Social work

Explore impactful social work ideas and projects that are making a difference in communities. Discover how you can contribute to positive change and create a better world through social work.
Working Drawing, Query, Create Image, Vision Board, Issues In Society, Social Work, Worker, Social Art, Social Issues

Cristina Bernazzani (Nuvolanevicata on Depositphotos) lives in a small Italian town between Lecco and Monza. Besides being a full-time social health worker, she is one of the Depositphotos top contributors with 30 years of experience in illustration.

Megan Jackson
Self-Esteem Printable Activities Counselling Activities, Worksheets, Self Esteem Activities, Self Esteem Building Activities, Self Esteem Crafts, Self Esteem Worksheets, Mental Health Activities, Counseling Teens, Confidence Activities

Self-esteem is a fundamental aspect of a student's personal growth and development. These worksheets provide valuable tools and exercises specifically designed to help students explore and enhance their self-worth. By engaging in these activities, students are able to reflect on their strengths, overcome challenges, and foster a positive mindset towards themselves. Whether you are a teacher, counselor, or parent seeking resources to support a student's self-esteem journey, these worksheets…

Skyla Walters