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This article examines the relationship between disease, pollution and sin in the Priestly writings, focusing on the rites for the purification of ṣara‛at in Leviticus 14. In particular, it will evaluate the contested question of whether... more
Discusses the advantages and disadvantages of a diversified portfolio of CSR projects to increase engagement vis-a-vis a more focused approach that might achieve the critical mass to secure a more significant impact. As an illustration of... more
Introduction: Epidemiological, operational and socio-demographic data on leprosy, as well as its direct and indirect impact on the affected person, his/her family, and community, are included in the group of neglected diseases. Objective:... more
We have examined the remains of a Pilgrim burial from St Mary Magdalen, Winchester. The individual was a young adult male, aged around 18-25 years at the time of death. Radiocarbon dating showed the remains dated to the late 11th-early... more
This essay was originally drafted for inclusion in the *Isis Critical Bibliography*, published by the History of Science Society, which had embarked on a Pandemics special issue. This essay is a complement to one on epidemic diseases in... more
This article aims to discuss the strategies for answering the rehabilitation needs of persons with leprosy-related disabilities in integrated settings through primary health care (PHC) services and community-based rehabilitation (CBR).... more
Individuals in contact with patients who have leprosy have an increased risk of disease exposure, which reinforces the need for chemoprophylactic measures, such as the use of rifampicin. The objective of the review was to synthesize the... more
The study determines the current situation of the respondents in classifying and identifying the burdens they feel and encounter whilst having the diseases and/or living with infected clients. The researchers can comprehend the effects in... more
DEPS, P.D. et al. Aspectos epidemiológicos da transmissão da hanseníase em relação a exposição ao tatu 1. RESUMO A transmissão da hanseníase ainda hoje é um tema que necessita de estudos. Alguns autores demonstram a possibilidade dos... more
The Simple Semantic Classification (SSC) is described as a pragmatic method to assist in the assessment of the weight bearing foot. It was designed for application by therapists and technicians working in underdeveloped situations, after... more
Explores the relationship between responsible business and CSR and considers their contribution to employment and skills development, national challenges, social entrepreneurship and investment, and puts the case for more creative,... more
The utopia that Boris Schatz described in his novella The Rebuilt Jerusalem: A Daydream, written in 1918 during his exile in Safed, is supposed to be realized in the year 2018. Schatz envisioned a paradisiacal Jerusalem. The Jews will... more
Ninguna enfermedad como la lepra tuvo tantas consecuencias para los dolientes. Además de sus signos externos, fácilmente identificables, los malatos fueron en la Edad Media extirpados de la sociedad, desposeídos de sus bienes materiales y... more
The meaning, cause, and remedy of the biblical ‫צרעת‬ have been the source of much debate. Traditional translations have rendered the word as leprosy, usually with the somewhat confusing caveat that despite the retention of leprosy, it... more
The cagots were a poorly understood marginalised group found on both sides of the western Pyrenees. They started to become prominent from the thirteenth century before largely disappearing in the twentieth century. This paper describes a... more
"Humanity needs a global reset because the unjust, pre-pandemic world is not worth going back to. Return to normal would also mean a return to old social structures inspired by self-sufficiency, nationalism, protectionism, isolation,... more
"Like many modern fields of knowledge, anthropology was founded on relations of hierarchy and deep inequality. Undoing these legacies is crucial for our field, given its commitment to pluralize ways of knowing and being in the world……"... more
11 de junio de 2014 - Este documento constituye un breve trabajo investigativo de nivel exploratorio y diseño documental, que busca presentar un resumen de la vida y obra del médico venezolano Jacinto Convit, haciendo énfasis en su... more
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a eficácia e segurança de esquemas terapêuticos (medicamentosos ou não) para tratamento da dor neuropática na lepra. MÉTODOS: Consideraremos como público alvo pacientes com lepra apresentando dor neuropática, virgens de... more
1. Verantwortung für das Gemeinwohl
2. Prävention und Isolation
3. Siechenschauen
4. Krankenbetreuung und Leben mit der Infektion
5. Einzug der Sorglosigkeit
6. Die Sorge für und das Dilemma mit den Toten
This public talk, "On the Edge of a Pandemic World: The Later Medieval Western Mediterranean within Afro-Eurasian Disease Networks," is part of a series organized at New York University entitled *Spanish Flus: Pandemic Disease in the... more
Part 1 of my 18 chapter history of Peruvian archaeology centered on Julio C. Tello. The focus of this history are the years 1880 to 1925. This first part includes discussions of Ashmead, Uhle, and Tello's San Marcos, Harvard and... more
In honor of World Leprosy Day 2022, and in the midst of the still on-going COVID pandemic, I posted a Twitter thread on 30 January 2022. The thread addresses the question of what "endemic" means, and it suggests that the current status of... more
Traducere din neogreacă de Elena Dinu, Editura Iona, București 2017
Carmen Săpunaru Tămaș and Kathryn M. Tanaka, eds. This paper explores Japanese (matsuri) as a community event and its importance in a community affected by Hansen's disease: Japan's first national sanatorium Nagashima Aisei-en and the... more
This is the syllabus for the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Seminar that was run in London in 2012. Designed and taught by Monica H. Green and Rachel E. Scott, the Seminar was designed as an introduction to medieval history... more
Recent research has allowed historians to assess the case of the Order of Saint Lazarus during the Crusades. Those “lepers not like the others”, set in a hospital in Jerusalem, have been integrated in the institutional components of... more
On 10 February 2020, Ellen Muehlberger and I engaged in a question-and-answer session on Twitter, revisiting a 2009 essay of mine that had appeared in the journal *History Compass*. The essay had offered a survey of the state of the field... more