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La retraducción (una nueva traducción a la misma lengua del mismo texto) se hace posible cuando ha transcurrido el tiempo suficiente para considerar inaceptable la traducción precedente. La presente investigación se basa en un corpus... more
Revista Desassossego, Vol. 16, No. 31, 2024 Homenagem a Eduardo Lourenço Organizadores do número: Editores convidados: Caio Gagliardi (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil) Jerónimo Pizarro (Universidad de los Andes, Colômbia)... more
Reflecting on the place of the Laments XVII and XVIII within the funerary cycle of Jan Kochanowski, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that, contrary to appearances, it is possible to identify many arguments in favor of... more
This is a paper written in Arabic the way the form in The Sound and The Fury is addressed in Arabic translation of the novel.
Poemoj de la galega aŭtorino Chus Pato esperantigitaj.

Poemas de Chus Pato traduzidos para o esperanto.
Leon Piniński (1857–1938) was one of the most outstanding legal scholars and men of art at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. His achievements in law (in particular Roman law and the law on ownership) have already been acknowledged in... more
Рукопись Вильнюсской Библиотеки Академии наук Литвы (F 19–262), ветхоза- ветные книги которой переведены на западнорусский письменный (рутенский) язык, создана около 1517–1530-х годов. Первоначально считалось, что все ее книги переведены... more
The presentation traces the 99-year long history of translations of E. M. Forster's A Passage to India . There have been at least 56 translations in at least thirty guages since 1925 when the first Swedish translation appeared. It is... more
Comparative studies of different translations for the same source text can be valuable sources of insights relevant to the fluid notion of 'translation style'. Such studies can employ a wide variety of techniques, including computational... more
The novel Khālī jagah (2006) by the Hindi writer Geetanjali Shree mainly focuses on the topics of violence, loss, and quest for identity in the contemporary world. In this text – and in others too, but maybe here more than elsewhere – the... more
Nel Corno d’Africa il somalo è una lingua parlata nella Repubblica Federale della Somalia, nel Somaliland, a Djibouti, nell’Etiopia orientale, e nel Nord Est del Kenya da circa 22 milioni di persone, cui va aggiunta una diaspora di più di... more
الآمال الكبرى هي أحد اهم الاعمال الكلاسيكية للكاتب البريطاني تشارلز ديكنز. حيث انها تعكس مراحل من حياة الكاتب نفسها في طفولته. يتحدث الكاتب عن الطبيعة البشرية ويصورها بكل احترافية وعن الطبقية الاجتماعية التي كانت سائدة في بريطانيا في تلك... more
All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission in writing of the Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs in Oman.
Metaphors in the translations of Boesław Leśmian’s poems into Czech language. A comparative approach. This article attempts to characterize the way four translators, who dealt with the Dvořáčková, Iveta Mikešova, Jan Pilař and František... more
Eastern aesthetics seems to be a well-established discipline today. Seigo Kimbara (1888–1958), Hiroshi Mizuo (1932–2022), and Tomonobu Imamichi (1922–2012) each authored a book entitled Eastern Aesthetics, published in Japanese in 1932,... more
The Bewildered Cameleer is a novel by Iran’s first and best-known Iranian female novelist and short-story writer, Simin Daneshvar (1921-2012). Published in Tehran in 2001, it is the second book of what was intended to be a trilogy. The... more
Статья посвящена специфике «пушкинского мифа» в грекоязычной культуре. В начале описываются результаты полевого исследования, посвященного представлениям современных греков о Пушкине. Затем рассматриваются наиболее яркие имена... more
Chapter in the monography about the reception of Pablo Neruda in Central and Eastern Europe. The aim of our chapter was to describe the reception of hs work and personality in the Czech cultural polysystem. The full monography titel is:... more
Fernandu Pesoa, “Nemiera grāmata” [Fernando Pessoa, "Livro do Desassossego"] Rīga [Riga]: House of Languages [Valodu māja], 2024 Tulkotājs: Dens Dimiņš [Tradutor: Dens Dimiņš] Rediģēja: Heronimo Pisarro [Editado por Jerónimo Pizarro]... more
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between language and image in Nonsense texts through analysis of illustrations, animations, and live-action portrayals of scenes from Lewis Carroll\u27s Alice\u27s Adventures... more
O problemach współczesnej komparatystyki rozmawiają Maria Korytowska, Marta Skwara, Olga Płaszczewska, Bogusław Bakuła, Tomasz Bilczewski, Andrzej Borowski, Andrzej Hejmej i Tadeusz Sławe
This paper examines the German translation of two novels by the Cameroonian author Ferdinand Oyono and goes against the normative approach adopted by so many critics of translations of African literary texts. It argues that if the German... more
Language standardisation is often closely connected with the literary process. Literary works, both original and translated, influence the language itself and how it is viewed inside and outside of the speakers’ community. The paper... more
Recent political events and significant challenges experienced by translators in the field of political media discourse around the world led me to this research dealing with taboo words in the translation. The issue of translating taboo... more
M.P.Sankunni Nair (1917-2006) was an outstanding scholar in Indology and a celebrated critic of Malayalam. His writings reveal his critical insight and the amazing range and depth of his erudition in a number of languages like Sanskrit,... more
This article proposes that in order to understand the nature of literary translation as an art form, we need to complement existing approaches drawing on literary, linguistic and sociological theories with insights derived from... more
Polish translation of exerpts from "Zhanguo ce" 戰國策. Translation of the Chinese-language edition of the work: 战国策译注 edited by Wang Yandong 王延栋 (Beijing: Zhonghua shuju 2016). Translation from classical Chinese.
Despite the relevance of text type to translation practice, especially to Chinese-English non-literary translation in which the two languages display remarkable textual differences, there has been a general lack of attention to the text... more
El estudio aborda el tema de la literatura marcada por rasgo diatópicos (diastráticos) diacrónicos, diaestilísticos y diaculturales y analiza los problema que genera su presencia en los textos en relación con el proceso traslativo (siendo... more
Although they are important in all types of translation, in literary translation culture-bound terms acquire special relevance due to the aesthetic effect of their treatment in expressive texts. They pose translation problems because... more