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Abstract: The term identity is very problematic and has varying degrees of scopes and meanings. The concept of “being” or “becoming” of identity is a contextual term that is affected by time and space. The interaction and... more
The number of forcibly-displaced people in the world now exceed 65 million, due primarily to violent conflict, persecution, and natural disasters. This course examines the hardships most refugees face during their journeys, in the process... more
In response to research that has downplayed or denied the reality of gentrification-induced displacement, critical urban geographers have called for rethinking the concept of displacement. This article takes up that call by examining the... more
Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) sheets are widely used to repair the element of steel structures in rehabilitation. Many research has done in this techniques. Application of this strip to increase the strength of element and it is... more
Facilitating access to asylum and other forms of refugee protection for the millions displaced by mass atrocities in Syria and Iraq is essential to the implementation of the international norm of the Responsibility to Protect (RtoP). This... more
Popular Wisdom valorizes tourism as an industry inextricably intertwined with physical displacement. Whereas academicians emphasize that tourism was a product of technological revolutions linked to mass-transport which accelerated and... more
Elastomer based pressure sensitive adhesives used in various peeling applications are viscoelastic and expected to be rate sensitive. The effects of varying peel velocity on adhesion energy and its dependence on the peel angle and rate of... more
While nation-states often claim that refugees threaten their political and territorial integrity, this chapter shows how the opposite can be true: sometimes states need refugees. In late 2014 and early 2015, when parts of Iraq... more
The micro-accelerometers are devices used to measure acceleration. They are implemented in applications such as tilt-control in spacecraft, inertial navigation, oil exploration, etc. These applications require high operating frequency and... more
Forced migration is a global issue. About 34 million of the world's inhabitants were identified in 2010 by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees as either refugees, internally displaced persons, asylum seekers or stateless... more
This case study of recent efforts to deconcentrate poverty within the Skid Row area of Los Angeles examines processes of ‘weak-center ’ gentrification as it applies to a ‘service dependent ghetto, ’ thus filling two key gaps in prior... more
The process of accession of the immigrant population has passed of form parallel to the creation of his own associations. This fact can be considered in a beginning one more step in the configuration of a multicultural model, but also he... more
Southeast Asian cities have long been produced as the ‘exemplary centres’ of the region, shaped in various and overlapping ways by the imperial gaze, nationalist visions (and their democratised versions), and by the familiar blueprints of... more
IntroductionThey bear upon them the traces of the particular cultures, traditions, languages and histories by which they were shaped. The difference is that they are not and will never be unified in the old sense, because they are... more
The contemporary concept of place rests on a paradox: in order to move seamlessly within and between places (real and virtual), one must possess a secure—primarily, legal and economic—connection to a place. Without this secure connection,... more
In this paper, using the exponential parametrization of Lie group of orthogonal dual tensors , the problem of the decomposition of a rigid displacement by a sequence of three displacements with specified screw axis is solved. It will be... more
The biomechanics of skin and underlying tissues plays a fundamental role in the human sense of touch. It governs the mechanics of contact between the skin and an object, the transmission of the mechanical signals through the skin, and... more
The Sustainability and Social Inclusion Research Project is meant to articulate with the City of Fort Collins' own emphasis on social sustainability by investigating patterns of citizen participation in (and assessing who appears to... more
In this essay I want to figure out in which ways the Squat Group Kinderen van Mokum fit into what we know about contemporary problems in Amsterdam, especially concerning the youth. In analysing literature and comparing that to the... more
This paper explores the socio-psychological aspects of British national identification among British South Asians, which constitutes the largest ethnic minority group in Britain. Identity Process Theory can elucidate the social and... more
This guest editorial in the El Paso Times presents an alternative concept/idea for building the Multi-purpose Performing Arts and Entertainment Complex in El Paso, Texas.
The experiences of stateless Kurdish refugees from Syria in Iraq highlight the importance of identifying statelessness during RSD, and the benefits this can offer for refugee protection.
This article explores exclusion and sense of displacement through the austerity experiences of young adults in Ballymun, a disadvantaged urban neighbourhood in Dublin, Ireland. Such youth encountered exclusion on the labour market, urban... more
In this article, I revisit my earlier project on local poetry practices by Japanese ‘war brides’ from the Second World War and explore a creative, transnational home-making activity by focusing on one of my informants, Fuyuko Taira’s... more
Displacement is increasingly common (affecting one in every 122 people) and also increasingly protracted (over half of the world’s 14 million refugees in 2015 have been displaced for over ten years). Circa 90% of these refugees and... more
A Fortress in Brooklyn highlights Hasidic agency in urban change. While those with only a passing knowledge of Hasidic life might look at the community’s most visible markers—the sheitels, the shtreimels, the commitment to religious... more
This study examined the relationships among adaptive coping, individual resilience, community resilience, and absence of anxiety among internally displaced survivors. Household interviews were conducted among 200 survivors of Super... more
Under contemporary capitalism the extraction of value from the built environment has escalated, working in tandem with other urban processes to lay the foundations for the exploitative processes of gentrification world-wide. Global... more