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Vanished forest back on the map. Mapping woodland in the late medieval Netherlands based on the distribution of woodland-related place names Plans are being developed in the Netherlands for a substantial increase of woodland. But where?... more
Om beter zicht te krijgen in de landelijke verspreiding van bos in de Middeleeuwen (500-1500 n. Chr.) zijn plaatsnamen geïnventariseerd die duiden op de vroegere aanwezigheid van bos. Waarom? De Bossenstrategie 2030 beoogt de aanplant van... more
Le vicende della vasta area collinare conosciuta, complessivamente, come le Cerbaie, divengono particolarmente complesse nel corso dell’età moderna. Il processo di transizione verso forme diverse di proprietà, legate non più agli usi ma... more
"In the Middle Ages honey hunting (Zeidlerei) was very important for the production of the consumer goods honey and wax. Suitable forests, usually named as Zeidelweiden in written sources, had to be protected and maintained. There often... more
Tot ver in de middeleeuwen zagen vooral de lage delen van de Achterhoek er heel anders uit dan tegenwoordig. In plaats van de uitgestrekte open ‘broek’gebieden van tegenwoordig, bevonden zich hier half-open boslandschappen, waar onder... more
Il bosco, il legname, i pascoli e i corsi d'acqua costituivano la base della società regoliera della Pieve di Lavazzo. Queste preziose risorse naturali erano poste quotidianamente al centro dei rapporti politici, economici, culturali e... more
In this paper we investigate the potential of charcoal kilns as indicators (proxy data) of the interaction between settlement dynamics and the history of woodland presence, composition and structure. The results demonstrate that in our... more
"This short paper addresses the significance of so called charcoal pits (in German: Meilergruben). Up to now these round or rectangular pits that are related to charcoal burning have received little archaeological attention. Charcoal pits... more
Boomstamputten behoren tot het meest indrukwekkende van wat er bij archeologisch onderzoek van middeleeuwse nederzettingen tevoorschijn komt. Zo onderhand zijn in Nederland honderden boomstamputten opgegraven. Zouden die ons kunnen... more
Along the northern frontier the expansion of the Frankish empire had a major impact on settlement patterns and the cultural landscape in general. The study of charcoal production may contribute to understanding the various changes the... more
This paper charts the emergence of the concept of Ancient Woodland in the British context and its incorporation into public policy. The basis of the policy is examined and found to be at odds with the science and landscape history through... more
The present article exposes a conflict regarding the management of natural and cultural values through time, using the example of woodland management in Zagori (NW Greece) from the late 19 th century to the present day (2018). The central... more
Among the structural elements characterizing the Alpine communities in comparison to those in the plains was the specularity of their landscapes: large collective areas (woods and pastures) and scarce space for farming; extensive and... more
Prenant pour point de départ un produit, le bois, cet ouvrage montre comment s’est développé son commerce. L’exploitation marchande de cette ressource naturelle est un problème central de l’économie médiévale, où le bois est la première... more
Il secondo Workshop Internazionale di storia applicata intende consolidare un percorso, iniziato nel 2014, e discutere al di fuori dell'ambito accademico il modello di didattica e di ricerca fortemente interdisciplinare portato avanti... more
A prerequisite for a successful integration of cultural-historical values in spatial planning is a more integrated and strongly landscape-orientated approach of archaeological heritage management. Provided it is interpreted in a pragmatic... more
An exploration of the importance of access to woodland resources for the successful management of coastal and estuarine wetlands in the middle ages, focusing on a case-study of the Thames Estuary in south-east England.
Regional studies on landscape history are sometimes biased to some extent by a tendency to focus on the most intensively cultivated and investigated areas. Moreover, the concept of ‘landscape’ is at times applied uncritically, resulting... more
Provided they are recorded systematically, dated accurately and studied from a wider, interdisciplinary perspective, the archaeological traces of charcoal production can enhance our understanding of the dynamic history of forests in past... more
This paper reviews the dendrochronological evidence for native Scottish timber in historic buildings and archaeological sites, using tree-ring data which cover a 1000 year period. This records a millennium of enormous changes in the... more
Fuel is the motor of every society and, before the Industrial Revolution, it depended mainly on the availability of trees. Since economic growth was then directly correlated to the quantity of available energy (and vegetation), it caused... more