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Getting there by car

Expecting couple taking things out of back of car
Photo credit: Gianetti for BabyCenter

Are long car trips safe during pregnancy?

There's no reason to avoid car travel when you're pregnant, provided you plan extra stops for toilet and stretching breaks. However, once you reach the end of your pregnancy, you may prefer to let your partner drive as, by now, your bump will be very close to the steering wheel.

What's the best way to wear my seatbelt?

Never travel in a car without a seatbelt while you are pregnant. Provided it is properly fitted, it will help protect you and your baby from harm should you have an accident. The lap belt should lie snugly under your bump and across your pelvis. Always wear your shoulder belt, too. This should fit snugly over the top of your bump and between your breasts. Never wear the belt across your bump as a sudden jolt could cause your placenta to separate from your uterus. If the belt cuts across your neck, try repositioning your seat so it fits better.

Remember, your body -- and the amniotic fluid in your womb -- provide a cushion for your baby and help keep her safe. That means the best way to protect her is to protect yourself -- by wearing a seatbelt.

Are airbags dangerous for pregnant women?

Airbags are safe during pregnancy as long as you buckle your seatbelt correctly (see above) and move your seat well back from the dashboard or steering wheel. You can also realign the seat slightly if necessary. If you're sitting in the driver's seat and the steering wheel is adjustable, tilt it downward to get it further away from your belly. If you're on the short side and it's hard to reach the steering wheel or pedals, use a cushion to raise yourself higher in the seat.

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If you do crash, your seatbelt will help restrain your upper chest and keep you away from the steering wheel. The airbag helps spread out the force of the crash.

What should I do if my car hits another car?

In severe accidents, of course, you'll be taken straight to hospital. Even if the accident seems minor, it's best to get checked out by a doctor just to be safe. Rear-end collisions, for instance, can be extremely jarring. A mother's body does a good job of protecting the placenta from sudden impact, but if the jolt is severe enough, the placenta could separate partially or completely from the uterus without you necessarily noticing any symptoms. If you have contractions, pain or bleeding after an accident, see a doctor as soon as possible. Do mention if you have a rhesus negative blood group, as you may need to have an anti-D injection.

Will pregnancy make me more prone to travel sickness?

If you're having morning sickness, extended car travel may aggravate your nausea. But in general, being pregnant doesn't make you more likely to have travel sickness.

How can I stay comfortable while travelling by car?

Sitting anywhere for long periods of time can make your feet and ankles swell and your legs cramp. Keep your blood circulating by taking a break from driving at least every 90 minutes (although you may need to stop more often than that for toilet breaks!). Pull into a service station to walk around and do some simple stretches. If you're sitting or standing, extend your leg, heel first, and gently flex your foot to stretch your calf muscles. When you're sitting, rotate your ankles and wiggle your toes.

It pays to be extra prepared for breakdowns and other emergencies, too. Unless you fancy the prospect of changing a flat tyre with a huge bump, consider carrying a mobile phone and joining the motoring association in your state or territory. Keep a supply of warm clothes, a torch and some snacks in the boot of your car, just in case. Always carry some water for drinking, too.
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Danielle Townsend is a content and communications specialist. She was an editor at BabyCenter for over a decade.