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IntroductionIt is likely that calls for disaster medical assistance teams (DMATs) will continue in response to international disasters. OBJECTIVE: As part of a national survey, the present study was designed to evaluate leadership issues... more
L’obésité est universellement définie à partir de la classification recommandée par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), basée sur l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC). Cependant, l’application d’une norme unique présente des limites,... more
A plethora of digital ECG formats have been proposed and implemented. This heterogeneity hinders the design and development of interoperable systems and entails critical integration issues for the healthcare information systems. This... more
This study examined the predictive power of two selection examination scores on Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) result of pre-degree science students of Benue State University Makurdi-Nigeria with a view to seeking... more
Purpose:  The Optics and Radiometry Laboratory (ORLAB) provides a testing service for the Australian sunglass industry to assist its compliance with the mandatory Consumer Product Safety Standard. In doing so, a number of sunglasses... more
First work with standardization for European containers begun before established of 'Bureau International des Containers et du Transport Intermodal' (B.I.C.) in 1933. First point of view for use containers in European transport was under... more
Nowadays, modern laboratories are faced with a huge volume of information. One of the goals of the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is to assist in the management of the information generated in the laboratory. This study... more
Recently accepted revisions to ASHRAE Standard 55—thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy, include a new adaptive comfort standard (ACS) that allows warmer indoor temperatures for naturally ventilated buildings during summer... more
Risk in electrical work is more than any other job even using household purposes, its needs some precaution. Any slippage has no excuse. Fatal incident of a person will create a void place in his organization and family too. We can assume... more
ÖZET Turizm etkinliklerinin son 60 yılda ulaşmış olduğu ekonomik, sosyal, kültürel, çevresel ve politik etkiler günümüzün en önemli olgusu haline gelmesine yol açmıştır. Zira her yıl bir milyarı aşkın birey sürekli yaşadıkları yere dönme... more