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In recent years, there has been considerable attention within the social work profession surrounding diverse personal, family, and community issues pertaining to sexuality, yet social workers typically receive very little training on... more
In the field of identity politics and cultural identity, the representation of differences plays a crucial role. The extent of the differences a society has determines the social outcomes in divergent ways. Surely, there are other... more
Although, much is currently known about hypersexuality (in form of excessive sexual behavior) among sexual offenders, the degree to which hypersexual behavior is linked to paraphilic and especially pedophilic interests in non-forensic... more
The enigmatic appeal of submission in sexual masochism is a phenomenon that calls for an explanation: What makes receiving pain during sex so appealing? This appeal can be explained conceptually, phenomenologically, and biochemically as... more
As pornography use becomes more commonplace in the United States, and increasingly so among younger cohorts, a growing literature is considering its potential connection to key social and cultural institutions. The current study examines... more
Freudian (1905 Wien; Der Witz und seine Beziehung sun VnbewuJten. Deuticke) and Salience (Goldstein, Sub and Anthony, 1972; The Psycho/ogy of Humor. Academic Press, New York) theory make opposite predictions about the effects of attitudes... more
This article examines the effect of sexual self-esteem on adolescent students' sexuality. The researchers utilized the ex post facto survey design to explore how sexual self-worth influences sexual dispositions among adolescents in... more
Following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide after forced “conversion therapy,” President Barack Obama called for a nationwide ban on psychotherapy aimed at changing sexual orientation or... more
Le transsexualisme figure toujours en bonne place sur la liste officielle des maladies psychiatriques, tout comme les « perversions » sexuelles, sous le nom moins connoté de troubles paraphiliques. La société, pourtant, a évolué sur les... more
(From _Processes of Institutionalisation: Case Studies in Law, Prison, and Censorshop_, by Uwe Boeker and Julie Hibbard, 2001) An examination of the prosecution of Wilde as a function of struggles over autonomy and control of psychic... more
This article examined the influence of sexual content in popular media on the sexuality of public university adolescents. The survey utilised a researcher-made questionnaire to collect data from a random sample of 1580 adolescents from... more
This article is an attempt to alert sexuality educators and counsellors to the viability of peer association as machinery for propagating sexual ideals and mores. The study reported here examined the influence of peers on the sexuality of... more
В статье представлен анализ параметров успешности и легальности секстинга как разновидности онлайн коммуникации, под которой следует понимать обмен текстовыми сообщениями, изображениями, GIF-файлами и видеофайлами в онлайн пространстве... more
This course will examine the surreal, whimsical, grotesque, and weird films of director Tim Burton. We will come to know his body of work as a series of narrative, visual, and thematic preoccupations that have influenced a variety of film... more
Key Points ◦ Early theorists, especially those from a psychoanalytic background, saw firesetting arising out of sexual dysfunction. ◦ Some firesetters are sexually motivated and show sexual arousal to fire-related stimuli. ◦ While a... more
Sex work was not a prominent public issue in the USA a generation ago. Law and law enforcement were fairly settled. Over the past two decades, however, a robust campaign has sought to intensify the stigmatization and criminalization of... more
Reticulated amid the lines of T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land is the collapse of traditional, classical culture, convoluted by the rise of consumer culture. Eliot’s fragmented poem which seeks to merge the past and present with the predicted... more
Learning How To Deal With Female and Male Physical Intimacy Issues! Understanding the basis of sexual issues, must first be properly grasped before any assumptions can be made on its impact on an individual’s life. There are several... more
Background: The scale and scope of experience of sexual harassment at work among male and female flight attendants was examined. Flight attendants are a predominantly female workforce with an occupational heritage of female and male... more
La ideología de género ha puesto de manifiesto el problema de relación entre la biología y la subjetividad, es decir, el problema de la relación entre lo orgánico de nuestro cuerpo y el modo que tenemos de interpretar y comprendernos a... more
This chapter explores how structural and functional neuroimaging research on brain abnormalities observed in individuals with pedophilia might potentially influence orthodox legal perspectives on retribution and rehabilitation concerning... more
Disgust sensitivity is said to relate to the individual’s tendency to stigmatise out-groups, such as for example sexual minorities. This essay proposes the hypothesis that this theory about disgust sensitivity also is applicable to the... more
The current preoccupation of criminal justice practitioners and policy makers with the prediction of reoffending has resulted in a conceptualization of risk as simply clusters of factors that correlate with recidivism. The reliance on... more
Homophobic violence can be considered as an expressive act. Violent behavior can be considered as anti-homosexual when victims are chosen because they are considered or perceived as homosexual. Following this reasoning, hate crimes as... more
The book provides theory, milieu therapeutic methods and daily care practice examples and recommendations, and organizational development, based on research. From 30 years of practice, it answers some of the common questions from... more
Arabic Literature, Sexuality, Sexual Violence, Gender and Sexuality, Torture, Syria, Modern Arabic Literature, Prison Literature, Punishment and Prisons, Prisons, and Sexual Deviant Behaviour
Introduction: Rape and pedophilic child molestation are the most commonly convicted sexual offenses in Poland. Recent studies have suggested a possible genetic contribution toward pathologic sexual interests and behaviors. Aim: To analyze... more
In this paper I will examine the representations of empowerment and sexuality through the portrayal of female sex workers in television drama. Boyle (2006, 2008, 2010) and Levy (2005) have studied the sexualisation of women in mainstream... more
While studies have consistently observed an association between pornography use and depressive symptoms, data limitations have precluded understanding the nature of this relationship. Drawing on data from a representative panel study of... more
This article examines the effect of sexual self-esteem on adolescent students’ sexuality. The researchers utilized the ex post facto survey design to explore how sexual self-worth influences sexual dispositions among adolescents in... more
Unveiling the Veiled Royal Consorts, Slaves and Prostitutes in Qajar Photographs Photo exhibition curated by: Dr. Pedram Khosronejad Associate Director for Iranian and Persian Gulf Studies, Oklahoma State University A special Exhibit... more
Margaret Mead's conclusions to her book, Sex and Temperament draws attention to important issues of the influence of culture on personality. She brings our focus to the way in which children are raised, but she also notes the significance... more
This paper analyzes two cases in particular, U.S. v. Marcus and U.S. v. Bagley, representing federal prosecutions of people in BD/sm relationships. This analysis puts the TVPA into historical perspective. It includes an in depth... more
This paper seeks to adress the challenges that “Open Prostitution” exerts on the Catholic Church’s doctrine on the sacrament of Marriage and human sexuality. In doing so, we shall briefly attempt to define and explain what open... more
Abstract The development of sex offender residence restriction legislation was predicated on the assumption that sex offenders pose an increased risk to the public. The goal of such legislation was to create “sex-offender-free” zones in... more
An emerging refrain on the left is that the problems of sex work pertain to conditions of work under capitalism rather than sex. This is carried out by Mac and Smith in their book Revolting Prostitutes and is a tendency I critique here.
This book is the story of my self-deception about my “deviant” sexuality and my protracted and painful progress toward self-understanding and self-acceptance. Unavoidably, the book involves explicit descriptions of a wide range of... more
Sex addiction is a sexual desire disorder with serious adverse functional consequences. Treatment effectiveness research for sex addiction is currently underdeveloped, and interventions are generally based on guidelines for treating other... more