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Resumo: O artigo investiga o problema da teologia na filosofia crítica da Kant. Para tal, parte-se de uma determinação geral desse problema tal como recebido pela própria disciplina teológica para então se desenvolver as críticas... more
The text will try to show that the concept of “possibility” by John Duns Scotus plays a major role in the new way in which metaphysics begins to be considered, namely its transformation from ontotheology to ontology. Scotus is focusing... more
Metafisika sebagai ontoteologi adalah dasar dari pemikiran Heidegger. Ontologi sebagai Ilmu yang memahami tentang Ada menurut Heidegger harus dipahami dalam teologi, yaitu sebagai sumber tertinggi dari segala sesuatu tentang Ada. Paper... more
“ ‘POETS TELL MANY A LIE’: RADICAL ORTHODOXY’S POETIC HISTORIES” Canadian Evangelical Review: Journal of the Canadian Evangelical Theological Society 26-27 (Spring 2004): 35-64. POIÊSIS: CHRISTIAN AND POSTMODERN As my title indicates I... more
After God: Richard Kearney and the religious turn in Continental philosophy. Fordham University Press, 2006.
Parmenides had identified speech and thought with Being itself, but could not explain the contrary opposition between Non-Being inscribed in every determination of Being. Heraclitus purported to explain this opposition as the coincidence... more
Derrida’s deconstructive strategy of reading texts can be understood as a way of highlighting the irreducible plurality of discursive meaning that undermines the traditional Western “logocentric” desire for an absolute point of reference.... more
The Heideggerian account of the ontotheological constitution of Western metaphysics has been extremely influential for contemporary philosophy of religion and for philosophical perspectives on theology and the divine. This paper... more
Recent developments within phenomenology have brought to light the indebtedness of phenomenological scientific philosophy to Ancient Greek philosophy. The recent trend that builds on the ancient precedents found in the theories of forms,... more
Merold Westphal's new publication, Kierkegaard's Concept of Faith, gives us an opportunity to explore the many ways in which Kierkegaard has influenced Westphal's thinking as a whole. This present contribution seeks to show how... more
With reference to Heidegger's history of being, this paper offers a critical examination of the political thinking of Alain Badiou, focused on his appropriation of St Paul as thinker of subjectivity. Badiou seeks to integrate Paul's... more
This article examines the extent to which two of Meister Eckhart's Latin writings fall prey to Heidegger's charge of ontotheology. It argues that the intellectualist, 'meontological' approach to God in Eckhart's First Parisian Question... more
Jakiej filozofii warto być wiernym, zwłaszcza w sofistopolis? Prolegomena do książki Seweryna Blandziego Między aletejologią Parmenidesa a ontoteologią Filona Artykuł unaocznia potrzebę wierności kilku ponadczasowym postulatom filozofii,... more
Neste artigo sáo apresentadas as origens do diagnóstico crítico de Heidegger sobre a constituiçáo ontoteológica da metafísica. Argumenta-se que o diagnóstico realiza-se já no período imediatamente posterior à publicaçáo de Ser e tempo... more
In the light of Heidegger’s critique of metaphysics as the “forgetfulness of being,” I explain and defend Lonergan’s “transcendental notion of being,” which I argue gives us an understanding of Lonergan’s achievement that may be suitably... more
PIRES, Frederico Pieper. Ontology, Theology and Metaphysics in Martin Heidegger’s Transcendental Project. 2013. 259f. Thesis (Doctoral) — Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas. Departamento de Filosofia, Universidade de São... more
The essay deals with a passage of De Antiquissima Italorum sapientia in which Vico, inverting a well-known thesis placed at the beginning of Aristotle's De interpretatione, sketches a semantic-linguistic conception of the human mind. In... more
In this article I attempt to present Heidegger's conception of the ontotheology in his late thought. I based mainly on his famous book "Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning)." In ontotheology Heidegger needs the figure... more
Robert Rauschenberg is a well-known case of critique of Abstract Expressionism. The targeted main tenet is that the unique gestural trace of the Abstract Expressionist cannot be repeated. Rauschenberg performs experiments to test the... more
Conor Husbands' defense and expansion of Elena Esposito's temporality of finance is a much-needed intervention. However, in this response essay, I will show a few of the fundamental weaknesses of Esposito's project, and by extension will... more
Деконструктивизм объявляет войну многовековой традиции европейской онто-теологии. Что это значит для христианской богословской рефлексии? Возможно ли позитивное богословское творчество в эпоху краха глобальных нарративов? В пред-ложенной... more
I review and briefly comment on Jean Vioulac's recently translated monograph, "Apocalypse of Truth: Heideggerian Meditations." I argue that the book's main claim, that kenosis offers an alternative ontology to the one critiqued by... more
There has been no challenge to ‘the tradition of philosophy’ in contemporaneity: philosophy has since evolved past the criticisms of the twentieth century. Indeed, contemporary philosophy is such a diverse pursuit that it is impossible to... more
This is my contribution to published symposium on the thesis of Dieter Hattrup concerning Bonaventure's *On the Reduction of the Arts to Theology*. Hattrup notoriously has argued that the *Reduction* cannot be a work of Bonaventure's... more
O presente texto divide-se em quatro partes e uma conclusão. Na primeira parte, consideramos a crítica de Tillich ao supranaturalismo e ao teísmo e a sua superação no “teísmo transcendido” e na “fé absoluta”, que se expressa na metáfora... more
The existence of God is one of most fundamental themes which has always theologically and philosophically debated. From those context, Jean-Luc Marion has argued that it is mistaken and useless to prove the existence of God. Therefore, he... more
In this article I attempt to present Heidegger's conception of the ontotheology in his late thought. I based mainly on his famous book “Contributions to Philosophy (From Enowning).” In ontotheology Heidegger needs the figure of “the... more
This article appear in Apis Matina. Studi in onore di Carlo Santini. a cura di Aldo Setaioli.
RESUMO Em tempos considerados por muitos como pós-metafísicos, a crítica realizada por vários pensadores que dialogam com a filosofia de Heidegger à ontoteologia tem promovido uma reflexão mais detida acerca dos caminhos epistemológicos... more
Editio princeps of Peter Thomae’s De ente It is generally acknowledged by historians of philosophy that medieval philosophers made key contributions to the discussion of the problem of being and the fundamental issues of metaphysics. The... more