African ancestry

Explore your African ancestry and unlock the rich history of your heritage. Learn about your roots and connect with your African heritage today.
About 1075- The Kingdom of Mapungubwe is founded in Southern Africa, at the confluence of two rivers. The name means "Hill of Jackals". The kingdom will be the first stage in development that will culminate in the creation of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe to the north in the 13th century. These states are built on gold trading links to the East African coast. Design, Architecture, Ancient Aliens, Africa, East Africa, Ancient Cities, West Africa, African Empires, Ancient Civilizations

About 1075- The Kingdom of Mapungubwe is founded in Southern Africa, at the confluence of two rivers. The name means "Hill of Jackals". The kingdom will be the first stage in development that will culminate in the creation of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe to the north in the 13th century. These states are built on gold trading links to the East African coast.
