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The observation, analysis and construction of cities and forms of mobility are not always in step with the complexity of urban systems and changes in contemporary societies. It is possible to use time as a key to reading the functioning... more
This paper argues that responsible designers are responsive to the needs of the community, detailing how social designers can have a global impact through shaping their localities and therefore challenging the neoliberal economy. The... more
Tired of the lack of criticality present in many 'socially engaged practices' in design, I wrote this post as a way of starting a discussion on what 'social design' might mean. The post was originally published in my website / blog, where... more
Numa época a qual a vulnerabilidade feminina está tomando espaço nas discussões e políticas de enfrentamento à violência contra a mulher tomam prioridade em instituições de ensino, concebe-se o projeto AEDES (Aeronave de Defesa Social). O... more
The recent cross-breeding between design and social innovation sparks some interesting debates about the adequacy and real benefit of design for the search of answers to our political and social problems. What is so social about design in... more
“Thinking aesthetic reality with Simondon”. As a philosophical program, this title presupposes three things: first, it presupposes that something called “aesthetic reality” exists and can be distinguished from reality in general; second,... more
Im Zuge der Debatten um ökonomische wie soziale Nachhaltigkeit und angesichts der Tatsache, dass Soziologie und Kulturwissenschaft die Dinge vermehrt hinsichtlich ihrer Rolle in gesellschaftlichen Prozessen reflektieren, sind soziale... more
Design and designer's role have changed. It is now not only about adding aesthetic value and functionality to a product. The human centric approach of design generates questions of how design education can adapt and modify to magnify the... more
This project is about redesigning the ownership of resources in marginal territories, in order to understand the complexity of the issues it generates. The rural landscape has been the space of collective creativity: knowledge,... more
This paper presents Tapiskwan, a project focused on developing design workshops for indigenous artisans that aim to encourage their empowerment by bridging tradition and innovation. Developed in partnership with members of the Atikamekw... more
Depending on the focus, design research can occasionally seem to be a moving point in the coordinating system between more or less strongly polarized components such as “theory and praxis,” “art and technology,” “science and industry” or... more
Oftewel de fabelachtige, fantastische, ongelooflijke, onwaarschijnlijke, verbazingwekkende menselijke geest. Het is een term die de respectievelijk Japanse en Finse curatoren Noriko Kawakami en Ikko Yokoyama bedacht hebben voor een... more
The great design movements in design history were, for the most part, guided by utopian, political, or at least reformist aims. They combined the question of what today is called 'material culture' with the more general question of how we... more
Part of designs’ essence is about being deeply committed to finding solutions for human problems. However, we can observe that, on the last century, much of this effort has been channeled to the design of products and goods for sale and... more
Teoria del type design, la prima teoria completa del di-segno di caratteri, uscirà a settembre 2019 per i tipi di Ronzani Editore in prima edizione italiana. Scritta da Gerard Unger - designer e docente olandese internazionalmente... more
Entrevista a Scott Brown, miembro del Parson's DESIS Lab, a propósito de su colaboración en el taller de Diseño Social impartido para la Maestría de Estudios de Diseño de CENTRO que contó con la colaboración de vecinos de la escuela.... more
This essay depicts the entangled knots in doing a social design project in a personal real-life experience. The author used to be a member of “The Flying Classroom,” which is a volunteer project that brings design projects to schools and... more
Social design represents a growing interest among the design community. Many academic and educational experiences confirm that it is possible and promising. Senior, junior and future designers are urged to face social issues, and to... more
This article explores how placemaking took place in architectural and design studios working with migrant and displaced communities at universities in three countries. Placemaking is a dimension of architectural and urban design practice... more
Resumo Este artigo explora o papel dos designers na transformação colaborativa de espaços públicos, sob a perspectiva interdisciplinar do Design Anthropology e o cruzamento de interesses comuns entre duas pesquisas realizadas... more
Only recently have we witnessed the inclusion of ethics and global citizenship in tourism debates. The upcoming Tourism Conference in The Netherlands, Connecting the dots, is the first of its kind. The freedom of movement, the right to... more
El diseño socialmente responsable es un diseño comprometido y el compromiso es político. Eso permite descartar muchas variaciones de diseños autoproclamados como “responsables”. Así, entenderemos en esta reflexión el diseño visual... more
Une des promesses de la participation citoyenne est d’assurer à tous, de l’expert au citoyen ordinaire, voix au chapitre dans la définition des équipements, institutions et principes qui constituent notre monde commun. Depuis quelques... more
Welchen Einfluss hat die Gestaltung des gegenständlichen Umfeldes auf zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen und wie werden diese gewollt oder ungewollt mit den Dingen mitgestaltet? Auf welche Weise werden durch Design und Architektur soziale... more
This paper proposes a methodology for Design Economy 2021 that will provide data and stories on the environmental and social value of design in the UK, in addition to economic value. It envisages a programme of research over several years... more
OVERVIEW This project was undertaken by a small team of researchers affiliated with the Transition Design Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, U.S.A. It is "work in progress" shared with a specific group as an introduction... more
This paper outlines an emerging Transition Design approach for addressing " wicked " problems (such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, crime, poverty, pollution, etc.) and catalysing societal transitions toward more sustainable and... more
Achille Mbembe posits the radical notion that, in the twenty-first century, Africa will constitute the planet’s main cultural and philosophical event, as the diaspora of the post-colony embraces its African voice and disassembles the... more
Based on a critical analysis of the two notions of “crisis” and “compassion,” this article outlines and problematizes the increasing engagement of design practices with refugees and vulnerable communities on the move. By contextualizing... more
O chamado design sustentável retoma a discussão a respeito do papel social do design. Enquanto algumas propostas atuais tratam indiretamente dos impactos sociais nos processos de produção, uso e descarte de produtos, há outras que visam... more
This dissertation examines examples of local authority-led, developer-led, arts-led and community artwashing in Britain's urban communities. It uses two London-centred case studies- Hannah Nicklin's artist residency on the Teviot council... more
In How to Thrive in the Next Economy, design writer John Thackara offers ten thematic recommendations for flourishing in the future. First, he pummels the reader with staggering statistics that assert the intensity and magnitude of the... more
Dyslexia has been a common reason of the insecurities children develop in their early school years, oftentimes remaining a problem way after a child has learned how to read and write. Depending on whether the problem is observed in... more
The goal of this study was to investigate how service design can be utilised in the community centred design in Africa and what type of service design processes could benefit local communities when developing innovative services and... more
[Written for the 2015 Transition Design Symposium at Carnegie Mellon School of Design] Others have written eloquently and convincingly about why it's necessary for us to evolve the practice of design, and why the next chapter of design... more
La bibliothèque Saint-Sulpice est appelée à se transformer en un nouvel espace citoyen, technologique et ludique. Deux axes de développement complémentaires sont envisagés pour ce projet : une bibliothèque spécifiquement dédiée aux... more
Report and analysis of a large experimental programma in the UK for building infrastructure for resilience
This booklet was published in 1990 to accompany an exhibition at the Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design and Typography, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. It explores the work of Dennis Livingston, a Baltimore-based... more
A [revised for a forthcoming translation into Chinese] sketch-outline of a paper attempting to build the case that, contra Ezio Manzini, Social Design should be considered to a practice that is distinct from conventional, commercial forms... more
With this special edition of the Strategic Design Re- search Journal (SDRJ) we want to contribute to the emerging debate on design’s role in the creation of the very worlds within which we live, the conditions for plural possibilities of... more
Last century, a new design area bond with new aims and principles emerged, committed to answer more urgent and relevant needs of humanity. Multiple terms come forward to identify it and because there isn't a unifying language among its... more
The world is filled with pressing social challenges that cry out for solution. On one side are issues related to natural resources, such as global climate change and adequate food supplies. On the other are problems with service systems,... more