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Recent enhancement of the pool of known molecular markers for avocado has allowed the construction of the first moderately dense genetic map for this species. Over 300 SSR markers have been characterized and 163 of these were used to... more
The leaves of Persea americana are widely used for ethno-medicinal purposes worldwide. This study assessed the antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the methanol, ethyl acetate, chloroform and petroleum ether leaves extracts of P.... more
Persea americana is a major and cheap source of nutrients-containing protein fruit and commonly referred to as Avocado pear. It is a green-skin, fleshy body and may be spherical or pear-shaped and ripens easily after harvest,... more
Edible film adalah lapisan tipis yang digunakan untuk melapisi makanan (coating), dan berfungsi sebagai pembawa bahan tambahan makanan. Penggunaan pati biji alpukat dalam membuat edible film menambah nilai limbah biji alpukat. Pati biji... more
Application of transformation and other biotechnological tools in avocado (Persea americana Mill.) is hampered by difficulties in obtaining mature somatic embryos capable of germination at an acceptable rate. In this work, we evaluated... more
Minyak Bumi merupakan sumber energi yang tak dapat diperbaharui, dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan dalam penggunaan bahan bakar ini menyebabkan persediaan minyak bumi semakin berkurang. Hal ini jika dibiarkan terus menerus bisa jadi... more
Additional index words: breeding, Persea americana Abstract. Shortening the juvenile period is highly important for fruit tree breeding projects. Four girdling dates were tested in an attempt to shorten the juvenile period in 9 crosses of... more
The experiment aimed to study the frequency, nectar and/or pollen and hoarding time of bees in avocado flowers and verify the effect of their visits in fruits production. It was marked six inflorescences (three covered and three... more
This work was undertaken to analyze the ripening process of avocados variety Hass (Persea americana Mill.) by image processing (IP) methodology. A set of avocados (10 samples) was used to follow the changes in image features during... more
Citation: Skenderidis, P.; Leontopoulos, S.; Petrotos, K.; Giavasis, I. Vacuum Microwave-Assisted Aqueous Extraction of Polyphenolic Compounds from Avocado (Persea Americana) Solid Waste. Sustainability
Background Throughout history women have tried to control or enhance their fertility using herbal remedies, with various levels of societal support. Caribbean folk medicine has been influenced by European folk medicine, either through the... more
SUMMARY. Root morphological traits and biomass allocation were studied in 2-year-old 'Duke 7' avocado (Persea americana) trees propagated using seedling and clonal techniques. The plants either were or were not grafted with the scion... more
The extraction efficacy of avocado fruit peels (AP) and seeds (AS) with the use of vacuum microwave-assisted aqueous extraction (VMAAE) was optimized in this study, with regard to extract’s total phenolic content (TPC), maximum... more
Optimum in vitro germination of pollen grain of the avocado cultivars Fuerte, Nabal, Ettinger, Bacon and Zutano occurred at 25 °C. However, there were significant differences between cultivars in percentage germination and relative... more
Introduction: This research work was carried out to determine chemical components of Persea americana seed. Persea americana (avocado) is widely grown fruit in parts of South East, Nigeria, where it is used as a medicinal plant in the... more
Changes in soluble sugar and starch reserves in avocado (Persea americana Mill. on `Duke 7' rootstock) fruit were followed during growth and development and during low temperature storage and ripening. During the period of rapid fruit... more
Simple pebble tools, ephemeral cultural features, and the remains of maritime and terrestrial foods are present in undisturbed Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene deposits underneath a large human-made mound at Huaca Prieta and nearby... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji kualitas selai alpukat yang dibuat dengan perlakuan 3 jenis pemanis alami berbeda ditinjau dari aspek kadar air, nilai a w , total sugar, total mikroba, total padatan terlarut, dan uji hedonik. Parameter... more
One approach micropropagation avocado rootstock is the multiplication of commercial interest. In the present study aimed to identify the suitable culture medium for the stages of establishment and induction of buds of cultivars Huevo de... more
Objective: The anti-inflammatory potential of colored avocado seed extract (CASE) was explored based on the ethnobotanical use of avocado seed for inflammatory diseases. Introduction: Chronic inflammation contributes to many diseases... more
The contribution of xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH, EC to fruit size was investigated using the normal and small-fruit variants of Persea americana Mill. cv. ‘Hass’. Inhibition of XDH by treatment of normal fruit, in the linear... more