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We analyze the price behavior of the main precious metals-gold, silver, platinum and palladium-before, during and in the aftermath of the 2007-08 financial crisis. Using the mildly explosive/multiple bubble technology developed by... more
We consider a discrete-time financial market model with L 1 risky asset price process subject to proportional transaction costs. In this general setting, using a dual martingale representation we provide sufficient conditions for the... more
Queste Lezioni non costituiscono un manuale: di questo manca loro l’ambizione alla completezza e alla sistematicità. Si tratta piuttosto di un percorso guidato attraverso le principali idee del Calcolo delle Probabilit`a con lo scopo di... more
The thesis derives conditional martingale central limit theorems and applies them to the problem of asymptotic normality of posterior distributions.
Queste Lezioni non costituiscono un manuale: di questo manca loro l’ambizione alla completezza e alla sistematicità. Si tratta piuttosto di un percorso guidato attraverso le principali idee del Calcolo delle Probabilità con lo scopo di... more
We evaluate the effectiveness of the Colombian Central Bank´s interventions in the foreign exchange market during the period 2000 to 2014. We examine the stochastic process that describes the exchange rate, with a focus on the detection... more
For d ≥ 1 and α ∈ (0, 2), consider the family of pseudo differential operators { ∆ + b ∆ α/2; b ∈ [0, 1]} on R d that evolves continuously from ∆ to ∆ + ∆ α/2. In this paper, we establish a uniform boundary Harnack principle (BHP) with... more
Let χ be a family of stochastic processes on a given filtered probability space (Ω, F, (Ft)t∈T, P) with T⊆R+. Under the assumption that the set Me of equivalent martingale measures for χ is not empty, we give sufficient conditions for the... more
In this section we give some crucial preliminaries from financial mathematics. The results are formulated in a nonrigorous way without stating the precise assumptions. We start by giving the solutions to two important stochastic... more
Statistical testing can be framed as a repetitive game between two players, Forecaster and Sceptic. In each round, Forecaster sets prices for various gambles, and Sceptic chooses which gambles to make. If Sceptic multiplies by a large... more