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We describe a method of generating and utilizing visual landmarks that is well suited for SLAM applications. The landmarks created are highly distinctive and reliably detected, virtually eliminating the data association problem present in... more
In this paper the MRL rescue robot team and its robots are explained. We have designed and built three new robots including two autonomous indoor robots and one out-door (rough terrain) robot for different situations/arenas. Our main goal... more
În zilele noastre dezvoltarea tehnologiei este mai rapidă pe zi ce trece. Din ce în ce mai multe dispozitive robotizate autonome s-au infiltrat în viețile oamenilor pentru a o face mai usoară. În foarte multe cazuri, dispozitivele... more
In this project، we provide a new vision to benefit from the advances in machine learning algorithms that used in localization and tracking systems which depends on using wireless signals. The project includes a study to relate Received... more
This paper aims to present an Adaptive Decentralized Cooperative Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (AD CVSLAM) solution based on a stereovision system. With the proposed solution, a group of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) will... more
In robotics, the term Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) refers to the ability of a robot to create a map of the surrounding environment, and to localize itself in that map, by using its on-board sensors. SLAM is fundamental for... more
This paper investigates 3-dimensional Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) and the corresponding observability analysis by fusing data from landmark sensors and a strap-down Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) in an adaptive Kalman... more
There are about 253 million people with visual impairment worldwide. Many of them use a white cane and/or a guide dog as the mobility tool for daily travel. Despite decades of efforts, electronic navigation aid that can replace white cane... more
This paper presents the Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (vSLAMTM) algorithm, a novel algorithm for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). The algorithm is vision-and odometry-based, and enables low-cost navigation in... more
Reliable perception is required in order for robots to operate safely in unpredictable and complex human environments. However, reliability of perceptual inference algorithms has been poorly studied so far. These algorithms capture... more
The lack of publicly accessible datasets with a reliable ground truth has prevented in the past a fair and coherent comparison of different methods proposed in the mobile robot Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) literature.... more
This paper presents an autonomous robotic wheelchair navigation system (ARWNS). The proposed ARWNS provides the functions of indoor map construction, wheelchair localization, path planning, obstacle avoidance navigation. A front LiDar was... more
WLAN has lately been applied to the problem of mobility tracking and behavior analysis. To further the development of the studies in this direction the positioning system that can perform on the network side with minimal human... more
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) involves creating an environmental map based on sensor data, while concurrently keeping track of the robot’s current position. Efficient and accurate SLAM is crucial for any mobile robot to... more
This paper proposes a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) scheme that is applicable to the autonomous navigation of unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs). A SLAM scheme is an alternative navigation method for measuring the... more