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Increased maritime transport due to global trade has a significant impact on the ports, which are the gateways of countries to trade. Ports make investment plans in order to maintain their competitiveness in the face of increasing freight... more
The article provides basic information about operations research, introduces the experience of selected applications in terms of the Fire Rescue Service of the Czech Republic presents possible directions for further usage in favor of the... more
The subject of this paper is the formulation and solution of a variation of the classical binary knapsack problem. The variation that is addressed is termed the “fixed-charge knapsack problem”, in which sub-sets of variables (activities)... more
The power control of wireless networks is formulated using a stochastic optimal control framework, in which the evolution of the channel is described by stochastic differential equations. Under this scenario, average and probabilistic... more
The Graph is a powerful mathematical tool applied in many fields as transportation, communication, informatics, economy, … In an ordinary graph, the weights of edges and vertexes are considered independently where the length of a path is... more
Maximization of flow through the network has remained core issue in the field of optimization. In this paper a new advanced network problem is introduced, i.e., a multi-commodity network with a separator. This network consists of several... more
The aim of this study is to sort the options that can guide the selection of C segment automobiles under the criteria determined by a consumer by ELECTRE method which is one of the Multi Criteria Decision Making Methods. Within the scope... more
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 97D40, 97M10, 97M40, 97N60, 97N80, 97R80Since the middle of the 20th century, mathematical modeling by means of optimization problems has been widespread in scientific applications. Together with... more
The responsibility of structural engineer is to produce safe and economical designs. The primary responsibility of producing safe design is now achieved easily because of Codes of practice have standardizes the design procedure software... more
This paper shows that managerial questions are not answered satisfactorily with the mathematical interpretation of sensitivity analysis when the solution of a linear programing model is degenerate. Most of the commercially available... more