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Improving rehabilitation after a severe tissue injury does not only require a reduction in pain, but also requires alleviation of negative affects, particularly anxiety. Although opioids remain unsurpassed analgesics to relieve moderate... more
Switchgrass ( L.) has been promoted as a potential feedstock for cellulosic biofuel in the United States. Switchgrass is known to respond to N fertilizer, but optimal rates remain unclear. Given the potential nonlinear response of nitrous... more
OBJECTIVE: To compare the time course of endotracheal tube cuff pressures in presence of nitrous oxide (N2O), obtained in a tracheal model with those measured during clinical anaesthesia. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental and clinical... more
During storage of solid animal manure, biological transformation of nitrogen and carbon may increase the temperature to 60 to 70 o C, i.e. composting. The rise in temperature may cause a substantial loss of ammonia, as the ammonium is... more
Burning of rice straw is a common practice in northwest India, where rice–wheat cropping system is extensively followed. The practice results in loss of nutrients, atmospheric pollution and emission of greenhouse gases. A field experiment... more
Nitrous oxide (N2O) has become a routine intervention in contemporary American dental practice, especially in the management of children. However, routines translate to confidence which in turn may lead to overconfidence, such that... more
... The fertilizer N equivalent credit from crop residues was suggested as 8–10 kg N ha −1 for oilseed rape in Denmark (Thomsen and Christensen, 1996), while Beckie (1997) estimated a 28 kg N ha −1 credit to crops that follow peas. ...
Resistojets operating at low power (less than lOO W) and using liquid propellants have re-emerged as attractive propulsion options for orbit-raising small satellites deployed at Space Shuttle altitudes (approx. 2OO km). Compared to low... more
Coastal salt marshes are sensitive to global climate change and may play an important role in mitigating global warming. To evaluate the impacts of Spartina alterniflora invasion on global warming potential (GWP) in Chinese coastal areas,... more