, Cephas and John, those reputed to be pillars, gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship…” why would Paul refer to the same person by different names in back to back verses?

    Paul also refers to “the other apostles and the Lord’s brothers and Cephas” (1 Cor 9:5), once again indicating that Cephas is not one of the apostles.

    Paul in fact tells us that Cephas was the very first person to see the resurrected Christ (1 Cor 15:5). This is another reason to think that Cephas might just be Paul’s idea of the head; the first part of the body to see something.

    In Galatians we learn that Cephas is headquartered in Jerusalem, which is in fact where Paul’s religion is based. He describes first going to visit Cephas in Jerusalem three years after his conversion (Gal 1:18).

    Paul also directly calls Cephas a Jew (Gal 2:14). Just as he calls himself a Jew.

    That’s all we know about Cephas, aside from John’s lonely claim that Cephas=Peter. I think it’s safe to say that Cephas was the leader of the Christians in Jerusalem. He has a special authority and he is mentioned separately from Peter. Plus, we can argue that Jerusalem was the heart of the Christian church as described by Paul. In Romans 26:27, Paul boasts of bringing donations from the Gentiles home to Jerusalem. It’s the same in Corinthians 1 16:3: Paul is collecting gifts for Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the epicenter from which Paul operates.

    So if Paul’s church is in Jerusalem, and the boss of that church is named Cephas, I think it is perfectly fair to say that Paul describes Cephas as the leader or head of the early Christians.

    • Replies: @Rogue
  131. Rogue says:
    @gay troll

    My thanks to you and your ongoing civility.

    I’ve got some homework to do before replying to you.

    I hope you will remain on this thread.

    Please check in a day or 2 for my reply.

    Kindest regards.

    • Replies: @Rogue
  132. @polaco

    Was your IQ above the basement bargain level, the Jewish moron that you are, you could see the contradiction in implying that they’re all in the papist cult, whether they believe the dogma about the pope or not. A logical error, which you again repeat.

    There is no logical error here. Papist cultists believe all sorts of things that are against their own dogma, as you and several other papist cult members have demonstrated in this very comment section. If lack of concern for papist dogma were enough to signify defection from the papist cult, then 99.99% of self-professed “roman catholics” would be defectors, including almost all of of the clergy. In reality, papists do not take their dogmatics seriously at all. That is why they accept Orthodox saints, through the so-called “Eastern Catholic” or uniate churches, who were virulently opposed to papism and its flawed doctrines.

    Saint Theresa had exorcised demons.

    All of (Orthodox) Christian tradition says otherwise. The Church Fathers say otherwise. Sensuous phenomena of ecstasy are demonic. That is why satanists like Crowley pursue such phenomena. The Church has always warned against the demoniacal activities of satanists like Teresa.

    sowing discord among Christians will be as easy as in the past. Not anymore, American Christians , including Catholics,

    Ah, so you consider protestants and Orthodox your fellow Christians then, in defiance of the doctrine of “extra ecclesiam nulla salus?” You further prove the point that papists do not take the teachings of their own cult seriously.

  133. Wokechoke says:

    The slander on the guy is absolutely amazing when you dig into the reality of the man. Pretty ordinary guy with a strong charisma he didn’t quite understand himself. Almost touchingly innocent as it turns out.

    • Replies: @Lin
  134. Lin says:

    There has been quite a number of movies depicting Rasputin as crazy evil figures.
    The most important fact is the anglos wanted the Tzar Nicholas II to keep fighting on their side in WW1 regardless how horrendous the casualties and damage done to Russia. Rasputin wanted peace but failed to persuade Nicholas II and was hated by the anglo warring party. His murder was facilitated by the anglo secret service. He was shot by the anglo secret agent Oswald Rayner and the russian homo prince Yusupov(who hosted Rasputin’s Last Supper and was educated before WW1 in england). Yusupov died peacefully in gay Paree at the ripe old age of 80 in 1967, 50 yrs after the russian commie revolution.

    Rasputin was very sympathetic to the persecuted russian jewry


    According to Rasputin’s daughter Maria, Yusupov made homosexual advances to Rasputin his father


    • Replies: @Wokechoke
  135. @Hulkamania

    What about those who have visions, like of the Virgin Mary? Are those visions demonic hallucinations or miracles?

  136. Rogue says:

    As for whether Paul considered Cephas a leader of the church, in Corinthians he identifies four people who Christians might follow: Paul, Apollos, Cephas, and Christ (1 Cor 1:12). Later he resolves this tension by saying whether you follow Paul or Cephas or Apollos, it doesn’t matter as long as you follow Christ (1 Cor 3:22). So clearly Cephas is in a very special leadership role.

    Sorry, but it’s not clear, whatsoever, that Cephas, or Peter (same person) has a unique leadership role – which is what we are discussing. The very passage you have written makes that quite clear.

    James, Cephas and John, those reputed to be pillars …

    Again, Peter (Cephas) is mentioned as an important leader in the early Christian church – but also not unique. You don’t see this?

    Paul also refers to “the other apostles and the Lord’s brothers and Cephas” (1 Cor 9:5), once again indicating that Cephas is not one of the apostles

    There are references in the New Testament to individuals, such as Barnabas, as being an apostle. In other words, an apostle was not necessarily the same as the 12 disciples.

    Peter, or Cephas, is quite obviously the same person. Nobody reading scripture would dispute this. Therefore, Cephas is quite obviously also an apostle. I’ve mentioned already that it’s best to read scripture for what it plainly says – rather than for what you want it to say.

    The “head” (more accurately leader) of the early church in Jerusalem was James, I believe.

    In any event, I most certainly do not dispute the fact that Peter (Cephas) had a position of leadership in the early church – but reading through the whole of the New Testament it strikes me that his leadership role diminished over time – and I believe that God wanted it this way, so not any one individual would be elevated beyond what they should be.

    Scripture makes abundantly clear that Christ alone is the head of the church. Always was (from the time the church was established) and always will be.

    Therefore, Peter or Cephas, or whomever else, was never, at any time, the head of the church.

    • Replies: @Pierre de Craon
    , @c matt
  137. st paul was so sick of jewish women and the court of jewish women inside the temple, he ran like hell across the med world to spread the teaching of Jesus Christ and His Church, my nigga andre.

    “jewish women…never again” – st paul and rushed boob job

  138. @Red Pill Angel

    The most ancient churches are Orthodox

    totally blatant bullshit. i expect better from fellow anglin commenters.

    the churches and crypts in the catacombs are in latin, not fucking ruski hieroglyphics.

    orthodox are just russian protestants. you lie to yourself, and in your comment.

    anglo protties wave rainbow flags but russian protestant churches all have AIDS.

    • Replies: @gay troll
    , @Red Pill Angel
  139. @FakeNews101

    On the basis of the comment I am responding to and a great many others recently, it is plain that Israel and the Mossad no longer send this site their best sayanim. I guess that though they may have once considered the Unz Review a threat, they don’t now.

    • Agree: Bill
  140. @Rogue

    There are references in the New Testament to individuals, such as Barnabas, as being an apostle. In other words, an apostle was not necessarily the same as the 12 disciples.

    Aside from the Eleven, the only men ever named Apostle were Matthias (the Eleven’s chosen successor to Judas), Paul, and Barnabas. The circumstances surrounding Paul and Barnabas are familiar to anyone who has ever read the Acts of the Apostles. End of story. Anything else is retconning.

    Peter or Cephas, or whoever else, was never, at any time, the head of the church.

    Not even Luther or Calvin ever wrote anything so utterly lacking or falsifying a scriptural basis. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    • Replies: @gay troll
    , @Rogue
  141. c matt says:

    Second Vatican Council made no claims to “legitimacy” of anything – in fact the opposite. It expressly disclaimed defining any new dogmas, and expressly claimed to be pastoral only (whatever that means). So one doesn’t even really have to “reject” V II because there is nothing to reject. One can simply ignore it.

    Regarding Bergoglio, the most reasonable take is that he was never Pope to begin with, the “heresy” charge is just a red herring. Heretic or no, the invalidly of his holding the Papacy is based upon Benedict XVI’s error in resignation – he tried to resign part of the office but keep part – his active vs contemplative bullcaca. An invalid resignation = he was still Pope when Bergo was elected = Bergo’s election invalid and everything coming out of his mouth has as much authority as Fr. Guido Sarducci. Anne Barnhardt does a pretty thorough job explaining it, despite establishment types trying to paint her as crazy. Address the arguments, not the credentials.

    So if Bergo ain’t Pope, then all his homo talk is just that, talk. Interesting times. So yes, now that Benedict XVI has gone on to his just reward, the See is indeed vacant.

  142. c matt says:

    You forgot (or ignore) two very important things in the NT:

    1. Christ gave the KEYS to Peter, keys being the symbol of authority, and
    2. When Paul stood up to Peter about Christian practice, he stood up to PETER, not other apostles, and did not yield until he convinced PETER, as the keeper of the keys.

    Being the head of the Church as the mystical body of Christ is not contradictory to Peter being Christ’s vicar on Earth. In fact, it is completely consistent. Unless you are getting DMs from Christ Himself, someone has to be stopping the buck, so to speak, while we await Christ’s return. Or are we to wander aimlessly for millennia or longer?

    • Replies: @Rogue
  143. gay troll [AKA "deadname"] says:
    @Pierre de Craon

    The circumstances surrounding Paul and Barnabas are familiar to anyone who has ever read the Acts of the Apostles. End of story. Anything else is retconning.

    Acts is retconning. End of story.

    Easy to prove since Paul was written much earlier than the Gospels, yet the NT presents the gospels first, with Acts serving as the bridge to Paul. Acts is all about giving the Gospels false priority.

    Acts was written by the same person as Luke, obviously a diehard historicizer. But there’s no actual history to build upon in Paul, Mark, or Matthew. Luke and Acts are addressed to Theophilus and can be charitably dated to ~170 CE, when such a fellow was the bishop of Antioch. That’s over 100 years later than Paul and at least 40 years later than Mark and Matthew.

    Duhhhh. Otherwise how did the words of Paul became the words of Christ? Paul doesn’t quote Jesus Christ at all. He says his generation lacked a wise man, and that his authority comes from the unseen and nonsensical. But in the Gospels, Paul’s words are suddenly coming out of Jesus’ mouth. Often in a twisted manner.

    So was Paul plagiarizing his Lord? Or did the gospels plagiarize Paul?

    • Replies: @Pierre de Craon
  144. gay troll [AKA "deadname"] says:
    @rushed boob job

    the churches and crypts in the catacombs are in latin, not fucking ruski hieroglyphics.

    orthodox are just russian protestants. you lie to yourself, and in your comment.

    Have you ever heard of a little language called GREEK? It was the language of the first Jews AND the first Christians.

    Everybody knows the Latins knocked off Greek mythology and dressed it up as their own. Latin Rome is just as fake as Hebrew Israel. Scribbling impostors laying claim to land and history.

    Why doesn’t the Vatican open up its hidey holes and let Andy Kaufman give us a tour, anyway?

    They have more dirty laundry than the CIA. Rome was always Constantinople.

  145. Rogue says:
    @Pierre de Craon

    Aside from the Eleven, the only men ever named Apostle were Matthias (the Eleven’s chosen successor to Judas), Paul, and Barnabas.

    My point stands: that is to say, that there were other than the 12 disciples, including the replacement for Judas, who were named as apostles. Yes, Barnabas is the only one specifically named, I believe, but who says there weren’t others? In any event, the fact that an individual could be called an apostle who wasn’t of the “twelve”, means that an apostle could be something other than the 12 disciples.

    Not even Luther or Calvin ever wrote anything so utterly lacking or falsifying a scriptural basis. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    Well, we are told, in scripture, that Christ is the head of the Church – the body is made up of believers, but the head is Christ (several verses in the New Testament attest to this). I care not for what Luther or Calvin said about this (assuming you are correct, which I’m not at all sure about), or any adherent of the church of Rome – because I can read scripture for myself.

    As I’ve stated to Deadname, read scripture for what it actually says – and not for what you want it to say.

    • Replies: @Pierre de Craon
  146. Rogue says:
    @c matt

    Christ gave the KEYS to Peter, keys being the symbol of authority

    I agree, but Jesus also gave to the rest of the disciples this same authority later.

    So, in the very early church, only Peter had this authority – later, this authority extended to the other disciples as well. Matthew 18: 18-20.

    Jesus honored Peter because of Peter’s confession that Jesus was the Christ – but didn’t make him pope or head of the church. The office of pope is just a church of Rome utter nonsense. However, I don’t consider this to be crucial, one way or the other, to leading a good Christian life.

    Being the head of the Church as the mystical body of Christ is not contradictory to Peter being Christ’s vicar on Earth

    The “vicar” is the Holy Spirit – not a fallible man. That the popes have been often a bunch of utter scumbags is hardly a debate. By contrast, God is always perfect. Jesus spoke about a “helper” to be with the church in His absence – not a pope but God Himself as the Holy Spirit.

    I’m not anti-church of Rome, just to be clear. I attended an Alpha course at a Catholic church, and the folks there were wonderful Christian people.

  147. @gay troll

    All that you’ve proved is that you are a self-importantly smug Christophobe whose unoriginal and glib sneers masquerade as analysis. Since this site already has a thousand little boys cut from the same mold, you’ll fit right in.

    • Replies: @gay troll
  148. @Rogue

    My point stands: that is to say, that there were other than the 12 disciples, including the replacement for Judas, who were named as apostles. Yes, Barnabas is the only one specifically named, I believe, but who says there weren’t others? [Good grief!] In any event, the fact that an individual could be called an apostle who wasn’t of the “twelve”, means that an apostle could be something other than the 12 disciples.

    Oy. It’s bad enough that you are unreflectively sola scriptura, but the fact that you’re making your own scriptura up as you go along is significantly worse. Worst of all, you don’t seem to have an inkling what the primary characteristic of an Apostle is. Think about it.

  149. Rogue says:

    It’s bad enough that you are unreflectively sola scriptura, but the fact that you’re making your own scriptura up as you go along is significantly worse

    Well, first of all, I understand that sola scriptura is a Protestant fundamental, not necessarily a Christian one. But scripture itself claims divine inspiration, so it’s what I believe.

    Secondly, I am making up absolutely nothing. I merely speculated about the possibility that there could have been other “apostles” other than Barnabas. However, let me, for sake of argument, say that only Barnabas had this distinction other than the official apostles. That still then holds up my point.

    The problem with tradition and scripture having equal value, according to the church of Rome, is that where there are clashes of teaching (such as clergy marrying) which has the higher authority? Also, I’m not aware that the Catholic Church held these views as fundamental until the Protestant Reformation. So it was pure reaction to the Protestants.

    Lastly, and I’ve said this several times at Unz before, I’m not anti-Catholic. I certainly accept that there are many fine Christians within the church of Rome – both laity and clergy.

  150. roonaldo says:

    An interesting aspect of Catholicism is that, amidst the inevitable corruptions and schisms that plague human endeavors, elements of the Church maintain a connection to the miraculous and the mystical.

    For example, while searching for information regarding General Nathan Twining’s 1947 memo regarding the flying discs, a reference popped up regarding Twining and a “Flying Monk,” Padre Pio. It makes for fascinating reading, as do accounts relating to the well-documented Fatima phenomena.

    To G.I. Gurdjieff, religions serve to attract souls to cosmic influences, giving someone a chance to develop conciousness and state of being.

    It is not too unusual in Europe for men, after a lifetime of work and family life, to set aside material pursuits and join a monastic order. Who knows, maybe after a time Mr. Anglin will file a report from a monastery in a far-off land.

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  151. gay troll [AKA "deadname"] says:
    @Pierre de Craon

    So you refuse to answer my question, and call me names instead, then accuse me of using sneers to masquerade as analysis?

  152. @roonaldo

    It also used to be common in India for successful men to give up their profession, business and family and wander the country as Sadhus living from the charity of others.

    • Thanks: roonaldo
  153. Wokechoke says:

    The actual Rasputin sounds like a good enough fellow. Absolutely slandered by the scum of the earth.

  154. @Rich

    Because he’s a faggot

  155. @rushed boob job

    I’ve been in the catacombs and they are very old, too. Anyway, East and West were one church then, and I’m a Catholic now so there. You’re right, it was a dumb comment. What is your position on the filioque? This will be on the test.

  156. I belong to the one true universal church, the invisible cloud of witnesses that surrounds us. So do many Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox believers, but personally, I belong to no church based on buildings or human hierarchies. You are right about much and wrong about much.

    • Agree: Red Pill Angel
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