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With the increase of refugee movements since 2014 in Europe and the Near East, the debate of how to plan appropriate shelters and emergency accommodation has gained a new momentum. Established techno-managerial approaches have been... more
Millions of Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion are met with open arms in Europe. This has not always been the case for people forced to leave their homes. This rare showing of solidarity sparked a debate on the EU’s responses to... more
This thesis comparatively analyzes the roles played by the exchangee associations, whose numbers have increased gradually in the last decades in Turkey, and the refugee associations, which have a deep-rooted history in Greece, in the... more
After a historical overview of migration within Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall (Minnucci), this collection of essays addresses Mediterranean issues: the case of Ceuta and Melilla (Sagnella), the relationship between Tunisia and... more
Europe is currently experiencing a "refugee crisis", demonstrated by millions of displaced people unseen since World War II. This book examines the interface between the EU's response to irregular flows, in particular the main... more
Jacques Derrida nos convida a refletir sobre a Universidade Incondicional que não existe, mas pode ser inventada como um lugar de resistência e crítica, com a capacidade desafiadora de transformar questões apropriadas por saberes... more
The number of forcibly-displaced people in the world now exceed 65 million, due primarily to violent conflict, persecution, and natural disasters. This course examines the hardships most refugees face during their journeys, in the process... more
"We live in a scenario of serious threats to human rights generated by armed conflict and persecutions of different nature (...). Reading this book is a way to rise important reflexions in the area of refugee and forced migration... more
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
When the Greeks and surviving Armenians of present-day Turkey were forced to leave their homeland in 1922, the movable and immovable property they had to leave behind became known as „abandoned property“(emval-i metruke). In theory, this... more
Ne diktaturen staliniste, emigracioni konisderohej si nje rruge infektimi me viruse lirie, qe binte ndesh me politiken izoluese te Enver Hoxhes, duke rezikuar kupolen e kohes dhe vete regjimin komunist. Perfundimi I L2b perkoi me... more
Allow us to test a first and still very abstract and ad-hoc hypothesis of the what the encryption of power means. It is the imposition of institutional simulations of difference that condition, neutralize or prohibit political agency,... more
Sous la direction de Michel Agier, avec la collaboration de Clara Lecadet et les contributions de Hala Caroline Abou Zaki Marc Bernardot Tristan Bruslé Pierre Centlivres Olivier Clochard Alice Corbet Kamel Doraï Jean-Louis Edogué Agnès de... more
İki dillilik bireylerin iki farklı dilin konuşulduğu ortamda bulunması ve bu iki dillerin ikisiyle de iletişim kurabilme becerisi olarak tanımlanabilmektedir. Doğumlarında itibaren iki dilin kullanıldığı ortamlarda bulunan çocuklar bu iki... more
Dünya genelinde yaşanan mülteci göçleri 2000’li yıllarla beraber hız kazanırken, Türkiye’de Mültecilik, Zorunlu Göç ve Toplumsal Uyum: Geri Dönüş mü, Birlikte Yaşam mı? başlıklı bu derleme kitap, Türkiye’nin, küresel göç haritasının... more
States have increasingly moved away from refugee protection, intensifying the vulnerability of refugees and asylum-seekers. Drawing on theories of norm dynamics within International Relations (IR), this article argues that departures from... more
As fronteiras que distinguem o refugiado e o migrante estão sendo constantemente tensionadas por eventos diversos e por disputas ora mais evidentes, ora mais subterrâneas, dependendo das possibilidades de luta. O que hoje se convencionou... more
Alors que c’est souvent à la Seconde Guerre mondiale et à ses suites que sont associées les expériences des déplacements forcés, des internements massifs de civils et de militaires, cet ouvrage propose de placer la focale sur un long XIXe... more
Protection of civilians has remained problematic either when it occurs or when it does not. And this has generated heated debate among several theoretical schools, with grave consequences for international relations theorising. The Libya... more
Article in Georgian: One will often find statements by specialists of a variety of branches of domestic law in Georgia arguing that there is no international... more
Voluntary returns of asylum seekers from Europe have increased in past years. Iraqi refugees appear to be one of the largest groups, which have sought asylum, and appear to be one of the largest groups of people, which return voluntarily... more
In recent years national human rights institutions (NHRIs) have begun to bridge the long-standing gap between practice in the refugee and human rights fields. Often using their mandate as national preventive mechanisms under the Optional... more
The global refugee crisis reveals refugees and other forcibly displaced persons (FDP) are uniquely vulnerable consumers on a dynamic pathway precipitated by trigger events that have disrupted or fractured marketing systems requisite for... more
While nation-states often claim that refugees threaten their political and territorial integrity, this chapter shows how the opposite can be true: sometimes states need refugees. In late 2014 and early 2015, when parts of Iraq... more
Die bewegten Biografien Geflüchteter in unserer Stadt »Weißt Du, wer ich bin?« Diese Frage ist eine Herausforderung an uns alle, die geflüchteten Menschen tagtäglich begegnen. »Wer bin ich? Wer bist Du?«, sind manchmal die ersten Fragen,... more
Este artículo pretende ofrecer una aproximación inicial al análisis de las migraciones forzadas a través de los estudios diaspóricos. Más allá de la perspectiva estadocéntrica de los procesos de movilidad indeseados, una aproximación... more
The predicament of climate refugees has gained international attention. However, there is no explicit legal protection for them under international law, including African regional law. Their legal protection is not clear. Some scholars... more
Europe's Transforming Identity. Part 1 of the book Islam and Tolerance in Wider Europe (ed. Pamela Kilpadi) including the articles: * 'What Values for Europe?' by Michael Emerson * 'The Role of Islam in Europe: Multiple Crises?' by Amel... more
Come nasce il termine rifugiato? Come si è giunti all'attuale definizione di tale categoria migratoria? Il presente articolo ripercorre la storia della sua evoluzione, analizzando processi e avvenimenti che hanno reso questa figura ciò... more
This article addresses the concern that decision-making in sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI) asylum claims in Europe is often unfair, and that one way to remedy this is by improving the guidance provided to decision-makers when... more
The editors and contributors to Color of Violence ask: What would it take to end violence against women of color? Presenting the fierce and vital writing of organizers, lawyers, scholars, poets, and policy makers, Color of Violence... more
Resumen: En este trabajo se analiza la existencia de un derecho a solicitar asilo tanto en el territorio del Estado como en frontera. Para ello se toman en consideración la normativa internacional sobre la materia, y la normativa de la... more
This article takes a close and critical look at the question of "how can we help refugees from war-torn countries," frequently asked by Westerners.
The current report reviews the developmental, psychological, and environmental factors that influence the conduct and behaviors of children and youth (generally, ages 6-25) seeking refuge in the United States. During immigration... more
The subject of the article is the mass exodus of the Italian speaking or Italian oriented population of Istria, a peninsula on the north-eastern Adria occupied by the Yugoslav Army of Marshall Tito at the end of WW2 and attributed to... more
Global migrations are an overwhelmingly complex phenomenon, involving millions of unique individuals and multifaceted social, economic, political and technological infrastructures. Faced with such complexity, we are forced to simplify in... more
É possível conceituar os refugiados ambientais como pessoas que foram forçadas, devido a uma certa desordem ambiental, a abandonar temporariamente ou permanentemente seu habitat tradicional, deslocando-se para outro país ou até mesmo... more