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"Words and Phrases, Unchanged for Centuries. Containing a rich glossary and in excess of 300 words and phrases, the texts demonstrate the strength of the Macedonian language through preservation. Following is a comparison of... more
The Cultural Heritage of Strandzha: Wealth, Risks, Challenges. Ed. by Angel Nikolov. Sofia, 2019. Collected papers from an international scientific conference held in Burgas, 28-29 September 2019.
In his critical edition of Liutprand's Antapodosis, Paolo Chiesa rejected a hypothesis advanced by Michele Bandini regarding the spelling and meaning of the nickname reportedly given by the Byzantines to Symeon of Bulgaria (Antapodosis... more
Zlatostruy and the so-called Knyazhiy (or Knyazheskiy) Izbornik are among the most interesting and most important Old Bulgarian anthologies. The former was a collection of more than 120 Chrysostomian homilies that became a source for... more
Tengrism, Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, these are the three most popular areas of religious research in Bulgarian scholarship regarding the pre-Christian beliefs in Danube Bulgaria prior to AD 864. This paper tries to shed light to both the... more
Abstract: This study discusses the considerable efforts carried out by Volga Bulgaria in its endeavour to establish resolute relations with Baghdad nnder the Abbasid Caliphate. The study employs a historical approach that involves... more
Roughly fifteen to eighteen Tárkány toponyms have been documented in the tenth-century Hungarian settlement territory in the Carpathian Basin. Some of these have survived up to the present in the name of a settlement or a field name, some... more
"The Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf, as we read it, is already the literary place of a cultural encounter over centuries between an old Germanic heroic story and the Christian culture of the writer, a novel of our days which re-uses the story... more
There is not substantial reserve that in entire medieval epoch captured warriors and abducted non-combatants have been used as means of extracting the military, political and economic benefits. It is well acknowledged that practices... more
The modelling and visualisation of networks is based on the material in: M. Mullett, Theophylact of Ochrid. Reading the Letters of a Byzantine Archbishop. Birmingham 1997. The first graph is a visualisation of the connections between... more
Сборник с доклади от Международната научна конференция „Симеонова България в историята на европейския Югоизток: 1100 години от битката при Ахелой“ (Поморие, 25-28 октомври 2017 г.).
В книгу вошли статьи и развернутые рецензии 1998–2009 годов. Все ранее публиковавшиеся статьи были заново переработаны, но в текст рецензий были внесены лишь минимальные исправления. Одна статья публикуется впервые. Том состоит из четырех... more
"The role of the Great Bulgaria is supposed to be very important for the ethnic identity formation of the tribes that were part of this confederation. Some of them kept their own identity, but others, most likely, after the... more
Among finds from 1924-1936 and 1968-1991 an overwhelming number of remains of silver and other non-ferrous metallurgy was identified which escaped attention of previous archaeologists. Morphological and functional classification and... more
The article traces back all early patristic pieces of evidence of the nature and appearance of the Antichrist, summarizes out his mentions in the Old Testament and New Testament and gives additional information for the calculation of the... more
Ostentatious finger-rings from Early Medieval Moravia (9th-10th century). Remarks on chronology and origin of the Great Moravian luxurious jewellery. This article deals with 29 Early Medieval finger-rings found, mostly in cemeteries, in... more
History of Bulgaria collected from chronicles from the dark period until the fall of Bulgaria to the Ottomans
The journal includes articles devoted to political, socio-economic, military, cultural and religious aspects of the history of the Middle Ages. This publication is for scholars, professors, students and others who have interest in... more
This paper focuses on the Old Testament Book of Daniel, its earliest translations in Old Church Slavonic and reveals several differences among them and tries to suppose the period when these translations were made. Each version contains... more
The author examines data on the early Assenids in the Ancient Rus historical work, the Povest’ vremennykh let, and the date of their migration to today’s Bulgaria. The Assenids, named after three brothers Assen, Peter, and Kaloian, led... more
The three sigils of Emperor Basil II were issued in 1018 – 1025, and there in the territorial scope of Bulgarian (Ohrid) Archdiocese was defined. The texts of the sigils reached us in much later copies. In the second sigil the emperor... more
The book outlines the sources, content and evolution of the Bulgarian political thought between the adoption of the Christian faith (864) and the conquest of Eastern Bulgaria by Emperor John Tzimisces (971), when the Bulgarian Khanate is... more
The Law for judging the people is one of the earliest Slavonic juridical texts. Authorship, time and place of its origin have been discussed for many years. While striving to relate the regarded juridical text with the situation of Great... more
Study on the destruction of the cultural heritage in the turkish-occupied northern part of Cyprus
Костянтин РАХНО

Богатирі: архаїчний сюжет у фольклорі Південної Наддніпрянщини // Міфологія і фольклор: Загальноукраїнський науково-освітній журнал. –Львів, 2014. – № 3–4(17). – С. 87-97.
În dezbaterile științifice, publicate până în zilele noastre, s-a realizat un număr uriaș de contribuții, care au abordat în mod generalizant și unitar spectrul arheologic al siturilor funerare din Bazinul Transilvaniei și din Muntenia,... more
We report the presence of significant Central Asian ancestry in both contemporary Bulgarians and in early medieval population from SMC (Saltovo Mayaky Culture). The existence of Chalcolithic Iran (Hajj Fruz) and Wusun related ancestral... more