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It Was the Media, Led by the Guardian, That Kept Julian Assange Behind Bars

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The media’s villainy will soon be erased because it writes the script telling us what’s going on in the world

It is only right that we all take a moment to celebrate the victory of Julian Assange’s release from 14 years of detention, in varying forms, to be united, finally, with his wife and children – two boys who have been denied the chance to ever properly know their father.

His last five years were spent in Belmarsh high-security prison as the United States sought to extradite him to face a 175-year jail sentence for publishing details of its state crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

For seven years before that he was confined to a small room in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, after Quito awarded him political asylum to evade the clutches of a law-breaking US empire determined to make an example of him.

His seizure by UK police from the embassy on Washington’s behalf in 2019, after a more US-aligned government came to power in Ecuador, proved how clearly misguided, or malicious, had been those who accused him of “evading justice”.

Everything Assange had warned the US wanted to do to him was proved correct over the next five years, as he languished in Belmarsh entirely cut off from the outside world.

No one in our political or media class appeared to notice, or could afford to admit, that events were playing out exactly as the founder of Wikileaks had for so many years predicted they would – and for which he was, at the time, so roundly ridiculed.

Nor was that same political-media class prepared to factor in other vital context showing that the US was not trying to enforce some kind of legal process, but that the extradition case against Assange was entirely about wreaking vengeance – and making an example of the Wikileaks founder to deter others from following him in shedding light on US state crimes.

That included revelations that, true to form, the CIA, which was exposed as a rogue foreign intelligence agency in 250,000 embassy cables published by Wikileaks in 2010, had variously plotted to assassinate him and kidnap him off the streets of London.

Other evidence came to light that the CIA had been carrying out extensive spying operations on the embassy, recording Assange’s every move, including his meetings with his doctors and lawyers.

That fact alone should have seen the US case thrown out by the British courts. But the UK judiciary was looking over its shoulder, towards Washington, far more than it was abiding by its own statute books.

Media no watchdog

Western governments, politicians, the judiciary, and the media all failed Assange. Or rather, they did what they are actually there to do: keep the rabble – that is, you and me – from knowing what they are really up to.

Their job is to build narratives suggesting that they know best, that we must trust them, that their crimes, such as those they are supporting right now in Gaza, are actually not what they look like, but are, in fact, efforts in very difficult circumstances to uphold the moral order, to protect civilisation.

For this reason, there is a special need to identify the critical role played by the media in keeping Assange locked up for so long.

The truth is, with a properly adversarial media playing the role it declares for itself, as a watchdog on power, Assange could never have been disappeared for so long. He would have been freed years ago. It was the media that kept him behind bars.

The establishment media acted as a willing tool in the demonising narrative the US and British governments carefully crafted against Assange.

Even now, as he is reunited with his family, the BBC and others are peddling the same long-discredited lies.

Those include the constantly repeated claim by journalists that he faced “rape charges” in Sweden that were finally withdrawn. Here is the BBC making this error once again in its reporting this week.

In fact, Assange never faced more than a “preliminary investigation”, one the Swedish prosecutors repeatedly dropped for lack of evidence. The investigation, we now know, was revived and sustained for so long not because of Sweden but chiefly because the UK’s Crown Prosecution Service, then led by Sir Keir Starmer (now the leader of the Labour party), insisted on it dragging on.

Starmer made repeated trips to Washington during this period, when the US was trying to find a pretext to lock Assange away for political crimes, not sexual ones. But as happened so often in the Assange case, all the records of those meetings were destroyed by the British authorities.

The media’s other favourite deception – still being promoted – is the claim that Wikileaks’ releases put US informants in danger.

That is utter nonsense, as any journalist who has even cursorily studied the background to the case knows.

More than a decade ago, the Pentagon set up a review to identify any US agents killed or harmed as a result of the leaks. They did so precisely to help soften up public opinion against Assange.

And yet a team of 120 counter-intelligence officers could not find a single such case, as the head of the team, Brigadier-General Robert Carr, conceded in court in 2013.

Despite having a newsroom stuffed with hundreds of correspondents, including those claiming to specialise in defence, security and disinformation, the BBC still cannot get this basic fact about the case right.

That’s not an accident. It’s what happens when journalists allow themselves to be spoon-fed information from those they are supposedly watching over. That is what happens when journalists and intelligence officials live in a permanent, incestuous relationship.

Character assassination

But it is not just these glaring reporting failures that kept Assange confined to his small cell in Belmarsh. It was that the entire media acted in concert in his character assassination, making it not only acceptable but respectable to hate him.


It was impossible to post on social media about the Assange case without dozens of interlocutors popping up to tell you how deeply unpleasant he was, how much of a narcissist, how he had abused his cat or smeared his walls in the embassy with faeces. None of these individuals, of course, had ever met him.

It also never occurred to such people that, even were all of this true, it would still not have excused stripping Assange of his basic legal rights, as all too clearly happened. And even more so, it could not possibly justify eroding the public-interest duty of journalists to expose state crimes.

What was ultimately at stake in the protracted extradition hearings was the US government’s determination to equate investigative national-security journalism with “espionage”. Whether Assange was a narcissist had precisely no bearing on that matter.

Why were so many people persuaded Assange’s supposed character flaws were crucially important to the case? Because the establishment media – our supposed arbiters of truth – were agreed on the matter.

The smears might not have stuck so well had they been thrown only by the rightwing tabloids. But life was breathed into these claims from their endless repetition by journalists supposedly on the other side of the aisle, particularly at the Guardian.

Liberals and left-wingers were exposed to a steady flow of articles and tweets belittling Assange and his desperate, lonely struggle against the world’s sole superpower to stop him being locked away for the rest of his life for doing journalism.

The Guardian – which had benefited by initially allying with Wikileaks in publishing its revelations – showed him precisely zero solidarity when the US establishment came knocking, determined to destroy the Wikileaks platform, and its founder, for making those revelations possible.

For the record, so we do not forget, these are a few examples of how the Guardian made him – and not the law-breaking US security state – the villain.

Marina Hyde in the Guardian in February 2016 – four years into his captivity in the embassy – casually dismissed as “gullible” the concerns of a United Nations panel of world-renowned legal experts that Assange was being “arbitrarily detained” because Washington had refused to issue guarantees that it would not seek his extradition for political crimes:

Long-time BBC legal affairs correspondent Joshua Rozenberg was given space in the Guardian on the same day to get it so wrong in claiming Assange was simply “hiding away” in the embassy, under no threat of extradition (Note: Though his analytic grasp of the case has proven feeble, the BBC allowed him to opine further this week on the Assange case):

Two years later, the Guardian was still peddling the same line that, despite the UK spending many millions ringing the embassy with police officers to prevent Assange from “fleeing justice”, it was only “pride” that kept him detained in the embassy:

Or how about this one from Hadley Freeman, published by the Guardian in 2019, just as Assange was being disappeared for the next five years into the nearest Britain has to a gulag, on the “intense happiness” she presumed the embassy’s cleaning staff must be feeling:

Anyone who didn’t understand quite how personally hostile so many Guardian writers were to Assange needs to examine their tweets, where they felt freer to take the gloves off. Hyde described him as “possibly even the biggest arsehole in Knightsbridge”, while Suzanne Moore said he was “the most massive turd.”

The constant demeaning of Assange and the sneering at his plight was not confined to the Guardian’s opinion pages. The paper even colluded in a false report – presumably supplied by the intelligence services, but easily disproved – designed to antagonise the paper’s readers by smearing him as a stooge of Donald Trump and the Russians.

This notorious news hoax – falsely claiming that in 2018 Assange repeatedly met with a Trump aide and “unnamed Russians”, unrecorded by any of the dozens of CCTV cameras surveilling ever approach to the embassy – is still on the Guardian’s website:

This campaign of demonisation smoothed the path to Assange being dragged by British police out of the embassy in early 2019.

It also, helpfully, kept the Guardian out of the spotlight. For it was errors made by the newspaper, not Assange, that led to the supposed “crime” at the heart of the US extradition case – that Wikileaks had hurriedly released a cache of unredacted files – as I have explained in detail before.

Too little too late

The establishment media that collaborated with Assange 14 years ago in publishing the revelations of US and UK state crimes only began to tentatively change its tune in late 2022 – more than a decade too late.

That was when five of his former media partners issued a joint letter to the Biden administration saying that it should “end its prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing secrets”.

But even as he was released this week, the BBC was still continuing the drip-drip of character assassination:

A proper BBC headline, were it not simply a stenographer for the British government, might read: “Tony Blair: Multi-millionaire or war criminal?”

For while the establishment media has busily fixed our gaze on the supposed character flaws of Assange, it has kept our attention away from the true villains, those who committed the crimes he exposed: Blair, George W Bush, Dick Cheney and many more.

We need to recognise a pattern here. When the facts cannot be disputed, the establishment has to shoot the messenger.

In this case, it was Assange. But the same media machine was rolled out against former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, another thorn in the establishment’s side. And as with Assange, the Guardian and the BBC were the two outlets that were most useful in making the smears stick.

Sadly, to secure his freedom, Assange was compelled to make a deal pleading guilty to one of the charges levelled against him under the Espionage Act.

Highlighting the enduring bad faith of the Guardian, the same paper that so readily ridiculed Assange’s years of detention and the threat he faced of being locked away in a US super-max jail for life, ran an article this week, as Assange was released, stressing the “dangerous precedent” for journalism set by his plea deal.

Washington’s treatment of Assange was always designed to send a chilling message to investigative journalists that, while it is fine to expose the crimes of Official Enemies, the same standards must never be applied to the US empire itself.

How is it possible that the Guardian is learning that only now, after failing to grasp the lesson earlier, when it mattered, during Assange’s long years of political persecution?

The even sadder truth is that the media’s villainous role in keeping Assange locked up will soon be erased from the record. That is because the media are the ones writing the script about what is going on in the world.

They will quickly paint themselves as saints, not sinners, in this episode. And, without more Assanges to open our eyes, we will most likely believe them.

(Republished from Declassified UK by permission of author or representative)
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  1. It’s pretty obvious the Brits kept him locked up for their own internal reasons. Britain is famous for sneering at the American legal system and often refuses to extradite wanted criminals. In this case, they didn’t extradite, but did something even worse–they threw him in a supermax prison. Not because America told them to, but because they wanted Assange locked up and mentally broken. I actually believe if he had been extradited, there was a good chance he’d be acquitted. The First Amendment carries a ton of legal weight. Britain couldn’t take that chance–he had to be jailed.

    Of course all the midwits who cling to a fantasy world where the U.S. orders Britain around will claim the Brits were “obeying Uncle Sam.”

    • Disagree: Tom Welsh, Wang Shui
    • Troll: Adam Birchdale
  2. .☆☆☆☠️☆☆☆ ®[AP©CALYPSE NOW NEWS]™ ☆☆☆☠️☆☆☆.

  3. Saggy says: • Website

    Johnathan Cook has discovered that the media is controlled by the same persons who control the government. A timely and astounding revelation.

    Next he’ll tackle that ever perplexing question, 1 + 1 = ?

    • Disagree: Rev. Spooner
    • Replies: @Che Guava
  4. • Replies: @David
  5. Charles says:

    Will the US government allow Assange to continue drawing breath? If Assange has an “accident”, or is shot in a robbery, or succumbs to a heart attack, or overdoses on a drug, most people would shrug, and some would celebrate. The devil’s advocate will say it would have been much easier to kill him while he was imprisoned. That seems to be true, but the US government may have plans that necessitate Assange’s temporary freedom.

  6. The iron fist of ZOG came down on Assange, even though he steadfastly refused to name them.

    Ursula Haverbeck has just been sentenced to one year and four months in prison by the Hamburg Regional Court…

    95 years grandmother is threat to the system for opinion!

    • Agree: El_Kabong
  7. Ghali says:

    It was the mainstream media, led by the Anglo-Saxon Neo-Fascist-Zionist media, including the BBC, The Guardian and the Murdoch Press. In reality, no one supported Julian Assange more than the people of Iraq. In Australia, the political establishment, Labor and the “Liberal” Neo-Fascist were using Assange to crawl to the U.S. regime. Credits are to Assange tireless supporters, including the late John Pilger, Pam Anderson, his wife Stella and the formidable Roger Waters.
    It is worth noting the sickening Western hypocrisy and Western racism were on full display. As the Israeli terrorists (the Jews) are going on a murder spree of journalists and reporters like Assange, the silence of Western media and Western journalists is deafening. At least 148 journalists and reporters have been killed by the Jews since October 2023. In addition, the Jews have murdered more than 50,000 unarmed captive Palestinians – overwhelmingly women and children – and wounded more than 100,000. In addition, at least 12,000 bodies trapped under rubble that health workers are unable to reach, with around 5,400 of them children in what is certainly the worst televised and carefully planned mass murder of civilians in human history. Assange illegal incarceration and torture paid dividends and served a very evil purpose. Assange is used as an example to bully and intimidate anyone who dares to question U.S.-Zionist barbarism.

  8. JWalters says:

    The villainous corporate media lies in unison, indicating a common owner.

    They also cover up the same crimes, indicting a common predator.

    They have long been covering up the terrorist crimes of Israel, pretending Israel is the victim of terrorism.

    Today they are also covering up the terrorist crimes of the “Neocon” West against Russia. Seems to be a Zionist MO.

    And they are covering up the data about the COVID crime. Money, surveillance, control.

    And they are covering up the data on the US government’s massive, expensive operation importing millions of unvetted immigrants.

    And they are covering up the outsized influence of Jewish Money in all these crimes, and in US elections, and in the US MEDIA.

    But no one wants to get the Julian Assange treatment. Or the Jeremy Corbyn treatment. Or the JFK treatment. Or RFK, or Paul Wellstone, or Yitzhak Rabin, or James Forrestal, or Folke Bernadotte.

    The Jewish terrorist Irgun and Stern gangs live on in new org charts. But the internet is destroying their

    old information controls. Here’s today’s great show with Kim Iverson, including discussion of Jeffrey Epstein, Israel’s subversive control of the US, and Julian Assange arriving in Canberra a free man.
    Most Moral Military Is Most Dangerous For Aid Workers | Epstein Admitted To Being Mossad

    I couldn’t keep the tears from streaming down my cheeks as I watched Julian waving to the crowd and voices hollering, “Well done, mate!”

    • Agree: John Trout
    • Replies: @Anonymous534
  9. Most governments have an exclusion rule, that laws apply to all
    but them, but actual journalists believe their job is to violate that
    rule and hold the government accountable.

    The fake reporters of the Guardian, the NY Times, etc., now consider
    themselves to be in the same fraternity as the spokesmen for the
    government, insuring that leaks will come their way and give them
    a competitive edge.

    Instead of defending the right of Assange to publish the American
    war crimes and diplomatic deceits, the press turned on him. It was
    a very ugly betrayal of one of their own. And now, the media is going
    to great lengths to minimize or ignore Israeli war crimes,
    and the complicity of the U.S. in Gaza.

  10. Marina Hyde is an insufferable cow, even when I agree with her. She’s co-hosting a YT channel about “entertainment” these days with Richard Osman. Go and watch if you want to observe how far a vacuous nepobaby can go on an ounce of grey matter.

  11. Hyde and Freeman are UTTER ….. Freeman adding that whiny, kosher, element to her slanders. Good God, MSM presstitutes are the foulest vermin ever ejected from Satan’s fundament. The Guardian feminazi she-males peddled the filth of the concocted ‘rape’ allegations out of spite, hatred of men and that indefinable talent to abuse those better than themselves. Some STILL do! Lord almighty I would love to see all the Guardian scum locked away in Belmarsh conditions for five years, just to balance good and evil in the cosmos that tiny fraction.

    • Agree: Kratoklastes
  12. chris says:

    So beautiful to see these scumbags named and quoted directly!

    Though Luke Harding should have taken center-stage for his publishing the critical treasure trove as well as the passwords, thus treating Assange as the primary source rather than the publisher.

    Also find it funny that Jonathan Cook still treats these propagandists as apostates rather than the actual spies which they really are. His veneration for ‘the profession’ remains me of that quote from the New York theater critic, John Simon, who said something like: ‘they were boldly taking down sacred cows which had long since been converted to burger patties and wallets and shoes.’

    Yeah, the MSM is the propaganda arm of the empire and everyone knows it. Maybe in Jonathan Cooke’s day people could still believe in the myth, but those things are long gone.

    Just to reiterate my point, the article l’ve linked below was blocked on FB yesterday!!!

    • Replies: @Lochearn
  13. Tom Welsh says:

    I suppose the photograph of Marina Hyde shown in this article is one from her Guardian byline. Maybe it’s just my prejudice, but that picture seems to me to drip with smugness, condescension, and spite.

  14. anon[322] • Disclaimer says:

    Assange was arrested by the Ashkenazim because he carried out actions that served as impediments to Ashkenazi ethnic interests. My hypothesis is that the Ashkenazim has pretended to give Assange his “freedom” so that he can come to the USA. Once he would arrive, then the Ashkenazim would make him cease to exist, perhaps a “suicide” or a “mugging.” My hypothesis is that Assange will soon cease to exist, similar to how Seth Rich was “killed by several thugs,” the person who was suspected to have released Hillary Clinton’s personal emails to the public.

    We Gentiles are an extremely genetically dysfunctional people, and we don’t even have the IQ to understand that we are now nothing more than the completely helpless physical property of the Ashkenazim. Virtually every one of the eight billion Gentiles believe that President Joseph Biden is personally creating all of the world’s policies; they are genetically incapable of understanding anything beyond what CNN tells them. I sometimes wonder if the Ashkenazim will just put shock collars on every Gentile and make them all work as slaves. But, the current economic system seems to do a highly satisfactory job in making the Gentiles work to exclusively serve Ashkenazi ethnic interests, so there is no need for shock collars.

    I would think that Assange had the IQ and knowledge to understand that there is nothing for him in the USA, or on planet Earth. He should know that he will be soon “taken out” by the Ashkenazim. He might as well take his life into his own hands and end it on his own terms, instead of waiting for the assassination to occur.

  15. Anynomous says:

    You shouldnt be any suprised about british and american. They are both completely sick, evil, aggressive and primitive animals.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  16. Imho- Mr. Assange has been set free so that he can be assassinated after the U.S. November election for POTUS.

    Hillary wants him dead, along with a host of other neo-con nutcases. He will not be permitted to travel; so he should live every day to its fullest while they permit him to breathe.

  17. @Ghali

    In Australia, the political establishment, Labor and the “Liberal” Neo-Fascist were using Assange to crawl to the U.S. regime.

    Now, as corrupt as Australian politicians are (and believe me, they are very corrupt indeed), they are nowhere near as beholden to ZOG as their U.S counterparts.
    Moreover, there was a ground swell of Australians (like myself) that were putting pressure on their local members of parliament to get up off their arses and represent them.
    And the people of Australia (or at least a critical threshold), said ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

    Accordingly, this is what happened last year:


    From the article:

    A group of 63 Australian MPs and senators have jointly signed a letter demanding an end to the prosecution and incarceration of Julian Assange.

    “We are resolutely of the view that the prosecution and incarceration of the Australian citizen Julian Assange must end,” the federal politicians said in a letter published on Thursday.

    “It serves no purpose, it is unjust and – as friends should be honest with friends – it undermines Australians’ respect for the US justice system.”

    Now, it’s one thing to send a petition with a few score signatories on it. But the Aussies also sent a delegation to Washington DC (District of Corruption) as well, so that they got into the faces of the miscreants in Murica that were responsible for torturing Assange (he was often in 23 hour per day solitary confinement in Belmarsh prison).

    They also put pressure on JFK’s daughter Caroline. Yes, that’s right – she’s the U.S Ambassador to Oz.

    SUMMARY: The U.S has 435 Congressman/indeterminate genders in the lower house, and 100 senators.
    How many of them put pressure on the ZOG controlled USG government to release Assange?
    I don’t know the answer to that, but I suspect it was very few* indeed.

    (*Other than for the Libertarians Senator Rand Paul and Congressman Thomas Massie who are almost invariably excellent, and perhaps a handful of others who are OK on some issues some of the time, U.S Federal politicians as a collective are worthless and completely bought-and-paid-for by ZOG).

    At least a few Australian politicians have some smidgen of a conscience. It’s not much admittedly, but it’s something we can work on.

    • Replies: @ghali
  18. Yet didn’t the Guardian publish secrets Edward Snowdon revealed? So they were doing exactly the same as Wikileaks was doing with Charles Manning’s revelations.

    • Agree: muh muh
  19. Anonymous[269] • Disclaimer says:

    Couldn’t agree with you more. The Anglo Saxons were never civilised, wreaking unchecked havoc in the world , together with their equally uncivilized vassals in Europe

    • Replies: @Paul Greenwood
  20. geokat62 says:

    It Was the Media, Led by the Guardian, That Kept Julian Assange Behind Bars

    One minor revision to make your title more accurate:

    It Was the Jewish-run Media, Led by the Guardian, That Kept Julian Assange Behind Bars

    • Agree: Daniel Rich
  21. I’ve been to a few Free Julian Assange rallies myself and had the good fortune to meet and chat briefly with John Shipton (Julian’s father).

    At one of the rallies I attended in Sydney, Dennis Aubrey got up and played this awesome little song (watch on Full Screen and have the volume turned up high):

    • Thanks: JR Foley, Rev. Spooner
  22. Anonymous[205] • Disclaimer says:

    Gemma O’Doherty, friend of E. Michael Jones, had a good comment on Telegram about the the hagiographic portrayal of Assange:

    “[Assange] is a CIA asset who grew up in an MK Uktra cult. Wikileaks is a honeypot for whistleblowers. Assange called those who question 9/11 stupid. In a country where you’re jailed for questioning the six million, you don’t get statues built in your honour in the middle of a busy square as he did in Berlin. Assange is a man of very low moral character especially re women. Anything getting wall to wall coverage on mainstream media now is a psyop.”

    Assange statue in Berlin, where if you question the 6 million number you go to prison

  23. Apple says:

    According to the author you have 3 options:


    The author wants you to pick the second option

  24. @Obergefreiter

    The iron fist of ZOG came down on Assange, even though he steadfastly refused to name them.

    Yes — good observation. Now imagine what the Jews would have done to him had Assange named them. He would have been suicided long ago. What is happening here? Why do the Jews go after someone who isn’t even naming them? I think it has to do with prophylactics: like satanic sentinels, the Jews stand guard to abort the development of any embryonic “Hitler” they sense from afar. They’ll do everything in their power to make sure he doesn’t take the next step, which is to Name the Jew. This tactic was actually laid out by the Jews long ago in the Protocols:

    There is nothing more dangerous than personal initiative; if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord.

    This is what the Jews fear most: The Man with Initiative. And Assange had it, and hopefully he still does (taking the necessary precautions, of course). Not only does he have initiative, but he had genius to go along with it. The union of genius and initiative of the White man represents an existential threat to the Jews.

    We can sense the terror the Jews have of this type of man: an individual white male with the audacity to think independently without being infected by the Jew mind-virus and to transform his thoughts into action. What could a man like this achieve, if left to his own devices? The Jews don’t want to wait to find out.

    The Jews know that a man like this can be the start of a movement that may topple their whole power structure. Like the autistic psychopaths they are, what the Jews fear most is losing control. And a man like Assange represents a factor of unpredictability they cannot bear: the Jews must nip even the slightest potential for revolutionary change in the bud.

    I don’t think Assange will stick his neck out too far in the near future. He knows we all live in a totalitarian Judaic reign of terror — and he has the scars to prove it. Assange deserves to be left alone in peace alongside his loved ones for a good long time.

    • Agree: John Trout
    • Replies: @Odd Rabbit
  25. The same lies and smears fabricated against Assange by the American ZOG deep state played out this week against Jamal Bowman in his losing primary fight against AIPAC’s hand picked goy G Latimer. Today in Bolivia a Mossad CIA coup is ending the government that dared to break diplomatic relations with the rogue state of Israel. We will never know the details of these ZOG crimes by the axis of Tel Aviv and Washington DC because Wiki Leaks has been defanged as a condition for the release of Assange.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  26. A few things missing from an excellent article.

    First, “The Rape”. I understand it was during a consentuary mernage au trio ( hope I spelled it right).
    Pretty much by definition, if you don’t include the third person present being a participant, it ain’t rape.

    The Russian/Trump hoax angle. It was always note worthy to me that the Durham Report never interviewed nor mentioned the publisher of Podesta’s n the DNC’s emails. Surely the publisher knew the source of the emails. And correct me if I am wrong, but it was the publishing of the said emails that was the tipping point.

    Publisher: Assange.

    • Replies: @kit walker
    , @Daniel Rich
  27. Altai4 says:

    As Mr. Cook who began his significant political career calling attention to Israel’s crimes must now have realised, all roads seem to lead to Israel and it’s lobby when it comes to the great crimes and throwing out of any legal standards.

    The transformation of the Guardian of the 70s/80s and early 90s into the Guardian of the Blairite years and after, the triumph of social liberalism (Read: Social individualism) over economic collectivism as the guiding star of the left is best seen in these articles he took from the Guardian. It is a paper for the self-satisfied upper middle and professional classes, perhaps those whose parents or grandparents were working class that doesn’t talk much about industrial policy or wages. It is a paper Barack Obama can safely read aloud from without fear of saying something wrong. It is a litany of social and economic individualism. (Read: Freedom of aggression against society)

    These people get to call themselves the left and leftist even though all they preach is social individualism and economic individualism and slander as their social inferiors anyone who holds views the mainstream sees as eccentric and which are often true in a time of universal deceit. They claim Bernie Sanders was “bad for the party” even though it’s obvious from even a cursory view at the 2020 election results that Bernie would have won. They claim too that Corbyn was bad for Labour’s chances (Not talking about how merely being in office is not actually the only way or even best way to affect political change) even though he kept surprising them in the robustness of his results despite their constant efforts to sabotage him. What man is inspired by a Keri Starmer?

    When looking at the matrix of policies these people support, intelligence states, neoliberal economic policies, high military budgets and active use of them, Israel and social individualism but with increasingly draconian legal protections for non-native ethnic groups to be ethnocentric, we have to ask, what possible reason is there for this matrix to exist?

    Perhaps it’s best to observe that Tony Blair, a key figure in bringing the Guardianista world into creation, had made his first trip to Israel (At Israeli government expense) 3 months before John Smith died suddenly from a heart attack and 1 month before Smith died he attended a dinner at the Israeli embassy where the ambitious politician was introduced to Michael Levy whose and whose circle of fellow wealthy Jewish Zionist donors (Who hadn’t bankrolled any Labour candidates before.) would ensure his leadership bid would be the most expensive in history and make his Shadow offices the most well-staffed in history. And given not only Iraq but Blair’s subsequent career being very clearly one of a prop for the Israel lobby, we can see Blair was the template for Starmer today, a politician totally bought and paid for by the Zionist lobby in Britain. In the same way, why are there so many Zionist propagandists working for the Guardian and why do they really really hate Assange?

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
  28. @Ghali

    Assange illegal incarceration and torture paid dividends and served a very evil purpose. Assange is used as an example to bully and intimidate anyone who dares to question U.S.-Zionist barbarism.

    The MSM, owned by the Jews, maintain the censorship that hides US/isreal barbarism.

    • Agree: JR Foley, Gerbils
    • Replies: @Albabah
  29. Anonymous[366] • Disclaimer says:

    Gemma O’Doherty, friend of E. Michael Jones, had a good comment on Telegram about the the hagiographic portrayal of Assange:

    “[Assange] is a CIA asset who grew up in an MK Uktra cult. Wikileaks is a honeypot for whistleblowers. Assange called those who question 9/11 stupid. In a country where you’re jailed for questioning the six million, you don’t get statues built in your honour in the middle of a busy square as he did in Berlin. Assange is a man of very low moral character especially re women. Anything getting wall to wall coverage on mainstream media now is a psyop.”

    Assange statue in Berlin,

    • Replies: @Rev. Spooner
  30. The best part was Times of London editorial denying Assange was a journalist. If he is a Non—Journalist then by definition a fully-accredited Journalist is a Government-approved Stenographer relaying Court Edicts

    That was why Izvestia always had best layout because of preparation and coordination without scoops or late editions

    • Agree: Jim H
  31. @Anonymous

    Last Anglo-Saxon king was killed in 1066

  32. @anon

    No one goes to US nowadays. It is too dangerous

  33. @JWalters

    The villainous corporate media lies in unison, indicating a common owner.

    In fact, through circular stock ownership they do indeed have a common owner, as exposed in this very long Twitter thread.

    You have probably heard it said “only six companies own all the media”.
    They are wrong. It’s one.
    All of these companies have as primary shareholders the same investment groups and thus are all owned by Megacorp.
    It’s not just the news websites and stations that are owned by Megacorp. Its also social media (Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, etc.), Google et al (which provide “personalized” search results and are the gatekeepers of all information)
    Hollywood, and all entertainment
    They Own The Fact Checkers?!?!
    Yes. They even own the fact checkers.

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  34. Bama says:

    Yes, the ubiquitous Jewish media. Certainly not the land of the free nor the home of the brave.

    Look to those who control finance, the law, government and the media and you know whose hands your life is in.

  35. @Bragadocious

    UK courts roll over regularly on US requests for the extradition of UK nationals, and the UK government rarely presses matters where UK requests for extradition of US nationals.

    The only flaw in your statement is that it ignores the undue influence the Cabal in London and Jerusalem have over the US AND UK governments.

    • Replies: @Bragadocious
    , @Jim H
  36. @Altai4

    These people get to call themselves the left and leftist

    There people give leftists (genuine, real ones) a bad name. For a start leftists are anti-Zionist (anti-Israel, pro-Palestine). Next, leftists (genuine, real ones) are anti- globalist. Then: anti-NATO, anti- …etc., etc.

  37. @anon

    My guess is Assange will fade away into the Australian bush country as agreed to. Kind of like Wikileaks is now unheard from. Does it even exist? Also Assange look remarkably good for all the prison hardship we we heard about. Honestly have no clue what this game was about other than The Donald pardoned only the Chabad crime syndicate members for money. Assange made him looked bad, but oddly no one questioned the Trump Chabad Pardoning Going Out of Business Sale. As for inbred Ashkenazim and their super duper IQs have both been overrated. You could bet the ranch that their better ideas came from some unheard of goy, and they own the IQ testing companies.

  38. The establishment media acted as a willing tool in the demonising narrative the US and British governments carefully crafted against Assange.

    Anglo Zionist kikes gonna kike.

  39. @The Alarmist

    More British fantasies. The Brits actually put out a report on this in 2011. They found:

    Of 130 extradition requests the US made to UK courts, the UK refused 10. Of the remaining 120 cases 77 persons were extradited to the US and the others were resolved by other means.

    Of the 54 requests the UK made to US courts, the US refused ZERO.

    The British conclusion? It’s fair and proper. Of course, because they have the obvious advantage.

    Despite the hysteria over Harry Dunn, the Brits cause much more trouble in America than Americans cause in the UK. I can name all the names if you’d like. If we were a real country, an arrest warrant for Christopher Steele would have been issued.

  40. “Media no watchdog”

    The Western media has become more like a mangy cur than a worthy watchdog. But now that the shoe is on the other foot, with the imprisonment of Evan Gershkovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter, let’s us see what the howling dogs are going to do.

  41. Assange is finally free – even though the US Deep State has managed to keep him silenced for the rest of his life.

    As for the “Mainstream” “Journos” who smeared Assange, they will be forgotten by history, and they will have a bitter, lonely old age, ashamed of themselves.

    • Replies: @Jim H
  42. Publius 2 says:

    It’s the Jews.

    • Agree: Rev. Spooner, Sharon
  43. So Julian Assange paid his dues. There are limits to first amendment freedoms, and most likely it does not extend to dumping mass quantities of government classified information onto the open internet. Then again it should not be allowed for crimes to be hidden by government classifications. I’m more concerned about those involved with the murders of those journalists and childred seen on that infamous movie, “Collateral Damage” that Assange put out paying their dues. When are those crimminals going to be brought to justice?

  44. Agent76 says:

    May 20, 2024 How Assange won the right to appeal extradition to the US

    WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has won his bid to appeal his extradition to the United States on espionage charges. Assange has been fighting extradition from the UK for more than a decade after Wikileaks revealed classified information about the US military in 2010.

  45. @Bragadocious

    I remember a wife of an American army official stationed in UK who ran over a British motorcyclist, killing him and then fled to the USA. The UK never never managed to extricate her to stand trial.
    American government is worse than any country for ignoring war crimes and crimes committed by its citizens.

    • Replies: @Bragadocious
    , @Jim H
  46. @mulga mumblebrain

    About Marina Hyde, the opinion expressed in this article is how I think about the woman
    it was people like her, Freedman, I stopped paying the Guardian
    If you scratch the surface of Guardian you will find it is far from liberal

    • Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  47. Che Guava says:

    Cook made his name and fame as a pro. Observer-Guardinista liar, but between them and him, that is largely occluded.

    Not my false claim and it is easy to confirm, with just a few minutes of searching

    So, as a favourite writer, John Massaro titled his article about Kathy Holuch, What is this Creature?, also applicable to Cook, what is the Cook creature?

    He is married to a Palestinian Christian woman in Nazareth, but I have never seen him write anything on things going on there. Perhaps the would-be occupiers do nothing, and leave residents of Nazareth alone.
    I would rate the probabilty of that as zero.
    That is true, though, and Cook never reports anything that is true.

    Really, one must assume that Cook is something of a fake..

    I have been reporting the Assange situation to Japanese and foreign people for years, and especially on this site.

    • Replies: @Badger Down
  48. @Bragadocious

    Of the 54 requests the UK made to US courts, the US refused ZERO.

    Are you sure this is what you meant? Did you mean to say that the US refused ALL requests for extradition?

  49. @Foster1962

    In fact the Swedish complaints were from 2 separate women on separate occasions who reported that Assange had unprotected penetration, maybe without their approval as I can’t recall. That’s as I remember it
    He wasn’t charged as he was never
    interviewed by the Swedish PD.
    Further, I also seem to recall that at least 1 of the girls said subsequently were not interested in making a complaint but were cajoled.

    • Replies: @Curmudgeon
  50. @Anonymous

    The Seth Rich assassination is one whopping CIA psyop turd, and Assange seems to have been somehow involved as Rich’s wikileaks contact.

    The dual citizen Jew Seth Rich had served in the IDF, yet in typical hebrew fashion he wrapped himself in the US flag and pretended to be a US patriot. Then there is all the blather about his laptop and the FBI, but who knows what really happened and whether Seth Rich even really existed.

    It always amazed my how the Magatards fell for the Seth Rich schtick. It probably was related to these mind control images supposedly made during July 4th “celebrations”. He was a filthy double crossing Jewish traitor, and if he was killed it certainly wasn’t because he was trying to expose Hilary on behalf of Bernie. If he even died it is far more likely he was blackmailing the wrong person

    • Thanks: chris
    • Replies: @Sharon
  51. @24th Alabama

    The Guardian (Fake news/fake guardian) office was raided some 7 or 8 years by the british intelligence who actually confiscated their computers and smashed their hard drives. Since then they turned into pussies.

    • Thanks: 24th Alabama
  52. Sarita says:

    WATCH Assange’s controversial show produced with RT👇


  53. @Anonymous

    Show me the actual quote where he says those who question 911 stupid and don’t waffle.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  54. @Fin of a cobra

    Thanks for reminding for the Protocols, the ‘Talmudist bible’.

    “Yes — good observation. Now imagine what the Jews would have done to him had Assange named them. He would have been suicided long ago.”

    It’s not aloud to speak the truth. And to speak it can be dangerous.
    But Spencer J. Quinn speaks it nonetheless:
    Cry Me a River: Marion Kaplan’s Between Dignity and Despair

    • Replies: @Odd Rabbit
  55. Sarita says:

    Are you a CIA Hasbara agent or do you work in a US army kitchen peeling onions?

  56. @Bragadocious

    What about the American womam who killed a British biker??? Google it.

  57. @Rev. Spooner

    The inevitable Harry Dunn post.

    I remember an Englishman who tried to assassinate Trump in 2016 and the Brits defended him as a misunderstood Aspergers type who deserved a hug, not prison. And indeed he never saw a US prison, except maybe for 12 hours.

    I remember Thomas Robb of England who smashed his rental car into a woman and her kids, sending two children to the hospital. He skipped bail, fled back to his council estate and the Brits ignored a warrant for his arrest.

    I remember Lee Aldhouse of England stabbing a US serviceman to death in Thailand after he got his ass kicked in a bar brawl. The Brits helped bring him back home so he wouldn’t have to do his time in Thailand. He’ll probably be released any day now, knowing the Brits.

    • Replies: @Rev. Spooner
  58. @kit walker

    If I recall correctly, there is/was something in the Swedish law that made penetration without a condom “rape” if not explicitly agreed. In one case the condom broke. At the end of the day, neither woman wanted to proceed. There was an allegation of rape made, but the semen in the condom did not match Assange’s DNA.

    • Replies: @kit walker
  59. With all of the times the Guardian made sure we knew the UN “got it wrong” on Assange, I’m amazed they haven’t been showing us how the UN has “got it wrong” on its findings in Gaza!

  60. Anonymous[937] • Disclaimer says:

    And how do you know what is happening in Bolivia when Bolivians themselves still don’t? Word is that it was an ‘auto-golpe’ — a coup instigated at the behest of Arce himself, as a political stunt.

    One noteworthy thing about almost all coverage of Bolivia by supporters of the regime that has ruled since 2005 (MAS) is that they virtually never mention the words ‘coca’ and ‘cocaine’, except for very occasional obfuscation.

    A Mossad-CIA coup… Those are some powerful and vicious enemies that the MASistas have! So it’s extremely impressive that MAS has foiled them for 19 years, 14 of them under Evo Morales when, prior to Morales, Bolivia had gone through more Presidents than it had years of existence as an independent country. It couldn’t be, instead, that perhaps they have had a quid-pro-quo with Mossad-CIA, involving white gold? Perish the thought.

  61. Sarita says:

    These are the kind of things Assange exposed:

    “US Air Force member charged with kidnapping and raping Japanese schoolgirl”

    “The alleged rape is the latest in a history of criminal cases involving US personnel in Okinawa, home to one of the largest US foreign military bases, and could exacerbate tensions with residents who have long opposed the presence of American troops and weaponry on the island.”


    One of them did that shit here in colombia and got his ass kicked real good, ass hole!

  62. Sparkon says:

    Now that he’s free, and after all the giddiness dies down, let’s hope someone will ask Julian Assange if he still thinks 9/11 is a false conspiracy.

    “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.”

    — Julian Assange


    What about it, Mr. Cook?

  63. Anonymous[407] • Disclaimer says:
    @Rev. Spooner

    Show me the actual quote where he says those who question 911 stupid and don’t waffle.

    Here’s the video of Assange essentially saying this:


    • Replies: @Rev. Spooner
  64. MarLuc7 says:

    It is hard for this to sink in —-The Jews own ALL US MEDIA. Every News Channel, Every News Paper, Every Printing House.

    Everyone on UNZ.COM knows this —-but do we really understand the level of subversion and control this allows the Jews.

    All other entities seeking to Shape and Control Public Opinion must ask permission from the Jews. The CIA, FBI, Justice Department, the Pentagon —ALL must work in collusion with the Jews to widely Publish the Propaganda Pieces they desire.

    If a story is not being covered by Journalist —it is because the Journalist works for the Jews or are themselves Jewish.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  65. ghali says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    Let’s say I agree with you. However, It is just false make-up designed to manipulate the public. The U.S. encourages soft “opposition” among its “allies” to hide its heavy stick and provides them with a shallow “independence”. The Jews in Melbourne control Canberra just like the Jews in the U.S. control DC. Very few Australian politicians dare to challenge the Zionist Murdoch Press. Assange was released because of international pressure on the British and U.S. regimes. He served his purpose of turning journalists into cowards cows. Look at the deafening silence towards the Genocide of the Palestinians by Jews. Australia supports the fake “Two States”, but it only recognizes the terrorist state of Israel.

    • Agree: John Trout, Notsofast
  66. @anon

    Hahaha you are funny.
    The Ashkenazi released Assange just because of the war in Gaza. This was a planned move. Like a Judaic marketing strategy. He is not going to get killed that’s a promise. He was arrested to set an example for future whistle blowers. This aim has been reached. The Jews own the media but many of the Goyim know this by now. So they don’t control the narrative for a 100 % anymore . Keeping Assange longer in custody could work against their goals as they don’t want the masses too know how much power they have over us. A dead Assange would make him a very popular martyr against the Judaic cult, he would become an un defeatable enemy. Like a gun that doesn’t stop shooting. Nobody really cared about mister Seth Green but the whole world knows mister Julien Assange. Even the zombie normies know about Assange , heck even my grandmother knows the guy.

    • Agree: John Trout
    • Replies: @Odd Rabbit
  67. David says:
    @Priss Factor

    I lived in Honduras when Mel was tossed. The constitution of Honduras is full of stupidity and contradictions. Totally unclear what was to be done when a two-term president decided to run for a constitutionally prohibited third term. Totally doesn’t matter to anyone in the US anyway. Whatever happens in Honduras is going to be retarded. This is a very rare instance of Max being an idiot.

  68. Sarita says:


  69. @Holy Catholic

    I find him amusing too. I think you’re better informed than he is.
    I think you are right: This was a planned move.
    As Roosevelt said: if something happens in politics it’s always planned.

  70. @anon

    He didn’t really criticise Israel, as far as I know, so I don’t know why the 4×2’s would have a beef with him. To my mind, he’s a CIA asset….

  71. Quite the Kafkaesque tale. The media is a useful tool. One without scruples or shame, apparently.

    • Agree: John Trout
  72. Daniel Rich says: • Website

    “mernage au trio (hope I spelled it right).

    In French it should be written ‘Ménage à trois.’

    Hope this helps :o]

  73. ROTFL

  74. Jim H says:
    @The Alarmist

    ‘UK courts roll over regularly on US requests for the extradition of UK nationals.’ — The Alarmist

    There’s a reason for that: the Extradition Act 2003.


    Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair KG was Britain’s PM at the time, while the hominid who Americans affectionately call the Retarded Chimp shepherded the corresponding US act through Clowngress and signed it.

    It’s the poisoned fruit of poisoned malefactors, both of whom deserve a prolonged, live-streamed public crucifixion, with a seven-course banquet for live attendees, and worldwide parimutuel betting on their respective moments of expiration.

  75. Jim H says:
    @Old Brown Fool

    ‘As for the “Mainstream” “Journos” who smeared Assange, they will be forgotten by history, and they will have a bitter, lonely old age, ashamed of themselves.’ — Old Brown Fool

    Quite so. But in compensation, they’ll receive a glowing hagiography when the Lügenpresse publishes their fondly-recalled, carefully sanitized obituary notice — for free, mind you. Not for the thousands that non-celebrities now cough up to memorialize their relatives in print.

    Death to the Lügenpresse.

  76. Jim H says:
    @Rev. Spooner

    ‘wife of an American army official … ran over a British motorcyclist, killing him and then fled to the USA.’ — Rev Spooner

    ‘On February 3, 1998, a U.S. Marine jet flying low over the town of Cavalese in the Italian Alps severed a ski-lift cable, sending a tram crashing to the ground and killing 20 people.’

    It’s good to be the World’s Only Superpowerᵀᴹ, lording it over lesser peoples and nations, as the Deity intended.

    • Replies: @kit walker
  77. @Anonymous

    Honeypotters don’t do hard time.

  78. Sharon says:

    Wasn’t he also a fag?

    • Replies: @chris
  79. annamaria says:

    Here are some prominent British presstitutes who have never known the concept of dignity.

    Marina Hyde is the daughter of Sir Alastair Edgcumbe James Dudley-Williams, 2nd Baronet, and his wife, the former Diana Elizabeth Jane Duncan. Through her father, she is the granddaughter of aviation pioneer and Conservative politician Sir Rolf Dudley-Williams, 1st Baronet.

    Marian Hyde has defamed her ancestors by her dishonorable presstituting opuses intended to protect major war profiteers and their war crimes.

    Joshua Rozenberg is a “legal advisor” for BBC — though “his analytic grasp of the Assange case has proven feeble.” Rozenberg’s favorite pastime is to rape justice. Here is a sample of his profitable dishonesty (of Judaic flavor): “Julian Assange’s extradition stayed thanks to quick legal footwork:” https://www.theguardian.com/law/2012/may/30/assange-extradition-halted

    James Ball has become an eager presstitute after being scared for his income. He is a duplicate of Eliot Higgins, in other words, an opportunist:

    In November 2010, Julian Assange invited him [Ball] to work as the in-house journalist for WikiLeaks in the UK, where he began working on the Iraq War documents leak. He said that the hours there were “long and erratic”, complicated when a European Arrest Warrant was issued for Assange … He described the backlash against WikiLeaks as “in some ways quite scary. … Seeing Amazon, Paypal, Visa and Mastercard turn on you, at the same time as US congressmen and senators are calling for you to be branded as a terrorist, is an experience, to say the least.

    And this is how James Ball has turned into a moral eunuch.

    Hadley Freeman the Presstitute:

    Freeman was born in New York City to a Jewish family. Her father worked in finance.

    Guess, her sadism and self-promotion are “ethnic” (as her obsession with toilets).
    Hadley Freeman:

    There is something about the shamelessness of such people [like Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy] that I find simultaneously repulsive and inspiring, probably because my overdeveloped self-consciousness means I find it embarrassing to use other people’s bathrooms when I visit their homes. … My life and internet bandwidth are too limited to fight with Assange’s online army of defenders about his politics, but surely we can all agree that he probably won’t be commissioned to write an etiquette guide any time soon. And if any Ecuadorean embassy staff members wish to share further stories, please consider me the WikiLeaks of your bad houseguest stories.

    Hadley Freeman’s indecency is so natural as if she never had a day of being a decent person… Quite possible. Jump, Hadley, jump, to please UK war profiteers and their friends “in finance.”

    Luke Harding is a well-known psychopath who has become famous for his enthusiastic performance of useful services for the UK/US war profiteers & criminals and for his “righteous” pussy-opuses against Assange. Luke Harding the Presstitute has been particularly useful for slandering everything Russian.
    Unsurprisingly, Luke Harding is stupid:

    In December 2016, Harding met former MI6 officer Christopher Steele in a London pub to discuss President-elect Donald Trump’s Russia connections. This was before Steele’s now-famous dossier dropped. “The key to the Trump-Russia story,” says Harding, “is being able to follow the money, see what deals were made when and by whom, and what relationships were being cultivated and why.”

    And money is what Luke Harding likes the best! Luke Harding is a perfect illustration to Orwell ‘s “Ministry of Truth.” Luke Harding would do and write anything for money and comforts. And he really enjoys his presstituting habits! Also, there is something about Luke Harding’s appearance that suggests he needs a psychiatric help (same as the always hysterical Louise Mensch).

    “even as Assange was released this week, the BBC was still continuing the drip-drip of character assassination.”
    The BBC board of self-aggrandizing Eunuchs: https://www.bbc.com/aboutthebbc/whoweare/bbcboard#:~:text=The%20Board%20is%20led%20by,who%20chairs%20the%20Executive%20Committee.

    The Board is led by Samir Shah, and consists of ten non-executive members, including the BBC’s Director-General and Editor-in-Chief, Tim Davie, who chairs the Executive Committee.

    The BBC’s Eunuchs in the Executive Committee: https://www.bbc.com/aboutthebbc/whoweare/exco/

  80. Lochearn says:

    Luke Harding is MI6 and he’s not even bright. He was given the anti-Russia spot at the Guardian for years which entailed calling the Kremlin with accusations all day, every day, so as to annoy them and then claim he was being harassed by intelligence services. There is a great video of Aaron Mate and Harding where Aaron eviscerates him and he is forced to hang up.

    • Thanks: chris
  81. Liza says:

    Er…speaking of fists, isn’t that a commie fist that our dear Julian is making in that photo at the top? Also, for a man who was abused for years in the ghastly Belmarsh prison, he does look plump and healthy. He can’t even fit into his shirt, probably the shirt he entered the jail with.

    That is just shocking about that old woman in her 90s being sentenced to serve time.

    • Troll: mulga mumblebrain
  82. @Che Guava

    So we go to the top of this article and click *Jonathan Cook Archive*. 186 articles pop up. The first one is this story about Assange. The next 20 articles are all about Occupied Palestine and *israel:s* genocide, torture, war crimes, massacre, hoax, and so on. Eventually we get to the evil and repulsive *Jonathan Freedland* and Ukraine.
    Anyone can see that Jonathan Cook:s main focus is his home country, Palestine, which has been split in two by the invading *is*.

    • Replies: @Che Guava
  83. The media are always the whores on the corner of state st.

    The media whores are now onto the dog and pony show called the U.S election starting with the debate (rolled eyes are appropriate here.)

    The whores now whip the public up like a ringmaster…colors red and blue and streamers, balloons and confetti keep the children both young and old interested…there may be an elephant in the mix somewhere.

    To participate in this is to endorse oligarchs…not democracy.

  84. Rush says:

    The media guards its turf zealously and Assange, to them, was no journalist so he had to be exterminated.

    • LOL: El_Kabong
  85. Informer says:

    American historian Webster Tarpley wrote an very informative article on CIA limited hangout artists. The article included Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Daniel Ellsberg, and should be obligatory reading for any person aspiring for a job at Mossad, CIA, MI5 etc.

    Snowden CIA Shill?
    How to identifiy a CIA limited hangout op?limited hangout op?


    • Replies: @Obergefreiter
  86. bjondo says:

    Tonight’s debate moderators are Bash and Tapper. Two exalted worthies.
    Isn’t there a Yid to be seen or heard? Yid so hard to find. We demand Yid.

    Think husband and CIA official Bash one of
    operatives to sign Hunter laptop was disinfo.


    Nothing to question here.

    Maybe Cuomo will be shoveled out to replace Biden?
    Newsom busy whitening his teeth and shining his hair.


    • LOL: El_Kabong, Liza
  87. Albabah says:
    @John Trout

    Greatly agree. Mr. trout !

  88. Sarita says:

    What a debate eh?

    Dumb and dumber arguing about whom of them is the dumbest! 🤡

    • Agree: Liza
  89. WCH says:

    The so-called “Main Stream Media” is the propaganda arm of the Global Mobsters. Most Western governments are also owned and operated by the same Global Banksters. So I don’t understand why the author implied that the media is the root cause of this… In other words the media is the Public Relations Department of the Jewish Mafia. We need to stop acting surprised when we witness the hateful and evil world wide criminals behavior.

    • Agree: annamaria
  90. Keir Starmer and all the other human filth that were behind the persecution of Assange, whether they be in the CIA, Sweden or in the British trash media should be all rounded up and locked in Wormwood Scrubs prison in solitary for the rest of their lives. Their diets should consist of dirty water and Klaus Schwab style cricket stew.

  91. Jiminy says:

    The US doesn’t do anything for nothing. I’m wondering what Australia has to give in return. I suspect there is something planned on the horizon.

  92. @Jim H

    Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair KG was Britain’s PM at the time …. the hominid who Americans affectionately call the Retarded Chimp

    Speaking of that chimp, it’s time for a sing-a-long titled “The Trial of Tony Blair” :

    You’ll notice that the video mentions that Tony Blair was nicknamed ‘Miranda’ in his Oxford days – so named after one of the moons of Uranus.
    You see, Blair was known in his university days as someone with a propensity to get down on all fours and provide ‘gratification’ to his chums.

    And, like the moon Miranda, Blair was known to orbit UR-anus if you’re a bloke he took a fancy to.

    • Thanks: annamaria
  93. @Curmudgeon

    Indeed. The “rape” accusation is from the use or non use of a condom, such are the rape laws of Sweden.
    I wasn’t aware of the counterfeit jism. Seems very Keystone Cops-ish, which gives it more credibility and plausibility.

  94. @24th Alabama

    Western MSM vermin are the most poisonous scum that H. sapiens ever threw up. Beside them, paedophiles seem almost saintly.

    • Agree: 24th Alabama
  95. @Jim H

    I believe the Marine jet at the time was described as “hot dogging”, something outside their flight regulations. Of course, no punishment of the pilot responsible for the massacre.

  96. Biff says:

    I’d be more inclined to believe that “You” are the government psyop rather than Assange.

  97. @jan oskar hansen hansen

    Oh, in my opinion, the Guardian is quite ‘liberal’ in the true meaning of that word.

  98. @Anonymous534

    The Western corporate MSM is controlled by one ubiquitous entity-the Jewintern.

  99. @Informer

    Tarpley himself is also likely a limited hangout, that is how deep this Satanic inversion and Marxist dialectic goes.

    One of my favorite quotes, right up there with Voltaire’s “If you want to learn who rules over you, find out who rules over you” is this quote from Albert Pike, the famous US “civil war” general and 33 degree master Mason:

    “Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him.”

    Secret Societies are just what the name implies: Secret. Clearly we can never know the absolute truth about what is a secret. That is why the CIA mind control experts came up with the expression “conspiracy theory” in order to cloud up the thinking of the useful idiots.

    This image of Robert E. Lee, likely another limited hangout, who was a “supplied hero” by the likes of Albert Pike:

    Below the More are some more images of “supplied hero” limited hangout media personalities of Masonic and/or Kabbalistic origin:


    • Replies: @Sparkon
    , @Obergefreiter
  100. @Jim H

    Those who met him are a bit more charitable and call him The Shrub, but I take your point and agree.

  101. Sparkon says:

    One of my favorite quotes, right up there with Voltaire’s “If you want to learn who rules over you, find out who rules over you [simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize]”

    Voltaire never said it, either way. The correct quote, in brackets, was penned by a guy frequently described as a “neo-Nazi,” Kevin Strom in 1993


    I’ve pointed out this mistaken attribution several times here at Unz Review, but…

    there’s always at least one guy who doesn’t get the word,

    You can correctly attribute that quote to me, if you like, but I probably wasn’t the first guy to say it.

    • Replies: @Obergefreiter
  102. I fear Assange may be Winston Smith (he of 1984 fame) – broken.
    I hope not.

  103. Che Guava says:
    @Badger Down

    Thank you, but my two points remain.

    i. Cook was a long-term and favoured Guardianista, and

    ii. Cook has never written on effects near and in the town where he allegedly lives.

    Perhaps there are none? Truly, I doubt it.

  104. chris says:

    You mean a fag wrapping himself in a flag?

    • LOL: Obergefreiter
  105. @Anonymous

    What a fucking liar and a worm you are. I wanted to say that I hoped you were run over by a bus but just stay safe and stop lying.

  106. @Bragadocious

    All lies. Links please, liar Bragadocious.

    • Replies: @Bragadocious
  107. @Rev. Spooner

    What am I, your research assistant? LOL

    All of these names are easily found on the Google machine you incompetent Limey twit.

  108. Spot on Jonathan. All the MSM were ready to play ball with Wikileaks – so long as they could change the rules later. The Guardian, NYT, WAPO – they’re all scum. Apparently their circulation is plunging – can’t wait for them to die.

  109. @Sparkon

    Sorry, I rushed that comment out as I was leaving the house for the day.

    Quibbling about whether Voltaire actually made that statement is equivalent to quibbling about whether the infamous Protocols of Zion are a “forgery”. The same people who were targets of the protocols were also the target of Voltaire’s quote. The main issue is really about the veracity, and to deflect the debate into who really made the statement diverts attention away from the real issues, which is why Assange and the other fake “truthers” were put into place anyway. Obfuscation and diversion are part of the mind control. In the case of the Protocols, mere possession was made into a death sentence for the entire family in Russia after the Judeo-Communist putsch. This alone substantiates the accuracy of the protocols, which was precisely the point Henry Ford was making in 1923 before the Jews cancelled him.

    Now if you are so dead set on quibbling about who originally made the “rules over you” quote, prove that no one ever made the statement before “in 1993 by Kevin Alfred Strom”. I know that you cannot, just as I cannot prove that the Protocols were not “forged”.

    • Agree: annacat
    • Replies: @Sparkon
  110. Sparkon says:

    Quibbling about whether Voltaire actually made that statement is equivalent to quibbling about whether the infamous Protocols of Zion are a “forgery”.

    No, it’s not. There is no quibble. The statement does not appear in any of Voltaire’s known writings or speeches.

    I put down the fake Voltaire quote, and others, merely as a point of scholastic accuracy, and I call out your comment here as a fallacy of false equivalence.

    • Replies: @Obergefreiter
  111. @Odd Rabbit

    As an addendum to my previous comment to “Fin of a cobra”

    Spencer J. Quinn speaks it nonetheless…
    He is not the only one. I just read the new article by Thomas Dalton:

    Old Tablets and New: Two Decalogues for the White Race

  112. @Sparkon

    How about this for a “false equivalence”. In this day and age, “scholar” is roughly equivalent to “scoundrel”.

    Sure, we could quibble all day about whether there are “good scholars” just as we could about whether there are “good Jews”.

    It really boils down to willful ignorance. “Scholars” are just as corrupted as scientists, politicians, lawyers, and Jews. All of them hide behind the veil of plausible deniability.

    I don’t know much about your “scholastic” credentials, but I think we both know a little about Ron Unz. IIRC Mr. Unz agrees with your assessment that Voltaire did not make the quote about who rules over us, but he also would undoubtable agree with the validity of the statement, making the true origins of this important statement opaque. You may claim that “The statement does not appear in any of Voltaire’s known writings or speeches.”, but this assertion is not sufficient to be absolute because Voltaire could have uttered or written it somewhere that whoever made that claim was unaware of, such as a masonic lodge or some yet unexposed masonic literature.

    More important here is the wholistic evaluation of the person making the assertion that “The statement does not appear…”. Is or was that person a Jew? Jews lie for many reasons, and they lie very, very often. Is or was that person a Freemason who has some reason to cover for his brothers in the craft? Freemasons have sworn all kinds of oaths under penalties even worse than death. Jews and Freemasons also are also quite often cryptos, hiding their membership in these groups, meaning that the claim that they are not members can never be proven. Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin all fall under this umbrella.

    Further, I cannot impugn whoever made the assertion that “The statement does not appear…” because you have not even provided his or her name or any context. Besides, as I state up thread, that is not the issue. The issue is the statements validity, which we agree on.

    The reason I attributed the statement to Voltaire was because it is the perfect bait to raise the ire of pretentious and arrogant readers who consider themselves to be more “scholarly” than the rest of us, especially when they willfully refuse to recognize certain inconvenient facts about Freemasonry, such as its centuries old existence and its pernicious influence on history and even recent events. Ron Unz fits this mold, as do you.

    From my view it was mission accomplished.

    • Replies: @Obergefreiter
  113. @Obergefreiter

    This meme seems somehow related to my comment and appropriate. Just substitute “sciency-est” with “scholarly-est”

    Now repeat after me: “Voltaire did not make that statement…”

    • Replies: @Sparkon
  114. @Obergefreiter

    Check out the Matt Groening meme past the “More”…

  115. Sparkon says:

    The reason I attributed the statement to Voltaire was because it is the perfect bait …

    Yeah right. Sure you did.

    Actually, you made a mistake, and you’ve been tying yourself in knots trying to squirm out of it.

    • Replies: @Obergefreiter
  116. @Sparkon

    A true, or “good”, scholar doesn’t resort to ad hominems. You took that bait too.

    • Replies: @Sparkon
  117. Sparkon says:

    Nope. There are no ad homs in any of my previous comments to you about the quotation by Kevin Strom that you mistakenly attributed to Voltaire.

    I’ve played the ball, not the man.

    My correction of your mistake, or any mistake, is not a personal attack. This particular misattribution has come up a number of times in the past at UR, and I’ve corrected every instance of it that I’ve seen, along with any and all other misinformation, disinformation, BS and/or lies that I perceive in comments and/or articles here.

    It’s you who has tried to make it personal by calling me “pretentious and arrogant.” You can’t play the ball, so you try to play the man.

    You should have just acknowledged your mistake, and walked away from it, but now you’ve managed to make yourself look like a can of worms, Mr. Bait.

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