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In this essay, we aim to provide an overview of the periodic table’s origins and history, and of the elements which conspired to make it chemistry’s most recognisable icon. We pay attention to Mendeleev’s role in the development of a... more
Unity of science was once a very popular idea among both philosophers and scientists. But it has fallen out of fashion, largely because of its association with reductionism and the challenge from multiple realisation. Pluralism and the... more
This article provides an overview of the origins and development of green chemistry. Aiming to contribute to the understanding of green chemistry, basically from a historical point of view, this overview argues that contextual influences... more
Decades of cognition research have shown that external stimuli “spark” neural patterns in particular regions of the brain. This has fostered a view of the brain as a space that we can map: here the brain responds to faces, there it... more
Back Cover with endorsements of the forthcoming collection on Atomism. 508pp. In press, publication date: 12 November 2020
The book gathers contributions from philosophers of medicine, pharmacologists, philosophers of biology and (formal) epistemologists around topics such as causal inference, evidential standards and study design, as well as the interplay... more
حين ننظر في السجل الميثودولوجي للكيمياء بُغية إعادة بنائه, فلا بد وأن تواجهنا ثلاثة تساؤلات مترابطة, تحقق الإجابة عنها ما تزعمه أسطرنا السابقة, ويمكن إيجازها على النحو التالي: 1. ما هي البنية المنطقية للكيمياء الحديثة؟ وهل ثمة نقاط اتصال... more
La tabla periódica se ha desarrollado gracias a la teoría atómica, la física cuántica, la teoría de la relatividad y la química sintética. El planteo de autonomía de la química por parte de varios filósofos y químicos actuales, ha... more
En este trabajo intentamos responder una pregunta (bastante frecuente) que se plantea desde el ámbito de la didáctica cuando se pretenden acercar contenidos de la filosofía de la ciencia a los contextos de formación de profesores de... more
El Sistema Periódico contiene toda la Química. La Filosofía de la Química reflexiona sobre las Ciencias Químicas desde una perspectiva disciplinar propia. La Tabla y la Ley Periódica de los elementos y su historia, reflexionan sobre los... more
2nd National Conference on Fundamental and Applied Chemistry (NACFAC 2016) is organized by the journal Chemical Science Review and Letters. This national conference include lectures from eminent scientists as well as oral and poster... more
El presente trabajo intenta indagar el campo de la epistemología de la química para lograr un entendimiento crítico y profundo de la disciplina, de manera que acerque tanto a educadores como a estudiantes de química hacia una perspectiva... more
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate two objections to the 'kinetic derivation' of the equilibrium constant expression which is commonly seen in textbooks. To this end, it begins by consulting the history of deriving the equilibrium... more
In this essay, we aim to provide an overview of the periodic table's origins and history, and of the elements which conspired to make it chemistry's most rec-ognisable icon. We pay attention to Mendeleev's role in the development of a... more
There are many ways of understanding the nature of philosophical questions. One may consider their morphology, semantics, relevance, or scope. This article introduces a different approach, based on the kind of informational resources... more
Semiotics (sometimes spelled “semeiotic”) is the name first given by John Locke, and later reprised by Charles S. Peirce, for the “doctrine of signs,” or the study of how some things can stand for other things to still other things. This... more
The greatest challenge to the fundamental reality of human agency comes from physicalism—more specifically, microphysicalism. Defenders of physicalism (e.g., Brian McLaughlin, Jaegwon Kim, David Papineau) often point to the ontological... more
"Chemistry and physics are two sciences that are hard to connect. Yet there is significant overlap in their aims, methods, and theoretical approaches. In this book, the reduction of chemistry to physics is defended from the viewpoint of a... more
ULTIMI CINQUE VOLUMI PUBBLICATI: VOLUME X (APRILE 2017) 1. MICHELE CURNIS, Filologia platonica del XX secolo. Tradizione indiretta. (85) 2. ALESSIO FAEDDA, Le citazioni omeriche in Platone. Effetti della tradizione orale o... more
The study develops a framework for examining the way the classic notion of valency is adapted by the secondary chemistry curricula. The analysis is based upon twenty seven new and old textbooks. The textbooks are divided in three... more
This essay, or rather collection of essays, draws together three distinct streams of thought, time and space into a single river of understanding concerning labor, leisure, human-nature relations, city and town planning and human... more
In questo breve articolo presenterò i concetti di base e gli argomenti di discussione attuali della filosofia della chimica, un settore relativamente nuovo della filosofia della scienza. Partendo dalla contrapposizione tipica tra... more
The paper investigates the ethics of information transparency (henceforth transparency). It argues that transparency is not an ethical principle in itself but a pro-ethical condition for enabling or impairing other ethical practices or... more
In this article, I outline a logic of design of a system as a specific kind of conceptual logic of the design of the model of a system, that is, the blueprint that provides information about the system to be created. In section two, I... more
The concept of element is fundamental to modern chemistry and yet it embodies an apparently persistent ambiguity that has remained unresolved for the nearly one hundred years since it was made official by the International Union of Pure... more
In this essay, we argue that there exist obvious parallels between questions that inform philosophy of chemistry and the so-called hard problem of consciousness in philosophy of mind. These include questions regarding the emergence of... more
Three classic distinctions specify that truths can be necessary versus contingent, analytic versus synthetic, and a priori versus a posteriori. The philosopher reading this article knows very well both how useful and ordinary such... more
The essay presents and discusses the ambivalences of petrochemistry as a possible means of experiencing the industrial sublime. It starts with a short prologue, a drive-by visit of the Österreichische Mineralölverwaltung (OMV) refinery in... more
Aquinas’s notion of virtual presence is a viable and consistent account of mixture which meets the criteria set out by Aristotle and elaborated by Wood and Weisberg. While the persistence in mixts of the (prime) matter of the elements... more
Online technologies enable vast amounts of data to outlive their producers online, thereby giving rise to a new, digital form of afterlife presence. Although researchers have begun investigating the nature of such presence, academic... more
The paper addresses a problem for the unification of quantum physics with the new Aristotelianism: the identification of the members of the category of substance (ousia). I outline briefly the role that substance plays in Aristotelian... more
"Michel Weber et Vincent Berne (sous la direction de), Chromatikon IX. Annales de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, 2012 (224 p., 23 €, ISBN 978-2-930517-44-5) Jean-Marie Breuvart, À Xavier Verley, en forme... more
Harold Kincaid in Individualism and the Unity of Science postulates a model of unity-without-reduction in order to accurately describe the relation between individualism and macroeconomics. I present this model and apply it to the... more
Resumen En el presente trabajo se presentan los lineamientos considerados en la elaboración de una propuesta de enseñanza de la Tabla Periódica desde una perspectiva histórica y epistemológica bajo el enfoque constructivista del... more
Introductory Note: this nomadic exploration was developed through the nomadic exploration of the first of three lists I am reading for my comprehensive examinations… I'm feeling a bit tense. That's the design. Oh the unhealthy nonsense of... more