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Hazırda texnologiya və elmin, buna paralel olaraq da sənayeləşmənin inkişaf etdiyi ölkələrdə yeni texnoloji sistemlərin kütləvi tətbiqi xüsusi keyfiyyətlərə malik insan kapitalının yetişdirilməsinə ehtiyac yaratmışdır. Keyfiyyətli insan... more
DINAS PENDIDIKAN KABUPATEN WONOGIRI MKKS - SMK KABUPATEN WONOGIRI ULANGAN AKHIR SEMESTER GASAL TAHUN PELAJARAN 2015/2016 LEMBAR SOAL Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kompetensi Keahlian : Semua Kompetensi Keahlian Kelas : X (sepuluh)... more

Jenis  Sekolah :  Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
Mata Pelajaran :  Bahasa Inggris
Kurikulum :  KTSP
Kelas :  XII
This study explores and describes the academic literacy practices of students completing a vocationally orientated web design and development course at Hoerikwaggo University of Technology, a higher education institution in South Africa.... more
Loo, S. (2018) Teachers and Teaching in Vocational and Professional Education. Abingdon: Routledge. This research... more
Academic literacies research is commonly described by its focus on student writing in higher education. Typically the contextual focus of this research has been located within the traditional university setting where writing and... more
I just published Musique Overdose In those days nothing was simple and yet everything was clearly evident and clear. Immediate pleasure and satisfaction of all impulses on the spot and immediately. Forget about AIDS and those kind of... more
In the film 'Groundhog Day', the nightmarish time loop of ever-repeating days in Punxsutawney finally ends in a harmonious resolution when Phil breaks though his embittered sense of victimhood and isolation, becoming an expertly skilled,... more
In the traditional university, essay writing has been the principal form of assessment. As the face of higher education has shifted to accommodate the interests of vocational and professional sectors, new types of assessment have... more
This paper investigated project-based governance (PBG) in China's higher vocational education (HVE) with a main research question asking how PBG works in China's HVE. Using case study as a research strategy, the paper examines the... more
Vocationalism in Further and Higher Education presents a collection of research- based papers on the ‘English model’ of vocationalism and higher education. It argues that negative societal and political perceptions have hindered the... more