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This book offers a much-needed new political theory of an old phenomenon. The last decade alone has marked the highest number of migrations in recorded history. Constrained by environmental, economic, and political instability, scores of... more
The Routledge Handbook of Neoliberalism seeks to offer a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon of neoliberalism by examining the range of ways that it has been theorized, promoted, critiqued, and put into practice in a variety of... more
This paper critically reviews the current status of the concept of distance in human geography in order to argue that recent experimentally-driven work in construal-level theory offers ample opportunities for recasting distance as a key... more
A short article written for Stanford University Press on the political figure of the barbarian in contemporary migration politics.
The rising number of non-status migrants is one of the central political issues of our time. This essay argues that if we want to understand the political and philosophical importance of this phenomenon, the contributions of Alain Badiou,... more
This paper argues that the figure of the migrant has come to be seen as a potential terrorist in the West, under the condition of a double, but completely opposed, set of crises internal to the nation-state.
An interview with Hostis: a Journal of Incivility on the politics of migration, revolution, and neoliberalism. Also published at Critical Legal Thinking: Law and the Political.
The twenty-first century will be the century of the migrant. At the turn of the twenty-first century, there were more migrants than ever before in recorded history. Today there are over 1 billion migrants. Each decade, the percentage of... more
Wisdom is at once one of the most elusive and most valued kinds of knowledge. Empirical research shows that, indeed, across cultures, people hope that life experience will eventually make them wiser. The problem is that, to date, the... more
"While scholarship concerning the large transnational migrant workforce in the Gulf States remains in its nascent stages, over the last two decades a small but substantial collection of studies have examined the lived experiences of... more
A peer reviewed roundtable review and discussion of The Figure of the Migrant with important scholars in the field: Sandro Mezzadra, Todd May, Ladelle McWhorter, Andrew Dilts, Robin Celikates, Daniella Trimboli, and Adriana Novoa.... more
This is a short 16 minute interview with Nathan Heffel at Colorado Public Radio about my book, The Figure of the Migrant. Aired live on 2/5/2016.
Roundtable interview with Colin Koopman, Verena Erlenbusch, Simon Ganahl, Robert W. Gehl, Thomas Nail, and Perry Zurn, on  genealogical methodology after Foucault.
This paper draws on the work of Michel Foucault in order to analyze the constellation of political strategies and power at the US/Mexico border wall. These strategies, however, are incredibly diverse and often directly antagonistic of one... more
This chapter explains why a growing number of people across the globe experience precarious citizenship--they cannot gain access to secure and permanent legal statuses for protracted periods. Ambiguous and temporary legal statuses are... more
The 20th Century revolved politically around competing interpretations of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism and Fascism. These are all ways to organize the lives of people on a large scale. Are real alternatives or new interpretations... more
This article concerns the extent to which corrupt behavior is dependent on the organizational power structure and the resources available for illegal exchange. This qualitative study is based on 42 in-depth interviews with organizational... more
In this introduction to the Focus Section “Learning as a Geographical Process,” I provide a context for the four articles that follow, by means of (1) making explicit the threefold rationale for this initiative; (2) relating this... more
Abstract Migration has no respect for either borders or boundaries. Although the title of this volume is ‘International Migration in Southeast Asia,’ the movements of people have occurred and continue to be within the region, between... more
Bu çalışmada, Suriye’deki iç savaş sonrası ülkemize göç ederek geçici korunma statüsünde yaşamakta olan Suriye Arap Cumhuriyeti vatandaşlarının İstanbul ölçeğinde tekstil işkolu kapsamında işgücü/emek piyasasına dâhil olma süreçleri, iş... more
El libro es un esfuerzo por visibilizar el funcionamiento del sistema capitalista en la gestión de las movilidades humanas, así como la situación que enfrentan los migrantes durante su experiencia migratoria, ya sea en Europa, Estados... more
This chapter examines migrant labor in the agricultural sector of Southern Italy as a lens through which to interrogate the impact of broader political, institutional, and economic changes upon migration and citizenship. The upheavals in... more
In the current political climate between Russia and the United States it is difficult to find analyses on Russian politics not reflective of the larger disillusionment and semi-animosity pervading the overall relationship dynamic. Thus,... more
The "Greek crisis" was officially inaugurated on May 2010 with the loan the Greek government took from the IMF-European Union-European Central Bank troika, the largest a country had ever taken (€110 bn). Since then, the social... more
Migratory context and drivers: ◾Until the early 1990s, Ethiopia was one of the largest sources of refugees and migrants in Africa; since then it has become the largest refugee-hosting country in Africa. ◾Compared with many other countries... more
Coordinadores: Rodolfo Cruz, Ivy Rieger y Martha Judith Sánchez El ser humano siempre ha sido un ser migratorio, traspasando diferentes fronteras geográficas, sociales, políticas y simbólicas desde tiempos inmemoriales. La migración,... more
In Part 1 of this volume, James Carrier argues that anthropology finds itself in the midst of two crises. The first is internal, emerging from concerns over the future of our field and the role anthropology can play beyond the academy.... more
""This article is an ethnographic study of a 29-kilometer stretch of cross-border highway located in South Albania and linking the city of Gjirokaster with the main checkpoint on the Albanian–Greek border. The road, its politics, and its... more
This chapter focuses on the policies and politics of Arab migration to the Gulf States in the post-Arab uprisings’ period. It explores the following question: how do political and economic factors interplay in the policymaking by Arab... more
This book addresses the challenges that the current migration and refugee crisis poses to the traditional integration mechanisms and processes employed by European countries. These challenges arise from the unprecedented number of... more
For many decades the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have served as primary migratory destinations for tens of millions of individuals from South Asia, West Asia, and other points in the Indian Ocean world. While both... more
This essay, or rather collection of essays, draws together three distinct streams of thought, time and space into a single river of understanding concerning labor, leisure, human-nature relations, city and town planning and human... more
Wars, revolutions, and natural disasters will inevitably lead to the emergence of refugees and IDPs. During critical situations, their numbers are fluctuating from the millions to tens of millions of people (as it happened during years... more
Introductory chapter to "The Handbook of Contemporary Cambodia"
Este estudio surge de una investigación en proceso que se denomina Prácticas educativas con hijos e hijas de familias de jornaleros agrícolas migrantes. Inicialmente se presenta información recuperada del reporte de indicadores del... more
Based on the authors’ long-term field research on low-skilled labor migration from China and Indonesia, this article establishes that more than ever labor migration is intensively mediated. Migration infrastructure – the systematically... more
It is well understood by most governments today, whatever their nominal ideology, that encouraging the private ownership of residential property is one of the most effective ways of ensuring social stability. A simple Australian example... more
in Bauböck, R. and Tripkovic, M. (2017), The Integration of Migrants and Refugees. An EUI forum on Migration, Citizenship and Demography, pp. 105-108, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute.
Combining historiography, sociology of labor, migration, and urban studies, Antonella Ceccagno provides readers with a unique perspective on the dense fabric of global links within which the Chinese-run fast fashion industry is enmeshed.... more
The major purpose of the research is to examine gender differences in patterns of labor market activity, economic behavior and economic outcomes among labor migrants. While focusing on Filipina and Filipino overseas workers, the article... more
The paper analyses migration flows from the Philippines in two gendered occupations: domestic helpers and computer programmers. The international division of labour theory claims that foreign investment determines migration from... more