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Özellikle 2000’li yıllarla birlikte ivme kazanan teknolojik gelişmeler ve küreselleşme dünyanın bütününe ulaşılabilirliği ve insanların seyahatlerine ayırdıkları zamanlarını arttırmıştır. Geçmişte uzak ve ulaşılmaz olarak görülen... more
Greater bamboo lemurs (Prolemur simus) are endemic to Madagascar and are the only recognized species within their genus. The IUCN lists the species as critically endangered, with very few confirmed distribution records and <200... more
A pen culture system of the mud crab, Scylla serrata was introduced in Mtwapa mangrove creek with the aim of finding an alternative source of income and food for the local communities, who practice artisanal fishery in the creek. Other... more
Collective action in agriculture and natural resource management is all too often perceived of in terms of the mere number of participants, with little consideration given to who participates, why, and the outcomes of inequitable... more
SUMMARYVarious management approaches have been proposed to address the alarming depletion of marine coastal resources. Prominent among them are community-based management and the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs). The overall... more
Mining companies in Ghana seem to have responded somehow over the years to the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) call but some still face open resistance from members of the communities who see them (mining companies) as socially... more
Abstract—A hybrid fiber–radio access network architecture for simultaneous wireline and wireless transmissions of Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS) signals is pre-sented. An all-optical harmonic up-conversion... more
Local communities and local government units are recognized as the primary stakeholders and participants in the management of coral reef resources and the primary beneficiaries of small-scale fishing activities in the nearshore areas of... more
Some current implementations of CORBA Component Model (CCM) are flawed with unreasonable communication overheads when components are in the same address space and in the same container. Alternative approaches have introduced mechanisms... more
In this regard, several opportunities have opened up in the last few years. Calabria belongs to the Regions of Objective 1 of The European Union (regions with development delay), characterised by a PIL value less than 75% of the community... more
Despite limited preparation through formal and non-formal education, local people throughout the world are engaged in the common work of building healthier communities. Some core competencies-including community assessment, planning,... more
Current payment for environmental service (PES) schemes face challenges in the form of evaluation of opportunity costs and ecosystem service delivery, high transaction costs, and difficulties in ensuring conditionality. Even when these... more
Nepal has established community forestry institutions to manage natural resources at the local community level under the assumption that there will be better management than under Government agencies. However, community forestry has not... more
Mimo przemian modelu rodziny i więzi społecznych w rodzinie, jest ona nadal jednym z kluczowych wymiarów życia osób starszych w Polsce. Niemniej jednak - obok tradycyjnie pozytywnie wartościowanego sposobu spędzania starości „przy... more
Swertia L. is a morphologically diverse but taxonomically distinct genus of the family Gentianaceae with ca150 species. In Nepal, Swertia L. comprises of 29 species with one endemic species (Swertia acaulis H. Sm.) which are widely... more
The risk that tropical storm occurrence may alter as a result of global warming presents coastal managers, particularly in vulnerable areas, with a serious challenge. Many countries are hard-pressed to protect their coastal resources... more
This study examines the role of culture brokers in the management of tourism in the indigenous community of Taquile Island. Culture brokers are individuals that have the ability to understand visitors' culture as well as their own.... more
There is a growing recognition of the importance of engaging grassroots communities in all aspects of community building and other initiatives to address concerns about declining community well-being. Within the domain of community... more