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Recent imaging (e.g., MacSweeney et al., 2002) and lesion (Hickok, Love-Geffen, & Klima, 2002) studies suggest that sign language comprehension depends primarily on left hemisphere structures. However, this may not be true of all aspects... more
Background: Previous studies have produced conflicting findings concerning the role of short-term memory in syntactic comprehension. Aims: The study aimed to investigate whether eye-movement monitoring shows significant differences in... more
Flexible induction is the adaptation of probabilistic inferences to changing problems. Young children's flexibility was tested in a word-learning task. Children 3 to 6 years old were told 3 novel words for each of several novel objects.... more
Thematic-role assignment is influenced by several classes of cues during sentence comprehension, ranging from morphological exponents of syntactic relation such as case and agreement to probabilistic cues such as prosody. The effect of... more
This paper presents three studies which examine the susceptibility of sentence comprehension to intrusion by extra-sentential probe words in two on-line dual-task techniques commonly used to study sentence processing: the cross-modal... more
We present a new framework that conceptualizes language learning as a problem of hierarchical probabilistic inference under uncertainty, as motivated by recent work on native-language processing. We employ this framework to investigate... more
A head-mounted eye-tracking methodology was used to investigate how linguistic and nonlinguistic information sources are combined to constrain referential interpretation. In two experiments, participants responded to instructions to... more
Hungarian is a language with morphological case marking and relatively free word order. These typological characteristics make it a good ground for testing the crosslinguistic validity of theories on processing sentences with relative... more
To understand a sentence, the meanings of the words in the sentence must be retrieved and combined. Are these meanings represented within the language system (the lexical hypothesis) or are they represented in a general conceptual system... more
One of the challenges to functional neuroimaging is to understand how the component processes of reading comprehension emerge from the neural activity in a network of brain regions. In this study, functional magnetic resonance imaging... more