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Съставители: Александър Николов, Васил Гюзелев, Пенка Данова, Елена Костова, Симеон Хинковски Compilers: Aleksandar Nikolov, Vassil Gyuzelev, Penka Danova, Elena Kostova, Simeon Hinkovski Томът включва текст, превод и коментар на 65... more
ICONS DEPICTING ST CYRIL AND ST METHODIUS FROM THE STRANDZHA MOUNTAINS (SECOND HALF OF THE 19TH – EARLY 20TH CENTURY). During the time of the Bulgarians’struggle for ecclesiastical emancipation from the... more
The Cultural Heritage of Strandzha: Wealth, Risks, Challenges. Ed. by Angel Nikolov. Sofia, 2019. Collected papers from an international scientific conference held in Burgas, 28-29 September 2019.
Темчин С.Ю., Гомилиарий Михановича в монастыре св. Прохора Пшинского: неучтенный фрагмент родственного сербского пергаменного списка XIV века, in Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, nr. 14, 2018, s. 213‒220.
Historical ecology in Bulgaria is quite a new scientific discipline which suggests it will undergo future development. In contrast to Western Europe where there are sufficient data about fishing and utilization of the marine resources in... more
In his critical edition of Liutprand's Antapodosis, Paolo Chiesa rejected a hypothesis advanced by Michele Bandini regarding the spelling and meaning of the nickname reportedly given by the Byzantines to Symeon of Bulgaria (Antapodosis... more
Most scholars consider an eleventh-century Greek Gospel book in Paris (Bibiothèque nationale de France, MS Grec 74) the direct model for the illustrations in a Slavonic Gospel book (London, British Library, Add. MS 39627) copied for the... more
Tengrism, Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, these are the three most popular areas of religious research in Bulgarian scholarship regarding the pre-Christian beliefs in Danube Bulgaria prior to AD 864. This paper tries to shed light to both the... more
Digital library of public domain books, works and articles on medieval numismatics of the Balkan Peninsula - Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania
Abstract: This study discusses the considerable efforts carried out by Volga Bulgaria in its endeavour to establish resolute relations with Baghdad nnder the Abbasid Caliphate. The study employs a historical approach that involves... more
The identification of deviant burials as those of ‘vampires’ is a feature of excavated skeletons from sites across Eastern, Central and Southern Europe as well as the Balkans. Based on a close reading of historic and folkloric sources... more
THE GOLDEN HORDE AND THE BULGARIANS, second edition Who were the Tartars and who were the Mongols? Why the Golden Horde is called ‘golden’? Has there been a civilisation of the Golden Horde? What were the relations between Danube... more
Сборник с доклади от Международната научна конференция „Симеонова България в историята на европейския Югоизток: 1100 години от битката при Ахелой“ (Поморие, 25-28 октомври 2017 г.).
Two lavish, illustrated histories confronted and contested the Byzantine model of empire. The Madrid Skylitzes was created at the court of Roger II of Sicily in the mid-twelfth century. The Vatican Manasses was produced for Ivan Alexander... more
History of Bulgaria collected from chronicles from the dark period until the fall of Bulgaria to the Ottomans
This paper focuses on the Old Testament Book of Daniel, its earliest translations in Old Church Slavonic and reveals several differences among them and tries to suppose the period when these translations were made. Each version contains... more
The book outlines the sources, content and evolution of the Bulgarian political thought between the adoption of the Christian faith (864) and the conquest of Eastern Bulgaria by Emperor John Tzimisces (971), when the Bulgarian Khanate is... more
HIDALGOS Nº 560, Madrid 2019 Se explica la formación del Kanato Búlgaro y su conversión en Imperio por Simeón I en el año 893 y la restauración imperial por Kaloyan en 1185. La dominación otomana y la independencia lograda en 1978. La... more
Коя е севастократорица Десислава?: Опит за идентификация на енигматичната благородна ктиторица на Боянската църква д-р Калин ЙОРДАНОВ Почти цяло столетие загадъчният произход на ктиторите на Боянската църква продължава да занимава... more
The second volume of this specialized continued collection of research papers “Glazed Pottery of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea Region, 10th – 18th Centuries” contains studies of mass archaeological materials — glazed pottery — from... more
Selected pages from 100 icons analyzed in the book, which traces the development of the icon painting in Bulgaria from the 9th to the 19th centuries. Some of the icons included in the book are published here for the first time, others for... more