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Abstract A single-acting (3 × 3) 510 mm powered disc harrow was developed to achieve timeliness in operation in the extensively followed rice-wheat cropping system by reducing tillage passes with the proper incorporation of residues left... more
Equipping tines with the wings increases draft and soil loosening. Wing angles affect tine performance, soil aggregation and remained residue. In this research, conventional wing with no bent plus backward and forward bent wings with bend... more
Der einführende Beitrag versucht, nach der Erläuterung des Konzepts einer „lernförderlichen Begleitforschung“ den medientheoretischen Begriff „Format“ für die Erwachsenenpädagogik nutzbar zu machen. Daran anknüpfend nimmt er den... more
Biologische Ansatze zur Erklarung von »geschlechtsspezifischer Sozialisation« erleben derzeit eine Renaissance. Ihrer Unterkomplexitat wird ein Konzept entgegengesetzt, das »Sozialisation in alltaglicher Lebensfuhrung« begreift. In ihm... more
Although desalination of archaeological iron reduces its chloride concentration and enhances object stability, the reduction in corrosion rate that this produces has never been quantified. This study measures post-treatment corrosion... more
Office workers’ preferences for air movement have been extracted from a database of indoor environmental quality surveys performed in over 200 buildings. Dissatisfaction with the amount of air motion is very common, with too little air... more
Rising urban and environmental demand for water has created growing pressure to re-allocate water from traditional agricultural uses. The evolution of water markets has been more complicated than those for other resources. In this paper,... more
Stationary reciprocal processes defined on a finite interval of the integer line can be seen as a special class of Markov random fields restricted to one dimension. Non stationary reciprocal processes have been extensively studied in the... more
This article reports on the experience of members of an Australian Aboriginal community as they used synchronous computer technologies to enhance their literacy learning. The aspiration to learn meaningful and relevant literacy and... more