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The rising cost of energy and environmental concerns have led the brewing industry to search for techniques of reducing energy consumption in brewery operations. In this paper, pinch analysis was applied to a typical Ugandan based brewery... more
The combined sugar and ethanol production process from sugar cane is a paradigmatic application for energy integration strategies because of the high number of hot and cold streams involved, the external hot utility requirement at two... more
Nowadays, decreasing the amount of natural resources and increasing the price of it, motivates to consider energy conservation as a main concern of many process industries, especially oil, refinery and petrochemical plants. Pinch... more
The results of the preliminary energy audit in the yeast and ethyl alcohol plant reviled the huge amount of thermal losses, primary caused by waste heat in exhausted process streams. Since the production of yeast and ethyl alcohol is... more
Heat and mass such as water and solvents are two key utilities in process industry. Simultaneous reduction of both utilities can reduce plant capital as well as operating costs. Though there are mathematical modeling techniques that can... more
Extractive distillation is an alternative for alcohol dehydration processes that has shown to be more effective than azeotropic distillation and, in close proximity, to be very competitive against the process that uses molecular sieves.... more
In this paper, linear programming formulations, complemented by concept based pinch analysis results, are developed to target the minimum energy requirements in a heat integrated fixed flow rate water allocation networks. These... more
This work studies the usefulness and suitability of both pinch and exergy analysis in determining process bottlenecks and low energy effi cient areas in the area of drying technology. These techniques have... more
Demand for bioethanol has grown considerably over the last years. Even though Brazil has been producing ethanol from sugarcane on a large scale for decades, this industry is characterized by low energy efficiency, using a large fraction... more