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The problem of dimensionality with respect to Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) specifically and, more generally, g or fluid intelligence, has been a long-standing issue. The present article reports two studies examining the... more
Abstract: In many testing situations, differential item functioning (DIF) is a potentially serious problem. It occurs when a test item appears to be easier for one group of examinees than another even after controlling for overall skill... more
T I. INTRODUCTION HIS paper deals with some mathematical aspects of the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), studied with linear algebra and matrix theory methods. The vast majority of papers on the DFT have concerned computational issues,... more
A good understanding of matrices and their properties is a necessary prerequisite for progress in almost any field within pure or applied mathematics, for example calculus in several variables, numerical analysis or control theory. This... more
To teach the rigorous skills and knowledge students need to succeed in future collegeentry courses and workforce training programs, education stakeholders have increasingly called for more rigorous curricula, instruction, and assessments.... more
Apuntes de álgebra lineal realizados en primer semestre de la carrera de Ingeniería Ambiental de la Facultad de Ingeniería en Geología, Minas, Petróleos y Ambiental de la Universidad Central del Ecuador.
El uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en la educación ha alcanzado mucho auge, su implementación en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje es crucial. Un diagnóstico efectuado a los software educativos que se... more
****This is not a research paper, this isn't a draft paper and I want it to be found by teachers that can use it for their high school classes****
With the rapid development of network and multimedia technologies, the digital information has been applied to many areas in real-world applications. Communication has become a very important aspect in today's life. So, security plays an... more
Esta es una breve explicación del método de Gradiente Hidráulico propuesta por Todini y Pilati (1987), mediante la programación en el Lenguaje PYTHON 3.X, con el fin de compartirles y expandir el conocimiento sobre la programación... more
El propósito de este Cuaderno es detallar aspectos dinámicos e interactivos propios del análisis de datos cualitativos. El lector no encontrará en este Cuaderno únicamente aportes teórico-metodológicos sobre el proceso de análisis de los... more
Teori singkat mengenai Distribusi Sampling yaitu Distribusi Normal, Distribusi T Student, Distribusi Eksponensial, Distribusi Binomial, dan Distribusi Poisson
La Universidad es fuente inagotable de producción de conocimiento para el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología en el país, el diseño y creación de aplicaciones del área de computación y matemática requieren de una gran dedicación para... more
The relative proportions of genetically distinct collagen types in connective tissues vary with tissue type and change during disease progression, development, wound healing, aging. This study aims to 1) characterize the spectro-temporal... more
Determinants are a function of the set of square matrices to the set of real numbers. The determinant of the matrix denote | A | or det (A). In this discussion method used to solve the determinant of a matrix is the Chio Condensation... more