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In recent decades, francophones in Québec have gone through a process of sociopolitical ascension while anglophones have gone through a process of minoritization. These processes were intertwined with the policies, legislation, and school... more
This study examines the ownership of English and linguistic (in)security of multilingual English learners in two post-Soviet nation-states. Using the chronotopic and scalar analysis of discourse, I examine students’ ideologies of English... more
In this study, the relationship between the family language practice and the level of linguistic (in)security of adolescent Gagauz speakers is examined in the context of an endangered language. To this end, a language-use questionnaire... more
Children in Canada, a highly multicultural nation, are exposed to a variety of accented speech. This study examines the linguistic tolerance of 6- to 12-year-old children in Canada. A gamified and matched-guise approach to the written... more
This draft shows that hyphenation in Welsh used to be normal and propagates morphological hyphenation. This seems to be the historically developed system and most useful in order to stabilise the morphology of the language, to ease... more
Cet article cherche à mettre en lumière les représentations sociolinguistiques présentes dans la nouvelle de Nicolas Ancion, « Bruxelles Insurrection », en s’appuyant sur les travaux relatifs à la linguistique populaire et l’imaginaire... more
This paper reflects on “standards” in Canadian English in scholarly research and public debate from a number of view points. The goals of these reflections are three-fold. First, we aim to characterize the chasm between scholarly and... more
This study examines the ownership of English and linguistic (in)security of multilingual English learners in two post-Soviet nation-states. Using the chronotopic and scalar analysis of discourse, I examine students’ ideologies of English... more
« Je suis fatiguée de vivre avec mon « guard up » en jetant pour un commentaire à propos de mon accent, de mon français ». Cette citation reflète la fatigue et la frustration d'un locuteur en milieu francophone minoritaire. Ce texte,... more
The role of amount of exposure in the perception of sound categories: evidence from Cyprus Katarzyna Alexander The present study focuses on the way the perception of the boundary between singleton and geminate alveolar plosives by Greek... more
In recent decades, francophones in Québec have gone through a process of sociopolitical ascension while anglophones have gone through a process of minoritization. These processes were intertwined with the policies, legislation, and school... more
Studi sul legame tra rappresentazione dell’errore e disagio linguistico in studenti universitari di lingue straniere evidenziano una visione della lingua intesa come norma e una marcata preoccupazione da parte dei discenti per la... more
Este estudio explora el fenómeno del elogio desmedido a la forma de hablar español por parte de un hablante nativo hacia uno no nativo. Aunque podría tratarse sólo de un cumplido, afirmar que la habilidad lingüística de un hablante no... more