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This introduction contextualizes and evaluates Herbert Marcuse’s the accompanying, previously untranslated review of John Dewey’s Logic: The Theory of Inquiry. Marcuse’s critique of pragmatism is indebted to Max Horkheimer’s claim that... more
First days of a logic course This short paper sketches one logician’s opinion of some basic ideas that should be presented on the first days of any logic course. It treats the nature and goals of logic. It discusses what a student can... more
This is the second of a series of three lectures given at Peking University. Haack explores correspondence theories, the semantic theory, and the Laconicist theory (also known as the "redundancy" theory). After showing the [problems... more
This wonderful, highly readable book breaks new ground in revealing commonalities between Deleuze's nomadic method of inquiry and the pragmatic method of John Dewey. It should be of great interest to both philosophers and educators. NEL... more
Boolean induction, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. TBA XX (201X) XXX–YYY. ► JOHN CORCORAN, Boolean induction. Philosophy, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-4150, USA E-mail: George Boole (1815–1864), founder... more
Menurut Massialas dan Cox inquiry sosial merupakan pendekatan yang bisa digunakan untuk pendidikan ilmu-ilmu sosial. Perhatian mereka tertuju pada perbaikan terhadap masyarakat dengan memberikan solusi terhadap masalah-masalah sosial.... more
We hope you will find these thoughts of ours both interesting and useful." These are words spoken to express an intention, a bearing in the mind of a person toward an object which is yet to be achieved. The readiest moment of human life... more
This article is focused on answering the question to what extent one can be a sceptic. Sextus Empiricus’s Outlines of Scepticism serves as a guide. In section 1, it is investigated whether three logical laws have a certain foundation or... more
"Semetsky's new book offers a bracing account of Tarot semiotics in view of its deep significance for educational experience. Analyzing the symbolic language of Tarot images that express the intimations of the unconscious, she invites... more
APPLIED-LOGIC FLOW CHART PERSIAN DRAFT Please post suggestions in Persian, English, or both. APPLIED-LOGIC FLOW CHART 2018 The dynamically combined deductive and... more
Despite the great importance placed upon the operation of abduction as an inferential process, few studies have been devoted specifically to the process of guessing as a piece of the abduction puzzle. This is surprising since Charles... more
Theme One is a computer program with a dual objective — to perform tasks of inductive and deductive problem-solving that arise in research and to explore the integration of these reasoning types in human and computer information processing.
I argue that what-makes-it-possible questions are a distinct and important kind of sociological research question. What is social phenomenon P made possible or enabled by? Results won't be about P's causes and causal relationships, but... more
What is common to inquiry of every kind? How do different kinds of inquiry differ from each other? Is it true that all inquiry involves interpretation---and in what different senses of "interpretation?
The Neolog Synagogue in Zilina, Slovakia, is a modernist national monument designed by the german architect Peter Behrens in the 1930s. After 60 years of different uses (cinema, auditorium, university hall) that transformed the space, in... more
This discussion paper suggests that well-understood pragmatism could furnish a key element of a future philosophy for professionals, but that to this end a few methodological shortcomings need to be overcome. The aim is to develop... more
Apparently, Dewey never explicitly commented on Charles S. Peirce’s notion of abduction; nor did he use the term in his own writings. Although there are clear differences in Peirce’s and Dewey’s logic and inquiry, this is still somewhat... more
Between the anti-racist movement, post-colonialism and the Cold War: musician and actor Paul Robeson and anthropologist Eslanda Robeson were US civil rights activists for whom the Akademie der Künste of the GDR founded an archive. A... more
APPLIED-LOGIC FLOW CHART 2018 The dynamically combined deductive and hypothetico-deductive method has been available to objective investigators since ancient times. Only in the last half-century has it been taught in courses on... more
A brief introduction, written in an informal, "leisurely" style, to the basic idea of boundary critique and its importance for the "critical turn" of systems thinking
This short piece was written for a glossy British art magazine, Wideshut----which folded before the issue for which it was intended came out! Here Haack explains (in 500 words!) exactly why there is no contradiction in the title of her... more
In the first chapter of this volume, Wyatt-Smith and Elkins argue that 'it is timely to review how different theoretical frameworks and methodologies provide different lenses through which to study students' learning needs'. By viewing... more
John Corcoran is a logician, philosopher, mathematician, linguist, and historian of logic. His philosophical work stems from trying to understand proof and demonstrative knowledge. This has led to research on several interconnected... more
Recent attempts to legislate climate science out of existence raises the question of whether citizens are obliged to obey such laws. The authority of democratic law is rooted in both truth and popular consent, but neither is sufficient... more
There are many studies on how children ask questions and how this capacity develops over time. Drawing from a multidisciplinary evidence base, what is the empirical and theoretical knowledge of children’s inquiry, and how does it interact... more
This academic paper is a collection of notes I created while taking an online Calculus course, focusing on Finding Limits. To assist much of my self-taught knowledge, I wrote these notes in a handheld notebook. This notebook would serve... more
Cet article propose une analyse des différences épistémologiques infrastructurelles entre l’agronomie conventionnelle et les agroécologies, plus particulièrement dans leurs modes d’administration des variations, c’est-à-dire des... more
What does it mean to care about the truth, and why is it important? What has gone wrong in the thinking of those who, like Richard Rorty or Stephen Stich, who claim to have no interest in truth?,
This paper argues that there is a conflict between two theses held by John McDowell, namely i) the claim that we are under a standing obligation to revise our beliefs if reflection demands it; and ii) the view that veridical experience is... more
I consider how to do sociological things with thick concepts, what's the relation between thick concepts and social facts, what's unique about thick concepts, and what's unique about creatures in whose lives there are thick concepts.
APPLIED-LOGIC FLOW CHART 2018 The dynamically combined deductive and hypothetico-deductive method has been available to objective investigators since ancient... more
Truth has had a hard time in much recent educational and social scientific writing. Veriphobia, the fear of truth, can be witnessed in the work of postmodernists, radical social constructivists, pragmatists, and others. Although it... more
from Cognitio Estudos, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2008 An older paper investigating the centrality of imagination in a pragmatic theory of inquiry, using Dewey's unified account of... more
Establishing diagnoses is a crucial aspect of medical practice. However, this process has received comparatively little logical and pedagogical attention when compared to statistical methods for evaluating evidence. This article... more
C.S. Peirce defines mathematics in two ways: first as “the science which draws necessary conclusions” and second as “the study of what is true of hypothetical states of things.” Both definitions are descriptions of mathematical activity.... more
... Judith Green, Maria Lucia Castanheira, and Beth Yeager ... J. Green (B) University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA e-mail: 1In the United States, these students are referred to as having learning... more