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— Small-world networks are characterized by local clustering and shortcut ties that reduce the path-length between the clusters. Scale-free networks, on the other hand, take a skewed degree distribution. Few empirical works have aimed to... more
The paper analyses methodological issues concerning selection of indicators, making them scale-free and construction of composite indices within the framework of measuring human development. It reviews the existing literature in the area... more
While the majority of approaches to the characterization of complex networks has relied on measurements considering only the immediate neighborhood of each network node, valuable information about the network topological properties can be... more
... |EvalAi(Gk)-EvalAj(Gk)| is the similarity of the content evaluation in the contents category Gk between two agents Ai and Aj, - EvalAj(Gk) is the parameter defining ... 2 shows that, in the range of edge 16, the probability is... more
In the last years, complex networks have become an increasingly relevant research topic due to the large number of fields of application. Particularly, complex networks are specially significant in the area of modern Online Social... more
We study structure, eigenvalue spectra and diffusion dynamics in a wide class of networks with subgraphs (modules) at mesoscopic scale. The networks are grown within the model with three parameters controlling the number of modules, their... more
El presente estudio además de analizar cuáles fueron las principales vías de aprovisionamiento de los productos de carácter suntuario más relevantes en los mercados romanos, pretende ofrecer al lector un nuevo escenario para el debate... more
The paper discusses the role of networks in cognition on two levels: on the level of the organization of ideas, and on the level of interpersonal communication. Any interesting system of ideas forms a network: ideas presented in a linear... more
Esta presentación examina el surgimiento de la teoría de grafos, los desarrollos de la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard, los sociogramas de Jacob Lévy Moreno, los grafos de Bavelas en el MIT y la teoría de las redes sociales de la Escuela... more
A massive amount of data on moving object trajectories is available today. However, it is still a major challenge to process such information in order to explain moving object interactions, which could help in revealing non-trivial... more