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Numerous studies have suggested that under certain circumstances (e.g., immersion in the second language environment) the production of the native language (L1) in adult second language learners can be influenced by features of the second... more
This study aims to reveal the forms of language style used in "Nahw al-Qulub al-Kabir," the work of al-Qushayri with aesthetic values. It also intends to reveal the meaning effects implied in the language forms. This study uses... more
ÖZET Geçmişten günümüze işlenerek zenginleşen ve çok geniş bir coğrafyada kullanılan Türkçe, tarihî süreç içerisinde farklı kollara ayrılmıştır. Türkçenin farklı mecralarda seyreden kolları arasındaki farklılıklar ses ve şekil... more
La estabilidad en el empleo se ha reconocido como un principio para tener en cuenta al momento de la celebración de relaciones contractuales en el ámbito laboral, considerando que, a partir de la misma, se ha instituido con carácter... more
Because prepositions are lifeless and pattern words which have lost their real meanings, they are used as duty elements instead of meaning elements in the language. Due to this peculiarity of prepositions, it is quite difficult to... more
Abstract John Corcoran: The expressions 'form', 'structure', 'schema', 'shape', 'pattern', 'figure', 'mold', and related locutions are used in logic both as technical terms and in metaphors. This paper juxtaposes, distinguishes, and... more
Bu araştırmada tutuklu ve hükümlülerin umutsuzluk, ölüme ilişkin depresyon ve ölüm kaygısı düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma betimsel yöntem kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın örneklemini, 116... more
As a requirement of the least effort law, ellipsis, aiming to save time and effort by economizing the language, appears in a wide range of areas from sound to sentence. Sentence ellipsis, which constitutes the subject of our study, is a... more
Introduction: The production of a sentence requires the preparation of a minimal linguistic unit, e.g., the first syntactic phrase (Smith and Wheeldon, 1999), and the retrieval of lexical representations. During the preparation of the... more
This article discusses the different meanings of kalām and ǧumla in the Arabic linguistic tradition. It does so in a contrastive way, by confronting them with: 1) the traditional distinction in Western grammar between sentence and... more
This paper describes an alignment system that aligns Myanmar-English texts at the sentence and word level in parallel text. Sentence and word level alignment is the identification of the corresponding sentence and word in the parallel... more
The International Court of Justice has scrutinized both aggravating and mitigating circumstances from its ever lightest sentence against Mr. Almahdi in 2016 to its heaviest sentence against Mr. Ntaganda in 2019 and other sentencing... more
Behavioral studies demonstrate the influence of speaker gaze in visually-situated spoken language comprehension. We present an ERP experiment examining the influence of speaker’s gaze congruency on listeners’ comprehension of referential... more
Frege proposed his doctrine of unsaturatedness as a solution to the problems of the unity of the proposition and the unity of the sentence. I show that Frege’s theory is mystical, ad hoc, ineffective, paradoxical and entails that singular... more
Abstrak: Kualitas Proses dan kualitas hasil pembelajaran selalu berjalan beriringan dan saling berbanding lurus. Proses pembelajaran yang berkualitas akan menghasilkan hasil pembelajaran yang berkualitas pula. Indikator proses... more
This squib sketches an analysis of the contribution of appositive constructions to metaphoric readings (Australia, the country with a passion for rugby). It is suggested that optional constructions ...
We present the Penn system for SemEval-2012 Task 6, computing the degree of semantic equivalence between two sentences. We explore the contributions of different vector models for computing sentence and word similarity: Collobert and... more
Objectives: Persian is a pro-drop language with canonical Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) word order. This study investigates the acquisition of word order in Persian-speaking children. Methods: In the present study, participants were 60... more
This thesis investigates two questions about the cognitive mechanisms underlying the advance preparation of sentences. First, how much planning does the language system require to begin outputting a sentence and second, how is this scope... more
This study investigated individual differences in the use of prosodic structure in the resolution of syntactic ambiguity in English, exploring listeners’ sensitivity to the placement of prosodic boundaries in the parsing of relative... more
This study aimed to find out discourse analysis of traditional Buginese songs through elements used in the song.By analysing the lyrics of the song and focuses on the discourse widely used in the song.The study uses qualitative... more
The present study examined how two mental health disorders (anxiety and depression) impact people’s ability to process language. Participants (N = 64) were asked to read and recall sentences. A secondary naming task was used to prompt... more
Whether or not pre-planning a sentence involves syntax hinges, partially, on the observation that, when a sentence starts with a conjoined NP, the speech onset is delayed compared to matched sentences starting in simple NPs. An... more
The present study aimed to assess the role of sentence plausibility in the functional link between action words and visual judgments of point-light human actions. Following the oral presentation of action verbs included in a plausible or... more
... schemes: A cm,slinguistic study of word order end inflections DAN I. SLOBIN* University of Cai;iornia at Berkeley THOMAS G. BEVER ... The atl!ter two languages, English and Italian, are nonitlilectional, and therefore do not have... more
Semantic plausibility has been shown to aflfect a number of sentence processing tasks, including reading, sentence matching, and RSVP (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation). In this thesis it is argued that anomaly, and not plausibility is... more
The task of Event Detection (ED) is a subfield of Information Extraction (IE) that consists in recognizing event mentions in natural language texts. Several applications can take advantage of an ED system, including alert systems, text... more
The main objective of this work is to perform a comparative analysis of sentence and main noun phrases complexity in two different types of discourses, written media and academic prose, using a trained syntactic parser (Stanford PCFG... more