Social Studies

Explore a wide range of engaging social studies ideas to make classroom learning more interactive and meaningful. Discover activities, resources, and strategies to ignite curiosity and foster a deeper understanding of the world.
Culture: Culture is the beliefs, customs, arts, etc. of a particular group or society. Culture includes all of the things listed in this picture and how these things vary from place to place. Styles of clothes change because of the weather or because of the religion in certain areas. Celebrations change because of the different holidays people celebrate based on their religious or historic background. The food changes because of what kinds of food are plentiful in that area. (to be continued) Leadership, Social Studies, Education, Teaching Social Studies, Teaching Culture, Sociology, Social Work, Teaching Spanish, What Is Culture

Culture: Culture is the beliefs, customs, arts, etc. of a particular group or society. Culture includes all of the things listed in this picture and how these things vary from place to place. Styles of clothes change because of the weather or because of the religion in certain areas. Celebrations change because of the different holidays people celebrate based on their religious or historic background. The food changes because of what kinds of food are plentiful in that area. (to be…

Emily Eyester
The Social Studies material is all organized into free, engaging interactive books. You just click on a corner of the book to turn the pages that contain free social studies interactive lessons, games, videos, photos, and sound and music clips. Social Studies Resources, Reading, 6th Grade Social Studies, 4th Grade Social Studies, 5th Grade Social Studies, Social Studies Activities, Social Studies Lesson, Social Studies Middle School, 3rd Grade Social Studies

Today is a very exciting Monday because I just reached 200 Followers, yay! I am currently working on a great giveaway celebration that I will post about later this week (probably tomorrow because I am pretty excited). In the mean time, here are some neat resources I just found this week. As always, I will be adding them to my lists of Fav Websites. 1 ) Go Social Studies Go - G.S.S.G is a website that has content organized and developed by actual Social Studies teachers as a means of engaging…

Alyssa Smith

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